Marlon Jackson is in Nigeria (talks about Michael) also to Jet Magazine

I know, it's all so terribly painful for us all and his children are too young. Michael could give them so much in the future... *sigh* :(

I really don't know, it was his time to go to Heaven? or it's satan tried to spoil everything, as usual, and he was taken from us a bit earlier? :(

the evil ones walk on this Earth longer than the good ones... and that's why i am so desperate and depressed... i don't want to get anyone down and SORRY if i am doing it, but it's just...

my whole life, Michael was my guide in life and a hope that good still remains in this world and can defeat evil... sounds childish maybe, but that's the way i saw it... and now all of it is gone and i feel scared of the evil people in this world... there are too many of them... y'all must think i am crazy now
Michael and all of the Jacksons believe in God, Jehovah, Allah. So you're dismissing their beliefs. Whatever you believe doesn't mean you should trash somebody else. Mike was all about tolerance. This thread is not about who's to blame for Mike's death, but about Marlon's slavery museum project. There's other threads about blaming Murray or whoever. I don't see any point in bringing negativity in here.

This just shows, that GOD does not excist. No matter how much you want it, he cant help anyone. I would feel guilty if i pray to god everyday, and next day he choose to kill me and left the world a sad and worse place to live in. God did not choose it was time for MJ to leave earth. That doctor just killed him, I wont defend him. That doctor was not God. He is the devil.
^^^^Again that has nothing to do with Marlon or his project. There's an atheist thread elsewhere on the site.
yeah you right. Well I am not an atheist either, pray sometimes to god but it have never helped me. I prayed he would not die, when he was in coma. Im just beginning to lose faith believing in something above us.
My personal thoughts are that God is mentioned to be a God of love. The bible actually says God IS love. I cant see why a God like that would leave children behind to mourn. Also if I was called to heaven I would find it pretty hellish to watch my family mourn and watch them make mistakes and not be able to do anything about it.

The bible states that the dead are sleeping and known nothing at all. That they are awaiting the day that they will be resurrected back to the earth.

That's why Jesus resurrected people when he was on earth. To prove he had the power first hand.

Jesus taught us to pray for Gods kingdom to COME and his will to be done on earth. His will was for man to live forever on earth as he stated to Adam and Eve right at the beginning. His will and purpose has not changed, only delayed by Adam and Eves disobedience, and very soon Jesus will be resurrecting those in the memorial tombs to perfect life here on earth.

My favourite scripture in the bible is this one found at Revelation 21: 3, 4.

As some folks think the Jehovahs Witness bible is somehow different than others I will quote from the King James version.

Revelation 21:3

3And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

4And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Verse 3 does not state that men will be with God does it? Verse 4 is beautiful and I personally found it a comfort when my 19 year old niece passed away last year.

It is good that Marlon is continuing to do what he does as keeping busy helps get you through the death of loved ones.

I wont go all religious all the time in my replies and I do hope that whatever you believe it brings you comfort in times of distress.

Mike R
Michael and all of the Jacksons believe in God, Jehovah, Allah. So you're dismissing their beliefs. Whatever you believe doesn't mean you should trash somebody else. Mike was all about tolerance. This thread is not about who's to blame for Mike's death, but about Marlon's slavery museum project. There's other threads about blaming Murray or whoever. I don't see any point in bringing negativity in here.

Yeah use that excuse to escape the real facts. Plus I agree with the Above poster's first sentence ^^^
PS- I'm not bringing negativity its just sometimes superstition gets too much...
Yeah use that excuse to escape the real facts. Plus I agree with the Above poster's first sentence ^^^
PS- I'm not bringing negativity its just sometimes superstition gets too much...
If it bothers you, don't come in here and read it. Marlon brought up God's plan in his comments, and others who are believers responded. I was always told that if you have nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself. Saying it's superstition is highly disrespectful and unnecessary. It's just bigotry.
If it bothers you, don't come in here and read it. Marlon brought up God's plan in his comments, and others who are believers responded. I was always told that if you have nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself. Saying it's superstition is highly disrespectful and unnecessary. It's just bigotry.

OK whatever rocks your boat......
Dont know whether god exists or not, but this wasn't the right time for Michael to go. He had new projects and 3 kids for crying out loud. He was finally going to perform again, and we were so exicted and hopeful. Now his kids really have to face hell, being without a mother or a father. Although they have relatives that love them, it's not the same love that Michael gave them or the lifestyle. If you believe that god called for him, then that's your opinion, but everyone is entitled to theirs.
If you believe that god called for him, then that's your opinion, but everyone is entitled to theirs.
Having an opinion is one thing, but being rude is another. And the other poster was being insulting to what some people believe. I never said anything pro or con about God. I just think it isn't necessary to be negative.
Michael should still be alive. I am still hurting and cried everyday. I can't imagine the family.

Yes, I feel the same way you do. It's like a nightmare that you're waiting to wake up from, yet it never happens. I found myself yet again huddled-up in a fetal position while laying in bed last night...crying and asking God why this happened. I'll never understand...not our Michael, why, why Michael. I asked myself when will this pain end, and I really wish as I'm sure we all do that we could go back in time....even to this time last year.

And yes, then I thought, can you imagine the poor family, you're being shelfish Mary...they're suffering more than you will ever know. This is when I tried to regain my compsure. It's going to be a long road for everyone.

Bless Marlon for taking on such an important cause. I'm proud to be a Jackson supporter.
Dont know whether god exists or not, but this wasn't the right time for Michael to go. He had new projects and 3 kids for crying out loud. He was finally going to perform again, and we were so exicted and hopeful. Now his kids really have to face hell, being without a mother or a father. Although they have relatives that love them, it's not the same love that Michael gave them or the lifestyle. If you believe that god called for him, then that's your opinion, but everyone is entitled to theirs.

reason enough.
My personal thoughts are that God is mentioned to be a God of love. The bible actually says God IS love. I cant see why a God like that would leave children behind to mourn. Also if I was called to heaven I would find it pretty hellish to watch my family mourn and watch them make mistakes and not be able to do anything about it.

The bible states that the dead are sleeping and known nothing at all. That they are awaiting the day that they will be resurrected back to the earth.

That's why Jesus resurrected people when he was on earth. To prove he had the power first hand.

Jesus taught us to pray for Gods kingdom to COME and his will to be done on earth. His will was for man to live forever on earth as he stated to Adam and Eve right at the beginning. His will and purpose has not changed, only delayed by Adam and Eves disobedience, and very soon Jesus will be resurrecting those in the memorial tombs to perfect life here on earth.

My favourite scripture in the bible is this one found at Revelation 21: 3, 4.

As some folks think the Jehovahs Witness bible is somehow different than others I will quote from the King James version.

Revelation 21:3

3And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

4And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Verse 3 does not state that men will be with God does it? Verse 4 is beautiful and I personally found it a comfort when my 19 year old niece passed away last year.

It is good that Marlon is continuing to do what he does as keeping busy helps get you through the death of loved ones.

I wont go all religious all the time in my replies and I do hope that whatever you believe it brings you comfort in times of distress.

Mike R

I delight in your post.

Preach the word :) :angel:
Personally, I believe Michael was a Son of God in his spirit. He suffered from terrible pain all his life; he loved people so much at the same time and his heard was full of love etc. He became a victim of false allegations and they humiliated him and treated him like he was guilty. His life reminds me a story from the Bible when some evil people forced Pontius Pilate to judge Jesus and he found him innocent. Everything I know about Michael’s life reminds me some Bible stories in many ways. On our time of technology, television and democracy evil people cannot kill the same way like they did 2000 years ago. They have different tools now like medications, mental control etc. Also MJ didn’t really belong to any official religions, he was and he is like a religion himself. Amen.
sounds like a good project and organization... should look into it more
Is Marlon saying that they are of Nigerian descent? Or is he using forefathers generally?
I agree with him. I believe that God took Michael because he had done all that God wanted him to do on this earth. As sad as I am about his passing, it was time for him to go home to God to eternal peace.

I feel the same. Poor Michael had been through what no of us can ever imagine. From the second he was born.
God needed to save him, and give to Michael the rest and peace he needed. He gave us all so much and now this is his time rest and be in heaven. I feel in my heart happy about that.