Message to fans from Taj Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
Message To Fans From Taj Jackson
(13-10-2010) Taj Jackson recently posted the following on his Twitter account:

And like expected, Negativity still makes the front page and positivity doesn't. It's so easy to throw stones from a distance.
Where's the press about the campaign for Uncovering MJ's name at Gardner Street School.
TMZ of course, not to anyone's surprise constantly posts negativite things about MJ and my Grandma.
Why? Because our family divided is what sells newspapers. Some of us realize that and fight to unite, some of us don't and feed it
Guys, we are there, on the front lines,making sure my uncles legacy will last centuries. That is the big picture for me. That is my mission
I thank the many that did support us and gave us the trust and benefit of the doubt.
Guys. I can't say this enough. My grandma was there EVERYDAY during the trial, on camera and off. I know cause I was at Neverland with them
I moved to Neverland right before the trial to support my uncle. It was the least I could do for him. He was that amazing to me.

I saw him everyday before and after each day of court . I'll never forget that my Grandma was by his side the whole time.
To have some fans turn on my grandma like that really upsets me. At least give her the benefit of the doubt. You would for my uncle.
Sorry guys.. it's just that if you knew the love my uncle had for my Grandma, you would be feeling the same way.
We need to stay focused on all what MJ stood for. Love

I am so thankful that I was able to tell MJ how much I loved him & appreciated everything he did for me,3 months before he passed
My Grandma needs Ur support, not ur stones. My uncle looked up to her everyday. She was also my mom's role model. That's not a coincidence.
My uncle always said he has the best fans in the world and I know it. My uncle is not gone, he lives through you guys.

History is what people with the pen write. It then get's past down to each generation. I'm making sure people know the truth about my uncle.

I know my grandma is on the same page. Let the world know the real Mj, as only we knew him. The incredible person with a true heart of gold.
Thank you so much guys for listening and understanding. Gotta go for now. :)


I truly love and admire Mother Katherine Jackson and wish her all the best always...May God bless the entire Michael Jackson fan community and the Jackson family and may we all honour and appreciate the L.O.V.E. Michael stands for, be it and do him proud!
It's truly sad to see fans turning on Katherine now. She is the person above all I trust with having Michael's (and his children's) best interests at heart.
Thanks, Ankita. I'm not on Twitter regularly, so I missed that. :heart:
We must support Katherine. We know how much Michael adored her and vice versa.
Hmmmmmm why Oprah though?? Why her and not another show? I'm not gonna bash her, but I ain't supporting anything about this oprah show crapp. The kids better not be in it.

Waitttt is oprah the only one with a show on tv now? I'm confused.
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Hmmmmmm why Oprah though?? Why her and not another show? I'm not gonna bash her, but I ain't supporting anything about this oprah show crapp. The kids better not be in it.

Waitttt is oprah the only one with a show on tv now? I'm confused.
I feel bad for Katherine. She's had to put up with so much and Michael adored her, we shouldnt be condemming her. Other members of the family have and continue to do questionable actions which deserve a lot of questioning and criticism but I do believe that Katherine is trying to do what's best by Michael's children. I just think that there are a few too many people in her life who are only out for number one.
yeah...i feel bad for Mrs Jackson too, not only has she lost a son ,a dear son...a part of her .... then some fans feel the need to turn agsint his mother,his flesh and his blood ,and give her more grief over things they possibily know nothing about ? disgusting.:no: would michael like this behaviour? i think not.follow the example michael set for us all.:flowers: l.o.v.e. isnt it ?.
Taj, thank-you for bringing us up to date on everything. I have always supported your entire family through messages to your Dad and will continue to. I offer myself to help with anything and everything you may need, and I'm sure a majority of the other fans feel the same way. I have continually reminded some not to be so judgmental at everything they hear or may disagree with because none of us are there and know your situation as you do. And of course we know the true love and devotion your uncle had for his Mother and some need to remind themselves of this. We all have believed in Michael and supported him for so many years that we need to trust his judgment and pass that love and respect on to your Grandmother (and the rest of you). So from me, thank-you for the good fight you are waging for your uncle's legacy. I stand right behind you!!!
It saddens me to hear that Mrs. Jackson is being bashed because she's doing what she thinks is BEST for Michael's children. To those people bashing Kathrine, SHAME ON YOU! Thank you, Taj for the message.
Thank you so much for posting. And thanks to Taj for sharing as well.
I know Mrs. J will handle things in the best interest of MJ and his children.
There's no way she should be 'bashed' in any way. For what?
Michael loved his Mom and trusted her completely.

As for her possibly appearing on OPRAH, forget that it's Oprah,
and just listen to what Mother Katherine has to say.
It's true, bashing her is wrong and also claim that she never loved MJ, which is ridiculous.
According to Diplomate, this is what Karen Faye tweets:

"wingheart Karen Faye
My heart aches more than any one will every know. Clearly seeing how MJ was never loved as a son...merely a commodity."

and I just can't believe she wrote that about Katherine.

She has to think that lots of fans follow her, and now they will be bashing against MJ's own mother, maybe more that before, not cool at all :no:
^ I'm dont wanna sart anything negative…but what ever karen says, no one should take it seriously… I lost my respect for her after what she said and did in '05.

And Yes, People should give respect to Mrs. Jackson… I'm even not sure what this interview would bring…I do not see the reason for it, but I'm hoping she knows what she's doing… its about her son and I know she will do what she can to clear everything…! We may not understand what this is about…we might think its for publicity or to get $$$$…or Watevs…at the end of the day, this interview will happen weather we like it or not…so we all need to calm down and stop speculating...

i agree with Taj,we should support Katherine.Michael loved her vey much,he learned a lot from her and she is only human, she does the best she can!
Tell Taj me and my community will be standing by him and Mother Kat.

I will not see my community throw any stones at Kat as I knew just how much she meant to Michael.

AMEN!!!!!!!!!!. thanks gaz. . the heartache that women has been thru as a mother,,, i wouldn't wish on anyone. it absolutely disgusts me that we, supposed 'mj' fans could contribute to that...
imagine if mj read some of the things written on this site about the jackson's....
"Do not judge a person, do not pass judgment, unless you have talked to them one on one."
Michael Jackson
earthlyme;3018797 said:
^ I'm dont wanna sart anything negative…but what ever karen says, no one should take it seriously… I lost my respect for her after what she said and did in '05.

And Yes, People should give respect to Mrs. Jackson… I'm even not sure what this interview would bring…I do not see the reason for it, but I'm hoping she knows what she's doing… its about her son and I know she will do what she can to clear everything…! We may not understand what this is about…we might think its for publicity or to get $$$$…or Watevs…at the end of the day, this interview will happen weather we like it or not…so we all need to calm down and stop speculating...


You said you lost respect for who? Karen or Oprah? I only know Oprah has betrayed Michael on 05.

And well said, we should show our respect to Mrs. Jackson just as Michael did. She might have a good reason in doing the interview. We do not know until the show is aired. Maybe this is a good opportunity to clear Michael's name.
i feel for katherine cause imo shes been used by others and manipulated into doing things. the AEG lawsuit and now this
Thanks for posting. Taj is great and I also feel bad for Katherine..
Koko;3019310 said:
You said you lost respect for who? Karen or Oprah? I only know Oprah has betrayed Michael on 05.

And well said, we should show our respect to Mrs. Jackson just as Michael did. She might have a good reason in doing the interview. We do not know until the show is aired. Maybe this is a good opportunity to clear Michael's name.

I meant Karen…but of coures Oprah too…

I said Karen cuz she has not been as loyal as people think she has… search her connection with Randy J. and MJJSource in 2005… smh.

Isn't there a difference between bashing someone and not agreeing with something they are doing?
I don't support people calling Katherine all kinds of names, but I think people should be able to disagree with something the family decides to do or to be weary of it.
I know we don't know everything concerning the family and what really goes on but we can still have an opinion about the things that are public.
That can be done in a respect full way I think.

I respect Katherine a lot but sometimes it feels/seems like she gets manipulated into doing certain things. That's kind of upsetting to see.
MJ loved Katherine...that we all know.

I hope at 80, she is not being misled by her new entourage (including Marc Schaffel & this wrestling porn king dud), who are all clamouring around her since MJ passed. These same people who brought down MJ & destroyed his finances....they only see $$$.

I hope she has people who are truly in her conner to guide or assist her through a safe and honourable path

That being said...the family is their own worst enemy.
Guys, can anybody give me Taj's twitter pls?
Gaz, I agree with you, we have to support Katherine and kids as much as we can. Katherine is NOT his enemy, period.
Message To Fans From Taj Jackson
(13-10-2010) Taj Jackson recently posted the following on his Twitter account:

And like expected, Negativity still makes the front page and positivity doesn't. It's so easy to throw stones from a distance.
Where's the press about the campaign for Uncovering MJ's name at Gardner Street School.
TMZ of course, not to anyone's surprise constantly posts negativite things about MJ and my Grandma.
Why? Because our family divided is what sells newspapers. Some of us realize that and fight to unite, some of us don't and feed it
Guys, we are there, on the front lines,making sure my uncles legacy will last centuries. That is the big picture for me. That is my mission
I thank the many that did support us and gave us the trust and benefit of the doubt.
Guys. I can't say this enough. My grandma was there EVERYDAY during the trial, on camera and off. I know cause I was at Neverland with them
I moved to Neverland right before the trial to support my uncle. It was the least I could do for him. He was that amazing to me.

I saw him everyday before and after each day of court . I'll never forget that my Grandma was by his side the whole time.
To have some fans turn on my grandma like that really upsets me. At least give her the benefit of the doubt. You would for my uncle.
Sorry guys.. it's just that if you knew the love my uncle had for my Grandma, you would be feeling the same way.
We need to stay focused on all what MJ stood for. Love

I am so thankful that I was able to tell MJ how much I loved him & appreciated everything he did for me,3 months before he passed
My Grandma needs Ur support, not ur stones. My uncle looked up to her everyday. She was also my mom's role model. That's not a coincidence.
My uncle always said he has the best fans in the world and I know it. My uncle is not gone, he lives through you guys.

History is what people with the pen write. It then get's past down to each generation. I'm making sure people know the truth about my uncle.

I know my grandma is on the same page. Let the world know the real Mj, as only we knew him. The incredible person with a true heart of gold.
Thank you so much guys for listening and understanding. Gotta go for now. :)


It's good that Taj is speaking out. What's really interesting about this all is that there are fans who seem to have lost touch with reality and think they have a right to say what the Jackson family should and should not do (and yes, I was like that when Michael was alive....but lost that fire when he passed) .

Sure, I don't agree with everything they do, but we need to realize that what they do and what they don't do is really not our business. We are Michael's fans and as much as some of us may dislike that.....we do not have a say in the family's decisions. We can only support them and hope that whatever they do, they do it out of love for Michael.