Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Of course, MJJLaugh, that is making sense. He is not bound anymore by our dense 3D world. He easily can reacquaint himself with boatloads of people from former lives. It is not accidental that people sometimes have an innate knowledge about someone ingrained just "knowing" inside of them. Sometimes you run into someone like that in life and sometimes you knew someone from before, even if it never materialized in this life. Trust yourself. You and many, many more have that I've spoken too share your feelings.

Mod Alert Thank you, thank you. You don't know how much your words mean to me. So much so that it makes me cry. Such a relief to have someone acknowledge all this....
Asedora Do you remember that some months ago several of us, me too, had some disturbing dreams about the safety of the children ?? That cannot have been a coincidence either I think. Mjbunny posted something about such a dream too I think.

And the similarities between Marilyn Monroe's death and MJ are just mindboggling. Freaky and kind of creepy too. Mrs. Murray ???? Delay in calling the ambulance ??? Leaving the room ???? ( being told to leave the room - maybe more for the conspiracy forum, but that could be a clue here)

Yes, i do remember. I'll tell you more: some groups of ppl still try to take those kids away from Katherine in order to get full control over Estate in the future. They do control it but the kids is a "problem".
I created my webside only because I wanted all conspirasy crap to be on the light spot.
It is not public yet but I am not in the rush that much because the trial date was not even set up yet. I 'll try my best anyways.
Mrs Murray and Monroe's death similaries look very creepy. Yes, I agree.

Oh my...intense. Wonder if we can find that interview back somewhere, I'd like to hear/read that. How weird is it to see those similarities with Marilyn Monroe!? Like, wtf?! Mrs. way. I really don't know what to think of such similarities, kind of freaks me out.

As far as I know, Bonnie is going to put her interview with Prafactor on her website, I do not know when, though.
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Bonnie Vent had her interview in ParaFactor (on June 24th (!) as far as I know). I missed it myself but I know she was speaking about Michael. Here is her short message from her forum. It find it very impressive:

There is another Bonie's comment I found interesting and matches with my own "stuff":

Yeah, I was just checking her site a couple days ago because I wanted to see if she had anything new to say about Michael because of the 1st anniversary, and then I saw that. Wow. It's one thing to be suspicious about it, but another thing to actually see it. It's very eerie about the Marilyn Monroe similarities too. :mello:

BTW, glad you're feeling better Mrs. Music. :)
Ok. So our baby was murdered. As if evidence wasn't enough, the supernatural tells us the same. We really need to get our act together and raise our voices for justice.
Ok. So our baby was murdered. As if evidence wasn't enough, the supernatural tells us the same. We really need to get our act together and raise our voices for justice.

Yes. Agree. And I believe it shuld not be only about somebody is writing songs, poems and another one is doing something else. It does not help the justice. Fans have to gather together, to get an action together at least on the net and show some real power to the official figures and to ppl responsible for this murder.
There were many many ppl who involved and who benifit from Michael's death. I personally want them to be in jail. Like I said I try to do my best. It just took hell of a lot of time for me for this project and it is not even finished yet. I am getting pissed off cos some ppl did not do their part of work on time.
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Its very interesting to read what you all had to say about the "murder", I myself believed it from the very first begining that Michael was murdered, and not by just Dr Murray, he was only a instrument....but there is the real murderes behind the whole thing.

I really wish we could something more than discussing about it, its been such a long time now and justice feels so far away.

L.O.V.E. to u all. have a nice evening.
It's been quuiiittteee awhile since I have been in this thread, but I am very interested to catch up on it and read...maybe not 500 pages hahaha but a few pages back to get the gist of whats going on. I missed you all :)
People have different paths in life and they also have different leanings. Not everybody has an assignment (if you will) in aiding legal proceedings.
Not everybody who writes a poem or a song and paints a painting feels an obligation to engage in a murder investigation. Any art created is never useless just by itself. I don't have to like everybody's art but it is not up to me to judge someone else's artistic expression as "not enough." People have contacted me just over two short videos and I was able to help someone just by doing that.

In fact, I am extremely uncomfortable with some of the "getting Michael justice" groups.
I have no personal knowledge of his business affairs in particular, I have not seen many documents with my own two eyes to be confident enough in saying who did what. I don't. The last thing I want to be guilty of is potentially slandering and defaming someone whom I have no personal knowledge of.

People have different inclinations for a reason. Some people who feel very much drawn to bringing Michael justice on the earthly plane might feel the need because that is part of THEIR karmic obligations. Other people have other needs and aid him in other ways.
Other people are aiding Michael by helping others in spiritual matters or by helping others to express themselves.
Michael Jackson himself always stated to be a very spiritual person and I am convinced that one of his main commitments to his followers/devotees is their spiritual development. That is why people have these encounters. Even developing psychic gifts is just a byproduct of overall spiritual development, on the way to ascension.

That is only my opinion but in mind he is not engaging with us just for himself. He does this to help us grow. His life was taken from him (one way or the the other) and he will do his damn hardest to teach us to live our lives to the fullest of our capacities while we can. I do not believe for one single second that he wants anyone to feel inferior just because they haven't "done" enough for him. That would be like saying to him, stop singing "Heal The World", because that's not changing anything. And true, he had the financial abilities to go beyond that and he did. I do serve others in different capacities and I do it in his name. And my ways have nothing to do with bringing him justice. That does not mean, I'm not honoring him or his goals. If I volunteer by time in a local domestic violence shelter to help others understand what domestic violence is, I have served him as well. There are countless ways of honoring him. If I have helped only one person than that was worth it.

Not once have I perceived him to be demanding anything of anyone to serve himself. Not once. And if he shares something than that happens for a learning process. Things will come out in due time and due time can mean many things.
So if someone feels they want to do something about clearing up the instances of his death- they should follow that and I do find that admirable.

Other people might just have different roles. All are equal. Some will focus on the positive aspects of his legacy, some help others in different ways.
^Mod Alert - :clapping: GREAT post. I stand behind it 100%. Thank you.

Mrs. Music and MJJLaugh - thanks for the positive vibes and kind thoughts! I'm doing a little better today. :)

Casey - hi girl! :waving:

I agree with you guys about the similarities between Michael's death and Marilyn Monroe's being a little TOO similar and rather creepy. I just hope Michael's case doesn't turn into one of those that are left a mystery for decades, and no justice is done. But then I guess who am I to really know what justice is in this case and when it is best served. It just might be in another life. For the sake of the safety of Michael's children and future artists that may suffer the same fate though - I hope all is put right sooner than later.

Oh...I just remembered I had a dream about Debbie Rowe last night. The only part I really remember is saving her from a sinking van or something...she was stuck inside reaching out screaming, about to die, and no one went back to help her...I got her out just in time. I think I remember comforting her about something later but that was it. Really odd to dream of her, and in that way. :mello:
I dreamt of lisa marie last night. I dreamt that i was reading some interview with her and she was saying he was dating some sports player guy with the name of bret.?? i was like..what the?? :blink:
Modulation Alert, you are FREE to do whatever you want.
Nobody is stopping anybody from writing songs and poems.. I have this kind of abilities myself. I just do not share mine stuff with the whole world and rarely I read and listen to want others do unless I am very interested. It is my own choice. Everybody does little own thing. Everybody has own little talent. Plus everybody does local volunteering and such. Why should it be that important compared to what happened to Michael?

Because fans have own little talents and many of them try to keep his legacy alive the way they can etc they should not take any actions together related to justice at all? Because it feels that is not their life path?

I believe fans have TO DO something TOGETHER for bringing assholes to jail. If you do not feel comfortable with any kind of “justice group” it is up to you. It is YOUR choice .
Just please do not mix ppl's minds in this thread by putting things like spiritual developments, “Heal the World”, meditations etc and Dr Murray in one bucket.. It does not work that way. It has to be a balance.

Why it has to be such a huge mix? Where is the logic? Once again, you please do your own stuff and let others decide what they are going to do for Michael.….. In order to keep fans together for taking some simple actions just for this case you want them to do their own little things… Well, I never will agree with that. Ok, probably it is your life path to focus on "local stuff" and such but it is not mine for sure. I think I passed this level. I try to keep everything in BALANCE in my own life doing many things at once (local and not local) and to see the whole picture.

I made my choice in July without Bonnie Vent telling me that Michael was murdered. I knew it without her.And this was the reason why came to this forum in July.
So my opinion at this point never will change.
But, I am not the one who is pushing my opinion to anybody’s face and I am not asking anybody on this thread to agree with me. I am just hoping that some ppl will agree with me and then we can move forward from this point. You are not the one who will agree with me anyways and I am absolutely fine with that.
I’ll tell you more I could sense this kind of reaction from you. Nothing is surprising me here one bit.

The fact is that there was dr. Murray and the fact is that Michael is GONE forever. This fact never will change no matter how many times you or anybody else will mediate etc and improve your spiritual level in your opinion. Everybody understands spirituality different way anyways.
The fact is that there are ppl who responsible for this murder. You do not need to blame anybody personally, but does not take that much for fans to sign a petition online or do something else etc. Publicity is very important...If you do not want to participate, once again it is up to you.
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Hi everyone :heart: Not feeling so great today. Just really emotionally upset about some things. You know the kind of upset that makes you like physically ill? Yeah, that. No MJ dreams that I can remember. I know there was something last night, but it's just, poof, gone. Hope everyone's doing alright. Goodnight.
@Casey: Yeah it's quite a bit much to read 500 pages, a hee hee. We've come a long way in the meanwhile. Good to see ya back girl! :D

@Mod Alert
: Perfectly worded post, spot on and that's ex-ac-tly how I feel as well! I could talk about this for a while, but I don't wanna spend another post on that and make this a thread about justice-blabla. There's enough about that on the board, we've already talked about it before...and yeah well...we can't all feel the same on that point.

@Amy: Glad you're feeling a bit better sweets! :)

@mjbunny: Sorry to hear you're 'upset' and all that...yikes. If you wanna talk about it feel free.
Remember: Harmony Hut - for everyone who needs a little harmony in their lives! ;) :huggy:

I've had something interesting last night, I was laying in bed and suddenly saw this black kind of shadow moving over my wall and it catched my eye once it was on a part where the light shined on my wall because of the curtain that was a bit open. My eyes popped open to the max and then I asked 'Michael?' and then whoop...shadow again. Haven't gotten these little weird things for a while.
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Yes. Agree. And I believe it shuld not be only about somebody is writing songs, poems and another one is doing something else. It does not help the justice. Fans have to gather together, to get an action together at least on the net and show some real power to the official figures and to ppl responsible for this murder.
There were many many ppl who involved and who benifit from Michael's death. I personally want them to be in jail. Like I said I try to do my best. It just took hell of a lot of time for me for this project and it is not even finished yet. I am getting pissed off cos some ppl did not do their part of work on time.

I think whoever believes Michael was mudered should ask for a password on the Seeking Justice forum and petition with the fans.

P.S. I had a dream last night that a terrorist was in WHSmith and he was pointing the gun at me. Horrible.
^ I think it's not really fair to say that everyone has to do that, if that's what you mean. I for one do not want that, because I feel like I'm losing the focus on what I want it to be on - Michael, even though I do believe he was in some way murdered. But I'm not gonna explain all my reasons for choosing so here. Just, let's not start with the harsh things that come with justice-movements take over our being one in devotion. It's going fast that way now. We talked about how we feel on this before, people who do want to focus on justice - go ahead. :)
^ I think it's not really fair to say that everyone has to do that, if that's what you mean. I for one do not want that, because I feel like I'm losing the focus on what I want it to be on - Michael, even though I do believe he was in some way murdered. But I'm not gonna explain all my reasons for choosing so here. Just, let's not start with the harsh things that come with justice-movements take over our being one in devotion. It's going fast that way now. We talked about how we feel on this before, people who do want to focus on justice - go ahead. :)

Honey, look at word choice, I said "think" and "believe". I personally think getting justice for Michael is just as important as Healing the world and spreading his message. Because murderers should not get away with murder.
Besides, my expirience does not base on meditations. Mediations took only 1% of everything what I have and all of them were spontanious without me focusing or making something up.Mine look more like unrespectable body trance than meditations and I have no control of it.

Hm, I only actually meditate for MLP and for a few other reasons that don't necessarily have to do with Michael Jackson. Sometimes they do, but I mostly meditate for other reasons independent from MJ.
I typically don't see Michael while meditating, I think I wrote that here a few times in responses to MLP. If I do meditate it has more to do with raising my consciousness and for many other reasons. Meditation is of real value and you might want to look into the reasons why for example a monk is meditating. He's probably not meditating just to channel a crossed over being.

You might be interested in looking up information about "mental mediumship" that allows one to a)stay in control while channeling and has a few more bonuses.

It's very easy to trance once you know how to, but I honestly prefer to channel free of trance. The reason being that many beings (Ascended Masters included) simply won't be stepping "down" any lower than the Mental Plane. (they have shed their Astral Body). Even our crossed over relatives will leave the Astral Plane at some point and then you just have better chances by reaching just a bit higher.

Reason Number Two (and that is a big one) is that I do like the control of who's talking to you. There are a few spirits around where I don't see the value of connecting (took me years to understand that after a few scary experiences years back), therefore I am cautious with channeling in trance.
We all (even while alive and "down here) have bodies that function in all planes- so even we can use our Mental Body in the Mental Plane. Michael is also capable of using his Mental Body on that Plane which for example how he would channel music to people, poems, lyrics etc. By raising one's consciousness (and meditation, yoga, playing an instrument are excellent ways to go about that) and reaching just a wee bit higher, people are able to function on the Mental Plane as well. No trance needed.

It is just like automatic writing. You can do that trancing and you can do that in full control. It doesn't mean that one is making up things. You simply learn how to hold your own thoughts- and that's the tricky part.
Meditation is simply a wonderful exercise to learn to hold your thoughts.

All things have their place, just wanted to add the bit about different forms of mediumship.

I personally find that I need something engages my mind just a wee bit, like a song I know very well. That what mantras do...
I keeps my mind busy enough without overloading it, so that whatever or whoever wants to come through can get through without it coming from me, but through me. Sometimes more successful than others, granted.

It's a long road, that's for sure.
It's been quuiiittteee awhile since I have been in this thread, but I am very interested to catch up on it and read...maybe not 500 pages hahaha but a few pages back to get the gist of whats going on. I missed you all :)

Hey! :waving:

Welcome bck, hope ur doing well.

Yes 500 pages is heck of alot of pages! hehe
Mod Alert, my body trances/meditations were unexpected. I had 3 of them only. I had no control of them. I do not know how to put myself in trance, really. This is the whole point. I can try but I do not want to. I do not like to control my meditations and to focus .They just do not feel right to me.

Most of my experiences based on OBE or half dreaming/half awake and when real things happening by themselves in real life. I like weird stuff and it has to be amazing so that way I will not be able to find any explanation related to a physical world. This is what I like. If I do not have it for a while, I am fine too.

I tried automatic writing a couple of times. I think it works for some ppl but I am very skeptical about it too as far as it comes to a spirit conversations. I did it when my grand mom passed.

Lyrics? Maybe…. I do not think that all lyrics are the product of spiritual contacts. I actually think that it is very small %.
Anything what is coming from divine source has a very different taste. I have no problem to see this huge difference.. It is like any art. Some modern art is just garbage or just a regular crap and I would have no interest to spend my time to "learn" about it. I am a very picky person at this point.

When I was a teen I was interested to any art and music . But during my lifetime I developed a very specific taste. The background of the artist is very important for me too. I would never accept Madonna etc. no matter how good or bad she is. Just an example.
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Aw no...I feel a little harmony slippin' from this thread. Remember we're all in this together guys, no matter the different ways we choose to do things. :group:

mjbunny - :better: hope you get feeling better

Mrs. Music - Way cool about the shadow! :angel: and thanks for sharing the pictures! So beautiful...the moon especially, wooow. I can see the orbs too!
Mod Alert, my body trances/meditations were unexpected. I had 3 of them only. I had no control of them. I do not know how to put myself in trance, really. This is the whole point. I can try but I do not want to. I do not like to control my meditations and to focus .They just do not feel right to me.
That's why I was trying to point to the difference between trance channeling and mental mediumship. Mental mediumship does not mean "focussing", just that the intent is to "quiet your mind." I'm blown away that a 21 year old MJ would write lyrics like "relax your mind" at such a young age, obviously being young is not a deterrent for spiritual knowledge.:cheeky:

I went through involuntary trancing for a little bit which according to some people is more of a sign for an enlarged heart chakra, taking care of the other chakras was helpful. It still means "being able to", just that you don't involuntarily hand yourself over to unknown entities. But that's something people need to decide for themselves.

Some modern art is just garbage or just a regular crap and I would have no interest to spend my time to "learn" about it. I am a very picky person at this point.
Careful on the pea soup here. Let's just hope nobody would ever call your artistic expressions by those names, lol. I have never ever heard Michael Jackson call someone else's art garbage or excrement. I only recall him objecting to Eminem ridiculing him, he never lowered himself onto that level. Check the Rivera Interview right before the trial. He has some interesting things to say about why he would never diss fellow artists. I don't think that humility on his part was fake. Even Michael Bearden mentioned it.
I don't like everything either, not even on this board. The fact that I don't like something doesn't make it garbage though.
The man appreciated everything given to him, even when "nobody was watching". He actually enjoyed his fans creations, it was an exchange. Love truly was his message.

Lyrics? Maybe…. I do not think that all lyrics are the product of spiritual contacts.
Of course not all lyrics are being done that way, they don't have to either.

Sadly most people have never heard of the difference between trance channeling and mental mediumship which aids in the skewed 19th century perception of mediumship of ectoplasm and "possession".

Thank goodness for people like Alan Kardec who somewhat broke the mold, "organizing and systemizing" things a bit to find something a bit more "universal meanings" to things.

You probably read his books already. I do find them fascinating. You do have to seem them though in context of the time written. He was one of the first people to undertake an attempt of "systemizing" things, has a very christianized standpoint from which he operates and many after him expanded on his views.


The Spirits Book is divided into four parts or "books", each one split into several chapters. Chapters are not regularly subdivided into sections — though most have titles marking the beginning of particularly sought subjects. Book 3's chapters, for some reason, are not numbered.
Book One (untitled) deals with the origins of the universe and the attributes of God.

Chapter 1 (God) is intended to clarify the true essence of God.

Chapter 2 (General Elements of the Universe) explains the difference between spiritual and material matter and why spirits are not believed by materialists.

Chapter 3 (Vital Principle) is about the differences between animate and inanimate beings, between the living and the dead and the features of intelligence compared to instinct.

Book Two (The Spirit-World) describes spiritual life.
Chapter 1 (Spirits) explains what spirits are, where they come from, what they are like, how they manifest, the purpose of their existence, and how people perceive them.

Chapter 2 (Incarnation of Spirits) is about why spirits incarnate in material bodies.

Chapter 3 (Return from Corporeal Life to Spirit Life) is about disincarnation (death).
Chapter 4 (Plurality of Existences) is about reincarnation.

Chapter 5 (Considerations on the Plurality of Existences) is an essay by Kardec meant to clarify the doctrine of the previous chapter.

Chapter 6 (Spirit Life) describes what exists in the afterlife, the spiritual world.
Chapter 7 (Return to Corporeal Life) explains how and when spirits come back to life by literally being born again.

Chapter 8 (Emancipation of the Soul) is about situations in which the spirit of a living person may be free to interact with the spirits of the dead, as in near-death experiences or during a deep sleep. This chapter does not cover waking mediumship.

Chapter 9 (Intervention of Spirits in the Material World) is about situations in which the spirits of the dead may, ostensibly or not, intentionally or not, have any form of influence on events of the living world.

Chapter 10 (Occupations and Missions of the Spirits) is an essay by Kardec on the different reasons why high spirits interfere with the world.

Chapter 11 (The Three Reigns) is about the differences between inanimate beings (mineral), plants, and animals and contains the standard spiritist doctrine on Metempsychosis.

Book Three (Moral Laws) contains what Kardec regarded as the kernel of his doctrine, the special and fair (in his view) moral laws that provided explanations and consoled people in moments of anger or grief. Such laws were actually the following:
Divine Law
The Law of Adoration
The Law of Labour
The Law of Reproduction
The Law of Preservation
The Law of Destruction
Social Law
The Law of Progress
The Law of Equality
The Law of Liberty
The Law of Justice, Love and Charity
Moral Perfection

Book Four (Hopes and Consolations) is about the most common doubts people have about religion in general and tries to solve the most sensitive ones under new light.
Chapter 1 (Earthly Joys and Sorrows) is about the meaning of the experiences we have on Earth, both good and bad.

Chapter 2 (Future Joys and Sorrows) is about the laws governing the future lives we are bound to live after we die.

Another good one is this:
It is intended to be actual handbook for would-be mediums, containing doctrine and practices that one must master in order to become a medium, an elementary course on theories and basic methods to assess the new light that had never been tried by rational inquiry before: the interaction of the physical and spiritual worlds.

The Book on Mediums set the bases and the terminology that guided Parapsychology and Paranormality for quite sometime. In its pages one will find a classification of paranormal phenomena, with a special focus on those capable of communicating messages, and thorough descriptions of the mechanisms that — according to Spiritism — were involved. It also contains serious warnings against unguided use of the gift of mediumship, especially without the necessary seriousness.

The book's signature is its focus on theory instead of practice: not a single line of ritual is given (Spiritists believe all rituals are superfluous), unless one consider recommendations for prayer (without giving formulae) as "ritual". In its first part, there is an overall introduction to the fundamental points of Spiritism. The following topics are examined within the book:

First Part (Preliminary Topics)
This part appears to contain a defense of Spiritism on empiric and logical grounds.

Are there spirits?

The difference between the extraordinary and the supernatural (with the apt conclusion that most things seen as supernatural are only extraordinary but natural phenomena).

How to reason against those who, for several types of reasons, will not believe Spiritism.

Exposition of the fallacies of most explanations of Spiritism.

Cautionary exposition of some views of Spiritism that bordered on
fanaticism, Obscurantism, polytheism or charlatanism.

This last aspect shows that ever since the beginnings of Spiritism there were "deviant" groups with a different interpretation, some of which tried to identify themselves with the term Spiritism, which Kardec claimed to be an original term created by him to avoid such confusion.

Second Part (Manifestations of Spirits)
This part first describes and categorises the kinds of phenomena that are related to spirits, like:

Production or modification of matter


Incorporation of spirits

Haunted houses





Telekinesis, which Kardec knew as Poltergeist

Then it goes into explaining how to deal with the intelligent manifestations ("communications"). It is noteworthy that very little is "taught" on how to produce the spiritist phenomena, as in Kardec's view these were natural and spontaneous. Kardec regards as more important the correct understanding and the tight control of conditions during and after the phenomeon took place. He thought it was wiser that the would-be medium knew what to expect and how to behave before he was given any instructions on how to engage on evocation. There were, apparently, some cases of mania or personality disorder related to prolonged infatuation with Spiritism, which he was careful to advise how to avoid.

Among the main advice we find:
Do not believe the spirit to be who he purports to be unless there is evidence supporting his claim, but even then, wait till others confirm what one has said.
Do not judge the spirits by their purported names, but by the quality of the morals and the philosophy found in their communications.
Do not let yourself too entertained with the evocation or incorporation of spirits enough to disregard what is more important, like living your own life and helping your neighbour.
Do not live by the spirits' advice: the communications from the spirits are to be studied and revered — but they should not be taken as the word-by-word expression of the ultimate truth.
Do not judge the quality of the communication by the culture or the social status of the medium by which it was brought.
In the final chapters Kardec present the rules and the statutes of the Spiritist Society he had helped found in Paris, which he hoped could be useful as models to other societies worldwide.

You kind of have see the moral tone of the book in it's time, that's all.

Overall they are excellent books and I loved reading them.
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Careful on the pea soup here. Let's just hope nobody would ever call your artistic expressions by those names, lol. I have never ever heard Michael Jackson call someone else's art garbage or excrement. I only recall him objecting to Eminem ridiculing him, he never lowered himself onto that level. Check the Rivera Interview right before the trial. He has some interesting things to say about why he would never diss fellow artists. I don't think that humility on his part was fake. Even Michael Bearden mentioned it.
I don't like everything either, not even on this board. The fact that I don't like something doesn't make it garbage though.
The man appreciated everything given to him, even when "nobody was watching". He actually enjoyed his fans creations, it was an exchange. Love truly was his message.


Michael Jackson was an artist himself and for him it was OK to be delicate. For me as a person who just enjoy art is a different story. If I do not enjoy it and I do not like it I would never pay one single penny for CD and such. I just simply choose what fits me and what does not. I will walk by trough tons pictures ppl call "modern art" and statues in art galleries just because they look low taste to me. The same about the music. I do not want to feed myself with low taste art.

Fans "doing" does not fit an "art category" as I see it. Some actually are good, some works are just average. Everybody has own little thing. Ppl are just expressing their feelings trough Michael's ART which is OK.

Michael once said: Good art never dies. Very true. He knew the obvious difference between low taste stuff and good art.
I do not consider my own artistic "talents" good enough to show them on public.
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Asedora, Zenab agreed to your post saying people could go to the right threads on this forum. I responded to Zenab that I DON'T think all people who believe Michael is murdered should do that, because I also didn't agree to your post that we ALL should fight for justice, because I personally can't and I have told my reasons for that before. But that is perfectly fine, we all have different opinions in life and if there's any group of people who would respect and understand that, it's us here in this thread right? :)

There was no need for you to say anything about age and life experience though, that was really uncalled for and I personally feel a bit 'attacked' for that now as well since I'm only 20 so I obviously got nothing to say here either in your view? I really hope that's not what you meant and that it's just a highly emotional time for you, also considering the misunderstanding going on.

So, there was no need for BOTH to start an argument, and obviously Zenab could've written a reply more thoughtfull or something.

Just wanted to get that out and not start anything new here. This thread is 100 times deeper than most of the threads going on here so if anyone would know how to keep things loving and understand each other without attacking, it's us right? Let's keep it that way. We're going strong! :huggy: