Michael honored at SAG Awards Tonight along with other celebrities that died this past year


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It was a very nice tribute and very good that he was mentioned along with all the other actors that passed away this year.....

Before I saw this clip they did tonight, I knew we had lost a LOT of celebrities over the last year, but I didn't realize just how many. There were a few surprises in there for me too...

It was nice to hear Michael get one of the loudest claps during the clip. Patrick Swayze (still heartbroken he is gone too), Farrah Faucet, Ed McMahon and Beau Aurthur got the loudest claps from the audience too I would say.

And to be honest, and I was glad to see this too, besides Michael I do think Bea Aurthur got the loudest clap too. I loved her. I still watch the Golden Girls almost everyday on WE....

Here is the clip-

Screen Actors Guild In Memoriam

Michael was mentioned tonight in the "In Memoriam" at the 2010 Screen Actors Guild awards. Of course, seeing it made me want to tear up all over again. Here's the clip for those who are interested:

Just posted about this as well. It was a very nice tribute. Made me sad of course. :(
I saw it too. Thought MICHEAL received the loudest applause. Actress SIG....WEAVER introduce the IN MEMORIAM segment. She referred to MJ as "A super star in our industry whose lost is immeasurable." Love the video clips shown from BLACK OR WHITE, BEAT IT, and movie clip from THE WIZ.
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breaks my heart :cry: They are going to do this at the Grammys too :cry: Its hurts so much to see his name in that list
Look at how much talent we lost last year :cry: I still can't believe Michael is included in that list.
Look at how much talent we lost last year :cry: I still can't believe Michael is included in that list.

I totally agree. . .:(

After watching the TII special tonight, I was in tears (and I haven't cried in a while) and thought how unfair it was that Michael had passed before fully realizing his last great concert show.

Sometimes, I'm in total acceptance and sometimes it's just totally surreal.

Thank you to the OP for posting the video! I missed the SAG awards tonight.
Look at how much talent we lost last year :cry: I still can't believe Michael is included in that list.

God...me neither. My aunt used to say..."I dont know whats gonna happen to you if Michael dies" And Everytime she says that...I felt a BANG in my heart...I would say, "I'll NEVER live to see that cuz he'll surpass me..." BOY, Was I wrong:cry:...I wish it was the other way around but what can I do now right...?

Thankyou for sharing!!!


I didn't realize some of those people had passed away, like Dom DeLuise. He made an appearance on the Jackson's variety show. Young Michael was surely dancing it up.

This really breaks my heart :cry:

How come they didn’t have Heath Ledger??? Or did I miss something?
:cry: Mike shouldn't have been in there. :no:

I shouldn't have watched that thing either, because right when the vid started I started crying. Just knowing that Michael is in it, breaks my heart...and I thought I was getting better. :(

...Nope, I was wrong.
Wow. I didn't know Dennis Cole died. Isn't he Jaclyn Smith's ex-husband?

Anyway, it's so true. There is something wrong with this tribute. Michael should not be there! It's just wrong.
He should have been there for a nomination of a SAG award or winning one for one of his films that he was probably gonna make after the world tour. :cry:
I'm so angry! Michael should have been in London right now, not on the screen of the SAG Awards for the deceased. It's so unfair. WE WANT JUSTICE AT LAST IT'S BEEN 7 MONTHS!!