Members who joined after MJ passed. My story


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sussex England
I am a little concerned that the so called 'new members' who joined after Michael passed away are seen as by some as those who 'dont know' Michael.

Yes it's true I dont know Michael. I only know what I have learnt, seen and heard both from Michael himself in vids/ interviews etc.............his song his dance, his book 'dancing the dream'.......

I have loved his music and dance since ''thriller'' came out when I was just 15 years old.

It's only since he passed that I have joined a fan site, and made it my business to learn ALL I CAN about Michael..............
This site has been like a refuge for me and also a learning zone...........

No one knows that I prayed for MJ when he went through his trials......and how my heart aches for him..................but I am fairly new here...........dont have a high rating..............but I come here to express my love and admiration of Michael.........and LEARN more.............

All I humbly know is...I love him so so so much.
New members should be welcomed with open arms.............the first will be last and the last will be first?

Surely anyone who loves MJ should be welcomed and not judged.......we are all in this together..............

Loving and missing MJ TOGETHER.

thanks and soz- needed to say this. xxx:doh:
I had actually been one of the fans that didn't become a fan until after his passing. At first I felt afraid to post anything believing I would be unwanted but I soon found out that some may not like the new fans as much but others are just glad that we found out the truth. I get upset sometimes that I didn't love him before but I can't change that. I love him now and that's what matters.
I had actually been one of the fans that didn't become a fan until after his passing. At first I felt afraid to post anything believing I would be unwanted but I soon found out that some may not like the new fans as much but others are just glad that we found out the truth. I get upset sometimes that I didn't love him before but I can't change that. I love him now and that's what matters.

:hug: thank you
I had actually been one of the fans that didn't become a fan until after his passing. At first I felt afraid to post anything believing I would be unwanted but I soon found out that some may not like the new fans as much but others are just glad that we found out the truth. I get upset sometimes that I didn't love him before but I can't change that. I love him now and that's what matters.

awww bless you. :) me too.

I always loved his music but it's only after he passed that I made it my lifes goal to get to know Michael. I also feel bad as wish I had gotten more plugged in when he was still here on earth with us.........:(

We are here now.......... missing, learning and loving more- the more we learn.............. didnt think I could love him more than I did.............but now learning about him makes me love and miss him more than I thought possible.............:(

Michael. OMG such an amazing man on all levels...............doo doo omg miss him so so much. :(
aaww...I have been a Michael fan for more than 30 years...I love all Michael fans new and old...More love for Michael....he loved that we loved him...
I remember when I first got to this forum I read about how the fans viewed him and I viewed I don't know how many videos of him , music videos, and just videos of him. I was amazed at what a wonderful human being he was. I was horrified at the stupid Bashir Documentary and how the media portrayed him.
Now that I've become a fan a specific friend of mine is also slowly but surely becoming a fan. She still will say he bleached his skin and that he had too many plastic surgeries but I have made it to where she won't say anything about him being a you know what. She won't admit he wasn't but she won't say he was. She will say that no ones knows for sure.
:D I actually got a call from her today asking if I had any videos of Michael in concert for us to watch together. I remind her of him every day I'm with her because I always talk about him and I'm always carrying around my MJ bag(s):D
I joined in July 2009, but I've been a fan since 1994.
I joined because I needed to talk with people who undersands how I feel and, for having spent a little time in forum more than 10 years ago (MJIFC), I knew it was the right place to come.

I understand (but not share) the 'anger' or frustration that long time fans have towards 'new' fans, but we have to know that it's not because they've just became fan that, in their past, they bashed Michael. Maybe they just didn't pay attention to him. Maybe they just didn't care who he was. I think the important thing is that now, they learn, they get it right and they spread the message if they want or just keep their love for him for them, cause it's ok too.

New fans can grieve and they can have difficulties doing it, and we, long time fans, have to be there for them as well and they can be there for us. It's never too late to realize how special and wonderful Michael Jackson is.

When I became a fan in 1994, I didn't know he's been accused of those terrible things, I didn't know much of his music, I knew none of the lyrics of his songs, I think actually didn't know any title of his songs. I didn't even know he was black! .... All I could recall of Michael Jackson was that 'he wore gold underwears outside his pants instead of in them'' lol. I've learned a lot since 1994, believe me ;)

So I will never judge new fans, and I'll forgive them for what they could have said in the past due to ignorance. I welcome them and I hope to be welcomed not as a new fan but as a new member of this forum too. It should not be about anger, it should all be about L.O.V.E.

Great post by the way.
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Omigosh I'm happy to read this. I'm with ya'. I am on the boards 24/7. And I do mean like 24/7... My posts don't reflect that because I'm *still* hesitant everytime I go to say anything. I only mentioned, like twice, that I was new because I was afraid people would think I just don't "get it" or that they know more than I do. But I think they would be surprised at how much you can learn in a few months - it's INSANE - especially when you're unemployed =P I'm quite certain that I know a lot more than a lot of people who've been on here for years. So, length of fanhood/number of posts has no bearing on one's ability to fully understand and completely love Michael. I HATE that I wasn't here throughout the last ten years and I HATE that I will never get the chance to express my love to him as I'd like and I HATE my timing. I feel what I'm dealing with is sometimes worse because of that. I'm juggling the pain and the guilt. It's like as I'm falling deeper and deeper in love with him, conversely, I'm feeling the loss more and more. This isn't getting easier for me... I understand the people on here not feeling friendly towards those that bashed him and then turned around on 6/25, because it was the cool thing to do - or because they felt guilty. But I was never one of those people. I never had anything against him...I just didn't know him. I grew up with such an alternative lifestyle that I just wasn't exposed to him. I didn't watch t.v. or hang out with people who paid attention to mainstream culture. I don't want to be looked at like "It took his death for you to realize how wonderful he was" because that's not the case. It took his death for me to be exposed to *him* period. He was present all over the world in that moment, in a way he hadn't been in the last ten years. If someone had brought him to my attention in 2006, I'd have been all over him like I am now, but sadly that didn't happen. I feel guilty enough without having guilt put on me by others. I'm so glad you guys get that. I'm here for you.
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:hug: thank you

your welcome:huggy:

To some, the new fans will "never" know the true Michael Jackson. I understand why some are so upset with new fans since we weren't there for Michael during his hard times and how some, not me, but how some of the new fans were ones who actually criticized him during those hard times. I still sometimes get so upset to know that I didn't realize what a wonderful human being he was until his passing. I start to think that I'm not a true fan and that he's angry at me for not loving him than, but than I stop thinking that because I know he wouldn't be angry at me or of us and that I know I'm not a long time fan but I'm a true fan. I love him, I don't let people around me criticize him and wherever I go I always make sure I'm representing him somehow either it be by a t-shirt, reading a magazine of him in public, or simply just tugging along one of my MJ bags.
To any of you who may think that you aren't welcome here because your a new fan, well just stop thinking that! We are all Michael Jackson fans! We all love him and support him! Michael wouldn't care if you were a fan for only a month or for 40+ years. He loves his fans, yes loves, just because he's in Heaven now doesn't mean he doesn't still love his fans with all his heart. I believe it's better to love him now than to not have loved him at all.
To those fans who don't like the new fans because you believe that we don't know anything or that we don't feel pain because of what he went through well all I can say is , would Michael want you to feel that way? Would Michael want you to treat his newer fans like this? No! He brought us all together and he wants us to keep his memory alive by staying together and celebrating his legacy not just as a performer but as a human being together!
aaww...I have been a Michael fan for more than 30 years...I love all Michael fans new and old...More love for Michael....he loved that we loved him...

Same here. I have been a fan since the 1970's!! And I did not join a forum until after he died, but I was a fan all the same and for a long time.

I just never really felt the need to belong to a MJ forum before, but that does not make me any less of a fan because of that. We all need to come together at this time. It's a heard time for all.

All MJ's fans should be embraced here.

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your welcome:huggy:

To some, the new fans will "never" know the true Michael Jackson. I understand why some are so upset with new fans since we weren't there for Michael during his hard times and how some, not me, but how some of the new fans were ones who actually criticized him during those hard times. I still sometimes get so upset to know that I didn't realize what a wonderful human being he was until his passing. I start to think that I'm not a true fan and that he's angry at me for not loving him than, but than I stop thinking that because I know he wouldn't be angry at me or of us and that I know I'm not a long time fan but I'm a true fan. I love him, I don't let people around me criticize him and wherever I go I always make sure I'm representing him somehow either it be by a t-shirt, reading a magazine of him in public, or simply just tugging along one of my MJ bags.
To any of you who may think that you aren't welcome here because your a new fan, well just stop thinking that! We are all Michael Jackson fans! We all love him and support him! Michael wouldn't care if you were a fan for only a month or for 40+ years. He loves his fans, yes loves, just because he's in Heaven now doesn't mean he doesn't still love his fans with all his heart. I believe it's better to love him now than to not have loved him at all.
To those fans who don't like the new fans because you believe that we don't know anything or that we don't feel pain because of what he went through well all I can say is , would Michael want you to feel that way? Would Michael want you to treat his newer fans like this? No! He brought us all together and he wants us to keep his memory alive by staying together and celebrating his legacy not just as a performer but as a human being together!

I welcome you here! HUGS!!
Sooner or later there always come some idiot(s) who want to say some stupid things to new members/fans - we see this most often in threads where a newer fan is asking a question that a "long time fan" should know.

I've said this at least 10 times now while defending new fans on the board, and I'll say it again.
There no need to "belittle" any new fans because we all were once new fans, and it isn't important when you became a fan, just that you stay as a fan.
We who have been long time fans have to carry the torch to new fans - it's our job.
I already feel bad for you guys that you missed so much while he still was alive, there really is no reason to go all "oh you should know this".

I hope you guys feel welcome on the board, and I know that there are a lot of long time fans that not necessarily were members on this board before he passed away.
I mean, I just registered here last year and I've been a fan for 18 years, even though I'm a refugee from another board :D

It's all about passing the torch to generation after generation!
Sooner or later there always come some idiot(s) who want to say some stupid things to new members/fans - we see this most often in threads where a newer fan is asking a question that a "long time fan" should know.

I've said this at least 10 times now while defending new fans on the board, and I'll say it again.
There no need to "belittle" any new fans because we all were once new fans, and it isn't important when you became a fan, just that you stay as a fan.
We who have been long time fans have to carry the torch to new fans - it's our job.
I already feel bad for you guys that you missed so much while he still was alive, there really is no reason to go all "oh you should know this".

I hope you guys feel welcome on the board, and I know that there are a lot of long time fans that not necessarily were members on this board before he passed away.
I mean, I just registered here last year and I've been a fan for 18 years, even though I'm a refugee from another board :D

It's all about passing the torch to generation after generation!

wonderful post!
Thank you:D :huggy:
I do feel very welcome here! This is like my second home!:D

I just feel for the fans who don't feel like they are welcome. I know how scared I was at first where I would get really nervous about posting something. I just want everyone to know they are welcome.

You are most welcome!!
this is a good thread. thank you.
my guilt........
i'm only 5 years younger than MJ so at the age of 5 was when i was becoming aware of music, Mike was just starting out and also very young himself so naturally i was attracted to a fellow kid. i loved him and the J5 through all my early years and early teens but then i lost him along the way somewhere. marriage, kids and work (crappy divorce)all took over. i still loved his music and sort of knew what was happening with his life though only through the media. during the trials i defended him, to the best of my ability (only having media coverage and no computer) but i never ever for one second believed any of the accusations.
i did get to see him in 1988 at Wembly Stadium... happy memories.
then 2009...... concerts announced , OMG i had to go but to my horror due to some financial issues then i just couldn't justify spending so much money (more guilt)
i know MJ announced this was to be his last but i thought... next time, next time i will go.
when he left us my sense of loss was and still is huge my guilt is still with me too.
i found MJJC in July just like alot of us and am thankful everyday that i did, it has helped me cope with the loss and the guilt. i am surprised at the amount of young fans on here and think its wonderful that there is a new generation to carry MJ's legacy , my daughter is 10 and can't get enough of him.
young, middle aged or older we are all here for the same reason for the same man that we all love... We Are A Family. :give_rose:

(sorry if i seem rushed but i have to go to work in like 5 mins......eeeekk )
Welcome to MJJC, you lot. :flowers:

She still will say he bleached his skin and that he had too many plastic surgeries but I have made it to where she won't say anything about him being a you know what. She won't admit he wasn't but she won't say he was. She will say that no ones knows for sure.

In that case, shove her in the direction of this

and this

but if she's too poor/lazy to read them then there are plenty of youtube videos that explain the accusations and the truth behind them. But the Conspiracy book especially is better in laying out all the facts and key testimony in an unbiased way that no one can really argue with, unless they're not paying attention or they're one of the people who for whatever reason actually want to believe these things happened. In which case they're a lost cause and I would probably stick to only discussing his music with her. :lol: I also have links to a few online articles on vitiligo and the Chandler case if you need help in getting her to see the light, lol.
I am a little concerned that the so called 'new members' who joined after Michael passed away are seen as by some as those who 'dont know' Michael.

Yes it's true I dont know Michael. I only know what I have learnt, seen and heard both from Michael himself in vids/ interviews etc.............his song his dance, his book 'dancing the dream'.......

I have loved his music and dance since ''thriller'' came out when I was just 15 years old.

It's only since he passed that I have joined a fan site, and made it my business to learn ALL I CAN about Michael..............
This site has been like a refuge for me and also a learning zone...........

No one knows that I prayed for MJ when he went through his trials......and how my heart aches for him..................but I am fairly new here...........dont have a high rating..............but I come here to express my love and admiration of Michael.........and LEARN more.............

All I humbly know is...I love him so so so much.
New members should be welcomed with open arms.............the first will be last and the last will be first?

Surely anyone who loves MJ should be welcomed and not judged.......we are all in this together..............

Loving and missing MJ TOGETHER.

thanks and soz- needed to say this. xxx:doh:

I went through this concern too, and I learned from the members who have been here before MJ passed that they're not disgusted toward people like us who either came to like MJ after his passing or who liked him before he passed and wanted to join a forum to talk about our sadness. We all seemed to have liked MJ before his passing, but I have gotten posts that even if MJ's death effected one by making them a fan, then that isn't bad.
What the members who have been here longer don't like are people who badmouthed MJ, bashed him, believed he was a pedophile, then MJ passed and all of a sudden they're on here saying they're sad about his death. That's what they are disgusted with. So if you didn't do any of the things I mentioned, then I know they welcome you, just as they did me.
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Welcome to MJJC, you lot. :flowers:

In that case, shove her in the direction of this

and this

but if she's too poor/lazy to read them then there are plenty of youtube videos that explain the accusations and the truth behind them. But the Conspiracy book especially is better in laying out all the facts and key testimony in an unbiased way that no one can really argue with, unless they're not paying attention or they're one of the people who for whatever reason actually want to believe these things happened. In which case they're a lost cause and I would probably stick to only discussing his music with her. :lol: I also have links to a few online articles on vitiligo and the Chandler case if you need help in getting her to see the light, lol.

She doesn't have a computer. I even told her about pictures where there's obvious signs of his vitiligo and she just tells me that in this day and age they can add anything to a photo.
Like I said though, I'm talking her through all the media crap that has gone around. She has told me several times that she lived through the 80's and she heard all the media coverages and she grew up with these stories about him. She said I just became a fan so I don't know anything, but I told her I did my research and know that he wasn't what the media says he was. I have made it to where she won't call him a you know what and to where she actually wants to watch concerts of him even after she complained that she had to watch the 2 hour DVD with all his music videos.
She let me have her listen to some of MJ's songs on my mp3 player and I had her listen to Childhood, You Are My Life, and some others and she was shocked and said she never heard him sing like that before.
We have talked about his childhood and why he loved children so much and why he was the way he was. I'm getting her closer to knowing Michael and not this you know what that the media comes out with. :)
I am a little concerned that the so called 'new members' who joined after Michael passed away are seen as by some as those who 'dont know' Michael.

Yes it's true I dont know Michael. I only know what I have learnt, seen and heard both from Michael himself in vids/ interviews etc.............his song his dance, his book 'dancing the dream'.......

I have loved his music and dance since ''thriller'' came out when I was just 15 years old.

It's only since he passed that I have joined a fan site, and made it my business to learn ALL I CAN about Michael..............
This site has been like a refuge for me and also a learning zone...........

No one knows that I prayed for MJ when he went through his trials......and how my heart aches for him..................but I am fairly new here...........dont have a high rating..............but I come here to express my love and admiration of Michael.........and LEARN more.............

All I humbly know is...I love him so so so much.
New members should be welcomed with open arms.............the first will be last and the last will be first?

Surely anyone who loves MJ should be welcomed and not judged.......we are all in this together..............

Loving and missing MJ TOGETHER.

thanks and soz- needed to say this. xxx:doh:
hii:waving: welcome to the family:happy: :hug:
i agree with my dear friend oldmoon20, very much ., its pretty much a unity here .
one big family :yes:
hope you feel the love :D

:huggy: to all and everyone,~ new and old .:heart:
Aw, nobody should feel guilty for being one of the newer fans, you're a fan and that's all that matters. :) I've been a fan since I was about six years old, but like others in this thread, felt I needed to be with other fans after Michael passed away. I have to admit, I was worried when I first joined here, that people would disregard me for joining after Michael passed, and I was so worried that they maybe thought I wasn't a real fan. I was so wrong though, everyone here has been so welcoming. So, it doesn't matter if you're an old fan, like me, or a new fan, join dates don't matter, if you're a fan, then that's all that matters. :)
I had actually been one of the fans that didn't become a fan until after his passing. At first I felt afraid to post anything believing I would be unwanted but I soon found out that some may not like the new fans as much but others are just glad that we found out the truth. I get upset sometimes that I didn't love him before but I can't change that. I love him now and that's what matters.

:yes:I couldn't agree more with you! At first I was very afraid to write here anything and mad at myself that I wasn't a fan before...Michael went through too much and I feel very sorry that I wasn't there for him then...But in time I realised (as you said) that I can't change the past and the only thing that I can do is love him now as much as I can...Most of my friends can't understand why I love him so much but for me is very simple because he is a wonderful person! The good thing is that they accept that he is a great entertainer and they don't critisize him or believe the stuff from tabloids...But here I found what I needed, more people who felt the same way I do for Michael and all the members that I have talked were very welcoming! I strongly believe that it doesn't matter how long someone has been a fan but how much they love Michael...
I forgot to put it in my other post, but I have so much love for everyone here. I can't really describe it, but I feel so at home here. It's so great to have somewhere where you are able to be yourself, and everyone else understands, so thank you. :wub:
Ive been a Michael fan for a good few years, but i never really wanted to join a forum like this, but then after he passed :( i felt like i need to talk about him, and hear from people who loved him to, it gave me some sterenght through all the negetive stuff ive had to hear from people around me, they made me feel like i was strange to love him so much, and that i was alone in the way i felt, this site made me realize i wasnt! Im thankful for this site and the people on here! :)
Fan new or old

Fan before or after passing

A Fan is a Fan - and an MJ fan is the best kind of fan EVER LOL

We all LOVE Michael, and must remember that this is not a compettion (how long we've been a fan, or how long we've been on this forum really does not matter, at least not to me)

We have to remember to be like Michael, its the only way of showing how real our love is. And one thing we all know is that Michael did not, judge or hate, or condemn people.

Let all the fans join together and LOVE love LOVE Michael now and forever more.
:yes:I couldn't agree more with you! At first I was very afraid to write here anything and mad at myself that I wasn't a fan before...Michael went through too much and I feel very sorry that I wasn't there for him then...But in time I realised (as you said) that I can't change the past and the only thing that I can do is love him now as much as I can...Most of my friends can't understand why I love him so much but for me is very simple because he is a wonderful person! The good thing is that they accept that he is a great entertainer and they don't critisize him or believe the stuff from tabloids...But here I found what I needed, more people who felt the same way I do for Michael and all the members that I have talked were very welcoming! I strongly believe that it doesn't matter how long someone has been a fan but how much they love Michael...

Fan new or old

Fan before or after passing

A Fan is a Fan - and an MJ fan is the best kind of fan EVER LOL

We all LOVE Michael, and must remember that this is not a compettion (how long we've been a fan, or how long we've been on this forum really does not matter, at least not to me)

We have to remember to be like Michael, its the only way of showing how real our love is. And one thing we all know is that Michael did not, judge or hate, or condemn people.

Let all the fans join together and LOVE love LOVE Michael now and forever more.

wonderful posts:clapping:
I've had people say that I didn't even know he existed before his death, in which I tell them I knew about him and what the media said I just didn't know Michael for who he really was. They ask me why now am I a fan. I simply tell them that I did my research and now I know who he really is.
Michael loves his fans, new and old!:D I believe he is very happy to have so much more fans now that have come to the light and now know who he is and not this weirdo the media portrays him to be.
well I wouldn't call myself a new fan
I mean I grow up on his music through the tough times in 93 my family was always pro MJ I was too young back then I saw the change in his skin color and I couldn't care less when my big brother told me about neverland I thought it was the coolest thing ever I never thought of him as weird but as the rumors became more crazy than ever some of my family member started to have 2end thought and I just slowly forgot about him but when 03 came I just couldn't find it in me to believe something like that I just couldn't but I didn't bother to even search for the facts
but when he passed I felt like a big part of me died with him and I felt that I have failed him in some way so I did all the research that could be done and then I just couldn't believe it how the hell could ppl do this to him?how can anyone be so cruel?
so now I'm trying to spreed the truth as much as I can
and yes maybe I forgot about him for a little while but I'm glad I found him again he was truly a gift from god at least for me he was
and there will always be new fans to come and they shouldn't feel guilty coz they didn't find him before they should just be glad that they found him now :)
I´m not upset at all at new fans (People who became a fan after his death)
Unfortunately his death finally helped him to clean his image... I am sorry to say this... but I saw and lived all the thrashing MJ had before, and I hardly believed he would be redeem someday.

I have been underestimated in other forums for being "NEW"!!!!!!

It made me very mad cuz I am actually older fan of all people who actually has been a member of MJ forums, those people are truly New Fans, fans since a couple of years, or for three or five years.. I have been a fan for almost 30 years.
Most of the people is young than 25 on the internet, so beign underrated all the time, for WHO KNOWS reasons, makes me mad.

For those unmature who underestimate me for being a "newbie" in MJ forums I say:::
I am 34 years old, ok almost 35, and I am a rocker, I mean my music is basically rock and metal, I have many many favs bands, many many favs stuff , many obsessions.
I just had no mind to Michael Jackson too for some years, I was obsessed with new stuff (and I love that, new obsessions), but I was always there for him, defending him, loving him.
I can not be a Michael Jackson obsessed for 30 years: everything has an end or a lower phase.

I was very obsessed with Michael before the 90s, well between Thriller and HIStory, I have lots of magazines, lots of drawings, all his albums, posters, videos all that. I guess I need a breath from him too.

So, I am not new at all, I am just on MJ forums in this phase, and I say I will be gone sooner or later from here too.
Lets see if I come back to Tolkien fandom in the future :D

I am a huge huge fan of Bon Jovi and have never been in a Bon Jovi fanclub in my life :cheeky:
So what? I just dont like the newest Bon Jovi albums.

I am a huge fan of Iron Maiden and I dont like any Iron Maiden´s fandom, have never been in anyone.

Thats it
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wonderful posts:clapping:
I've had people say that I didn't even know he existed before his death, in which I tell them I knew about him and what the media said I just didn't know Michael for who he really was. They ask me why now am I a fan. I simply tell them that I did my research and now I know who he really is.
Michael loves his fans, new and old!:D I believe he is very happy to have so much more fans now that have come to the light and now know who he is and not this weirdo the media portrays him to be.

OMG, I can't believe how similar are our stories! I'm only 19 and here in Greece in my time Michael wasn't as popular as in other countries...To be honest I first heart about him in the trial and as for his songs I knew some but I didn't know that he was the one singing them ...And of course I didn't know anything about his personality except from what I heard from the tv!

My friends tell me exactly the same things: why did I become a fan now and tha answer that I give them is the same that you give! I've done my research and actually I'm really suprised that I didn't know him before because most of his songs are exactly the kind of music that I like to hear! As for him as a person, I truly believe that he is one of the greatest people that have ever lived! And for me that is really important because I believe that to admire someone's music you also have to admire them as people!

I got a little carried away but...well, this is my story!:)