Memorial shaping up to be hot mess?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Is it. Just me or has this thing got disaster written all over it?
There is just something about it. They have underestimated what is gonna happen on tues. People won't stay home.
Judging from this below, it is VERY possible!

Jackson ticket site gets half billion hits: official
36 minutes ago
LOS ANGELES (AFP) — The website set up to process applications for tickets to Michael Jackson's memorial service received more than half a billion hits in less than two hours, officials said Friday.
A statement released by representatives for the Jackson family said an additional server had been added to the website -- -- to cope with the volume of traffic.
"As of 11:30 this morning, has received over 500,000,000 hits," the statement said.
The website crashed within minutes of officials announcing plans to hold an online lottery for 17,500 free tickets to watch Tuesday's service at the Staples Center and a neighboring venue in downtown Los Angeles.
Jackson, 50, died on June 25 after suffering an apparent cardiac arrest, sparking a worldwide outpouring of tributes.
They laid it all out very clear
so there will be no misunderstandings or disasters

Its up to the fans if they themselves want to make
that day disasterous or not.

ALl eyes will be on the fans and their actions on this day
lets hope we are all good ambassadors for Michael and
dont cause any harm or disasters .. Let Michael have a

Fit for a KING
oh god I think that very very many fans will come that day..even tough they said that only 11 000 people can come in that center
dont they have any large open spaces in L.A where they could have had it?i guess AEG offered it for free
There is just something about it. They have underestimated what is gonna happen on tues. People won't stay home.

I think the same thing. What they're doing just sounds too limiting for something like this. I wish they would've been able to do it like Princess Diana's.
I think the same thing. What they're doing just sounds too limiting for something like this. I wish they would've been able to do it like Princess Diana's.

oh god no. I already know of at least 2 groups that are or were planning to protest any public memorial for MJ.
Sadly Los Angelous is not able to hold the world
it will surly be disterous if all the fans decend on LA
as much as we all want to be near him :(

I cant not go to LA
and I glad Ill be able to watch it live on TV
my heart and spirit will be there - I will be there
in spirit just as Michael is there and with me in
spirit _ he is closer now more than ever

Can you feel it !!!!!!

I have a feeling LA is going to be overwhelmed
and the world will see the magnitude of this MAN"S
life and legacy and how many truly honrered his
great works through his music and art

I will refer to this event as beautful disaster :wub:
one that will go down in history .. and wake up
the world to take notice of Michael Jackson and
his message ..
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oh god no. I already know of at least 2 groups that are or were planning to protest any public memorial for MJ.
Those groups are just looking for attention. They better not come. People are already upset and who know what will happen.
There is just something about it. They have underestimated what is gonna happen on tues. People won't stay home.

Yes they should anticipate a larger crowd but they said clearly they cannot handle it financially, I think the whole thing is not very organized but they must rush into it because they need to lay him to rest ASAP. Perhaps later there will be other events to honor him.
oh god no. I already know of at least 2 groups that are or were planning to protest any public memorial for MJ.

will be allowed in or around the Staples arena
for saftey reasons _It will be all cordoned off for blocks

how we as fans can protest the protesters
Gather round them in a large circle BLAST MJS MUSIC .. Dance
and sing we are the world, man in the mirror and Heal the world.

show them the true meaning of Love
and dont follow in there footsteps or imitate their messages of hate

JUst Beat It JUst BEAT it !!!!!
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I think Rickd is absolutely correct. I imagine that the numbers of people who will be in the streets, etc. has been grossly underestimated. This could tie up the entire city of LA in various ways! Fans are going to represent, one way or another, one area or another. (Staples is just too small. Any stadium would be too small, actually.)
I think Rickd is absolutely correct. I imagine that the numbers of people who will be in the streets, etc. has been grossly underestimated. This could tie up the entire city of LA in various ways! Fans are going to represent, one way or another, one area or another. (Staples is just too small. Any stadium would be too small, actually.)

This is exactly what I was thinking...

also, I am a bit worried about Fan's health during the furneral.( you know like fainting and breathing troubles), these things are typical at the average furneral and we all know this ain't gonna be average. it's our Michael!

Just being a mother hen and worried about Fan's health and whether or not ambulances would be able to get in, in time to help if need be, that's all.

Anyone elese been thinkin along these lines?
This is shaping up to be a disaster imo. They really do need to anticipate for a larger crowd.
Fans are not staying home even if they cant go inside, i hope they are prepare.
I hope this doesn’t turn into a circus though, but it should be suitable for him for a KING.
no place would be able to accomadate all of michael's fans. This will be a disaster if ppl come when they don't have a ticket. Ppl have to listen on this one. No town or one building can hold all the fans. Its not possible. I hope ppl won't cause trouble. If even there was more time to plan this. Michael just have way to many fans and for safety reason this is the best way to go.

If those protester know whats good for them they WILL NOT show up. Or they just might get a killing. fa real. And what are they protesting exactly ...michael's gone now. so what are they against. PPL are so stupid. I CAN'T stand stupidity. UGH
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Well there is chaos for sure coz a lot of media and fans who don't have tickets are gonna come anyway even if they said at the press conference to not come if you don't have a ticket.

I think the last thing we can use now is chaos. I was hoping they would do this peacefully but that ain't gonna happen for sure.:no: And i allready see a lot of tickets on ebay coming. I think it's good that they are gonna show it on TV. I prefer watching this in the comfort of my own home with tissues close and the like and with people who understand how i feel. Without all the madness,chaos and media.
My goodness half a billion hits!!!??? Wow all these people trying to get into this memorial? It is gonna be a hot mess because I don't think LA is ready for the kind of melee that is about to happen. Come on now this is the greatest entertainer that lived and he had millions of fans and of course all these fans want to pay respect and then some of these people might be idiots who are haters or protesting this thing. It is gonna be a mess with all these people mixed in (fans and haters) coming for one reason:Michael Jackson. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be ugly or anything because this is about remembering Michael and what he stood for. God I just hope and pray these people in LA are gonna be ready for this crowd that we probably will never witness ever again.
Elusive I don't know la that well but I'm sure the old Olympic stadium is near staples?? It's just tooo small and the streets are going to be packed with hundreds of thousands. This is a mistake when it should be an amazing day for michael
If they can accommodate 70,000 people when Elvis died and 250,000 people when Princess Diana died, why not Michael Jackson? Why restrict it to 20,000 when there is an expected crowd of more than both Princess Diana's and Elvis's funeral combined?

To me, restricting is just going to create more of a circus. Have enough space and the circus and madness is reduced.
call me synical but i doubt certain ppl want the streets covered by 100's of k of ppl. then it would show how much mj is loved. did they tell all the fans to feck off when elvis died
I thought it was gonna be at Dodger Stadium or something.