Marlon Jackson is in Nigeria (talks about Michael) also to Jet Magazine


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Edge of Heaven

An obviously still grieving Marlon address Nigerian press in Lagos

By Jayne Usen

Michael Jackson's older brother Marlon was in Lagos, Nigeria, on Wednesday, July 22 and had an interactive session with journalists at the press centre of the International Airport. He was received by former Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria (PMAN) presidents, Tee Mac Omatshola and Bolaji Rosiji.
The event began with a short musical performance by Debina Abraham, a Michael Jackson impersonator and up-and-coming artiste who performed a song he had specially composed for the late pop icon.
Jackson, who was visibly still mourning, dressed in a yellow track suit and black shades, briefly expressed gratitude for the kind words and condolences shown his family. While speaking on the Badagry Historical Project, which he was working on, he revealed that his late brother had a special interest in it.
"Michael was interested in the Badagry project because he had never been to Nigeria and looked forward to the completion of the project because he wanted to come and see things for himself".
He also added that it was imperative that the historical artefacts such as those in Badagry be preserved, so that the generation yet unborn will get an opportunity to appreciate the sufferings of our forefathers who were part of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
The Niger-Delta issue also came to the fore at the event and Jackson said he looked forward to a peaceful resolution of the crisis and was willing to meet with the Nigerian government and representatives of the Niger Delta militants, in order to reach an amicable understanding between both parties.
Tee Mac also intimated journalists of plans to stage a major charity concert which will be held on Michael Jackson's birthday, August 29.
"It is going to be one of a kind African affair; a gathering of major African and Nigerian artists. It is basically to celebrate the life and achievements of one of the world's greatest entertainers. Proceeds form the event will be channelled to major charities around the world as advised by Marlon."
Tee Mac also added that the celebration will be an annual event.
When asked if his late brother had converted to Islam before his death during the Q&A session, Marlon said he wasn't aware of that as all he knew was that his brother was a Christian until he died. He also hinted that the Jackson 5 had considered touring together once more before Michael's untimely death. He said that what was primary to the Jackson family was to provide a secure future for his late brother's children.
On circumstances surrounding Michael's death, he said the family was not going to comment on that since the case was still being investigated.

The lingering PMAN crisis seems to be far from over as not only was the body absent at the event but all attempts by this reporter to get either Bolaji Rosiji or Tee Mac's comment on why the body was not present at the gathering proved abortive.
Rosiji however said, "these are the kind of things PMAN should be doing but they are not here. When I was the PMAN president I used to organized a legends night, where we celebrated some of our late music icons like sunny okosuns and Oliver de Coque."
Marlon left after about 20 minutes saying he had another appointment to catch up with. However Tee Mac hinted that Marlon will brief the press one more time before he leaves Nigeria.


"As you know my family is still mourning and hurting over the death of my brother and it is something that I will learn to live with. I want to tell a little story. I was here in May, 2009 and went back to the United States of America (USA) on May 14 and that same day, my family had a function for my mother and father and the entire family, including Michael Jackson, was there. That was the last time I saw my brother alive," Marlon said.
Marlon added that Michael had promised him that he would come to Nigeria to see the project he is undertaking in Badagry.

His words: "He knew I had just come back from Nigeria and he asked what I went to do in Nigeria because he had never visited Nigeria and I told him about the historical Badagry project that we are doing in Nigeria and he felt the same way I felt; he felt that the project must be done because it is imperative that we understand what our forefathers and fore mothers went through.
"He looked forward to the finishing of the project because he wanted to come and see it and I assured him that we would get the project done. The only thing is that when we do finish this project he will not be there physically, but he will be there in spirit."
Marlon also revealed that his organistaion, Study Peace Foundation, has resolved to wade into the Niger Delta crisis and negotiate peace between the militants and the Federal Government
According to him, the group, and managers of the Study Peace Foundation would work towards reaching a peaceful resolution on the Niger Delta crisis.


Another sibling of Michael Jackson has come forward to speak about the singer's sudden death. Marlon Jackson recently told Jet magazine that he believes his brother is finally resting in peace. He admits it has been extremely tough to accept Michael's passing, but credits prayer and his strong faith for helping him to understand it.
“That’s where I find my comfort because I really do feel that he’s at peace now,” said Marlon. “I feel in my heart that the Lord had to call Michael to come home because he had finished what he wanted him to do on planet Earth.”
He said the entire Jackson family is “still in a state of shock” because “none of us saw this coming.” But they are working though the pain to accept the loss of Michael.
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I agree with him. I believe that God took Michael because he had done all that God wanted him to do on this earth. As sad as I am about his passing, it was time for him to go home to God to eternal peace.
Hey, I noticed something here. Is that a typo, or did they really not see him since 2008? I have been under the impression that the dinner for Joe and Katherine's anniversary, or whatever it was, when all the siblings got together for the last time before he passed, was in May of this year?
Hey, I noticed something here. Is that a typo, or did they really not see him since 2008? I have been under the impression that the dinner for Joe and Katherine's anniversary, or whatever it was, when all the siblings got together for the last time before he passed, was in May of this year?

Typo. May 2009 this year.
I agree with him. I believe that God took Michael because he had done all that God wanted him to do on this earth. As sad as I am about his passing, it was time for him to go home to God to eternal peace.
I think it all in ones belief. I do not believe God met for Michael to die young (If Michael was given drugs, that is MANKIND doing, not GOd; however, when things happens, God takes you up).
And yes, I do feel that he is at peace. What is done is done.
Michael should still be alive. I am still hurting and cried everyday. I can image the family.
What helps me is to think that we all hav to go that way someday. Michael can not come back to us but we all have to one day go to where he is at whether you like it or not.
Michael should still be alive. I am still hurting and cried everyday. I can image the family.

I cried yesterday and today. I feel he should still be here, but since I believed in God....everything happens for a reason.

Thy purpose Lord we cannot see, but all is well, if done by Thee
I agree with him. I believe that God took Michael because he had done all that God wanted him to do on this earth. As sad as I am about his passing, it was time for him to go home to God to eternal peace.

What god? The fucking doctor made sure he is dead...otherwise he would've been with us right now!!
I don't think god took him, I think Conrad Murrey killed Michael. He might as well have held a gun to his head and played Russian Roulette.
What god? The fucking doctor made sure he is dead...otherwise he would've been with us right now!!
If you don't believe in God, there's no reason to snap at the ones who do. Mocking people is not nice.
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lol we went from Marlon Jackson to discussions on God. I hope to see what Marlon said in Jet Magazine(I need to start buying those tribute Magazines). I just want to give Marlon a big hug.
I cried yesterday and today. I feel he should still be here, but since I believed in God....everything happens for a reason.

Thy purpose Lord we cannot see, but all is well, if done by Thee

I don't believe in ANYTHING or ANYONE anymore! If God is really as good as they say then why did he take such an amazing creature from the world? Such an amazing and giving entertainer from us? AND SUCH A LOVING AND CARING FATHER, BROTHER, SON AND A FRIEND?


I am so sad and devastated, I am home alone and I just wanna scream from the pain,it's unbearable!!!!
If God is really as good as they say then why did he take such an amazing creature from the world?
Because the Heaven is a Better place.
And we always wished the best for Michael.
The time has come?

sad to stay here now in this cold cruel world :(
No one can tell me that heaven is a better place for Michael now that his children have to face HELL! :(
If you don't believe in God, there's no reason to snap at the ones who do. Mocking people is not nice.

ALL I'm saying is MJ was killed!! so now you are trying to tell me that GOD made the doctor kill MJ? and if god make him do it...then he should not be punished and everyone should be happy with the way MJ was taken from us, because at the end of the day GOD decided that his three children will be left without a father. pfffffft
No one can tell me that heaven is a better place for Michael now that his children have to face HELL! :(
I know, it's all so terribly painful for us all and his children are too young. Michael could give them so much in the future... *sigh* :(

I really don't know, it was his time to go to Heaven? or it's satan tried to spoil everything, as usual, and he was taken from us a bit earlier? :(
ALL I'm saying is MJ was killed!! so now you are trying to tell me that GOD made the doctor kill MJ? and if god make him do it...then he should not be punished and everyone should be happy with the way MJ was taken from us, because at the end of the day GOD decided that his three children will be left without a father. pfffffft

Michael and all of the Jacksons believe in God, Jehovah, Allah. So you're dismissing their beliefs. Whatever you believe doesn't mean you should trash somebody else. Mike was all about tolerance. This thread is not about who's to blame for Mike's death, but about Marlon's slavery museum project. There's other threads about blaming Murray or whoever. I don't see any point in bringing negativity in here.