Martin Bashir on Michaels death on ABC... did he just confess he lied about him earlier??!!


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Have you guys seen this?!
I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
A little to late, where was all of these comments when Michael needed them....

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he should be shot.
he's put all pakistanis to shame.
no wonder why he had to leave his home country.

(YES I do read wiki quite a lot; and what?!) lol
He isn't lying. He admits he started the controversy re the child molestation. He says the charges were dropped in the case and he didn't believe the charges himself (but then by the way he worded it, he didn't believe the moles. case BECAUSE it was dropped rather than the other way round).
well if he had been legit from ADMIT he met gmoney the first day he met mj an dnot several months later....they created sensationalism. he and the walrus yet she was allowed at the memorial and even had a damn camera filming blanket and katie. ugh
it was bashirs intention to make mj look like a pedo in that footage and to cause trouble yet then claims he didnt believe the allegations. someone should ask the scumbag why he didnt use the footage of david rothenburg instead. wouldnt fit the agenda would it.
I do hate him for what he had done to Michael, but remeber the documentary was a team effort, he was probably not solely responsible for LWMJ. I am not defending him at all, and his message of sympathy is very bittersweet, but i commend him for saying these words in a way. But it is not forgiveness.
he started out doing this w/ an impure motive. they said it at the trial. he wrote a letter to a friend sayinghe'd find a part of mj's life and exploit it. that's y he attacked mj at the intierview in miami. he was told by his editors to do so. he needed to appear firm.

it was pathetic.
yeah I think he is a scumbag, now after Micheal's death he comes out and says's I dont think the allegations were true. so then why open that can of worms in the first place and make Michael look like a pedo. I'll telll ya why, because he saw green and that was all he cared about. He is no different than anyone else that entered Micheal's life they all either had their hand in his pockets or they were making money off his name in stupid claims like this guy made.
that man is covered in blood. it aint just on his hands and i hope the guilt kills them all
Michael Jackson opened up his heart and home to Bashit,
and Bashit deliberately, intentionally, destructively, hurt Michael Jackson in order to promote his own career.
Bashit feels me with disgust.:puke:
I don't know how Martin Bashit can live with himself.
Thank God Michael Jackson is free of him, and to para phrase
Stevie Wonder:
"Martin Bashir want go where Michael Jackson has gone."
it was bashirs intention to make mj look like a pedo in that footage and to cause trouble yet then claims he didnt believe the allegations. someone should ask the scumbag why he didnt use the footage of david rothenburg instead. wouldnt fit the agenda would it.

who's rothenburg? sorry for my ignorance

Bashir should be totally ashamed of himself. i have no idea how that man can live with what hes done.
Who cares what he has to say. For all i care they throw him inside a wayyyyy too small room, lock him up and let him just rot.

I just watched some more of it, and once again, in retrospect, I am more surprised at how sensational Bashir tried to make everything. Michael almost going on stage too early because the show was in German was something that could happen to anyone and could have easily been laughed off, but apparently not to Bashir who, looking very grave, says "The confusion was excruciating for all of us." I'm sure.

It makes me so angry to see the parts with Michael and children that are so innocent and light-hearted turned into something sinister. I am not as mad at Bashir as you all are, though. I am more mad at the public who watched it and made an assumption of criminality. Yes Bashir suggested a strong tone of negativity, but any person with a brain could have looked beyond that to see that nothing was as sinister as it was made to sound. I am mad because these people were willing to go along with it. They seemed to want to believe the worst about Michael. Bashir only got away with his negative commentary because the audience was complicit in trying to depict Michael as a monster.
I just watched some more of it, and once again, in retrospect, I am more surprised at how sensational Bashir tried to make everything. Michael almost going on stage too early because the show was in German was something that could happen to anyone and could have easily been laughed off, but apparently not to Bashir who, looking very grave, says "The confusion was excruciating for all of us." I'm sure.

It makes me so angry to see the parts with Michael and children that are so innocent and light-hearted turned into something sinister. I am not as mad at Bashir as you all are, though. I am more mad at the public who watched it and made an assumption of criminality. Yes Bashir suggested a strong tone of negativity, but any person with a brain could have looked beyond that to see that nothing was as sinister as it was made to sound. I am mad because these people were willing to go along with it. They seemed to want to believe the worst about Michael. Bashir only got away with his negative commentary because the audience was complicit in trying to depict Michael as a monster.

Sadly, this is true. The blood-thirsty mob mentality and the dirty minds of the people turned it into the frenzy that it became.
ugh... I cant stand him... I hate that he hurt Michael :cry:
I wish he would just leave him alone.
He and everyone who hurt Michael deserve WORSE than Hell. Hell isn't enough. I hope there's something worse for these folks. SUPER HELL HD 2000 XXX just for these scumbags.
I just watched some more of it, and once again, in retrospect, I am more surprised at how sensational Bashir tried to make everything. Michael almost going on stage too early because the show was in German was something that could happen to anyone and could have easily been laughed off, but apparently not to Bashir who, looking very grave, says "The confusion was excruciating for all of us." I'm sure.

It makes me so angry to see the parts with Michael and children that are so innocent and light-hearted turned into something sinister. I am not as mad at Bashir as you all are, though. I am more mad at the public who watched it and made an assumption of criminality. Yes Bashir suggested a strong tone of negativity, but any person with a brain could have looked beyond that to see that nothing was as sinister as it was made to sound. I am mad because these people were willing to go along with it. They seemed to want to believe the worst about Michael. Bashir only got away with his negative commentary because the audience was complicit in trying to depict Michael as a monster.

Actually, it was mainly Bashir and the media who later commented on the documentary. Those who didn't see the interview only read small parts like: "Jackson confessed to sleeping with children. He spends tons of cash. He acts weird" etc. I know many people who were in this position, of judging Michael without even watching LWMJ, but reading reviews of the interview. If the press had said: "Michael proved to be a nice guy. He's a loving dad" etc. , things would have been VERY different.

I'm talking from experience. LWMJ was my FIRST encounter with Michael Jackson. Up to that, I had no idea who the guy was, what he sang or what his public image was. He was a complete stranger to me. Yet he impressed me beyond words. The only impression I was left with after the interview was that he was a very kind man, a man who had fought to live since he was born, not a to mention a very hard-working and talented person. I thought he was amazing. And that, after only 2 hours of watching him talk. Back then, I was 12.

But you see, I was willing to accept him. I was curious to learn more afterwards (I read about him on the Internet, got some of his music and the rest is history), but most people aren't like that. Most people simply like to judge without getting their facts straight.

As for Bashir - I don't give a damn about him. I hate him for betraying Michael the way he did. Yet, without that interview, I wouldn't be here today. I wouldn't be the person I am now.
If only he had done things profesionally, a lot of what happened would have been different.
I for one thought that the the interview WITHOUT the whole "voice over crap and starring pensively out at the ocean" done by Bashir along with Bawbaw Wawa's "intros" that were nothing BUT negative crap (talking about the whole Sony controversy and how 'disappointing' Invincible was, etc. **rolls eyes**) was actually really good. I thought Michael was adorable in that interview, but seriously ANYONE with half a functioning brain cell who ACTUALLY WATCHED the interview could see what that clown (Bashir) was doing in the last part of it. Bashir is a fucking jackass and he (like the other haters) will get their Karma dues.

I always had to laugh how Bashir described Michael as "erratic" when he was throwing stuff from his hotel window and he made that face to the camera and he was laughing and all that stuff, genuinely having a good time. Bashir, Mrs. "I'm a Bitch" Walters and the rest TRIED to MAKE it bad and made things sinister that weren't. I hope the guilt gets to Bashir, and especially the public who ate the BS up...who are now ironically enough, trying to "understand" Michael...and who are "upset" over the loss of him...

Michael was a Beautiful BEAUTIFUL person, man, human being, entertainer, etc. it was SOCIETY and JACKASSES like Bashir and Walters who tried to make him out to be Ugly. Maybe they should have looked in the mirror, because they were/are the ugly ones, NOT Michael.
I hate when Michael says he is too shy to show him how to moonwalk and he says something like 'ok, your shy, get up and show me' in a real nasty tone to Michael, not necessary at all.

I wish they were not showing this again tonight on British TV, it will just mean some folk will go on again about Michael in a bad way. What is wrong with climbing a tree? If you can't go out on the street and partake in everyday life, little things like that will mean more to you. I like that he climbed that tree and hearing about the great songs he came up with whilst sitting up there. Bashir just sounds really 'shocked' about Michael climbing a tree, like its the most shocking thing to do... whatever.
Yeah but Michael's backup tape made this guy look stupid in the eyes of many.
Ya and this whole interview is on again in under half an hour,really dont understand why itv is playing it again :-(,as far as i am concerned this man well lets just say he needs to go back under his little evil rock and stay there grrrrrr x
Re: Martin Bashir on Michael's death on ABC... did he just confess he lied about him earlier??!!

He needs his p**ker cut off, dump him in some cement and leaving only his head exposed to the elements to die.
we should all take a page from Michael's book of life ... he was forgiving and gracious. Now with that said, that page that you each took from the book ... shoved that mutha down Bashit's throat :zformation: