Michael Jackson Autopsy Report Expected by End of Week

ooh i'm so angry that is Murder :yes: :mat:

if it a Murder ooh i'll get my hands on that doctor and hurt him so bad that i'll pee on him :yes:
Wow rockstar! U are very angry!

And rightfully so, but please calm down. :hug: I know this isn't easy. I am so sad that Michael's life had to end this way. We all are. But I think we will know something soon. I want justice for MJ, I think we all do.
ooh :yes: i'm ANGRY HeartbreakhotelMJJ :yes: cause if they say that he was Murder ooh i be so angry and upset that i what to hurt that doctor they way he hurt MJ :yes: see how it feels :yes:
cause no one cause no one shouldn't allow to hurt are MJ :no: know look know look he is gone forever that ass hole Doctor what he did to him :yes:
Last week, I realized that on some deeply irrational (dreamlike) level, I was thinking that if we just had a detailed explanation of how it happened - who made which mistakes and when - and if it was something that could have been easily prevented, somehow knowing what happened would make it possible to undo.

That makes NO sense, and I didn't consciously think that way, but I realized that was going for me on some level of magical thinking - to the point that as (alleged) details came to light, I was feeling strangely hopeful.

Again, it makes NO sense.

Now I'm more at the point of thinking that it will be worse to find out that it was just a series of stupid and avoidable mistakes in those last hours that cost Michael his life. If there was a plot and a plan, it's not as easy to think of how easily it could have been averted ... if only one or two things had gone differently that night/morning.

I hope he died in his sleep, without regaining consciousness or feeling pain. I hope he drifted off to sleep feeling hopeful about the days, weeks, and months ahead.

I wish, wish, wish that he had had a close call and been suitably shaken up by what might have happened. I can't imagine he would have chosen to jeopardize his children's well-being by gambling with his life.
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I know that many of you are expecting definitive answers from the autopsy report. Please understand that the report may tell us some things, and not others. If accurate (and there is always the chance that it will NOT be. . . ), the report may tell us what drugs were in his system; was he healthy/fit enough to do the concerts, and other things. The preliminary statements have already ruled out heart-disease -- otherwise there wouldn't be these questions and delay.

Please be aware of what the report may NOT tell us.

1. Whether or not he was addicted to any medications.

2. How much Diprivan (if any) was used?

3. Did he take the medications voluntarily?

4. Was he healthy enough to do the concerts?

Let me explain.

1. Was he addicted? The presence of medications in his system would tell us that they were present, but probably NOT if he was, or was not, "addicted" to these at the time of death. There is a difference between taking something, and needing to take a medication because one gets sick if one does not have the drug, i.e. addiction. I don't believe the report will tell us that. If the report shows a high level of opiates, then that means that he was addicted/had a high tolerance, OR someone made a mistake and gave too much, OR, he himself made a mistake and took too much, OR, an overdose was deliberately given. There may be no way to know any of this from a tox-report.

2. How much (if any) Diprivan was given? The Diprivan dissipates/leaves the body quickly. This may be the reason for the delay in calling 911, to allow the drug to leave his system. Because of the delay, it could be impossible to tell if Michael received a hugely lethal dose. . . i.e. murder or mistake. I'm not saying that it was or was not deliberate, just that the tox report may not tell us anything definite about that. It's now being suggested that Michael was dead possibly for hours before 911 was called, giving Murray time to remove items from his storage locker, and for the medication to vanish. We just don't KNOW, and may never know, how much Diprivan (if any) Michael was given.

3. Did he take medications voluntarily? Even if drugs are found in the tox report, that does not tell us if Michael took them voluntarily, i.e. with the exception of Diprivan, were they given to him by someone else, or did he self-medicate? If a person has an IV in place, anything can be given through the IV line. That could happen quickly, and if the person suspected foul play they would probably not have time to stop it. Just so you'll know. . . .

4. Was he healthy enough to do the concerts? The autopsy report may tell us if Michael had enough weight/was healthy enough to sustain the effort of the concerts. And if not, WHY was he being pushed so hard? His health and well-being should have come before everything. . . .

So, I know some expect answers with the autopsy report. There may be some answers, but it's also possible that we may not know much better than we did before, what really happened. I know that most "talking heads" on tv are saying he was an addict. We know that he had problems with addiction in the past. We may NOT know if he was addicted, at the end. Please keep an open mind when the report comes out?
i don;t think anything the autopsy/toxicology tests reveal will help................i can only think they will make it worse.
2. How much (if any) Diprivan was given? The Diprivan dissipates/leaves the body quickly. This may be the reason for the delay in calling 911, to allow the drug to leave his system. Because of the delay, it could be impossible to tell if Michael received a hugely lethal dose. . . i.e. murder or mistake. I'm not saying that it was or was not deliberate, just that the tox report may not tell us anything definite about that. It's now being suggested that Michael was dead possibly for hours before 911 was called, giving Murray time to remove items from his storage locker, and for the medication to vanish. We just don't KNOW, and may never know, how much Diprivan (if any) Michael was given.

When the paramedics and police arrived at the house, I believe there ws an IV drip at the side of the bed. Would that be an indication that he had been given Diprivan that night (or early morning as the case maybe). Also as to what dosage he had been given? Or is this no proof at all?
I hope it was ''just'' a tragic heart attack and there was no foul play or drugs involved.

I wish that was the case as well, but if it were we wouldn't be waiting for a tox report, a heart attack would have already been known almost immediately.
When the paramedics and police arrived at the house, I believe there ws an IV drip at the side of the bed. Would that be an indication that he had been given Diprivan that night (or early morning as the case maybe). Also as to what dosage he had been given? Or is this no proof at all?

That there was IV equipment there is in no way confirmed. One huge problem is that the scene was compromised, early-on. LAPD didn't secure the house, and many people were allowed access. Therefore, there is no way to tell for sure what was or was not there. In this instance, I'd trust pretty much only the paramedics who were first on the scene, and I haven't heard or read any statements from them as to what was or was not there. After the house was accessible, people had time/opportunity to remove anything! Or bring in anything. There is much we may never know, for sure. . . . . sadly. . .

And no, he did not have a heart-attack. That would have been obvious at the autopsy, and there was no evidence of that.