Michael Jackson Demanded MTV Call Him “The King Of Pop” At Least Twice Per Week???


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The articles about that BS:

According to a passage in the book I Want My MTV: The Uncensored Story of the Music Video Revolution, the moniker “The King of Pop” was bestowed on Michael Jackson by… Michael Jackson.

Rob Tannenbaum
and Craig Marks report that MJ decided he wanted a nickname like “The Boss” or “The King” and decided on “The King of Pop” in early 1991, insisting that MTV refer to him by the superlative at least twice a week and that any network airing the video for “Black or White” do the same

- http://www.buzzfeed.com/perpetua/why-michael-jackson-is-called-the-king-of-pop
- http://idolator.com/7445440/michael-jackson-king-of-pop-demand-morning-mix
- http://www.aceshowbiz.com/news/view/00058539.html

and the evidence about the title - King Of Pop:

And here is the video evidence - from 3:10 to 5:00 where Oprah explains the title King Of Pop and Michael answers that he never called himself the King Of Pop:

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Michael Jackson NEVER CALLED HIMSELF &#8211; The KING OF POP!

On February 8, 1984, New York Post printed an article about MJ calling him King of POP!


There was the 1984 Chicago Sun-Times article referring to MJ as the "reigning King of Pop": + And many news articles / TV reports throughout the mid-to-late '70s referred to MJ as the "Prince of Pop."



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I find it really odd that they're bringing that up randomly now?

Someone points out in the comments that the Wikipedia MJ page seems to be focusing on it too right now... hmm.
Slow day in the entertainment news segment? That book is old, it's not some new revelation. Second: MJ was called the King of Pop by various publications as far back as in 1984. So at worst he just wanted to cement it with this memo. Anyway, no matter what, I can't think of anyone else more deserving of it than Michael Jackson, so really the media should stop harping on it already. I remember when the Rolling Stone magazine called Justin Timberlake The New King of Pop in 2003. Actually that was a lot more ridiculous - regardless if it was demanded by JT's management or not. MJ's global appeal, record sales etc. completely justify his King of Pop title. If he's not the KOP then who is? And BTW, the media shouldn't act as if MJ is the only celebrity ever to play PR with the help of the media. Why aren't there articles about how Elvis demanded songwriting credits for songs he had nothing to do writing (eg. Heartbreak Hotel)? And MTV should rather thank MJ for revolutionizing music videos and help them become as big as they did...
Each time Michael or any of his projects have the global success, everytime all of a sudden there are articles about BS!
Everytime! Always!

The goal is clear - to reduce MJs status and his success, to slander him, to make fun of him, and of course - and I do believe it - it has something with the Beatles and especially Elvis, and we do know what!
The idea of him coming up with names for himself, especially this "Boss" thing is silly - Diana Ross called herself that, anyone ever tried to say she's a "self proclaimed" Boss?

And in the MJ Dangerous press release it referred to him as "The King of Pop, Rock and Soul" a specific reference to Elizabeth Taylor's words, he wasn't just reaching into a hat for a fancy name for himself.

The media called him that themselves first, years before Taylor even did.

And I don't understand why they now give the title to everyone else at random as though it's now a legit title? For MJ it was self proclaimed but for Justin Timberlake it's okay because he behaves in a way white rock magazines think is acceptably cool?

It's just so odd to see this being brought up by anyone now, who woke up this morning and thought this was news and really amazing valid research? I'm glad all the comments point out what a load of BS it is.
I don't see any problem if this this is true. Maybe Michael wanted to be called King of Pop in media after people started using it. Its a good nickname and it is good marketing.
According to John Branca, MJ did come up with that title. You can see Branca talking about it in the "Immortal-Documentation"

I actually think that title is too limited when it comes to MJ.
such BS story. Liz first came up with this name and fans started to call him KOP. Michael started to use this. this has been said many times and michael even explained it In his oprah interview. IMO he should be simply called the king, the kop title is too limited. He formed today's entertainment world. Everything has his influence. We keep hearing today's artists say they study Michael.
I'm sure the kop title was a marketing tool used by mj - he had a thing for kingship. I imagine eliz taylor would have been told by mj's team to say what she said in that soul train awards introduction - i doubt it was a spur of the moment, random title she gave him. The king of pop moniker might have appeared in a few newspaper reports pre 89, but the articles i've read seem to use 'the gloved one' alot, and who wants to go through life known as the gloved one.

I've noticed robbie williams trying to get the kop title - he was announced by some presenters on a show recently as the kop, doubtless insisted upon by his pr team. However it doesn't work if you can't back it up with the goods, and i don't see anyone realistically denying mj the title.
When I watched the documentary Immortal, John Branca told that Michael felt really upset he was refered as "The Gloved One." "Frank Sinatra is 'The Leader', Bruce Springsteen is 'The Boss' and what am I? 'The Gloved One', that's not right Branca. Call MTV and tell them from now on they'll gonna adress to me as 'The King of Pop, Rock & Soul'." Sorry if those aren't the exact words.

If JB wasn't lying and Michael came with the idea, SO WHAT! His massive success justifies it. What I find idiotic is the amount of usupers Michael has, no one (even with PR involved) has tried to steal Elvis' tittle and kingship as The King of Rock 'n Roll!
Personally, I don't care whether Michael wanted to be called the "King Of Pop" twice a week. Other singers are given titles and they are called by those titles all the time. Michael worked hard nearly his whole life to get where he got with his music. He deserved to be called the "King Of Pop", in my opinion. And seriously, does Michael wanting to be called the "King Of Pop" twice a week really matter now that he's gone?
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When I watched the documentary Immortal, John Branca told that Michael felt really upset he was refered as "The Gloved One." "Frank Sinatra is 'The Leader', Bruce Springsteen is 'The Boss' and what am I? 'The Gloved One', that's not right Branca. Call MTV and tell them from now on they'll gonna adress to me as 'The King of Pop, Rock & Soul'." Sorry if those aren't the exact words.
Oh did he, i didn't know that when i wrote my post above, lol. Totally agree that the gloved one was a bit of a lame title - if the media wasn't going to use their initiative and get him a suitable moniker, then i guess it was up to mj to do it.
As little richard said a black man will never be allowed to be called a king in america. same ole belittling and trying to take away ftom mj. he aint the kop hes the king based on his acheivements. something they can never change so all they can do is make snide comments.
Your siggy is AMAZING!!!!! Love it. You make it yourself?
Fortunatelly Michael and us, his legions of fans got away with it. It's probably why media is promoting such amount of usurpers but they aleady know there's only one legtimate King and no matter it was PR at the begining but Michael deserves his title.
The fact that the &#8220;King Of Pop&#8221; title originated from Michael&#8217;s camp was confirmed by multiple accounts over the years. There is really no point in arguing with it.

1. From the Rolling Stone article "Michael Jackson's dangerous mind" (1992):

"Which explains the November 11th, 1991, memo, typed on MTV Networks letterhead, that was circulated among the MTV staff the week before "Black or White" was first shown. The memo directed all on-air personnel to refer to Jackson as "the King of Pop" at least twice a week over the next two weeks. It also thanked staff members for their cooperation, adding that "Fox and BET are already doing this." "The fact is that a lot of people have changed their names recently," says Tom Freston, chairman and CEO of MTV Networks, in defense of the company's actions. "M.C. Hammer is now Hammer, and Michael Jackson is 'the King of Pop.' Who are we to stand in front of the wheels of progress? Whatever they want to call themselves, we try and oblige."
So MTV and the others dubbed him "the King of Pop" and showed his video, and the world went crazy."

2. Taiwanese music promoter remembers Dangerous tour:
"He remembered that Michael especially requested the 'King of Pop' title had to be included on the promotional posters, clearly showing that Michael was very confident that he was definitely the 'King of Pop'!"

3. Larry Stessel, an executive at Epic Records remembers (from the book &#8220;I Want My MTV"):

"Michael called me one day and said, "I want to have a nickname, like 'The Boss' or 'The King.'" I said, "Well, Bruce Springsteen is 'The Boss,' and Elvis Presley is 'The King.' You can't be the King because you'll never live it down. The press will rip you apart." But Michael would not let this go. He hired his own personal publicist, Bob Jones. And one day, Bob issued a press release announcing that Michael Jackson was the King of Pop. Michael went rogue on us."

4. John Branca confirmed this in the Immortal documentary.

5. Finally, Bob Jones in his book revealed that Elizabeth Taylor's speech in which she called Michael "The king of pop, rock and soul" was written by him. Which, no matter how uncredible you deem Bob Jones, fits all of the above. And it's not the kind of fact that you would randomly make up.

That said, I really don't understand why everyone - both fans and media - make such a fuss about it. Fans insisting on Michael's version that he presented to Oprah (which is naive, really), and media inserting "self-proclaimed" at every opportunity and recycling this snide over and over again. I'm sure many of the big titles not only in the music industry, but in history overall were self-asserted. And in Michael&#8217;s case &#8211; he totally deserved a title, even bigger than &#8220;KOP&#8221;. Should he have waited for the media to confer it on him? Excuse me, but the only thing he could get from them was &#8220;Wa**o Ja**o&#8221;.

So he went on and took what was his due. If anything, I admire his boldness and his strive to carve his image in history.

All this sneer and battles will die down in 30 years. And the title will remain.
I have no problems with it. It takes a great man to know who he is, and he knew he was the King of Pop & more, so congratulations Michael!!

Every time these people make their snide comments simply send them information of all the accolades, money, & fame Michael is still earning long after his death. That will be something to piss them off, and make their snide comments more foolish than ever, because on a King can do so much after he is long gone!!
He was more than even entertainer.

I would prefer The King of Art. :)
^^Funny everyone has they own title: how about the King of Kings.
Give me a break!


Anyone who wants 15 minutes of fame just makes up a crazy story about MJ and then the media writes it!

Since nowadays 'The King of Pop' is a lame title gaven Michael's caliber, I agree with 'King of Entertainment', 'King of Music' and 'King of Art' but many of us haven't decided how to address to Michael. That's why I call him (for the moment,) 'The King'.
His talents went far beyond music. His style, his public image, his face... He redefined what "art" means, he took the meaning farther than music, or movies, or paintings and showed the world that you can make your life a work of art. He also exceeded the boundaries of entertainment. Although Michael was committed to his calling as an entertainer, songs like "Morphine" or "Money" are not entertaining. Panther dance is not simply an entertainment. It's art because it is about the artist, not about the pleasure of the audience. That's why my choice would be the King of Art. Another good one would be simply The Genius.
I think MJ is more "The King" than Elvis.

Maybe "The God" is better. :) - MJ God of Music !!! - That shows he is above ALL !! :lol:
Lol, I was wondering how soon we would arrive to "The God".
This may sound weird but I want to laugh about this. You know no one worked hard at what he did than Michael. A couple of weeks ago there was a thread where the producer of the Grammys remembered Michael and how he said he will always remember Michael's work ethic. A lot of stars are partying having a good time and Michael was practicing alone in his hotel room his steps for his performance. The one with Man in the Mirror. I can't remember if someone gave Michael a wooden spoon or microphone but here is the most famous person wanting to be perfect and give people a great performance. Practicing most of the night in front of a mirror. Not many people would do that.

Michael was 50 when he died and most of those 50 years he was creating and giving to the business. The business should respect and honor him back. He deserved and earned that. Michael knew the obstacles and barriers and he broke through them. The artists today have benefitted greatly from him doing that. I don't know if Michael demanded anything. If he did I say so what? It doesn't make him a bad person.