Michael Jackson caption contest

Katherine: (From somewhere out back) "Michael! Dinner's ready!"
Michael: "I'll be there in a minute, mom. Just let me finish doing the Hokey Pokey."
Michael Jackson and the dancing Zorbas. :rofl:

Michael Jackson concluding with pleasure that, yet again, he does stand out.

"Tomorrow's your turn"
Good caption, but is it the best?..:tease:

Michael Jackson distracted by dancing 'something' :p

Hahaha! Yup, Michael loves :censored: going up and down. Or is it something else dancing? You saw the footage when he visited Gary in 2003? (I thought it was 2003)

Katherine: (From somewhere out back) "Michael! Dinner's ready!"
Michael: "I'll be there in a minute, mom. Just let me finish doing the Hokey Pokey."
I like this one very much!
Let's wait a bit longer. Maybe someone else has another idea for a caption...and then I'll let you know which one I think is best/the funniest..:)
^You have to wait 3 days from the moment you post the picture. :) That way, if someone wants to play, but they can't be online one day, or they need time to come up with something, they have enough. :yes: Have you read the rules of the game? :p
^You have to wait 3 days from the moment you post the picture. :) That way, if someone wants to play, but they can't be online one day, or they need time to come up with something, they have enough. :yes: Have you read the rules of the game? :p
No, but they are getting clearer every day..:p
Another caption from me: :D

Michael: ... hehe.. are they doing a water ballon fight over there? ... I wished I could play with them :sigh: ..... I bet on.. the guy dressed in green! ..... Yeah, he got him!!! :D

Hahaha! Yup, Michael loves :censored: going up and down. Or is it something else dancing? You saw the footage when he visited Gary in 2003? (I thought it was 2003)

Yeah, I think I watched some parts of it .. :D ....but what does it have to do with this..? :scratch:
Okay, we're in completely different timezones. It's late over here (again), so I'll judge tomorrow morning. Thanks for the reminder Karom. Making a lot of hours lately for work, so not very much time left to be here on the MJJC.

Hang on to the exitement a litte longer (if you can)...:D

Yeah, I think I watched some parts of it .. :D ....but what does it have to do with this..? :scratch:

"Michael Jackson distracted by dancing 'something'.."

Remember when Michael sat in the car with Karen Faye and some other guys and he had to laugh about titties going up and down? I thought you meant something like that when you talked about dancing 'something'....:D

Now, the results of the competition.....


Thanks for all the captions Julia, Karom and XgenDaNcEs!!

I liked these 2 best and it was a close match between them.

Katherine: (From somewhere out back) "Michael! Dinner's ready!"
Michael: "I'll be there in a minute, mom. Just let me finish doing the Hokey Pokey."

Michael: ... hehe.. are they doing a water ballon fight over there? ... I wished I could play with them :sigh: ..... I bet on.. the guy dressed in green! ..... Yeah, he got him!!! :D

"Michael Jackson distracted by dancing 'something'.."

Remember when Michael sat in the car with Karen Faye and some other guys and he had to laugh about titties going up and down? I thought you meant something like that when you talked about dancing 'something'....:D

lol... I can't remember what I meant, but I wasn't talking about that. :D ;)

@karom: Congratulations :D
Heyy! Thanks Chamife! :clap: Oh and nice touch with the picture. :hysterical: I know a lot of things about you Michael. :angel: :fortuneteller:

Just a little thing I'd like to mention. When you judge, you award first, second and third place and a few honorable mentions if you want (of course, if there are enough participants). Also, if for example, I enter three captions and Julia enters one and you like all three of my captions more than Julia's, you can't award be first second and third place. You choose the one you like best from mine and you award it first and the you award Julia, or whoever it is, second. Just to be clear. :D

And now


Caption away. :D
Hey guys! I took this idea from another forum. This is how you play the game:
Someone posts a picture of MJ, and then everyone posts a caption for that picture. Three days later, the person who posted the picture decides who had the best caption (and a few honorable mentions as well). Then, the person who was voted best gets to post the next picture, and the whole thing starts again.

A few extra rules...
  • You can enter as many times as you like, but to avoid one person being winner and all the runners up, only one caption from each person can be counted.
  • After the winner is announced, we'll give them two days to post a new picture (in case they can't get onto the computer for a while). if they haven't put up a pic after two days, the second place getter will have the opportunity. if they don't after another two days, then it's whoever posts one first.

Ok, I'll go first.


Caption away. :D

"I hope i make it through to the next round in the cake bake off" :)
^This is not the picture you're supposed to caption. :)
Ok, I'll start this over since it died.


I'll be judging in 3 days.
Hm.... I'm actually too late, but I guess I can still caption the pic. :pray:

"What the f*** are they doing over there?!?!? :blink:"
Well, obviously, the due date has been delayed since no one has posted. I can't judge nothing.
It's sad that no one wants to play this game. :( It's fun.
I just saw this game :ciao:

"Who gave you the permission to speak?"
Ok, because the due date is loong overdue, I'm going to judge these three and say

Third place goes to:


Second place goes to:


And first place goes to:


That awkward moment when you see your neighbour clipping his toenails and one hits you in the forehead.