Michael deserved more to be a MTV Icon than Janet

Feb 6, 2008
Yesterday I was wondering the reason why Michael isn't a MTV Icon instead of Janet. Obiously everybody knows about Michael's achievements, I mean he made more popular MTV.
I don't wanna be rude with Janet's fans (I apologize in advance) but Janet is well-known in Mexico for two things:
*For bein Michael's younger sister
*Her brest exposed durin The Half Time of The Super Bowl
I can't deny Janet is very famous in America, she's talented but in my opinion Michael had done lots of stuff for bein a MTV Icon.
MTV has no respect for Michael Jackson. I guess they never forgave them for forcing them to play his music and he is credited for making it what it became. Yes, MJ should have been their first icon, because he was their first, but I suppose that they covered themselves buy keeping it in the family.
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^^, thats so true......I wish he was their first Icon..its too bad!!!!MJ deserves to be an MTV icon, come on now MTV.:p
The fact that Michael hasn't been named a MTV icon is the main reason I have absolutely no respect for MTV. Musicly speaking MTV has absolutely no credibility anymore, at this point either VH1, Fuse or BET are way above it.
No disrespect to Janet, she's great and all but she's no way near MJ's caliber...
Sad they can't recognize what Michael did for them to begin with, MTV wouldn't have become as big as it did if it wouldn't have been because of Michael's short films, it shows complete hypocresy and disrespect to true artists.
I don't think MJ would appreciate it now,. I wouldn't want to take it if I wer him., passing him over for Janet was a snub and the whole world knows it.
Ity is interesting that they are bringing back the music and are featuring his music again. They did a survey on the streets and the public voted by over 90% to have his videos on the screen. I suppose they are hoping that he will save thier hyde again. If I were MJ, I would say, thanks but not thanks.
Usually, I would say that MJ fans should get over certain things but I have to agree in this case. Michael has done so much for MTV and there's no doubt he should have been the first MTV icon. If not him tho, then Madonna should have gotten it but I definitely don't understand to this day how Janet was made the first MTV icon. She most definitely did not deserve it and she knows it.
I don't think MJ would appreciate it now,. I wouldn't want to take it if I wer him., passing him over for Janet was a snub and the whole world knows it.
Ity is interesting that they are bringing back the music and are featuring his music again. They did a survey on the streets and the public voted by over 90% to have his videos on the screen. I suppose they are hoping that he will save thier hyde again. If I were MJ, I would say, thanks but not thanks.

I was sayin that cuz Janet stole to Michael the recognition in my opinion, Michael is The True MTV Icon :punk:
Usually, I would say that MJ fans should get over certain things but I have to agree in this case. Michael has done so much for MTV and there's no doubt he should have been the first MTV icon. If not him tho, then Madonna should have gotten it but I definitely don't understand to this day how Janet was made the first MTV icon. She most definitely did not deserve it and she knows it.
I think it was done out of spite. MTV couldn't really have given it to Madonna, but they didn't want to give it to Michael. Giving it to Janet was a compremise. Janet should have turned it down out of respect to Micheal, cause it did seem like a farce really.
I think it was done out of spite. MTV couldn't really have given it to Madonna, but they didn't want to give it to Michael. Giving it to Janet was a compremise. Janet should have turned it down out of respect to Micheal, cause it did seem like a farce really.

If I were Janet, I would have turned it down. She knows that Michael helped make MTV what they are. Not only that, but they weren't even playing black artists on MTV before Michael came along. He and CBS Records had to struggle and fought tooth & nail for MTV to play his videos. MTV likes to forget this part of their history, but they were not playing Black artists on their channel in the beginning, but it was only when the head of CBS records threatened to pull off all the video's on MTV if they didn't play "Billie Jean" did they finally give in, so Michael did help to pave the way and Janet (as well as most black artists who were/are played on MTV) should be greateful to Michael imo.

I don't think MJ would appreciate it now,. I wouldn't want to take it if I wer him., passing him over for Janet was a snub and the whole world knows it.Ity is interesting that they are bringing back the music and are featuring his music again. They did a survey on the streets and the public voted by over 90% to have his videos on the screen. I suppose they are hoping that he will save thier hyde again. If I were MJ, I would say, thanks but not thanks.

That's right, like Michael said in his song "Black or White" "I had to tell 'em I aint second to none" . He should never go near MTV again. They've disrespected him too many times.
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I agree Cinnamon.And that is why Janet getting it was a farce and almost an embarrassment. Everybody knows what MJ did with MTV, not least of all the black community and artist. When mj did Thriller Janets career hadn't even taken off yet and BJ and BI was doing rotation on MTV, so how could Janet be the first icon. It really didn't make any sense at all. All I can say is that is was done as a snub to Michael.
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And they are planning to use him again to save their executive ass one more time. Why don't they use their first icon? Where is their frst icon when they need her?

thats dumb of them..are you serious???they are planning to use him to save their executive??heck no, MJ doesn't need to be associated with them..ugh they are jerks towards MJ, I agree where is their icon, call her to help save them.
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thats dumb of them..are you serious???they are planning to use him to save their executive??heck no, MJ doesn't need to be associated with them..ugh they are jerks towards MJ, I agree where is their icon, call her to help save them.
No, a recent MTV survey among people in the street showed that 90% of the people want MJ videos on the screen so MTV is going to feature more MJ videos in future.
MTV isn't the force it once was in music, as music media is becoming more fragmented. You could say YouTube are now bigger than MTV which hasn't really changed since the early 1990's.
MTV isn't the force it once was in music, as music media is becoming more fragmented. You could say YouTube are now bigger than MTV which hasn't really changed since the early 1990's.
Serve them right. And MJ's videos are flourishing on utube. I believe they are well aware of that. That is probably part of the reason why they want to put his videos back on their channel, but it might be too late to save them,
MTV was Michael TeleVision. He was an MTV Icon. Maybe not anymore because MTV is a backstabbing, disgusting piece of plastic now, but yeah.

Oh, and where was Janet named an "icon"? Where was this?
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^^^ Years ago...can't remember exactly but I gues around 99 or so, could be wrong though.
She was the first MTV Icon and they had major show honoring her...
Other MTV 'Icons':
Metallica and Aerosmith
^^ And no Michael? That's some effed up ish!

But I can understand, kinda. I think they keep on lettin' his controversial personal life get in the way of his musical genius, which shouldn't be a factor, and I hope it isn't. :unsure:
I don't know if I'd even want his name linked to MTV these days. High school soap operas and scripted dating shows? Eh...

Well eventhough i'm sure Mike knew he deserved that award, I think that was very nice of him to send in a message congratulating Janet. That proves once again what a class act he is .
And they are planning to use him again to save their executive ass one more time. Why don't they use their first icon? Where is their frst icon when they need her?
Janet got pimped to push justin timberlake's career. Janet got used and was to blind to say hey wait a minute, without my brother i wouldn't be here. but she didn't tell the truth. i mean the only other artist you can sorta make a argument for in regards to importance to MTV aside from MJ is Madonna and even Madonna knows that MTV is the house that MJ built but the denial and revionist history continues.
Janet got pimped to push justin timberlake's career. Janet got used and was to blind to say hey wait a minute, without my brother i wouldn't be here. but she didn't tell the truth. i mean the only other artist you can sorta make a argument for in regards to importance to MTV aside from MJ is Madonna and even Madonna knows that MTV is the house that MJ built but the denial and revionist history continues.

This is why I beliieve that the whole ceremony was a farce. They couldn't have given iit to Madonna because everybody would have cried racism. They had to give it to Janet as a cover. It was farcical and I don't understand why Janet would have accept it. She hadn't even started her career when MJ was riding MTV to te sky.
When MJ received his 8 grammys Janet was standing right beside him as an appendige, how could she be Mtv's first icon.
I supposed the Jackson family were just happy that someone in the family got it, but even they must have known that MJ was rudely snubbed.
To this day artists still talk about how MJ opened the way for them on MTV.

Well eventhough i'm sure Mike knew he deserved that award, I think that was very nice of him to send in a message congratulating Janet. That proves once again what a class act he is .

It would have been difficult for him to say no as he would have offended members of his own family, including Janet.