Mark Lester Talks About His Friendship With Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

In a recent interview, Mark Lester (49) talked about his longtime friendship with Michael Jackson.

Lester once was the most famous English child actor and was cast in the musical film Oliver! (1968) where he played the lead in the multiple Academy Award-winning adaptation of Charles Dickens' novel.

But the days of fame and fortune are long gone. Today, the only reminder of his former life is his enduring friendship with singer Michael Jackson. He even offered to stick up for Michael at his trial after his pal was charged with alleged child abuse.

"Michael is one of my best friends. I talked to him just a couple of days ago. I've stayed at Neverland countless times. We met more than 30 years ago when he was on tour here with the Jackson Five. His agent rang me up and said: 'Michael's favourite film is Oliver! He'd love to meet you.' "We went for a coffee and we've been pals ever since. I'm just so proud of him. He's managed to turn his life around after all the claims and he's just trying to get by.

We have so much in common. We were both thrust into the spotlight at a very early age. If you haven't experienced that, it's impossible to fully understand."

Source: Sunday Mirror
I think Mark Lester is Michael's most loyal friend. I guess there almost like brothers as they will have had the same level of childhood fame etc, and they've been friends for over 30yrs.

I love Mark Lester's films. My favorite film of his is "Melody" which was made in 1971 and also stars Jack Wilde (he was a brilliant actor) who was the Artful Dodger in Oliver.

I have this film on DVD, but here is a link to it as it's streamed on Yahoo videos.
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Original Oliver Actor Mark Lester's Advice to TV Wannabes

Original Oliver Actor Mark Lester's Advice to TV Wannabes

By Adam Lee-Potter 30/03/2008

Mark Lester is barely recognisable as the cherubic young orphan who lit up the movie screen as Oliver Twist 40 years ago.
The blond moptop has darkened and is starting to thin, an ever-so-faint pot belly strains at his waistband and he's long since swapped Hollywood swank for Gloucestershire osteopathy.​

But look hard enough and the old blue-eyed twinkle and cheeky smile are still there. So too the impeccable vowels that once pleaded so sweetly: "Please sir, can I have some more?"​

Mark, now 49, was one of our firstever child stars. When he was eight he was earning a then-enormous £100 a week - almost as much as George Best and as much as grown-up actors Oliver Reed and Sir John Mills.​

Acclaim for Oliver! was followed by roles in films like Run Wild, Run Free and Black Beauty. All the while he was being given just 25p a week in pocket money. But when he turned 18 he was handed a cheque for £70,000. And he promptly blew the lot on a brand-new Ferrari, cocaine and fast women.
Two years later, he was washed-up - the money gone, the jobs dried up.
But now he's reliving the highs and lows of Oliver! all over again as he tunes in to Andrew Lloyd Webber's new BBC1 talent show I'd Do Anything.
Lloyd Webber and host Graham Norton hope to find a new Oliver from a score of hopefuls for a West End revival of the musical. But Mark, still the most famous-ever Oliver - won't be taking part.​

"Hell, no," he says. "I hate reality television shows. I think they're cruel and a bit rubbish. I feel so sorry for all the rejects.
"I have watched it, partly because of nostalgia but mostly because my wife is a fan.​

"When I saw all the would-be Nancys, I couldn't believe it.
They're all so plain." His old co-star Shani Wallis, who played Nancy in the film, has complained bitterly that Lloyd Webber didn't ask her to be one of his TV judges. But Mark couldn't care less.​

"Andrew hasn't rung me, but why should he?
I would hate to be a judge - I'd be hopeless.
I'm a resting actor, not a talent scout, director or coach." When the Hollywood money finally ran out, Mark checked into rehab and, aged 28, retrained as an osteopath.​

"Showbiz is a fickle business. Yes, I was used-up and thrown on the scrapheap at 20 - but I still had a marvellous 16-year career.​

"I starred in my first film when I was just four.
"Acting is rather like being a pop star. Unless you're Tom Cruise or Rolling Stones, very few in the business have a career for life.
My burst of fame was just a bonus.​

And I'd honestly far rather be an osteopath than a movie star. I get top people now, instead of just mildly musing them for a couple of hours.
And the groupies did get incredibly tedious after a while."​

Mark, who lives in Cheltenhamh his second wife Lisa, 35, and his four children, drives a battered old 4x4 and works nine-to-five days. "But I don't have regrets - what's the point?," he says.​

"I blew all my money on drink, cocaine, fast cars and women. For Oliver! I was paid a flat fee of £100 a week, but back then that was the kind of money footballers got which wasn't bad for an eight-year-old boy.
"Sure, I took drugs and had a wild time. Cocaine just seemed the norm back then. But I've been clean for 25 years. I realised I had to stop when I needed an operation on my sinuses to save my nose.​

"Now I spend all my money on sending my children to private school and my only vice is the occasional glass of Sauvignon Blanc. And I'm much happier. I still think Oliver! is a cracking movie. My children love it, too. I last sat down to watch it a couple of years ago. I certainly didn't cringe and I ended up forgetting it was me up there on the screen. I just enjoyed it as a regular film."​

His life post-Hollywood has not proved plain sailing.
His 12-year marriage to Jane, the mother of his children, ended bitterly five years ago after she walked out. He says: "I don't talk to my first wife. The children live with me and my second wife Lisa. She is a psychiatric nurse and that keeps a man on his toes, I can tell you. "The divorce was incredibly acrimonious. But it had nothing to do with fame, its aftermath or the drugs. We would have split up come what may. The children are OK, that's the important thing."​

Today, the only reminder of Mark's former life is his enduring friendship with singer Michael Jackson. Mark even offered to stick up for Jackson at his trial after his pal was charged with alleged child abuse.
"Michael is one of my best friends. I talked to him just a couple of days ago. I've stayed at Neverland countless times. We met more than 30 years ago when he was on tour here with the Jackson Five. His agent rang me up and said: 'Michael's favourite film is Oliver! He'd love to meet you.' "We went for a coffee and we've been pals ever since. I'm just so proud of him He's managed to turn his life around after all the claims and he's just trying to get by.
"We have so much in common. We were both thrust into the spotlight at a very early age. If you haven't experienced that, it's impossible to fully understand."

Mark sees himself as a survivor.
Jack Wild - who played the Artful Dodger in Oliver! - died in 2006 aged 53 after losing a long battle with alcoholism and cancer.
Mark says: "I was devastated when Jack died. It was like losing a member of the family. The chemistry between us was something very, very special and it lasted all our lives."​

And he has at last come full circle. After a gap of 30 years he is due to return to the big screen, starring as King Harold in 1066, a movie epic about the Battle of Hastings.​

"I'm incredibly excited about this film - it's going to be a cross between Elizabeth I and Gladiator. I can't wait to show people that, after all this time, there's more to me than just looking pretty. We will go into production soon."
But until then he will have to content himself to living vicariously through the television every Saturday night.​

His advice to the eventual winner of Lloyd Webber's talent hunt? "Find a good agent, don't buy a Ferrari and whatever you do have a back-up plan. No-one lasts forever. Not even Oliver Twist." I'd rather be an osteopath than a movie star.. all those groupies get a bit tedious.
When I saw the would-be Nancys on TV I couldn't believe how plain they were
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Re: Original Oliver Actor Mark Lester's Advice to TV Wannabes

Wow...great article...I am so happy that he has turned his life around...and it so touching how he loves Michael...
Re: Original Oliver Actor Mark Lester's Advice to TV Wannabes

Thanx for Posting :)
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I said this in the other thread, but Mark Lester is a truly good friend to Michael and he's always stuck up for him. Him and Elizabeth Taylor are probably the two most loyal friends of Michael's, at least that we know about. Nither has ever uttered a negative word about him or wavered in their support. And both have always been there when Michael really needed a freind.
^ Don't forget about Ms Diana Ross guys! :D

Sweet article!
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i would say shes more of an aquaintance than a they havnt spoken in years.
well we all have ppl who we were friends years ago and over the years u lose touch or may only ever see them once in a blue moon. yeah they are still friends im sure but u can hardly compair her with someone like mark who mj talks to all the time and travels out to see him as much as poss.
well we all have ppl who we were friends years ago and over the years u lose touch or may only ever see them once in a blue moon. yeah they are still friends im sure but u can hardly compair her with someone like mark who mj talks to all the time and travels out to see him as much as poss.
How muchdo you know about MJ's and Diana's relationship. Do you honestly think that MJ parades all his friends in front of the camera? Diana and MJ have a long history together. That hardly qualifies as aquaintances. That is deeper than that. he lived with her for a year for goodness sake.
[he lived with her for a year for goodness sake./QUOTE]

40 years ago nearly. as i said u can be close to ppl years ago and then drift apart. she said in an interview once that she hadnt spoken to him in years. so in compairing to someone like mark shes become more of an aqaintance
[he lived with her for a year for goodness sake./QUOTE]

40 years ago nearly. as i said u can be close to ppl years ago and then drift apart. she said in an interview once that she hadnt spoken to him in years. so in compairing to someone like mark shes become more of an aqaintance
I never compared her to Mark. I simpy disputed your assuption that she is a 'mere accqaintance'. So if you haven't seen a member of your family in years, does that make them 'mere' acquaintance?
MJ has had a personal relationship with Miss Diana. You cannot possibly know what the state of their friendship is since none of them are saying. But that cannot be construed as 'mere' acquaintance, since Diana was like family to mj and she was the one that taught him the fine ar of drawing. No mere aquaintance there.:)
dianas not family. so u cant compair. shes become more of a aqaintance over the years because she and mj havnt seen/spoken to each other as much as they did back in the day. yes they are friends as they still have contact but some act as if they are best buddies round at each others house like mark for eg. probably the same ppl who thought they had an affair lol

since Diana was like family to mj and she was the one that taught him the fine ar of drawing. No mere aquaintance there.:smile:

like i said you are talking about 40 years ago im talking about now.
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dianas not family. so u cant compair. shes become more of a aqaintance over the years because she and mj havnt seen/spoken to each other as much as they did back in the day. yes they are friends as they still have contact but some act as if they are best buddies round at each others house like mark for eg. probably the same ppl who thought they had an affair lol

like i said you are talking about 40 years ago im talking about now.
You don't know any of that. And yes, Diana is family. The is what you call Motown family. They are all related. Diana taught MJ he trade. They were very close. You do not become mere acquaintance after you have known each other so well. They were not separated for 40 years as you said. They did the wiz together and they did many things together after Thriller. MJ even wrote a song for her, remember?
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They were not separated for 40 years as you said.

i didnt say that. i said all the things you were quoting happened 40 years ago. u cant use it as an example as to why they would still have the same releationship now as they did through the 70's and 80' this whole thing was about mark i was merely compairing his relationship to mj to hers.

And yes, Diana is family. The is what you call Motown family

you know exactly what i mean when talking about family. you are so defensive all the time over the slightest thing. it isnt a big deal if mj isnt as close to ppl as he was 20 or so years ago.
elusive is right. It's sort of the same thing with Jane Fonda. Jane was close to Michael in the late 70s and through the 80s, not so much anymore. But she still understands him and supports him. I look at Diana Ross in the same way. Not as close, but still a freind and willing to stick up for him whenever the time comes. There's nothing wrong with that. I thought Jane Fonda was one of the most understanding people Michael ever befriended and I still think she is. You don't have to be best friends for that to happen.

Mark Lester is really close to Michael, and so is Elizabeth Taylor, because they keep in contact regularly.
Re: Mark Lester talking about MJ

Ya'l should please include transcripts or atleast an overview with things like these, some of us have only have internet access at work or school where there's alot of web filters to block interactive sites like youtube.
Re: Mark Lester talking about MJ

Ya'l should please include transcripts or atleast an overview with things like these, some of us have only have internet access at work or school where there's alot of web filters to block interactive sites like youtube.

search for the Ip adress of youtube then copy paste that in instead of typing, it sometimes works then!
Re: Mark Lester talking about MJ

OK here's what Mark said

His views on Living With Michael Jackson - ''Well i met Martin Bashir in Germany and i thought he was a creep and i was proven right when i watched that Documantary. It was disscusting, and if they had showen the real interview without bashir twisting things people would have seen Michael for who he really is which a nice guy''

His views on the lies that surround Michael - ''When i hear all the lies about Michael it just makes me very, very angry. They don't know Michael, they've never met Michael and if they did know Michael they would know that the alot of things that are said about him are compleat rubbish''

his views on the tabloids - ''Well you can never stop the idiots from producing what they think their mornic readers want to read, it makes me very angry when the media report lies about Michael. If they only knew him, none of them know him, so it's all just rumor and gossip and it really annoyes me''

His favorite MJ video - ''My Favorite Michael Jackson video is Smooth Criminal''