Michael and #'s 777, now I understand!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It just dawned on me! Michael and the numbers 777. my nic having these numbers are a tribute to him since every other familiar name was already taken, lol.

The first 7 - seventh born child

Second and Third 7- A Televised Global and massive Memorial Service held on July(seventh month) 7th (date).= 777

Remember how he would wear this number on his lapel? Any more thoughts?
if i remember correctly, he started signing his name w/the 777's b/c a psychic told him that he would die on (maybe 777) if he didn't???
if i remember correctly, he started signing his name w/the 777's b/c a psychic told him that he would die on (maybe 777) if he didn't???

Michael signed his name with 1998 during the Bad era allegedly because of a psychic.
Wow this is amazing! I think somewhere in the forum was trying a similar discussion related to numbers. This is very interesting. Maybe Michael had some knowledge of numerology and 7 was the number of luck or maybe someone close to Michael or until he asked someone to do an analysis numerology to him. Many coincidences...​
777 is number of divinity it is Gods number
in the bible and several other religions

MJ wore it on his service unifoms as he was general
a King in Gods Army of Love - His # was 777 ..
a devine unity between him God and his art ..

"I really believe that God chooses people to do certain things, the way Michelangelo or Leonardo da Vinci or Mozart or Muhammad Ali or Martin Luther King is chosen. And that is their mission to do that thing. And I think that I haven't scratched the surface yet of what my real purpose is for being here. I'm committed to my art. I believe that all art has as its ultimate goal the union between the material and the spiritual, the human and the divine. And I believe that that is the very reason for the existence of art and what I do. And I feel fortunate in being that instrument through which music flows... Deep inside I feel that this world we live in is really a big, huge, monumental symphonic orchestra. I believe that in its primordial form all of creation is sound and that it's not just random sound, that it's music. You've heard the expression, music of the spheres? Well, that's a very literal phrase. In the Gospels, we read, "And the Lord God made man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul." That breath of life to me is the music of life and it permeates every fiber of creation. In one of the pieces of the Dangerous album, I say: “Life songs of ages, throbbing in my blood, have danced the rhythm of the tide and flood." This is a very literal statement, because the same new miracle intervals and biological rhythms that sound out the architecture of my DNA also governs the movement of the stars. The same music governs the rhythm of the seasons, the pulse of our heartbeats, the migration of birds, the ebb and flow of ocean tides, the cycles of growth, evolution and dissolution. It's music, it's rhythm. And my goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of the divine union through my music and my dance. It's like, my purpose, it's what I'm here for."
-Michael Jackson, 1992
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Any pictures of these? I've never noticed. Now i'd love to see..
I think his will, the one that was found so far was completed or filed on 07/07/02. His funeral is 7 years later.
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Any pictures of these? I've never noticed. Now i'd love to see..


Look at the right arm and wrist ;) 777. And what about the "MJ" symbol and the clear cloud at his left?

Michael also is positioned as a "7" on BOTDF cover, there's a "7" on Michael's T-Shirt in Scream video... hmm... I can't remember any else now, but they are everywhere...

It's really known as God's number. Maybe that's why it is realated to his death... I don't know if I smile or cry about this... :\
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Gets even more eerie:

-Michael signed his last will on the 7th (day) of July (7th month), 2002.
-In 2009, 7 years later, his memorial is held.
Okies..can't really find a clear pic of this jacket and I have pic disc from back in the day but gotta dig it out!

The Best "777" jacket was the "What More Can I Give" jacket! it has 777 on "right arm" You might have to zoom in on the pic to see it. It's shown on the lil pic on the picture.

In the Smooth Criminal video, Michael's backup dancers shout 'SEVEN' as they are gambling with money on the floor

Look at the right arm and wrist ;) 777. And what about the "MJ" symbol and the clear cloud at his left?

Michael also is positioned as a "7" on BOTDF cover, there's a "7" on Michael's T-Shirt in Scream video... hmm... I can't remember any else now, but they are everywhere...

It's really known as God's number. Maybe that's why it is realated to his death... I don't know if I smile or cry about this... :\

Have you noticed on the HIStory album cover, that the words, Michael, Jackson and HIStory all contain 7 letters, that's another 777.
I don't know whether they have anything to do with Michael or not, but can anyone tell me something about the numbers 17 and 56?
amazing he was sent from god to do his duty maybe he and god talked about this amongst each other we will never know but maybe he did.
its like people reading into the paul mccartney is dead theory... regardless of the truth or relevance, its still fun to look into and read
It's just a number. It's my favourite number too, 7. It's Cristiano Ronaldos favourite number too, he has the number 7 etched into his fireplace and other part's of his home. People are taking this thing too seriously.