Michael Jackson caption contest


Consulting detective
Jul 3, 2010
Hey guys! I took this idea from another forum. This is how you play the game:
Someone posts a picture of MJ, and then everyone posts a caption for that picture. Three days later, the person who posted the picture decides who had the best caption (and a few honorable mentions as well). Then, the person who was voted best gets to post the next picture, and the whole thing starts again.

A few extra rules...
  • You can enter as many times as you like, but to avoid one person being winner and all the runners up, only one caption from each person can be counted.
  • After the winner is announced, we'll give them two days to post a new picture (in case they can't get onto the computer for a while). if they haven't put up a pic after two days, the second place getter will have the opportunity. if they don't after another two days, then it's whoever posts one first.

Ok, I'll go first.


Caption away. :D
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Seriously? No one? You people lack imagination. :no:
Hey! :) This is a nice idea!... Sorry, I know I'm late ... forgot about this thread :doh: ..

I wish I could say I have the best idea ever for a caption now , but .. well ...you'll see :D

so what about that: "Michael Jackson mesmerized by a giant, flying manatee" :unsure:
^I love how you used a manatee. :lmao:

Now we just wait for three days and hope someone else posts too. Otherwise you win, but it's no fun, since it's supposed to be a contest.
Just a reminder that it is ok to post more than one caption. :D
I'll be judging tomorrow... the two posts. :lmao:
Well, since no one else has posted, I shall judge these two captions. :lol:

Second place goes to


"I'm pretty cute today."

And first place goes to


Michael Jackson mesmerized by a giant, flying manatee

You both did a good job, but what can I say... I have a thing for manatees. :lmao:
:clap: Yay :D

So here is the+ next one:

Good Luck. :D
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What the heck? :lmao: Um ok...

Michael: Okay... what in the sweet name of pie is this thing I'm touching? Why did they ask me to take a picture with it. Oh, please, please, take the picture already.
Here, I'll repost it. :p Her pictures generally don't show. :lmao:


Need to know how to post them Julia. ;)
^I wasn't joking. :p You'll want to take pictures from Photobucket or any other website that provides and
^^okay.. thanks for the advice :D

^you are right :lol: Well done :D
^sure :p

@Chamfrie It would be preferable if you just wrote a caption instead of putting it on the picture. :) It would be easier both for you and the one who judges. But great caption. :D
^sure :p

@Chamfrie It would be preferable if you just wrote a caption instead of putting it on the picture. :) It would be easier both for you and the one who judges. But great caption. :D
BBbbbut..bbutt..butt...I always love to use ROFLBOT!!

(No, it's ok, I'll write them down..:) )

Oh..and thanks. My thoughts exactly, lol.
^I know that :yes: ... but I thoúght I wait until this evening :D

First of all I'd like to say that you both have done a good job! :yes: It wasn't easy to decide. :no: .... It's been a nip and tuck race! :D


A very good second place goes to:
karom;3695637 said:
What the heck? :lmao: Um ok...

Michael: Okay... what in the sweet name of pie is this thing I'm touching? Why did they ask me to take a picture with it. Oh, please, please, take the picture already.

And First Place goes to:

Chamife;3695686 said:
No, this is funny..:D


I had just never came up with that idea :lmao:

@ karom: maybe next time ;)
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Whoooo.....:D (does a happy dance).

Thanks Julia (and Karom).

Now I have to post a picture, but is it ok if I do it tomorrow? It's kinda late where I live and I want to take my time to choose one.

I'm surprised there aren't any more participants in this game, btw. I love it.
^Sure, take your time. And tell me about it! It's very fun, and it's even better when there are more to choose from. :sigh:

But I still don't understand what that thing he's touching is. :lmao:
^^yeah, I hope there will come more participants by time!!.... that would be much more fun :D

^lol, me neither :lmao:... that's why I coose the picture :p
Ok, guys, here's my pic:


It's not spectacular or something, but I'm sure you can think of a nice caption with this one..:D

Good luck!
Michael Jackson and the dancing Zorbas. :rofl:

Michael Jackson concluding with pleasure that, yet again, he does stand out.