Michael Jackson Autopsy Report Expected by End of Week

Oh no. I'll be on vacation without internet. :( I'm going to be so nervous.
I hope so & I hope the results are correct, not tampered with.
I think the Diprivan theory has legs, Hoefflin says he saw the report and from what he says I think Michael might have been in a highly toxic state with drugs other than Diprivan. It would be interesting to see if they have done the segmental hair testing, to see if this drug use was recent or long term.

As for Murrey I think he killed Michael as if he had held a gun to his head, and when Michael's life hung in the balance he was more bothered about saving his own sorry backside than doing right by Michael.

I am dreading having to hear the detail, I think it is going to be really upsetting to listen to. I hope I am wrong.
i expect diprovan and other meds. but if leaks are correct its the divprovan that did it
I think the Diprivan theory has legs, Hoefflin says he saw the report and from what he says I think Michael might have been in a highly toxic state with drugs other than Diprivan. It would be interesting to see if they have done the segmental hair testing, to see if this drug use was recent or long term.

As for Murrey I think he killed Michael as if he had held a gun to his head, and when Michael's life hung in the balance he was more bothered about saving his own sorry backside than doing right by Michael.

I am dreading having to hear the detail, I think it is going to be really upsetting to listen to. I hope I am wrong.

what is the most positive news we fans can get ? I mean Michael is gone .. he aint coming back and its breaking my heart :(.
i'm dreading it, think it is going to be so hard to come to terms with once we know
No matter what the results are, lets make sure we are all here for one another. We'll get through this together as MJ's fans. We're family and we can do this. It'll be hard but just know that we're here for you guys.
thanks. i am really dreading it cos i just want him to be remembered for who he was not what happened in the end
No matter what the results are, lets make sure we are all here for one another. We'll get through this together as MJ's fans. We're family and we can do this. It'll be hard but just know that we're here for you guys.

Thanks Trish, yes I agree we all have to be strong for each other when the results are announced x
part of me thinks, good cos then maybe everything will be sorted i.e no more speculation But then the other part thinks, depending what it says might throw up a whole new load of stories/articles etc


blah, this is so sad, should be reading reviews not autopsies ..
Its no damn overdose, MJ was given something (most likely Diprovan) and he never woke up! The thing I don't understand though is that, if he had been given this drug before in the past, what the hell went wrong on June 25th! and with this story about MJ being desperate to sleep, my God are you telling me there was nothing else that could've been prescribed to help him?
I'm kind of scared to find out. I don't really want to know yet.
But I think he was murdered. :(
Its no damn overdose, MJ was given something (most likely Diprovan) and he never woke up! The thing I don't understand though is that, if he had been given this drug before in the past, what the hell went wrong on June 25th! and with this story about MJ being desperate to sleep, my God are you telling me there was nothing else that could've been prescribed to help him?

exactly! if he knew he was giving him something so powerful, why on earth would you leave him?!?! ida sat the whole night with my eyes glued on everything to monitor him... (not that i could ever ever give someone something like that, or do what he did)

although im sure MJ wouldnt have known, but couldnt they have lied and even if he wanted it told him they were giving him it but just given him something else! If they their conscience was ok to give him this powerful drug, im sure it could handle lying to him, for his own good!
Hi All....Newbie here! I am still so overwhelmed by Mikes passing as I am sure all of you are too :( I blame the Dr.(s) for continuously giving him the drugs and watching him destroy himself rite in front of their eyes!! I truly believe Michael thought he wasn't as bad off as he clearly was & believed he was going to be ok ( after all, he had medical staff 24/7 so how could anything go wrong???) I hope and pray that these Dr.s get whats coming to them!! I am so sick of the media continuously misconstruing the facts and focusing on making it look like he was something he is NOT! He was far too much of a humanitarian,artist and loving father and friend to those who were fortunate to be in his life! I hope he realized just what a wonderful,beautiful person the world knew he was and just how much he was loved!!! Ok, thats it...sorry for rambling! Love the forum!!

ps...my user name is one of my all time fav. songs/video.
I hope this is ok to post??

Nurse: Jackson lost 5 pounds a day

Michael Jackson’s strenuous rehearsal schedule was causing him to lose 5-6 pounds a day, according to his nurse Cherilyn Lee.“He was concerned about his weight, he was losing so much. When he’s rehearsing he sweats a lot — he would tell me that he have to mop up the stage after songs he sweat so much,” Lee said. “He’d get so dehydrated he’d lose 5-6 pounds a day in water,” said Lee.
Even though water weight can be replaced, dehydration to such an extent is dangerous. Otherwise, Lee said Jackson had no underlying health problems when she first met him in January.
“Before any nutritional treatment I do comprehensive lab work. I did a complete blood panel and there were no red flags,” she said. “Because of his diet his blood sugar was a little low, but not to the point it would cause a problem; his vitamin D level was a little low. Folic acid — and that includes an anemia panel — fine. Every organ system was checked out. There were no indicators of heart disease. The C-reactive protein test? Nothing there (The test is a general marker of inflammation throughout the body, and can rule out things like coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease). His hemoglobin A1c, which would have indicated diabetes, fine. His liver functions, kidney functions, they were all fine. He was healthy.”

I hope this is ok to post??

Nurse: Jackson lost 5 pounds a day

Michael Jackson’s strenuous rehearsal schedule was causing him to lose 5-6 pounds a day, according to his nurse Cherilyn Lee.“He was concerned about his weight, he was losing so much. When he’s rehearsing he sweats a lot — he would tell me that he have to mop up the stage after songs he sweat so much,” Lee said. “He’d get so dehydrated he’d lose 5-6 pounds a day in water,” said Lee.
Even though water weight can be replaced, dehydration to such an extent is dangerous. Otherwise, Lee said Jackson had no underlying health problems when she first met him in January.
“Before any nutritional treatment I do comprehensive lab work. I did a complete blood panel and there were no red flags,” she said. “Because of his diet his blood sugar was a little low, but not to the point it would cause a problem; his vitamin D level was a little low. Folic acid — and that includes an anemia panel — fine. Every organ system was checked out. There were no indicators of heart disease. The C-reactive protein test? Nothing there (The test is a general marker of inflammation throughout the body, and can rule out things like coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease). His hemoglobin A1c, which would have indicated diabetes, fine. His liver functions, kidney functions, they were all fine. He was healthy.”


I can believe it!! Thanx for posting :)
No matter what the results are, lets make sure we are all here for one another. We'll get through this together as MJ's fans. We're family and we can do this. It'll be hard but just know that we're here for you guys.

For sure - thanks Trish. :)
i believe it too :yes: :( cause i have picture mind so i see sometimes picture mind that i see it in my eyes and i know cause past weeks i can see one in my picture mind who the person is that person who kill Michael :yes: but when i see that person i woke up and breathe so hard that scary hell of me i can't see who the person really is :yes:

i think we all have to be strong and hold on tp each other hearts and hands to be strong to hear what the truth is :yes:
but now it's edging in so near, i feel so nervous.
Agreed with comments about sticking together, we're in for some shockers ( or not? )
it will be diprivan and a mix of other drugs. i believe this was something Mj had been struggling with for a while and it was time. money hungry doctors who were too scared and greedy to intervene.