Michael and #'s 777, now I understand!!!

lol im sure we'd find the same amount of evidence if we were looking for 444.
Wow, that is amazing! You never knnow, it might just have been Michael's lucky/favourite number or something, but it is interesting to read about :)
666 = the devil's number
777 = perfection, God's number, in the bible, especially in Revelations, 7 is a very important number.
Have you noticed on the HIStory album cover, that the words, Michael, Jackson and HIStory all contain 7 letters, that's another 777.

very true!

coincidence or not, when I think about this relation between Michael and #7 it's a positive thing, like he been sent from above for a very especial mission.
I think the family chose the memorial date to be July 7 because its 7/7 again

I noticed that too, and it's a bit eerie. The first time I saw "2009" being used as "1958-2009", I thought of Michael's birthday - the 29th. Could it be a sign that the circle of his lifetime is complete? Even though it was so sudden and not expected for ages.
I think his will, the one that was found so far was completed or filed on 07/07/02. His funeral is 7 years later.
Woah! o.o

I always knew about the number "7"... since on many coincidences things with Michael had 7 or whatever, never crossed my mind much... but some of these I have not noticed yet! :eek:
wasn't there a rumor his new album was going to be called seven.
:bugeyed Might as well join in... since I'm waiting for grilling to be finsihed outside. xD Lalala.


Time of birth: 12:13 AM
1+2+1+3= 7


Birthday: 8/29/1958
DOD: 6/25/2009

Big events...

Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever
July 7th

Uhhh..... Vind. Day 6/13/05

lol now I'm just finding stuffs.

Anyone know more? o.o This is interesting...

Oh, also, I find the track #7 on all of his albums are personal, this is just coincidence. But songs like "She's Out of My Life", "Human Nature", "Man In The Mirror", "Heal The World", "Money", "Butterflies"... uhm, like everyone knows he wears 777 before on his armbands, you can even see it on the statue on the HIStory album on his arm. His will signed on yeah... 7?
Oh, also, I find the track #7 on all of his albums are personal, this is just coincidence. But songs like "She's Out of My Life", "Human Nature", "Man In The Mirror", "Heal The World", "Money", "Butterflies"... uhm, like everyone knows he wears 777 before on his armbands, you can even see it on the statue on the HIStory album on his arm. His will signed on yeah... 7?

I noticed that, thats the main reason why my favourite number is 7 because a lot of songs i like are track number 7. - It was my favourite long before i knew it was Michaels.
The ambulance that took him to UCLA was #71.

Another "personal" 7 in it all.....I saw Micahel after seven long years one last time. Kind of weird and "creepy" in a way. The last time I saw him was 2002...and then one last time in March. After seven years. I didn't even think about it that way before, but after he died I was like "Kind of weird that everyone knew what the number 7 meant to MJ....and after SEVEN years I get to see him...once before he dies". And what is even more "eerie"...only two months before MJ came to London and I saw him...this is what I wrote in my blog: " I wish I could see him again. Even just once more." Sounds creepy now. :cry: Because I did see him once more after seven years. Once more before he died. :cry: Very eerie. :cry:
Oh guys, I'm goin' to creat a Skype user called: blanket05
And I realized that BLANKET also has 7 words xD

what a coincide situation! it's such an interesting thread! it's worth discussing ^^
Do you guys think that there'll be a surprising event on 7th July :eek:!!
I can add some,

Neverland address was 5225 Figueroa 5+2 and 2+5

I think its been 4 years 12 days between vindication day and his death
4+1+2=7 thats stretching it tho:mello:

There is a 7 on his wrist on the dangerous album. I got the vinyl so its bigger and you can see it. I think its cut off on the cd cover.

The symbol for michael are two 7's facing each other, one has a long loop(tail)

I think he liked the #7, i think its his fav number, it represents godliness or perfection.
^^^ Oooh nice one. :D Yup, it looks pretty obvious in this pic eh?

I was told by a psychic once when I did a phone reading that the number 3 kept popping up and the length of time in units of 3 was also important. There's no way she could have known that, and it's something I have noticed! I used to call it my "lucky number". It's even my lifepath number. (3+0)

So I'm on some sort of rotation going by the number 3, and I'm guessing Michael's rotation is the number 7.
What confused me before was Michael's lifepath number is actually 6. (4+2) However, just by adding it up again now, and getting 42, that is divisible by 7! (6 times)
And now look at things that has nothing to do with 7 lol that are many more!
Hm, wasn't he also the 7th child? I may be wrong, but I think only Janet and Randy are younger than him. So - Rebbie, LaToya, Jacky, Marlon, Jermaine, Tito - yes, that's six. Or did I miss one?