Michael Jackson doctor Conrad Murray, may be trying to sell story, Lawrence Schiller call suggests

Arabian Knight

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson doctor Conrad Murray, may be trying to sell story, Lawrence Schiller call suggests

Michael Jackson's embattled physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, is quietly trying to sell his story, we hear.

With a possible manslaughter indictment sapping his assets, Murray is said to be hoping that a book and/or movie deal could be the perfect hypodermic for a quick cash infusion.

Famed writer-producer Lawrence Schiller confirms that he recently got a call from "an interested party" asking for his advice on how Murray's story could be turned into a book and documentary.

"I was asked how [Murray's] story could be properly managed," says Schiller, who collaborated with Norman Mailer on "The Executioner's Song," Mailer's book about killer Gary Gilmore. "The subject didn't interest me, but I gave my advice. People have intellectual property rights which can generate money prior to an indictment. In this case, it's a very difficult situation because the police are involved. The timing would have to be a strategic decision of his counsel.

"I said that, if the project were to hold any credibility, the doctor's involvement had to be above the table," adds Schiller. "I also said I thought the doctor should get a civil attorney, who would have better perspective on [marketing Murray's story]."

Murray's lawyer, Edward Chernoff, denied that Murray is looking to spill what he saw during the few weeks he tended to Jackson.

"The doctor has had plenty of offers, but he is not interested in a book deal - he's interested in his freedom," Chernoff told us. "There is no agent out there authorized to make some deal for Dr. Murray."

Still, Murray's spokeswoman, Miranda Sevcik, admitted he has "money problems."

"He's not able to work," she said, noting that he's stalked by paparazzi and has received death threats from Jackson fanatics who blame him for "killing" their hero. "He can't go to the office ... He has to run errands at night. It's almost like he's under house arrest. "

Though Murray signed on as *****'s doctor expecting to make $150,000 a month, Sevcik says, "He still hasn't been paid. Michael didn't have any money. Dr. Murray's contract was with [Jackson tour operator] AEG. But now AEG is saying, 'We don't have to pay.'"

Meanwhile Sevcik insists that Murray has been an "open book" in helping the LAPD with its investigation of Jackson's death.

"The LAPD is focusing on Dr. Murray because they started investigating him," she said. "The DEA has taken over the investigation of Jackson's other doctors - and because the LAPD screwed up the investigation so badly."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2...sons_doctor_conrad_murray_.html#ixzz0UI5B23QL
Sick idea and surely not allowed since he's the subject of a homicide investigation. Glad its not happening:

Murray's lawyer, Edward Chernoff, denied that Murray is looking to spill what he saw during the few weeks he tended to Jackson.

"The doctor has had plenty of offers, but he is not interested in a book deal - he's interested in his freedom," Chernoff told us. "There is no agent out there authorized to make some deal for Dr. Murray."

Oh and whatever we think of him, AEG should pay him for the months/weeks he worked before the 25th. He had a contract.
I'm questioning the credibility of this article. I highly doubt that getting a book deal and film deal is something high on Murray's priority list. It doesn't matter how much money is involved, the man's life and freedom are on that line, he has more important things to worry about.
This has to be bullsh*t because this is sick!
Oh and whatever we think of him, AEG should pay him for the months/weeks he worked before the 25th. He had a contract.
no contract was ever signed
I know that Chernoff only chance in getting his money from Murray is by murray selling his story . the book deal won't happen before a trial because it will be held against him but you bet as soon as the trial is over the book will be published .
I know that Chernoff only chance in getting his money from Murray is by murray selling his story . the book deal won't happen before a trial because it will be held against him but you bet as soon as the trial is over the book will be published .

If he is convicted he won't be allowed to sell a book because that is termed "profiting from a crime." If he's going to sell a book, it would be BEFORE a trial. But, that would be extremely foolish!
that would be extremely foolish!
he'd prob do it then lol wonder what story timeline he will give in that book.D.A would love it
no problem , his baby mama will cut the deal for him and send him the money . he told me so , he did so ...etc .like with the chandlers, Evan sold the story and it was published as a book although he signed the settlement . Chernoff is a high profile attorney and he wants to get paid , a book deal is the great opportunity to collect the money . even before this article I know they will be shopping a book deal very soon. the only other possibility was Murray using the jewellery and cash he stole from mj's house . but it seems those are with either Randy or Latoya .
Mean that investigations are still .... hummmm
has more hidden then
Now .... the dr death want to receive?
He's crazy !!!!!
He goes to collect the principal of the crime
now people knows he goes out at night like the life sucking Vampire that he is. Do Note that all fans that live near Dr. Death.
I don't think it's about money so much as about portraying himself as innocent and a victim of prejudice before he's tried in court.
He wants to make people sympathetic to his cause IMO
If this is true, that is.
"He's not able to work," she said, noting that he's stalked by paparazzi and has received death threats from Jackson fanatics who blame him for "killing" their hero. "He can't go to the office ... He has to run errands at night. It's almost like he's under house arrest. "

I hope this article is complete Bull....although the part about him recieving death threats from fans....hhmmm....can you really blame them...look what the hell he did....He KILLED Michael....Murray better hope I never run into him anywhere....I may just become one of those irate fans....:mad:
I hope this article is complete Bull....although the part about him recieving death threats from fans....hhmmm....can you really blame them...look what the hell he did....He KILLED Michael....Murray better hope I never run into him anywhere....I may just become one of those irate fans....:mad:

Oh, if I were in Las Vegas, I'd be picketing his gated complex EVERYDAY.

Murray would be better off telling the ENTIRE TRUTH - rather than covering up what he did.
Oh, if I were in Las Vegas, I'd be picketing his gated complex EVERYDAY.

Murray would be better off telling the ENTIRE TRUTH - rather than covering up what he did.

Oh would be too....I would hate to see if we ever seen him walking down the street...he would turn into road kill....:lmao:
/i hate murray\
/i love MJ\
Oh would be too....I would hate to see if we ever seen him walking down the street...he would turn into road kill....:lmao:


Murray doesn't come out of his house, he's too scared.

So far, the cops & feds are all on his azz, even when he goes to bathroom...

Murray's singing: "I always feel like, somebody's watching me!"

He's not able to work," she said, noting that he's stalked by paparazzi and has received death threats from Jackson fanatics who blame him for "killing" their hero. "He can't go to the office ... He has to run errands at night. It's almost like he's under house arrest. "
this is his P.R woman speaking of course shes gonna say that.lets feel sorry for murray game. complete B.S