Well some of your posts clearly made Michael to sound really harsh and almost cruel or even an ass. Michael spoke his mind in life and will continue to do that in spirit.
Then what exactly is the problem when I state that Michael Jackson speaks his mind?
You refuse to read what I have also said. You'd rather accuse me of something untrue. By the way, when somebody has to resort to foul language in order to hurt someone with intent, it's a bad sign. Nobody called anyone by the word you chose to use.
I never described him as a Joe Jackson abusive type who says things to hurt you. I have never ever said such thing. As you have experienced for yourself he can be pretty stern. And he has his own issues, just like you and I do.
However he's not the always sweet love you more dude either. If he thinks you could do better in part A or part B, he'll let you know about it.
Your spiritual development is nothing that he'll walk away from. And he will DEMAND you stretch and reach higher, he will DEMAND I try when he knows I'm not doing what I could be doing. And he doesn't like excuses. And he'll let me know if I failed to think outside the box. People would be shocked at how raw he can become. He's the most loving, most sweet and most kind and yet he can be so raw that you gasp for air. He knows how to take you to the outer limit of your own Self- and make you push it out even further. He knows how to take me to my own limit of my Self and will force me to reexamine that outer edge. And I love him for that, absolutely and unabashedly love him for it.
That to me is one of the highest forms of LOVE you could hope to experience. Someone who cares about someone's overall state as an eternal being, not my momentary romantic notions that I have about myself. It's the eternal multidimensional beings he sees and their potential- and if he has to walk over a few of my little girl sentiments in the process- so be it.
Maybe you're already a fully self-realized being, I know I'm not.
When he thinks, I wallowed enough in pain, he'll make that known. That's a true friend. If he thinks I did good, he'll make that known too and he does it in a manner that make me burst in tears of joy.
That's just MY experience and I'm quite alright with his overall style. In fact, I love it. It's so wonderfully daring at times, too. Sometimes shocking, often sweet (him being an excellent DJ when I have to paint an entire house :agree
, always pushing me to explore who I am really am. If you can't hear or feel the sentiment of love and gratitude I feel towards him, than I have no other way of expressing it.
He's not a pushover either, but he's not cruel.
He actually doesn't yell and when I say you can hear him through 5 galaxies afar than that has a lot of double meaning. He has an impact, a huge impact, it reverberates throughout. It's the way he expresses something that makes the 5 galaxy impact on me.
He also might be different with different people. What he is though and that is very interesting, brutally honest. Not to hurt you, but he keeps it real, very real. ...
He has purpose and by God, he'll make sure you understand yours. That is Love in it's essence, to help see others through this process.
Modulation may I ask how long have you experienced talking to spirits? Thought I'd let ya know that Archangel Michael is watching has he said you aren't protecting yourself and you you're unexperienced and I'm not being cocky, for your saftey.
I'm sorry, could you rewrite your last sentence? I'm afraid I have a hard time understanding what you are trying to say? Call on Archangel Michael for protection? Or are you trying to intimidate me by using an Archangel?
I have been keenly aware of spirits since early, early adolescence. I have seen spirits and heard spirits in clairvoyant and clairaudient shape since I was 20. I'm a true expert in blocking any spirit (sometimes to my own detriment
) and it took a couple of very persistent spirits to ease my fears.
I had a few years of shutting them all out.
I have called on Archangel Michael a few times, but mostly Kwan Quin (there a few spellings out there) and a few others who come to your aid immediately. All you need to do is literally reach higher and you need not to fear anyone you shouldn't be connecting too. ;D
I'm also partial to the Archangel I feel connected to most closely, and that is Gabriel. I'm also very partial to Sananda/Jesus, Mother Mary/Isis and Heru/Horus, Osiris/Serapis Bey and a few more. My wonderful guardian angel is also there and when you wake up at (if you have one already, not everyone had a situation in life that required one) night, you could see them very briefly.
The guidance of higher realms is very much available to us, so are Angels, just standing by waiting to help us. Fear is unnecessary and will be the biggest factor in everything this side and the other side. Overcoming your fear the biggest challenge and satisfaction. And knowledge will be a major key.
Don't spend your life in fear because you will just carry it over with you. And I'm glad to know that Michael Jackson does not care the least bit for my personal defenses and pretenses, he'll just run 'em down because my fears, pretenses and defenses don't deserve his precious attention. I'm glad for it. ;D
And with that I'll bow out of this thread until we can discuss actual issues again. Time is way too precious to be attacking others for their own experiences. It is July of 2010, a beautiful day outside, perfect to meditate in a grassy meadow.
Love, Blessings and Peace to everyone.:better: