michael jackson 1991era vs 2001era look?

Absolutely, with no thinking - 1991.His face looks fresher and more natural, the clothes are unike, his nose is much better and fuller, the haircut is classical MJ.

I'm doing it with only 1991-2 and 2001-2 pics, Michael looked tons better 2007-2009.
Sup with unfair comparison pics?

Anyway, Mike always looked good, though my fav. era look would be Thriller/Bad/Dangerous.
1991... he looked a lot better. im not a fan of the wigs so i think his whole appearance was better in the 80s and early to mid 90s
I've always, always, always been an MJ fan and I've always supported him in everything. But, with that said...I have to be honest. I didn't like the way MJ started looking after Dangerous. I never liked the straight hair, the heavier make-up, etc.

BUT please don't misinterpret this as "hate" because it's not. Even though over the last 15+ years of his life I didn't care for his appearance, I always knew the man underneath was a great man.

Like many others, I was definitely pleased to see less make-up and the return of the curly hair in This Is It. :)
Always gorgeous inside and out in my opinion, but I'm gonna vote for 2001 because I'm a sucker for older men I guess! :D I think he looked mature and handsome then and through the decade.
Lets all slag of how Michael looked in 2001 woo hoo really pleased i cam in this thread :doh:
:( Yeah not sure what we're comparing here--hopefully just hair/fashion?

I just think that Michael looked so sad in pretty much all the pics from 01--I can see it in his smile and in his eyes. But otherwise I agree with Janine and loved his mature look.
You can't beat the Dangerous era look, with the long curly hair! Love it!
Lets all slag of how Michael looked in 2001 woo hoo really pleased i cam in this thread :doh:

yeah. wtf? :(

for the record...the only thing I preferred was the hair in 1991. The clothes: I have always loved his fashions, all the time. I have loved Michael very very much since 1983...so never have I considered 'ooh he looks awful there' or 'oh he looks MUCH better there'.... pics differ too...like some pics of me make me look nothing like me...hope that makes sense ;)

Michael is Michael...whether it's 1979 1987 1991 or 2001 and onwards...I loved his looks at all times. And re: 1991...who else in the world could pull off a gold leotard and make it work?!! haha! :lol: noone!!

:( Yeah not sure what we're comparing here--hopefully just hair/fashion?

I just think that Michael looked so sad in pretty much all the pics from 01--I can see it in his smile and in his eyes. But otherwise I agree with Janine and loved his mature look.

agreed. He did have a sadness about him around that time .

that is one of my fave pics of all time!! :woohoo: :wild: :stretcher: I don't know how anyone could possibly be that gorgeous and sexy. Only Michael...no one else comes close :wild:
I know its not 1991 or 2001, but my point its that the only difference is the hair style and its more palid due to vitiligo... but i have to choose curles because is more Michael :D

1991 by a country mile. Invincible fans need a reality check.

I've always, always, always been an MJ fan and I've always supported him in everything. But, with that said...I have to be honest. I didn't like the way MJ started looking after Dangerous. I never liked the straight hair, the heavier make-up, etc.

BUT please don't misinterpret this as "hate" because it's not. Even though over the last 15+ years of his life I didn't care for his appearance, I always knew the man underneath was a great man.

Like many others, I was definitely pleased to see less make-up and the return of the curly hair in This Is It. :)

I agree with both of you. I loved his look during the dangerous/BOTDF/HIStory "eras". Post this time, 2001 and on there were differences that i DID NOT like. His make up did always seem heavier. Especially the lip color, I love seeing his lips with no color. Yes they are pale... We know the man has skin issues, but he was and always will be BEAUTIFUL! I dont think he needed the make up at all. Thought I happen to love when people (male/or female) wear eye liner. Especially with eyes like his :wub:. His style in the later years was great! I loved seeing him in those nice taylored suits:wild:.

He had some what of an unhealthy appearance in 2001. This has never sat very well with me... Which is the reason i try to avoid the most recent TII pics at all cost...
So for this reason I pick 1991.
I know its not 1991 or 2001, but my point its that the only difference is the hair style and its more palid due to vitiligo... but i have to choose curles because is more Michael :D


uhh... how about you compare pics that don't have glasses that block 30% of his face?
It's just the eyes? And they are of course the same!!!!

It's more than just that, the glasses really take away alot in terms of features. Again, I know what MJ looked like in 2001. but this is not a good comparison.
Same dude from 1991 and in 2001 so I pick both! Sorry, but yall talking about his plastic surgery it's not nice! BLAH! It's a undercover thread about that or is getting to be that and it's not cool!