Michael Jackson (aka King of Pop) and Elvis Presley (aka King of Rock and Roll)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael and Elvis
This month with the passing of Michael Jackson many of us baby boomers are asking the question, "What are the Michael Jackson (aka King of Pop) and Elvis Presley (aka King of Rock and Roll) commonalities between Michael and Elvis Presley?" Many things in their lives crossed paths:

They both loved and adored Lisa Marie; Michael chose her as his wife and Elvis was her proud Papa. They were both born into poverty even though they had a mother and a father in the home. Religion played a big part in each of their childhoods; Michael was a Jehovah's Witness and Elvis worshiped in the Assembly of God church. Both performed as child entertainers Michael with his brothers and Elvis at the Mississippi state fair at the age of seven.

There is no doubt about it, both men were tops in the music industry worldwide even though they were both born in the USA. Michael was born in Gary, Indiana north of the Mason Dixie line and Elvis was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, south of the Line. Because of his singing voice and style many thought Elvis was black. Many thought Michael was white based on the color of his skin later in his career.

Both of the entertainers were labeled King, Elvis was the King of Rock and Roll and Michael was the King of Pop. Elvis named his home mansion in Tennessee Grace Land and Michael named his mansion in California Never Land. Both were introduced to the American public through the Ed Sullivan Show, Elvis a singer and Michael with his brothers as the Jackson Five.

Even with all of the things in common there are many other similarities also. Elvis was a musician playing both the piano and the guitar and he was a singer. Michael was a singer and critically acclaimed dancer. Elvis influenced the Beatles. Michael owns the Beatles' music library. Elvis was in the military and Michael wore military suits as he performed. Michael was a songwriter and Elvis sang other people's songs.

Elvis was said to have a truly gifted talent when it came to music, he was able to replicate any song heard once. Michael on the other hand was an awesome dancer who others described as 'feeling' his music. Both of these shy and soft spoken men have given much to the American pop culture and will be remembered by many in a greater capacity after death.
that article is wrong about people thinking MJ was white. they acted like they thought he was black, by joking so much about his skin changing. but the idea of people thinking Elvis was black, when they heard him(before they saw him), is more believable. not that color should matter, but the two different reactions are decidedly different in spirit.
Sorry, just wanted to say this:

Elvis was said to have a truly gifted talent when it came to music, he was able to replicate any song heard once. Michael on the other hand was an awesome dancer who others described as 'feeling' his music.
I don't like this part. I don't participate in Elvis vs MJ debates but how the hell have they concluded that Elvis was more "truly gifted" in music than Michael? No need to elaborate on that point.
Dammit, Michael isn't just a dancer.
no comment from me...I loved them both the King of POP and King of Rock and Roll......may they both rest in peace....:cry:
The article was poo. I think Michael has more in common with Josephine Baker than Elvis.
I agree, Elvis *the performer* had very little in common with MJ. Elvis, *the person, the superstar* led a life that parallels MJ's completely. (Post J5, of course.)
Well, I love both of them, both are true kings, each one with his majesty, and I hope they are having a good time together in heaven :)
I am deeply passionate about this subject therefore my comment will be short and sweet. Elvis was Elvis. Michael Jackson was Michael Jackson. Two entirely different people stop trying to compare the two.
I said that I will be short and sweet, BUT there is a deep animosity about the King of Rock and Roll and black artist here in America some of you may not know about it. It is a very touchy subject for me because I indeed know the TRUE HISTORY behind it all, therefore I better leave this thread before I say something that may offend a hell of a lot of people and I like you guys too much to hurt your feelings.
I said that I will be short and sweet, BUT there is a deep animosity about the King of Rock and Roll and black artist here in America some of you may not know about it. It is a very touchy subject for me because I indeed know the TRUE HISTORY behind it all, therefore I better leave this thread before I say something that may offend a hell of a lot of people and I like you guys too much to hurt your feelings.
Many MJ fans know about it, so don't worry.
You'll probably find several threads in the archives about this...and yeah, the discussion gets very heated.
I'm aware that there are some big Elvis fans here so I'll refrain too.
I am deeply passionate about this subject therefore my comment will be short and sweet. Elvis was Elvis. Michael Jackson was Michael Jackson. Two entirely different people stop trying to compare the two.

I agree.
Probably because there IS a parallel or something between them. I've been a fan of Elvis all my life, even before I discovered Michael. Then I discovered Michael and I was like "whoa, that guy's THE artist, I think he's the only one who I can dare to say that is as important as Elvis".

I love both of them. And I can see a parallel, I think, so it's only natural that people will compare them... They're both kings and they'll forever be.
Sorry, just wanted to say this:

I don't like this part. I don't participate in Elvis vs MJ debates but how the hell have they concluded that Elvis was more "truly gifted" in music than Michael? No need to elaborate on that point.
Dammit, Michael isn't just a dancer.

I agree. I think Elvis was a good singer and a phenomenon. But IMO Michael was a more creative and more complete artist: he was more in control of his art than Elvis. Elvis was given songs to sing, Michael wrote his own songs. As a phenomenon, an icon they had similar status, but to me just from an artistic point of view Michael was head and shoulders above Elvis.
I am deeply passionate about this subject therefore my comment will be short and sweet. Elvis was Elvis. Michael Jackson was Michael Jackson. Two entirely different people stop trying to compare the two.
I agree! I don't understand what's with all this comparing. They were two different people, yes they both were superstars of their own time but there's really no need to compare them all the time.
Elvis was good, he had a unique voice and was a good singer. But IMO he is overrated as hell. The only reason these comparisons are even taken place is because of certain Elvis supporters people feeling threatened (no pun intended) by Michael. Just the fact that they constantly need to bring his name up is only to have his name up in the same leauge as michael. That's called being desperate.

And don't even let me start with the drugs. Michael was a man who was in pain.
Whereas Elvis did drugs to get high and enjoy himself.
Elvis was good, he had a unique voice and was a good singer. But IMO he is overrated as hell. The only reason these comparisons are even taken place is because of certain Elvis supporters people feeling threatened (no pun intended) by Michael. Just the fact that they constantly need to bring his name up is only to have his name up in the same leauge as michael. That's called being desperate.

You have a point. And, without wanting to open a can of worms, there is the race issue too....

I like singers with great voices (although I prefer Sinatra to Elvis in that category), yet, if they don't write their own songs, I can never put them in the same league as those who can write songs. I want creativity from an artist. That's why they are called artists! There is nothing creative in just singing the songs that others wrote, no matter how great voice you have. Of course, it's still good to listen to those great voices of non-creative singers, but they are not in the same league as creative artists, as far as I'm concerned.

And MJ's creativity wasn't just in writing songs, but also in creating videos, because most of the ideas for his videos came from him. Not to mention creating a very own dance style. (Although that can be credited to Elvis as well, with the hip moves and stuff, but of course he was nowhere near to MJ as a dancer.)
Elvis couldn't write songs or music, he wasn't a child star, singing the odd song as as kid doesn't make you a child star, nobody every really thought Michael was white, Michael wearing military clothing is in no way a connection to Elvis going to vietnam, realistically Elvis had very little talent when compared to Michael.
You have a point. And, without wanting to open a can of worms, there is the race issue too....

I like singers with great voices (although I prefer Sinatra to Elvis in that category), yet, if they don't write their own songs, I can never put them in the same league as those who can write songs. I want creativity from an artist. That's why they are called artists! There is nothing creative in just singing the songs that others wrote, no matter how great voice you have. Of course, it's still good to listen to those great voices of non-creative singers, but they are not in the same league as creative artists, as far as I'm concerned.

And MJ's creativity wasn't just in writing songs, but also in creating videos, because most of the ideas for his videos came from him. Not to mention creating a very own dance style. (Although that can be credited to Elvis as well, with the hip moves and stuff, but of course he was nowhere near to MJ as a dancer.)

I agree, of course there's a race issue, but i don't wanna go so much into that. We all know how it works.
I've been an Elvis fan since i was a little girl(mostly like the 50's area),than become a Fan of Michael.I've read,listened,seen, learned a lot about them...deffinetly Michael was way more creative person.
I will say this must Elvis was from aother time, In Elvis time black and white could not sit together to watch Elvis perform, But in Michael Jackson time every one could sit together look what he did the first black to MTV, so as far as for me you can not pit them against each other they are from different TIMES.
You know the only musical act that can be compared with MJ is the beatles. I just hate it when they compare elvis to MJ and act as if his influence over the world was just as grand as MJ's
Elvis was good, he had a unique voice and was a good singer. But IMO he is overrated as hell. The only reason these comparisons are even taken place is because of certain Elvis supporters people feeling threatened (no pun intended) by Michael. Just the fact that they constantly need to bring his name up is only to have his name up in the same leauge as michael. That's called being desperate.

And don't even let me start with the drugs. Michael was a man who was in pain.
Whereas Elvis did drugs to get high and enjoy himself.

Sorry, but you can't talk SH*T about Elvis after you said that.

Read, research, do your homework. And then we talk. The people telling this to you are the same ones who talk all that bad things about Michael.

PS.: Elvis did nothing for music? Am I really reading things like that here? Sorry, but if you can't see Elvis' influence in music just because you're a Michael fan, I'm sorry for you. I also think it's funny to see people saying 'the only musical act that can be compared with MJ is The Beatles' when ELVIS HIMSELF was a major influence in John Lennon's decision to have a band.

EDIT: And I would also like to add that I really don't think is right to talk about Elvis when the only thing you know is "Hound Dog" and all the 50's songs. And because you heard them on TV or whatever. As I stated before, I knew Elvis for all my life now and I've been studying his life and music for ages, specially because I'm doing my best to be a music journalist. This is MY JOB. You just CAN'T talk about someone if you don't know this someone's work first. Elvis DID have major influence in the music we hear today and the guy's could bring heart to everything he sang only like...yeah, like Michael. But I can't help if you're too biased because you ONLY know Michael's work.
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Sorry to Elvis supporters, but he and MJ are not even in the same LEAGUE. Elvis sang songs and wiggled his hips. He made lots of movies too. I've never seen one though because he was before my time.

What did Michael do? He wrote lyrics, many of which stirred our consciences when asking us to make this world a better place. He created and choreographed show after show. He danced like no one I've ever seen before. He composed beautiful melodies and songs. He spent hour upon hour laying down tracks and mixing music. He could sing his music spread out over 4 octaves. He originated ideas for, and then created, acted in, and produced his own short films. He was also said to have a "photogenic" mind when it came to composing music in the production booth or picking up a dance routine. He could see a dance once and pick up the steps. In short, Michael was a singing, writing, composing, dancing and choreographic GENIUS. Elvis doesn't even come close to that.

And I doubt Elvis' humanitarian efforts would come close to those of Michael's either.