March 4, 2009 - Wednesday

How he rolls these days???

Do we not have a Pics thread?

Are people still here questioning the O2 concert stuff? His website and his MySpace blog both are talking about and hyping up the announcement tomorrow at the O2 Arena. We all know it's about these performances this summer. At some point you just have to stop doubting and give in to the excitement and enjoy this. Our man is coming back FINALLY!
I know what he said. :rolleyes:

It's just that this whole buzz about MJ doing concerts at the O2 might not even be true at all, after all his spokeswoman did say they were merely "speculation". I'm getting a WMAs 2006 vibe and I hope that isn't the case.

remember the official announcement hes working on series conerts and world tour :D?
Are people still here questioning the O2 concert stuff? His website and his MySpace blog both are talking about and hyping up the announcement tomorrow at the O2 Arena. We all know it's about these performances this summer. At some point you just have to stop doubting and give in to the excitement and enjoy this. Our man is coming back FINALLY!

don't waste too much energy trying to convince them....
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I'm still freekin' out since yesterday. :mello:

I think this is great news...BUT it's kinda sad that once again the USA market is being left out.
yeh so is australia :(
but im very very happy for all you london fans out there!!!
Im so excited for u all :D
I think this is great news...BUT it's kinda sad that once again the USA market is being left out.

there are many markets not being targeted, but im sure it wont stop fans from all over coming to see him. I think its great he is sticking to one place and doing some concerts, travelling all over the world isnt fair on his children now. at least they can have some stability if he is doing a series of concerts here in London.
As long as he's rearing ta go, then he can perform wherever he wants. :yes: Just uhh... do something for HBO, please Mikey?... for me? *puppy dog eyes*
um is the auction still going on?! wtf? tmz said he's suing cuz julien's won't give him his stuff

mj Suing Over [] Auction
Posted Mar 4th 2009 6:32PM by TMZ Staff
Michael Jackson's production company is suing the company trying to auction off all of [mjs]weirdo personal property -- including the hands from Edward Scissorhands, rhinestone gloves and socks, a tacky robe and the gates from Neverland.

In the lawsuit, filed today in L.A. County Superior Court,[]camp claims Julien's Auction House is "not legally entitled to retain possession of Michael Jackson's personal property."

The suit claims the auction house has repeatedly refused to return the stuff.

The auction is scheduled to take place April 22 in Bev Hills.
very. i bought two catalogues so im wondering, is it legit or not? how odd is that? y would he allow them to hold it, sign all the catalogues, and now sue them wanting the stuff back. wtf is going on here? lol

maybe the o2 thing came about and he felt he wanted to cancel it, keep his stuff, and whatever....
I bought a catalogue I wonder what's gonna happen now.
I thought he was gonna be at the :scratch:
haha prolly won't be.

but in a way im glad if he does stop it. that stuff belongs w/ him, even in a shack. he still owns nevvy.....but the problem is, it's gonna cost him to stop this. for them to advertise, rent the place to do it, promotion, printing the books. he's gonna have to pay a lot of money to make this end and he has to do it now

omg nerds all over the world are gonna cry. won't get his games and disney fanatics won't get his stuff!
WOW! I printed out the registration form just this past weekend and was going to register and get my catalog this week. The only thing that stopped me was the official word that he'd be making an announcement this week at the O2. Hotdangit that was close!!! If they're going to fight about this then it's possible everyone's money is tangled up in the litigation at this point. Refunds could be slow or long in waiting if they refuse to return his stuff and he gets some kind of injunction to stop the auction. Seriously tho, wtf happened?!! I mean, just.....Lawd!!!!
i reckon if he does this o2 thing then he won't need to sell his stuff IF he was doing it to make money. if he was doing it cuz he's move don, then im confused. maybe he didn't like how they set the reserve or something.

but let's wait and see on that
what i like about all this is just when we think we know somn...we know nothing about what's really goin on in MJ's life, and it's gunna take MJ's mouth to tell us. ...but twenty four seven i gotta stay on the net if i'm gunna attempt to keep up with M.J. lol.

what i don't like is tha ******* that always try to hurt MJ.