Michael Jackson - An American Tragedy???


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello, fellow fans. This thread is not a negative thread so do not assume that based on the title of this thread. On today's news thread, I was distrubed when I read a quote from the daughter of the legendary producer, Quincy Jones. This is what Rashida Jones said about MJ and the comparison between Mike and that trainwreck/sad story of Britney Spears -


Friday, February 29, 2008
Rashida Jones: From the Other Woman to Leading Lady

by Brantley Bardin

TV Guide: But don't you pine to be in the tabloids alongside Britney Spears or Michael Jackson?
Jones: Oh, yeah, it ismy deep desire to behounded by people whowant to see me fail. Tome, Michael Jackson is the great American tragedy. Look at what we've done to him and to Britney — where's the responsibility? It's terrifying to think that you stop even trying to be a person in the real world because you're afraid to be accosted. As a sensitive person, I'm gonna have to find a way to not be as affected by it as I am.

To many of you guys, you might not have read her comment as a diss or an insult. However, to me, and hopefully many others, I read this comment as an insult to the man and his image. How is MJ an American tragedy? He had his issues regarding the laughable scandals and the media trashing him. That is what happens when you are on top. MJ handled everything, imo, very well. My question to all of you is: do you think that MJ is this American tragedy that so many judgemental people such as Rashida Jones aka Karen from The Office thinks? Or, do you think that she is trying to make a point about the media and how the media portrays these people? The way I see it, I have no clue, other than the people from TV Guide knowing that Rashida is Q's daughter and she knows MJ personally so she would have a better "understanding" of MJ. Maybe she would have given TV Guide some "information" about this man. I mean, let's face it, if she did not know Mike, the magazine would have never throw in MJ's name. I think that is the case. Tell me what you guys honestly think. No trashing others and back up your opinions.
well doesn't her father feel the same way. Something about "God will walk out" regarding michael so no surprise that his daughter feel the same way.
i dont take her view as insulting. shes saying look what america has done to him and what they do to successful ppl it is a tragedy/ if u told ppl back in 82/83 what it would be like now they would have told u to stop being crazy
Michael is DEFINITELY not an American Tragedy, He is & always will be an American success. If you ask me, the media is the tragedy, and the public knows that! America loves Michael. I'm not sure what to make of Rashida Jones' comment, but as I said before the media is the tragedy, NOT Michael!
well I think it's all been taken the wrong way..... I think the interviewer just listed the two names that are most prominent in the media... and she's answered it in her honest opinion. I don't think she means anything insulting or malicious, she's just commenting on the sorry state that the media is in when it comes to celebrities.

Can you tell me why we need a seperate thread for this? as it's already being discussed in the News thread....
The way I see it is yes it is a tragedy... it's a tragedy in the way MJ has been treated for the last 15 years by most of the media it's a tradegy that many perhaps maybe even the majoritiy of peoples view of MJ is influenced by this negative portrayal, it's a tragedy that for most people when they hear the name Michael Jackson they think of the scandals not the music, it's a tragedy that nine times out of ten that Michael's name is mentioned it is not in connection to his art.

Whether this is because he was on top, or whether he has to accept some responsibility or whether the media /celebrity system is to blame this is the society we live in and we all have to accept some responsibility.

The music however I believe will outlive all this and hopefully will once again become the # 1 reason why Michael Jackson is talked about. Untill that day it is a tradegy for every one.
Michael himself is not the tragedy, it's what people have done to him is the tragedy..
"Michael Jackson is the great American tragedy - look at what we've done to him..."

if she'd left it at "tragedy" with no explanation, then you may have a point. but it's just sympathy.
Michael is DEFINITELY not an American Tragedy, He is & always will be an American success. If you ask me, the media is the tragedy, and the public knows that! America loves Michael. I'm not sure what to make of Rashida Jones' comment, but as I said before the media is the tragedy, NOT Michael!

Exactly. American media and our sick obsession with "celebrity" is the da*n tragedy!
The media is completly messed up.. But you know, now this will work in MJ's advantage in many ways.

Before Michael Jackson the media did not distroy careers on purpose as they did try to with MJ.. NOW after MJ was found not guilty.. They have been trying to dig up as much interest with other celebs, bringing them down when they are all ready having hard times as it is.. But the thing is, now when they make SEVERAL celebs seem crazy. Michael is not so 'abnornal' anymore.

People have learned to take this news as it passes.. YES they hunger and fallow it like a dumb pack of wolfs but, they see it all the time.. They become more desensitized. So when they pull out MJ lies etc. It does not have AS MUCH of an impact as it used to..
Can you tell me why we need a seperate thread for this? as it's already being discussed in the News thread....

I did not want this situation to be lost in the News Thread. I figured that a separate thread can be made to talk about this alone instead of doing that in the news thread. I did not understand why such a question was asked.

Well, I still take it as an insult. I did not see why she had to even comment. She could have said various things and then left it alone but she did not. I do not know. Maybe because of her father, I am so "mean" towards her. However, she knows the truth but she rather chime in with the media and agree that MJ is this "tragedy".

I have always said that the media is the true American tragedy. They have gone from reliable to trash just because some people want to make money. Most of the people in the media were once messed up souls (and still are) that turned their personal issues into tabloids, blogs, Court TV, and Nancy DisGrace.
Hello, fellow fans. This thread is not a negative thread so do not assume that based on the title of this thread. On today's news thread, I was distrubed when I read a quote from the daughter of the legendary producer, Quincy Jones. This is what Rashida Jones said about MJ and the comparison between Mike and that trainwreck/sad story of Britney Spears -

To many of you guys, you might not have read her comment as a diss or an insult. However, to me, and hopefully many others, I read this comment as an insult to the man and his image. How is MJ an American tragedy? He had his issues regarding the laughable scandals and the media trashing him. That is what happens when you are on top. MJ handled everything, imo, very well. My question to all of you is: do you think that MJ is this American tragedy that so many judgemental people such as Rashida Jones aka Karen from The Office thinks? Or, do you think that she is trying to make a point about the media and how the media portrays these people? The way I see it, I have no clue, other than the people from TV Guide knowing that Rashida is Q's daughter and she knows MJ personally so she would have a better "understanding" of MJ. Maybe she would have given TV Guide some "information" about this man. I mean, let's face it, if she did not know Mike, the magazine would have never throw in MJ's name. I think that is the case. Tell me what you guys honestly think. No trashing others and back up your opinions.
Oh I disagree. I don't find anything remotely judgemental about what she says. She is wholly and roundly criticizing the media for their role in hounding these celebrities to the point that they cannot get a moment of peace. Sometimes we can be a little too overly sensitive about what people say.
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I do not interpret what she says as Michael per se being a "tragedy" I think what she meant is how the media and the American Justice system have sought after destroying this man's career and life (and other celebs). I think that her statement was genuine and sympathetic to Michael's plight. I also agree with her in regards to how the media, in particular, builds you up just to let you down.
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i dont take her view as insulting. shes saying look what america has done to him and what they do to successful ppl it is a tragedy/ if u told ppl back in 82/83 what it would be like now they would have told u to stop being crazy
Exactly. But I knew back in 82/83 that the higher the rise, the greater the fall. Thus the MO of the press -- they love to build celebs up just to tear them down when THEY decide that the person has fallen out of favor -- with THEM.
The way I see it is yes it is a tragedy... it's a tragedy in the way MJ has been treated for the last 15 years by most of the media it's a tradegy that many perhaps maybe even the majoritiy of peoples view of MJ is influenced by this negative portrayal, it's a tragedy that for most people when they hear the name Michael Jackson they think of the scandals not the music, it's a tragedy that nine times out of ten that Michael's name is mentioned it is not in connection to his art.

Whether this is because he was on top, or whether he has to accept some responsibility or whether the media /celebrity system is to blame this is the society we live in and we all have to accept some responsibility.

The music however I believe will outlive all this and hopefully will once again become the # 1 reason why Michael Jackson is talked about. Untill that day it is a tradegy for every one.
Which is what Jones was trying to say. IMO....
It depends on how u read it. At first i read it as a diss but after reading it again, I see she's just saying that its a tragedy that the media and press has chased after MJ so much he can't even go outside normally, or doing anything without worrying about the media.
I did not want this situation to be lost in the News Thread. I figured that a separate thread can be made to talk about this alone instead of doing that in the news thread. I did not understand why such a question was asked.

I was asking because It's fairly clear that she's not meaning that MJ is the american tragedy, rather she means that he is an example of the american tragedy.... that tragedy being the obsession over celebrities.

He's a prime example because he cannot lead a normal life outside of his work. He like Britney, cannot just go "Oh todays is my day off from the studio etc, I might go to the shops...."

That is the american tragedy. but it is not only america's tragedy :no: other countries are guilty of doing this as well.
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The way I see it is yes it is a tragedy... it's a tragedy in the way MJ has been treated for the last 15 years by most of the media it's a tradegy that many perhaps maybe even the majoritiy of peoples view of MJ is influenced by this negative portrayal, it's a tragedy that for most people when they hear the name Michael Jackson they think of the scandals not the music, it's a tragedy that nine times out of ten that Michael's name is mentioned it is not in connection to his art.

Whether this is because he was on top, or whether he has to accept some responsibility or whether the media /celebrity system is to blame this is the society we live in and we all have to accept some responsibility.

The music however I believe will outlive all this and hopefully will once again become the # 1 reason why Michael Jackson is talked about. Untill that day it is a tradegy for every one.

I agree with pretty much all of this. I think what has happened with Michael is indeed a tragedy and although he brought a lot of the bad press on himself, I cannot help but feel bad for what has happened with him. It's very sad to me that someone who has worked so hard all his life to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry is looked at as a joke or a monster by many people. It's not right. Does he really deserve all the bad press? I mean of course he has done some very foolish things but what crime has he been committed or been convicted of really? Being weird or eccentric? I'm sorry but that's no reason to treat him like crap and constantly put him down.

It's become acceptable in society to "hate Michael Jackson" unfortunately though and instead of doing research people just go along with the negative stuff they read about him and believe it. People seem to lose any type of logic or common sense when it comes to Michael. For one thing, most people would NEVER laugh at a child molestation joke, but when it's about Michael and kids, many think it's okay and find molestation jokes about him to be funny for some reason. Also, most would never laugh at someone who had vitiligo or any type of disease, but for many people it's okay and it's funny to make fun of Michael's skin condition and make jokes about him wanting to be white or whatever. Most people do not treat him like he's a human being and act like he's some creature with no feelings whatsoever and that's sad to me. I just don't find ANYTHING whatsoever funny about what Michael has been through, but that's just me I guess.
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Also, most would never laugh at someone who has vitiligo or any type of disease, but for many people it's okay and it's funny to make fun of Michael's skin condition and make jokes about him wanting to be white or whatever. .
Which is inexcuseable and btw I think some of those people know he has it they are ignoring it on purpose just to keep making jokes at his expense but you see someone like michael j. fox get sympathy for parkinson's and not saying he shouldn't cus i'm glad people are respectful to him.
but you see someone like michael j. fox get sympathy for parkinson's and not saying he shouldn't cus i'm glad people are respectful to him.

EXACTLY! would those people EVER dare to mock Michael J. Fox with "tremor" jokes or make fun of Muhammad Ali???? Never!! There is a lack of respect for MJ and IMO it is completely because of the media. They have been slowly "planting seeds of belittlement" in the feeble minded for the past 15+ years. And now people act exactly how Cinnamon234 said...they have no logic or common sense, or character for that matter.

But lets not sweat it too hard...cause Mike is steady laughing:punk:
i dont take her view as insulting. shes saying look what america has done to him and what they do to successful ppl it is a tragedy/ if u told ppl back in 82/83 what it would be like now they would have told u to stop being crazy
Thank you.
I agree. Diana Ross said the same thing Rashida just did. Michael said in his interview with Ebony that when you are on top "people come at you". This woman says she does not want that. She has seen what happens. How is that an insult to Michael. She is very sympathetic. My gosh, people on this board are awfully quick to find bad in things, even good things. Sometimes I really get exasperated. Usually I bite my tongue (and that is what I was doing in the news thread when I saw the negative reaction to what I thought was a very pro-Michael comment by Rashida) but I am so tired of people on this board putting others down and that a whole new thread was created to further the dissing of someone is just too much.
I too, think that the woman's statement is being wrongly interpreted. She is actually criticizing the media for their tactics. She is not attacking Michael in any way.
AW: Re: Michael Jackson - An American Tragedy???

I agree with pretty much all of this. I think what has happened with Michael is indeed a tragedy and although he brought a lot of the bad press on himself, I cannot help but feel bad for what has happened with him. It's very sad to me that someone who has worked so hard all his life to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry is looked at as a joke or a monster by many people. It's not right. Does he really deserve all the bad press? I mean of course he has done some very foolish things but what crime has he been committed or been convicted of really? Being weird or eccentric? I'm sorry but that's no reason to treat him like crap and constantly put him down.
Yes, that sums up my take on her statement real well! Well said!
Thank you.
I agree. Diana Ross said the same thing Rashida just did. Michael said in his interview with Ebony that when you are on top "people come at you". This woman says she does not want that. She has seen what happens. How is that an insult to Michael. She is very sympathetic. My gosh, people on this board are awfully quick to find bad in things, even good things. Sometimes I really get exasperated. Usually I bite my tongue (and that is what I was doing in the news thread when I saw the negative reaction to what I thought was a very pro-Michael comment by Rashida) but I am so tired of people on this board putting others down and that a whole new thread was created to further the dissing of someone is just too much.
I agree with what you said about Ms Jones supporting Mj, but I really do not think this is a pointless thread. I think it is a good basis for discussion and Bee didn' understand the meaning so she made a thread to hear other people views. I think it was interesting to hear other people's point of view.:)
Hello, fellow fans. This thread is not a negative thread so do not assume that based on the title of this thread. On today's news thread, I was distrubed when I read a quote from the daughter of the legendary producer, Quincy Jones. This is what Rashida Jones said about MJ and the comparison between Mike and that trainwreck/sad story of Britney Spears -

To many of you guys, you might not have read her comment as a diss or an insult. However, to me, and hopefully many others, I read this comment as an insult to the man and his image. How is MJ an American tragedy? He had his issues regarding the laughable scandals and the media trashing him. That is what happens when you are on top. MJ handled everything, imo, very well. My question to all of you is: do you think that MJ is this American tragedy that so many judgemental people such as Rashida Jones aka Karen from The Office thinks? Or, do you think that she is trying to make a point about the media and how the media portrays these people? The way I see it, I have no clue, other than the people from TV Guide knowing that Rashida is Q's daughter and she knows MJ personally so she would have a better "understanding" of MJ. Maybe she would have given TV Guide some "information" about this man. I mean, let's face it, if she did not know Mike, the magazine would have never throw in MJ's name. I think that is the case. Tell me what you guys honestly think. No trashing others and back up your opinions.

I think what she meant about Michael beaing American tragedy is that, He is the most famous person in the world...99.999% ppl. know him and when u get that famous the media will try to break u down. You can see it by looking at Barack OBAMA...:mello: The media is All for him Now...But lets wait and see what they will try to do when he's 'bout to win!!! I Totally agree with Rashida. Its not to insult Michael, he's been famous since he was a kid and on TV MOST OF the time, and thats what Rashida is sayin', his whole life is on the screen. even when he tryes to hid it. :( that is the tragedy part!!! Just because u r famous, Your life doesnt have to be on the TV screen!!!
What I think she is saying is that what HAPPENED to Michael Jackson is a real American Tragedy. That in this great country of ours, a person SHOULD be INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty. We TRIED and CONDEMNED OJ way before his trial. Some have tried and condemned MJ - even after a court FOUND HIM INNOCENT!! And the media just keeps feeding the hate frenzy. Over and over again.

We go out of our way to find out what others are doing behind closed curtains. Some of us buy the tabloids, which feeds into the media frenzy. We even live for our "real" TV programs! And that in this day and age of stalker-razzi, we are still willing to sell everything just to get a piece of someone. Didn't we, as a human society, learn from our mistakes with Princess Diana?
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Michael Jackson is the great American tragedy - look at what we've done to him..."

if she'd left it at "tragedy" with no explanation, then you may have a point. but it's just sympathy

exactly. the fact she said " look at what we have done to him" makes it pretty obvious shes been supportive of mj and attacking the way hes treated. i think some are to quick to look for the negative
I also took it to mean that the "American tragedy" is not Michael himself, but what has been brought upon him, and I agree with her statement.