Martin Bashir on Michaels death on ABC... did he just confess he lied about him earlier??!!

What is wrong with climbing a tree? If you can't go out on the street and partake in everyday life, little things like that will mean more to you. I like that he climbed that tree and hearing about the great songs he came up with whilst sitting up there. Bashir just sounds really 'shocked' about Michael climbing a tree, like its the most shocking thing to do... whatever.

That is what I hate about it. The parts where Michael is having fun would put a smile on any normal person's face, but Bashir has to be so damn condescending all the time. He appeared shocked at everything Michael did. I remember being disgusted at the time it aired, but looking back I am really more surprised that no one said "Bashir, get a grip. Many adults play video games" or "Dude, climbing a tree is not the end of the world," etc.

Yeah but Michael's backup tape made this guy look stupid in the eyes of many.
Yeah, but a much smaller percentage of people watched that. That is one reason I believe that people wanted to believe the worst about Michael rather than know the truth.
it was bashirs intention to make mj look like a pedo in that footage and to cause trouble yet then claims he didnt believe the allegations. someone should ask the scumbag why he didnt use the footage of david rothenburg instead. wouldnt fit the agenda would it.

David Rothenburg???
Re: Martin Bashir on Michael's death on ABC... did he just confess he lied about him earlier??!!

MJ was such a nice man. He did not deserve any of this kind of treatment from these leeches, but he always found it in his heart to for give them. I know he is up there behind those beautiful pearly gates smiling and looking down at his true friends, family and fans. He is telling the angels to watch over us and protect each and every one of us. (((hugs)))Michael. We love you dearly. :)
Bashir was part of a set up and I will always believe that. He should be hung up by his testicles in the middle of Times Square!
i truly hope this man is full of remorse. his own mortality now hangs in the balance unless his brain cancer has been cured. my feeling is that even now this is for selfish reasons. not about Michael, but about saving himself, but who am i to judge? nobody. i hope somewhere in that cold heart of his Michael finally has touched him and he does genuinely want to right a wrong. if that is the case, he is going to have to go further than this. this is only a step towards reconciling what he has done. even for the lowest of the low a path is always available to reconcile. whether he will take it or not remains to be seen. this is only a step towards that path, it certainly does not make amends yet. will wait to see if Michael's passing is enough of an epiphany for Martin to go all the way.
They aired that tv interview with Bashir and the precious late MJ tonight on TV. (Originally from interviews July 92-Jan 93)
It disgusted me to watch as it seemed to me that Bashir interviewed MJ with questions not out of a geniune interest, but in an accusative tone, and with a real sarcastic edge to everything he said. :-(
I know this is 'old news' and a topic well discussed etc, but was so completely disgusted by Bashir's questioning.
This wasnt a set of interviews over 6 months to show the inside world of MJ, it was an oppurtunity to mock him for which I am so totally upset about. :-(
with lots of private prying questions he built a picture for himself and to show viewers falsely depicting MJ in a bad light. :-(
Bashir EXPLOITED MJ's gentle innocent heart, and used it against him.

He abused his priviliged oppurtunity. How can he now sleep at night?
No mention or questions of Michael's gifted talents, just an on slaught of questions which upset MJ. :-(
To say I am bitter about this is an understatement. :-(
I am so upset and gutted about this series of interviews.
it was bashirs intention to make mj look like a pedo in that footage and to cause trouble yet then claims he didnt believe the allegations. someone should ask the scumbag why he didnt use the footage of david rothenburg instead. wouldnt fit the agenda would it.
Agreed. And if he didn't believe the allegations he shouldn't have said in his 'documentary' that Neverland was a dangerous place to be for kids. In fact, he shouldn't have excluded the footage that made MJ look good, he should have kept his opinions for himself and he should have let the viewers make up their own minds. That's what an objective journalist would have done. And he shouldn't have refused to answer Mr Mesereau's questions at the trial either.

Bashir is someone who only thinks about his career. When he could advance his career by being negative he made that awful documentary, now that there's more sympathy from the public towards MJ he says a few nice things about him because that's what people want to hear.
Bashit said he didnt belive the child molestation case......well hes good at fooling ppl!
Cuz he sure seemed like he totally belived the accusations, with they way he asking mike those questions!

that LYING CHEATING MUTHAF**** :angry: :censored:
Bashit said he didnt belive the child molestation case......well hes good at fooling ppl!
Cuz he sure seemed like he totally belived the accusations, with they way he asking mike those questions!

that LYING CHEATING MUTHAF**** :angry: :censored:
Asking the questions was ok - that's the job of a journalist, as long as he had been willing to accept the answers. The fact that the whole thing was intentionally edited in a way that made MJ look bad and the negative comments of his own that he added to it are the real problem. Just let the people see and hear what was recorded in an objective manner and let people make up their own minds based on that is the way a good journalist does his job.
Asking the questions was ok - that's the job of a journalist, as long as he had been willing to accept the answers. The fact that the whole thing was intentionally edited in a way that made MJ look bad and the negative comments of his own that he added to it are the real problem. Just let the people see and hear what was recorded in an objective manner and let people make up their own minds based on that is the way a good journalist does his job.

yes but they way he was asking mike the questions bout the "sleeping with kids" thing and all of that, he was like trying to make mike look really bad. And boy did he do a good job of it! And he sure proud of it. That is why he anit apologising for what he done! He properly has a BIG SMILE on his face thinking to himself..."Gosh i did a good job"...That grrr
yes but they way he was asking mike the questions bout the "sleeping with kids" thing and all of that, he was like trying to make mike look really bad. And boy did he do a good job of it! And he sure proud of it. That is why he anit apologising for what he done! He properly has a BIG SMILE on his face thinking to himself..."Gosh i did a good job"...That grrr
Yeah, I'm sure that you are right about that.
I hate when Michael says he is too shy to show him how to moonwalk and he says something like 'ok, your shy, get up and show me' in a real nasty tone to Michael, not necessary at all.

Yeah the ****ing idiot. Excuse my French but I actually hate this man. And I don't ever use that word really.
Yeah, I'm sure that you are right about that.

hey put it this way: i wont even be surprised if that is what he is thinking to himself. He is one of the most disgusting and vile person walking on this planet. Why god didnt take him instead of mike..i will be asking that question forever till the day i die.
Why god didnt take him instead of mike..i will be asking that question forever till the day i die.
Well, I'm sure that god wants nothing to do with him. Taking care of him is the job of the devil. ;)
Well, I'm sure that god wants nothing to do with him. Taking care of him is the job of the devil. ;)

True, but i wanted god to punish bashit for what he has done.
its not fair that michael is trade anything ( and i mean anything) for mike to be here.
Folks like this are still about because they are going to pay for all the bad they did.
Well.. I hope Bashir is happy that he was one of the people who can actually be blamed for MJ's death.. I almost destroyed my tv when he came on screen, then I realised that there's no point destroying my tv.. it's a good idea though to pray that Bashir will pay for this.

And how can he pay? Many ways. One of them would be if his kids finds out that the man who raised them ruined another great fathers life and love for children. And when they find out, they will keep distance from him the next years. I would definetely do that, if I found out..
Bashir can not be blamed for his death, that's BS. He hasn't been in the picture for years. choose your wording properly.
I'm not saying we should blame him as the only one. But he was one of those who started it!
he sold a story and if he did not believe it, he must have known that this meant the end of Michaels career. I don't get it, why anyone should talk to him.

His career should be over !
He was the one who made the interview, then introducing Arvizo plus his own innuendo thus causing the allegations and then the trial. Causing a lot of pain and the deterioration of Michael.

So, there is a lot of blame.
And yes, his career is over. (Not that I care).
He as a lot to answer for.
yeah I think he is a scumbag, now after Micheal's death he comes out and says's I dont think the allegations were true. so then why open that can of worms in the first place and make Michael look like a pedo. I'll telll ya why, because he saw green and that was all he cared about. He is no different than anyone else that entered Micheal's life they all either had their hand in his pockets or they were making money off his name in stupid claims like this guy made.
Why? Because he wanted to meke money, relized he would make money if he would make it look as bad as possible because that would draw a lot more attention to it. And he probably didb´t realise what it would leed to in the end.