Michael honored at SAG Awards Tonight along with other celebrities that died this past year

I can never get used to the image of Michael in the 'in memorium' sections of award shows. It just tears me up inside seeing it. He shouldn't even be in there :cry:
Re: Screen Actors Guild In Memoriam

Oh thank you, its so sad... cant believe it... cannot believe it...
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:( I really have not been watching Soap Operas lately because I had no idea Philip Cary died

That made me soooo sad, when Michael came through the fire I just went down and the ending with Patrick Swayze was the saddest part.
It was sad :( , i cant believe it, just cannot believe it... ```` yeah like you said he appeard ther through the fire, so full of life :( and then a final with his excelent acting on The Wiz...
Never in a million years did I ever think that I would see Michael's name and picture featured in any of those 'In Memoriam' segments. :no:
oh my god here comes the waterworks i missssss michael!!!
I didn't watch it cause i couldn't handle it... Michael should be here i'm emotional

God...me neither. My aunt used to say..."I dont know whats gonna happen to you if Michael dies" And Everytime she says that...I felt a BANG in my heart...I would say, "I'll NEVER live to see that cuz he'll surpass me..." BOY, Was I wrong:cry:...I wish it was the other way around but what can I do now right...?

Thankyou for sharing!!!


Aww romi hun :hug:
oh man i was too late! SAG has claimed copyright, can't watch it ):
This made me cry, it doesn't feel right to me Michael should not be there he should still be here with us. It was hard to watch him included in that list of artists who passed away. I don't think I will ever get used to that!!

i saw it!! :) :) i was skipping through the whole show and then i saw him ! i got so happy to see his face, and then it hit me, he was acknowledged because hes not with us nemore! :(
thanks for posting
i had no idea so many famous had passed last year...
so sad :angel:

Thank you for the link. It was very hard to watch. We lost so many greats. When Michael appeared my heart just fell and it felt like June 25th all over again.

I like the clips of Michael they chose. Showed how versatile he was.

The clip of Britney Murphy, Patrick Swaze and Farrah Fawcett were alo hard to watch, but I think Michael was the hardest. And people applaud for him really loud as well as Patrick :sad:
well...that was sooo hard to see..I Miss Michael sooo Much....:cry:...it literally made me cry.........I just cannot believe how many people have passed away from my childhood....