Michael booed?

Waaaait! What are we talking about now? I see some of you referring to the family honours while others are talking about the wmas! I'm confused.

Both! We are talking about both. The original thread topic was about the Jackson family honours, but then people were comparing it to when the press said he was booed at the WMA's. Just read through the thread :S
Lisa Campbell is clearly a massive fan and I think her book is heavily biased.

It's clear to me that there is booing at the Family Honours and Liz Taylor, who was in the room, clearly thought so too.
Lisa Campbell is clearly a massive fan and I think her book is heavily biased.

It's clear to me that there is booing at the Family Honours and Liz Taylor, who was in the room, clearly thought so too.

There was booing yes. But I dont think it is directed with hate towards Michael. Its more of just dissapointment.

If you ever watch wrestling. Often at times you will have the wrestler challenge the other wrestler to a big match which is supposed to happen at the PPV, to have that match that very night. Everyone cheers. Then the other wrestler will say, its not going to happen tonight you'll have to wait till WrestleMania. To which the fans boo in dissapointment.

I think its a bit like that. I think what the tabloids did was twisted the boo's to make it seem as though the boo's were malicious. When I think really it was all in good fun. They shouldnt have booed anyway though, it could have been and was taken the wrong way. I feel.
Have you even read the book or are you writing it off over a single paragraph you happen to disagree with? Just because the author's a fan I don't see why what she says isn't valid. I think fans take much more care with basing their words on facts than non-fans. It's like when the haters say to me "Oh you're a fan so you can't see the truth" despite that I'm basing my argument on a load of court documents. It really irks me when people assume being a fan automatically makes someone biased. Just because Liz Taylor may have interpreted a wave of sounds as deliberate booing, It doesn't mean it WAS and if you want to believe that it was over fans who WERE THERE and claim otherwise, then that's your prerogative. I don't see any reason why fans would lie about it, but that's just me.


That is all
Lisa Campbell is clearly a massive fan and I think her book is heavily biased.

It's clear to me that there is booing at the Family Honours and Liz Taylor, who was in the room, clearly thought so too.

Lisa Campbell may be biased but her book was a quality read - highlighting all the events and drama of 1993/4. We don't have many books where there is positivity reflected on Michael and when there is, don't be so quick to disregard it but embrace it.

Anyway, yes there was some booing at the Jackson Family Honours show but the damn media failed to use their common sense (do they have any?) that the booing was not aimed at Michael, nor was it done in a mean spirited, malicious manner. It was done to show their disappointment in finding out from Liz Taylor that Michael was not performing. The media easily forget the standing ovation, applause, screaming love from the fans he recieved during the show (both Family Honours and WMA 2006) and instead focused on making a big deal and outright lying he was booed at the WMA06.
typcial mess up by jerm at the family honours. mj told them he wasnt gonna perform but it kept getting pushed. and mj as normal ended up getting sued for it. thats why he never wanted to do anything with his family. one of many examples

and bain fecked up big time at the WMA. what should have been great publicity turned into a disaster.
I took the booing at the Honors show to be more of a disapointed booing rather than a malicious booing; just before the crowd were cheering 'We Want Mike'. Its always happened on the couple of times Michael has presented awards to people-the audience just want to see Mike. When he gave Eddie Murphy an award Michael had to actually say to the audience 'this is Eddie's moment, not mine' as the crowd kept cheering for him.
Have you even read the book or are you writing it off over a single paragraph you happen to disagree with? Just because the author's a fan I don't see why what she says isn't valid. I think fans take much more care with basing their words on facts than non-fans. It's like when the haters say to me "Oh you're a fan so you can't see the truth" despite that I'm basing my argument on a load of court documents. It really irks me when people assume being a fan automatically makes someone biased. Just because Liz Taylor may have interpreted a wave of sounds as deliberate booing, It doesn't mean it WAS and if you want to believe that it was over fans who WERE THERE and claim otherwise, then that's your prerogative. I don't see any reason why fans would lie about it, but that's just me.


That is all

I own the book and I think it is heavily biased in MJ's favour.
and bain fecked up big time at the WMA. what should have been great publicity turned into a disaster.

It was an almighty screw-up.

Afterwards she said something really glib about it like 'my phone didn't work in the UK' or some rubbish.

That's not good enough. How come everybody else's phone works in the UK? And didn't the hotel have phones in it? Besides, the rumours were circulating way before she and MJ got to England anyway.

She also screwed up big time with organising a fan party at the same time. She told the fans MJ would be going and then he didn't show up and she stopped answering their calls. Something like that.

Others should know more about that one.
It was an almighty screw-up.

Afterwards she said something really glib about it like 'my phone didn't work in the UK' or some rubbish.

That's not good enough. How come everybody else's phone works in the UK? And didn't the hotel have phones in it? Besides, the rumours were circulating way before she and MJ got to England anyway.

She also screwed up big time with organising a fan party at the same time. She told the fans MJ would be going and then he didn't show up and she stopped answering their calls. Something like that.

Others should know more about that one.

she denied mj was performing to fansites but didint bother to do a press release telling the rest of the world/uk media. absoloutly clueless.yeap and theres the party she lied about
As soon as Bain denied MJ was performing, the WMAs press guy came out with a statement that MJ was doing something special for his fans. Accepting an award doesn't fulfill that criteria. And we know that the choir was hired a week in advance and told they'd be singing with MJ.

There was some insider info posted on one of the fansites at the time - that there had been loads of cock-ups that night. MJ's award was apparently supposed to be preceeded by a video montage, but that didn't happen. His award was apparently supposed to be presented centre stage rather than on the balcony.

I heard he actually rehearsed a couple of songs but never ended up singing them for some reason. MJ claimed on the red carpet that it wasn't a performance, but if that's the case, why was the choir hired a week previously and told they'd be singing with Michael Jackson?

I think it emerged that MJ was paid as a live performer for the night, too.

What happened with the fan party?
That's because the evidence is heavily in Michael's favour

In terms of the allegations, yes. But I'm talking about the book generally.

The Jackson Family Honours is a perfect example of her trying to spin things so they look more positive for MJ.

She claims that some members of the crowd said 'oh oh'. That is a blatant fabrication. It is on the videotape, clear as day. A large percentage of the audience is audibly booing.

There's no 'it was just a couple of fans saying oh oh' about it.

On the videotape, the audience is audibly booing. Whether it is malicious booing or not isn't really the point. The fact is that the audience is booing but Lisa Campbell claimed they weren't. That is spin.
Well I was talking about the family honours show...

And now that I've watched the video, I don't think they were booing Michael, but it was rather a boo of disappointment? It didn't sound like a hostile atmosphere, you can tell by Elizabeth's tone of voice and Michael is just laughing.
I've never seen the Family Honours?

But I was at the 2006 WMA's too, and there was no booing, everybody there was there for Michael, and we all kept screaming and yelling and chanting for him and all the other acts throughout the show kept saying.. "Now we all know who you're really here for.." And all that :)

The atmosphere was great!! I was so close to him!! *sigh*

Yeah there was some HUGE cock-up with the aftershow party. I remember comedee trying to get me and mjdave tickets but there were none available, and some resentful fan telling us that the aftershow party was about 15 miles away, so we hopped in a taxi and spent £40 when there wasn't ever a friggin' party in the first place!!

The after show party was a complete balls up though, I have no idea what went wrong.
As soon as Bain denied MJ was performing, the WMAs press guy came out with a statement that MJ was doing something special for his fans. Accepting an award doesn't fulfill that criteria. And we know that the choir was hired a week in advance and told they'd be singing with MJ.

There was some insider info posted on one of the fansites at the time - that there had been loads of cock-ups that night. MJ's award was apparently supposed to be preceeded by a video montage, but that didn't happen. His award was apparently supposed to be presented centre stage rather than on the balcony.

I heard he actually rehearsed a couple of songs but never ended up singing them for some reason. MJ claimed on the red carpet that it wasn't a performance, but if that's the case, why was the choir hired a week previously and told they'd be singing with Michael Jackson?

I think it emerged that MJ was paid as a live performer for the night, too.

What happened with the fan party?

it had been reported that mj was gonna do some kind of version of we are the world.cant remember if bain had said that. i think she confirmed it late in the day but it was reported by the likes of access hollywood who were getting inside info as billy bush was in the uk invited by mjs team.so thats why the choir were hired.but there was no soundchecks.they didnt even use the right version of WATW ie instrumental etc.the whole thing was totally unorgansied as always and that came down to bain. reports were flying everywhere i remember one of the wma crew told me on the night from the pit that mj was gonna do thriller..so who had told him that? and this was a couple of hours b4 mj took to the stage.mj obviously knew he wasnt doing anything proper as they had been no rehearsals and frankly it wouldnt surprise me if he hardly knew about doing WATW and certainly didnt know how it had been planned and how or if he would take part in singing it.

a fan party was organised for after the WMA performance.for which mj would attend. bain confirmed this to those who arranged it days b4 the wma then a day or so b4 bain cut off all contact with the fan club and they didnt know what was happening.no clue if mj would show had to cancel and rearange the venue at the last min.no one knew what was hap. when bain was asked what the hell happened. when she was stood next to mj she denied everything. said she knew nothing about the event. mj knew nothing about the event. bain had not even told him about it. he was uspset at what had happened. he rang those who organised it offered to pay for the expenses of renting out the venues etc.

trish on here was one of the organisers. im sure she can clarify the details cause its along time ago.
The term booing usually means "booed off the stage". Than was NOT the case here with MJ. the booing was because of the situation (that wasn't going to sing) rather than booing HIM. It's kinda like saying the tabloids were praised when Liz mentioned them 0_0.

In short, yes he was booed, but for all the wrong reasons! I'm not sure this would even be a topic if it wasn't MJ.
MJ was booed at the Family Honours because he didn't perform.

Where's the sense in denying it? The whole thing was filmed.

Watch the footage. Elizabeth clearly - and angrily - tells the crowd not to boo because it is an 'ugly sound'.

could you post a link? I'm trying to find it but every video I watch from that shows fans screaming. I've already seen the VMAs from 06. the crowd wasnt' booing.
I saw MJ at the WMA's on YouTube and there was no booing..the tabloids are CRAP!!