Michael deserved more to be a MTV Icon than Janet

Yesterday I was wondering the reason why Michael isn't a MTV Icon instead of Janet. Obiously everybody knows about Michael's achievements, I mean he made more popular MTV.
I don't wanna be rude with Janet's fans (I apologize in advance) but Janet is well-known in Mexico for two things:
*For bein Michael's younger sister
*Her brest exposed durin The Half Time of The Super Bowl
I can't deny Janet is very famous in America, she's talented but in my opinion Michael had done lots of stuff for bein a MTV Icon.

Michael practically made MTV. He, in no small part, helped them to achieve the success and influence they eventually achieved. Without him, they may never have made it out of the 80s. It was just another instance of MTV insulting and dismissing Michael by not giving him the first of these awards, because there has never been another artist who revolutionized and elivated the art of short film the way Michael has and there probably never will be.
Hi Liz :) :thankyou:

Janet was named MTV Icon in 2001, if I'm not wrong after her were: Aerosmith, Metallica, The Cure, so I don't get it Michael has even more years in the show-bussiness than all of them. It shows the credibility that MTV has as music channel, MTV IS A FARCE :angry:
Who cares, it's just some lousy award. Any music critics with credibility and the people who lived through the 80s and beyond all know that Michael was the one who broke down those racial barriers with his music videos, that he was the FIRST black man to be played on MTV with Thriller etc etc. All those achievements and what he accomplished later on, will be remembered forever and will be etched with his legacy. He doesn't need some cheap MTV throphy in order to get recognition for his work.
I don't think Janet was totally unworthy of the award, I mean she did mean something to the 'Mtv audience' at one time.. I agree that if you look at the bigger picture yes Michael should obviously win, but to me it has always seemed as though mtv uses this award to honour artist who usually never get this much recognition. I mean when do you hear Aerosmith,Metallica,The Cure ever getting an award like this? To me it seemed they chose them on purpose to show that all these artist also play a role in music history..Not just too highlight the ones (Like Madonna or Michael) that the world already see as true Icons...
If I were Janet, I would have turned it down. She knows that Michael helped make MTV what they are. Not only that, but they weren't even playing black artists on MTV before Michael came along. He and CBS Records had to struggle and fought tooth & nail for MTV to play his videos. MTV likes to forget this part of their history, but they were not playing Black artists on their channel in the beginning, but it was only when the head of CBS records threatened to pull off all the video's on MTV if they didn't play "Billie Jean" did they finally give in, so Michael did help to pave the way and Janet (as well as most black artists who were/are played on MTV) should be greateful to Michael imo.

That's right, like Michael said in his song "Black or White" "I had to tell 'em I aint second to none" . He should never go near MTV again. They've disrespected him too many times.

Agree but I think its sad really sad that alot of the music industry give out these awards to people that don't even deserve them. This goes especially to the mainstream artists of today. I don't see whats the point in having award shows anymore because the music is crap and why reward crap? but I guess a award show must go on. This is not the first incident where an artist got an award over another artist that really deserved it. The industry needs to GROW up and just keep it real. Give the awards to the artists that paved the way for music and not just because an artist is"popular" at the moment. Anyway back on topic...

F%@# MTV. MTV is a joke now. I don't think MJ was offended by it. To be honest, I think he was happy for Janet but I don't think people should be mad at Janet she didn't come up with the award, MTV did. They could have given it to Michael if they wanted to. Awards don't mean anything if there is no credibility behind it. People know MJ IS THE MTV icon and thats all that matters. Don't need no award to prove that.
Agree but I think its sad really sad that alot of the music industry give out these awards to people that don't even deserve them. This goes especially to the mainstream artists of today. I don't see whats the point in having award shows anymore because the music is crap and why reward crap? but I guess a award show must go on. This is not the first incident where an artist got an award over another artist that really deserved it. The industry needs to GROW up and just keep it real. Give the awards to the artists that paved the way for music and not just because an artist is"popular" at the moment. Anyway back on topic...

F%@# MTV. MTV is a joke now. I don't think MJ was offended by it. To be honest, I think he was happy for Janet but I don't think people should be mad at Janet she didn't come up with the award, MTV did. They could have given it to Michael if they wanted to. Awards don't mean anything if there is no credibility behind it. People know MJ IS THE MTV icon and thats all that matters. Don't need no award to prove that.
Truer words was never spoken:agree:
Who cares, it's just some lousy award. Any music critics with credibility and the people who lived through the 80s and beyond all know that Michael was the one who broke down those racial barriers with his music videos, that he was the FIRST black man to be played on MTV with Thriller etc etc. All those achievements and what he accomplished later on, will be remembered forever and will be etched with his legacy. He doesn't need some cheap MTV throphy in order to get recognition for his work.

Agree , who cares with this cheap awards ? michael has the awards than janet will never get .

artists of the century , grammy hall of fame , Rock and roll hall of fame etc...who cares with this cheap awards from a crappy channel that nobody care anymore .

More serious organisms like Rock and Roll hall of fame or treasure of the nation wont never make such a stupid mistake like the fact of giving an award to janet before his brother the King .
MTV does not deserve that honor lol. LEt Janet keep it becuz they clearly dont deserve michael hahaha losers
^^^ Years ago...can't remember exactly but I gues around 99 or so, could be wrong though.
She was the first MTV Icon and they had major show honoring her...
Other MTV 'Icons':
Metallica and Aerosmith
I'd go with Peter Gabriel before Aerosmith
here is the answer for u..

MTV wanted MJ 1st....but mike was busy...

so janet was just sloppy 2nds....

messed up but hey...truth hurts..
This is why I beliieve that the whole ceremony was a farce. They couldn't have given iit to Madonna because everybody would have cried racism. They had to give it to Janet as a cover. It was farcical and I don't understand why Janet would have accept it. She hadn't even started her career when MJ was riding MTV to te sky.
When MJ received his 8 grammys Janet was standing right beside him as an appendige, how could she be Mtv's first icon.
I supposed the Jackson family were just happy that someone in the family got it, but even they must have known that MJ was rudely snubbed.
To this day artists still talk about how MJ opened the way for them on MTV.
oh they would have given it to Madonna,except she would have acknowledged MJ. I mean Kurt Louder and all of them over there still Kiss Her ass to this day.

Janet was a Nobody when MJ blew up on MTV. when MJ use to win awards Janet had that Key in her ear to open the door.I remember when Janet Jackson appeared to be headed toward a Kim Fields music career.

I don't think the Jackson family cares one way or the other about MTV. they and the folks in the Know will tell you what MJ meant for that network. in the new rolling stone out now with Barack obama on the cover he acknowledges MJ and Mtv and thriller in a small segement.
oh they would have given it to Madonna,except she would have acknowledged MJ. I mean Kurt Louder and all of them over there still Kiss Her ass to this day.

Janet was a Nobody when MJ blew up on MTV. when MJ use to win awards Janet had that Key in her ear to open the door.I remember when Janet Jackson appeared to be headed toward a Kim Fields music career.

I don't think the Jackson family cares one way or the other about MTV. they and the folks in the Know will tell you what MJ meant for that network. in the new rolling stone out now with Barack obama on the cover he acknowledges MJ and Mtv and thriller in a small segement.
This is why the award was so fake and an embarrassment. I think the whole world knew it too. I doubt Janet look at that award with pride. How can you be proud of something you never earned. She should have turned it down.:(
This is why the award was so fake and an embarrassment. I think the whole world knew it too. I doubt Janet look at that award with pride. How can you be proud of something you never earned. She should have turned it down.:(

I Agree :)
Is there the chance that MJ turned down the Icon award? Maybe MJ did not want to perform on the Icon special because he knew he was doing his 30th anniversary that same year...just a thought...
MTV stands for nothing anymore than daft reality programs now, since when do you ever see music videos being played on MTV (one) now? its all MTV Hits etc etc......
And as for MTV not respecting Michael, it is quite obvious they don't when they air shows that reflect in a negative light towards MJ
Not saying that there should be no negativity because without that 'debate' wouldnt be around but they should realise who put them where they are and how if they put their heads together (bit too late now though) they could of actually had something going on between MJ (just a thought)
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