Michael Jackson 911 Call Tape HAS BEEN RELEASED Onto TMZ.com, Live Streaming!

According to some reports I've been watching the paramedics wanted to prononce Michael dead on arrival to the house but that Michaels doctor wouldnt allow them to call it.

Its odd, I do, and I dont want to know what happened before the ambulance was called. Did Michael collapse with someone around, was he found already unconscious?

Some people have questions to answer, namely his physician.
It makes it even harder for me knowing that a doctor was there when this happened. He should have been ok if things were done properly. I want answers now, that doctor may well have a lot to answer for. That will send me so much more into despair if there was a way to stop this from happening.
I listened to the streamlined CNN report on what happened. The doctor ...if he is one was doing CPR on the damn bed. Why on earth would you do that on the bed and not on the floor. Could this have been avoided...Why did they wait so long to get some help...?
this is something us fans do not need right now - suspicions about his death. i really wish there was nothing suspicious about this at all but this doctor seriously needs to answer some questions
this is something us fans do not need right now - suspicions about his death. i really wish there was nothing suspicious about this at all but this doctor seriously needs to answer some questions

I agree, I SO wish that it was at last a natural death, which would be just as unfortunat, but at least that woudl have been God's will. But there are so many things that don't add up that I can't help but to think that that doctor did something to Michael. First, WHAT WAS HE THINKING doing CPR while Michael was on the BED??!! You might as well not do anything. You need a hard surface to push against to get pressure on the heart. That is something so BASIC and, especially if he was a CARDIOLOGIST, he if anyone should know how you do CPR properly. But maybe he just pretended to do something to help but didn't really want to revive Michael. And WHY did he insist that they pronounce Michael dead at the hospital and not at his home? Because police would have been at Michael's home immediately had he been pronounced dead there? Now he was taken away, and there were an hours gap before police got there. Enough time to get rid of evidence if someone so wanted? I'm only speculating but so many things sound so shady, it's hard to take. And it makes me furious to think someone might have hurt Michael and taken him away from all of us. If that doctor did something to Michael or didn't help him, may he burn in hell. I hope Michael didn't hav to suffer and I hope he will be at peace now. And I hope his children got to say goodbye to him, even if he was already dead, but that they got to say farewell. It is tearing my heart into pieces to know Michael did not get a chance to say goodbye to his children and his family. I just really hope he will rest in piece and that his children will be alright. I don't know how I am ever going to get over all of us losing him so suddenly. He will always remain a part of my life even though a part of me died with him.

Michael I will love you for all time and I am gonna miss you SO MUCH!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
***Hugggsss Summer***

But if you think about it, if something needed to be hidden he still would have had time between the call and the arrival of the paramedics to hide it.

And it is quite understandable that the dr. thought there was a chance for something to be done at the hospital. (Why wasn't he taken to the nearest hospital, Cedars Sinai is a question on my mind).
Originally Posted by TehNilz
Hey but, who is calling? Anybody knows? Why didn't his doctor call 911 immediately?

The media already had Jackson in the grave

Yes who are they? Who do they represent? Has some one "disappeared" Them? Why was he supposedly injected with demoral?

"He was addicted to prescription drugs"
"He was under so much stress"
"He was so weak and ill"

Can we trust the media?

Should we Trust the media?
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I agree, I SO wish that it was at last a natural death, which would be just as unfortunat, but at least that woudl have been God's will. But there are so many things that don't add up that I can't help but to think that that doctor did something to Michael. First, WHAT WAS HE THINKING doing CPR while Michael was on the BED??!! You might as well not do anything. You need a hard surface to push against to get pressure on the heart. That is something so BASIC and, especially if he was a CARDIOLOGIST, he if anyone should know how you do CPR properly. But maybe he just pretended to do something to help but didn't really want to revive Michael. And WHY did he insist that they pronounce Michael dead at the hospital and not at his home? Because police would have been at Michael's home immediately had he been pronounced dead there? Now he was taken away, and there were an hours gap before police got there. Enough time to get rid of evidence if someone so wanted? I'm only speculating but so many things sound so shady, it's hard to take. And it makes me furious to think someone might have hurt Michael and taken him away from all of us. If that doctor did something to Michael or didn't help him, may he burn in hell. I hope Michael didn't hav to suffer and I hope he will be at peace now. And I hope his children got to say goodbye to him, even if he was already dead, but that they got to say farewell. It is tearing my heart into pieces to know Michael did not get a chance to say goodbye to his children and his family. I just really hope he will rest in piece and that his children will be alright. I don't know how I am ever going to get over all of us losing him so suddenly. He will always remain a part of my life even though a part of me died with him.

Michael I will love you for all time and I am gonna miss you SO MUCH!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Summer I agree with you. I have been saying this since last night! where is the Doctor? I have also taken several CPR test and anyone knows that you don't do it on a bed!

Did the Doctor give mike something he was not supposed to have on top of other medicine he was taking? Can't mix Meds all the time!

Did the Doctor freak out when this happened to MJ and they tried to re-vive him for 1 hour on their own before calling the police? and then when they got there he was dead?

Like you said, did the the Doctor do anything at all? Heck he might not have even known CPR. Did MJ going to Cardiac arrest immediatly after the shot? or hours later after? When Did they discover him?

That doctor can help out with some very vital questions but he is no where to be found? Just odd!

Summer! I don't know if you remember me from the forum awhile back but can you call me so we can talk? I can give you my number via e-mail? I need to talk to someone about all this as well.