Mature L'Amour Michael 18 + (Please read the first post for the rules)


"walking in the rain with the one I love..."

"walking in the rain with the one I love..."
i want to be like lin - see , we walk in the rain and then the rain turns all gunk - like acid rain - it pelts, with fire n fury - untill the actual path splits , down there it is fire and fury . no way out . exasperated, Separated... are we doomed?
"So in love with each other
With every passing day we share
The thought of knowing someone cares

Just being together
Making love so tenderly
Exploding into ecstasy

And it lasts forever and ever
Together we hold the key
To make forever our destiny"
(written by Barry White)
"So in love with each other
With every passing day we share
The thought of knowing someone cares

Just being together
Making love so tenderly
Exploding into ecstasy

And it lasts forever and ever
Together we hold the key
To make forever our destiny"
(written by Barry White)
Oh God. You girls \! 😆