Members who joined after MJ passed. My story

OMG, I can't believe how similar are our stories! I'm only 19 and here in Greece in my time Michael wasn't as popular as in other countries...To be honest I first heart about him in the trial and as for his songs I knew some but I didn't know that he was the one singing them ...And of course I didn't know anything about his personality except from what I heard from the tv!

My friends tell me exactly the same things: why did I become a fan now and tha answer that I give them is the same that you give! I've done my research and actually I'm really suprised that I didn't know him before because most of his songs are exactly the kind of music that I like to hear! As for him as a person, I truly believe that he is one of the greatest people that have ever lived! And for me that is really important because I believe that to admire someone's music you also have to admire them as people!

I got a little carried away but...well, this is my story!:)

It's kinda eerie to me but I was working and someone had a song on, I believe it was the song I'll Be There and someone said it was Michael Jackson singing as a child and I was amazed! I was thinking, I LOVE this song! I have I just never knew who sang it. Than it was just that day I believe or a few days later I believe that the news came about his passing.
I've always liked his music, but I never knew he sang the songs. I have songs like that, that I like but I never know the artists. Before I would listen to church music and maybe some band music and some songs from the 90's but I never listened to anything else. Now all I can listen to is his music and can't believe I missed out on so much.
I remember another day at work when someone had the song "Birthday Sex" on and I was just getting tired of it because it just kept playing and they finally told me I could listen to music on the computer in the other room and if I would have been a fan I would have been blasting his music, but instead I put on church music :lol: but I had a lot of people ask me why I was listening to it and than they actually sat down to talk about how bad they felt for not going to church and .... well that's a whole different story:laugh:
I joined in June but I have been a fan since I was 5 years old. I was following the forum, but I was quite scared and hesitant to joining, I don't know why.
Without this forum I think I would have gone crazy, its been a huge support for me. My friends and family don't understand me at all, but I can come on this forum and talk to you guys who understands, I'm glad that I joined. I am a bit scared that some might think of me as a "new fan" who doesn't understand anything, so I'm a bit hesitant about posting on the important threads.
I joined in June but I have been a fan since I was 5 years old. I was following the forum, but I was quite scared and hesitant to joining, I don't know why.
Without this forum I think I would have gone crazy, its been a huge support for me. My friends and family don't understand me at all, but I can come on this forum and talk to you guys who understands, I'm glad that I joined. I am a bit scared that some might think of me as a "new fan" who doesn't understand anything, so I'm a bit hesitant about posting on the important threads.

Don't be hesitant.
We're all fans here, no ones better than the other. :huggy:
I have to admit I like very much, the premise of this thread. Because a few months back, July I saw how high tensions really were and my god the temperature with some people completely knackered the thermometer when someone admitted to being a new member and how they believed in "CERTAIN" media allegations and then wasnt a fan and then became fan and wanted redemption.

Even now I remember that one persons remarks were HEAVILY edited.

I am just glad that in this thread its nice that people are appreciated and not treated badly.

And I would like to thank you all for telling your stories :D
I have to admit I like very much, the premise of this thread. Because a few months back, July I saw how high tensions really were and my god the temperature with some people completely knackered the thermometer when someone admitted to being a new member and how they believed in "CERTAIN" media allegations and then wasnt a fan and then became fan and wanted redemption.

Even now I remember that one persons remarks were HEAVILY edited.

I am just glad that in this thread its nice that people are appreciated and not treated badly.

And I would like to thank you all for telling your stories :D

I do too. I remember one of the first posts I ever made some of the newer fans were being blamed and people were saying we weren't fans at all and to never think we could call ourselves fans. I didn't post for a while after that.
Yeah, and I feel that some people are condescending unintentionally. They say things like (when discussing the "body double" issue) "Oh, I could see how maybe a new fan could think it wasn't him, but we know better." Please, homie - I could spot an impersonator while blinking, LoL. Or things like "The new fans don't remember what it was like at such and such a time. So, they can't understand." I may not "remember", but I definitely am aware of what's happened, what the atmosphere has been like through the years, what interviews/articles/pictures/quotes were published, who his entourage has been, they're background, his legal counsel and various problems, certain rumors, his family's history, etc, etc, etc, and everything else that's gone on through the years. I've dedicated the last four months to learning and experiencing every single piece of Michael Jackson that has ever existed, LoL. So, it just gets to me when I'm written off like that. I know they don't mean it maliciously, but it's still insulting. Maybe that's just me and a complex I need to get over. =P LoL. Love to you all.
Yeah, and I feel that some people are condescending unintentionally. They say things like (when discussing the "body double" issue) "Oh, I could see how maybe a new fan could think it wasn't him, but we know better." Please, homie - I could spot an impersonator while blinking, LoL. Or things like "The new fans don't remember what it was like at such and such a time. So, they can't understand." I may not "remember", but I definitely am aware of what's happened, what the atmosphere has been like through the years, what interviews/articles/pictures/quotes were published, who his entourage has been, they're background, his legal counsel and various problems, certain rumors, his family's history, etc, etc, etc, and everything else that's gone on through the years. I've dedicated the last four months to learning and experiencing every single piece of Michael Jackson that has ever existed, LoL. So, it just gets to me when I'm written off like that. I know they don't mean it maliciously, but it's still insulting. Maybe that's just me and a complex I need to get over. =P LoL. Love to you all.
Well said BJ09! I was a fan since September 2008. That is a very weird time to be a fan. There was no hype of MJ at that time but I was so bored one day I started typing 'Moonwalk' on YouTube and well from there till now daily I see and hear MJ at least 3 times each day. ;) I have learnt a lot from him. I heard this girl telling her friend that "sigh he dances and sings so well if only he didn't bleach his skin." I was like WTF where did you get that crap? -_____________- So, I started my story to say its a disease and stuff and influencing many around me to be MJ fans now there's a lot around me. ^_^
I became a FAN after his death. I was a casual fan before that -- my mom has Thriller on an LP, and I wanted my own copy, so about 3-4 years ago I got my own on CD, and she likes some of the Jackson 5 stuff and Michael's really early solo stuff. So, in a way, she introduced me to him. I liked some stuff from Bad as well, but I only knew Bad, TWYMMF, and Smooth Criminal. And, of course, TGIM and Say Say Say (I've been a Beatles fan since I was 9). I knew about his marriages and his children. I knew about all the allegations and stuff -- I was 14 during the 2005 trials. We're big watchers of Fox News at my house, so we had it on when the verdicts were announced. I'll never forget listening to those "Not guilty" verdicts. :)
I kick myself for not getting into more of Michael's music earlier. I feel like I've been a fan all my life, even though it's only been 4 months. In that span of time, I've gotten every single album that he released during his adult career, and while alive (except for Thriller 25, the compilations except Number Ones, and The Ultimate Collection), Moonwalk, and 3 DVDs. I hope my collection keeps growing.

(I admit, I'm not very accepting of new Beatles fans, but they only are so-called "fans" because of Rock Band and Across the Universe, and when you say, "Oh, the Across the Universe version is SO much better than the Beatles version!" you are not a true fan in my book. And it's "goo-goo ga-joob," not "coo-coo-catchoo." I could go on...:rolleyes:)

I feel like I've been a fan all my life!!! Thank you all for being so accepting to us "new" fans!! :hug: :heart:
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(I admit, I'm not very accepting of new Beatles fans, but they only are so-called "fans" because of Rock Band and Across the Universe, and when you say, "Oh, the Across the Universe version is SO much better than the Beatles version!" you are not a true fan in my book. And it's "goo-goo ga-joob," not "coo-coo-catchoo." I could go on...:rolleyes:)

LoLoLoL. =P I totally understand that one. The h.s. girls with the tote bags from Virgin, LoL... Yeah, It's been "hip" to "like" The Beatles (as a brand, not a band) for quite a while now. See, my roommate only has Abbey Road and plays it over and over (I'm working on him... I hooked his ipod up to my computer and gave him my collection and I made him borrow my huge ass Anthology book, LoL.) But at least he doesn't pretend he knows more than he does or anything, he knows his knowledge is limited and has graciously accepted my help in the matter. =D

I can see how older fans might feel that way about me, but if they listened to me for 5 minutes they'd know that I'm not one of those people. =P
Thanks for all your replies.............

I loved MJ's music and dance from when I was 15/16 years old back in 1983.............but it is since he passed that I have made it my business to get to know the man behind the genius. Words cannot begin to describe just how much I love him, and hoping to understand him more every day..............
I feel now that I am beginning to catch a glimpse of his heart..........tender strong one will ever be like him ever so proud to have lived in his my siggy says......and mean every word of it.
stab of pain.........missin him again like day one..............this is it? NO this isnt it.......
He will go on forever and ever.............. sounds cheesy..but true...........forever in our hearts...........

one last thing......his his poem on this is it............his voice...........I just melt......