March 27 - 29 Weekend News Byte

I hope it's Lionel that carries Michael on stage and not that AEG guy. Lionel kicks ass.
I'm not sure how much truth there is to this story about Michael renting a house near some hunted caves.

Michael Jackson News for March 28, 2009:

MICHAEL JACKSON: Star said to be staying in £1m north Kent mansion during O2 gigs

MICHAEL Jackson is reported to have paid £1m to rent a north Kent mansion during his 02 Arena gigs this summer.
The 28-bedroom mansion is said to be close to London but within Kent, fuelling speculation it is in the boroughs of Dartford or Gravesham.
The 50-year-old is expected to move into the mansion, said to be near haunted caves, at the end of June, in time to begin his 50-concert This Is It tour on July 8.

Michael Jackson Mentionings for March 28, 2009:

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Michael Jackson Show comes to Malta[/FONT] [/FONT]

The Michael Jackson Show by Navi” is to be held at Sky Club Malta on the eve of a public holiday on Monday. The star of the show, Navi has been recognised by the king of pop himself as the world’s no.1 Michael Jackson impersonator.

No other tribute act has ever come close to achieving what Navi has accomplished to date. Working for Michael Jackson as a decoy for several years, the official Michael Jackson impersonator has been personally invited to Michael Jackson’s home, Neverland.

In fact, Michael Jackson’s first words to Navi were, “You’re an amazing dancer, do you practice every day?”. Navi has performed for Michael Jackson on several occasions, one being the opening act at Michael Jackson’s birthday party in Los Angeles.

The impersonator has performed over 150 shows per year in 54 countries across 5 continents. Reaching his 20th year in the business, the Michael Jackson impressionist is not only recognised by Michael Jackson himself but appreciated in venues and audiences across the globe. Navi has been hired many times over the years for the launch and promotion of several different Michael Jackson releases. Most recently he has performed for the 25th anniversary edition of Thriller.

The world’s no.1 Michael Jackson impersonator will be recreating the King of Pop’s outstanding classics from his hit albums such as such as Off the Wall (1979), Thriller (1982), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) and History (1995) live on popular entertainment programme Hadd Ghalik on Sunday, 29 March.

The Michael Jackson Show to be held at Sky Club on Monday will feature Airport impressions and the ZOO team and includes a DJ line up consisting of Mykill and Alex Grech.
"When I got back in the car he played it for me and we laughed, so we decided to do a tribute to the '80s, and we started listening to all that stuff," Mikaloff said.
Lost in the 80s features covers from a diverse cross-section of '80s music, including versions of AC/DC's You Shook Me All Night Long, Michael Jackson's Billie Jean and Soft Cell's Tainted Love.

Ain’t Too Proud To Beg didn’t sound like Motown to me. Motown (the record label for the likes of Gladys Knights and the Pips, Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross and The Supremes, The Jackson Five and Michael Jackson) has a special feel. The judges clobbered Michael but he took it like a man. It’s always sad to see a good guy leave the show.

Prenger has been performing forever. Michael Jackson impersonations in front of her bedroom mirror, disco dancing competitions at Pontins (she came second and was gutted), singing at school. She was overweight from an early age and, despite being asked not to come back to a local dance class because of it, with a mum and dad who told her she was gorgeous and encouraged her every ambition she kept on going. She worked as a nail technician and a sales assistant in a curtain shop. But Prenger was on a slew of TV shows as a contestant and then she had a non-skating role in an ice show at Alton Towers before she started slogging her way round the club circuit singing songs and telling jokes to hide her insecurity about her weight. Prenger did what lots of comedians do when they have a sensitive spot: she made it part of her act.

Raised in the East Texas town of Grand Saline, church and music were a part of young Tomlin's life early on. A fan of country music, Steven Curtis Chapman and Michael Jackson, he began to learn guitar at age 11 and by 14 had written his first worship song. But he insists he never intended to go into the music business.

Michael Jackson HIStory for March 28, 2009:

1986 - More than 6,000 radio stations of all format varieties played "We are the World" simultaneously at 10:15 a.m. EST.

2005 - The judge in the Michael Jackson child molestation trial ruled that the jury could hear allegations the pop star molested or had designs on five other boys, including actor Macaulay Culkin and two youngsters who reached multimillion-dollar settlements with the singer.
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It was mumbai shining at earth hour


By this yardstick, Mumbai did rather poorly. Most of the city went about its business without so much as a blink or a thought. There was cynicism in some quarters about the tokenism of the one-hour outage but mostly it was indifference. However, there were reassuring pockets of darkness__mainly in areas where local citizen groups are active and where corporate and academic institutions had decided to join in (Air India building, IIT Powai campus, RBI buildings, ICICI building). At the Bombay Port Trust garden in Colaba, as the lights dimmed, a human chain of about 50 people was formed, candles glowed and Michael Jackson's Heal the World sung. Among those swaying to the soulful song was five-year-old Vashi resident Deepti Prabhakar with a taper in hand. Her mother had brought her here all the way from Vashi because she wanted her daughter to start saving electricity.
At the Bombay Port Trust garden in Colaba, as the lights dimmed, a human chain of about 50 people was formed, candles glowed and Michael Jackson's Heal the World sung.

Aww that is sweet!
Its great to see that "heal the world" is still teasured & loved still to this day :D
***** at 50: Learning to moonwalk all over again
By James Tapper
Last updated at 12:03 AM on 29th March 2009

It is a demanding dance move that few 50-year-olds would even hope to attempt – but a Michael Jackson concert just wouldn’t be the same without his signature Moonwalk.
So the ageing pop superstar has embarked on a rigorous training programme to ensure he will be fit and agile enough to perform his famous shuffle night after night during his London concerts this summer.
It has been eight years since he even attempted a public Moonwalk, in which he appears to glide backwards while walking forwards, but he is determined not to disappoint fans at his 50 comeback dates at the O2 Arena.


Step back in time: Michael Jackson Moonwalking on tour in 1997

He has been spending hours studying old footage of his famous moves and is working with acclaimed choreographer Kenny Ortega and a team of fitness trainers to ensure he is step-perfect in time for the first dates this July.
Fellow musician Lionel Richie said an ‘insecure’ Jackson was discovering that the ageing process had affected his athletic abilities – and told his friend to concentrate more on singing than spectacular dance moves he may be too old to pull off.
Richie said: ‘He’s not that 25- or 30-year-old any more so he will have to discover some things about himself that he didn’t quite want to face up to.
‘But what he does have is a mound of hit records. He has to just get it in his head that we [as performers] are on that stage because people want to see us singing those songs.


The King of Pop in London this month

‘Whether you moonwalk or skywalk or float in from the back of the stage, that’s all extra added attractions, but the most important thing is to pick up the microphone and sing Thriller, that’s all that matters.
‘Speaking from an artist’s point of view, there is an insecurity of being away for a while, and you wonder, “Do I know what I’m doing?”.’
A tour source said: ‘Michael has started working with a choreographer and trainers to get him in shape because he wants to perform the moves that made him famous.
‘He is spending hours watching his past performances and videos because he wants to put on a show that is as good as – if not better than – those he’s done before.
‘He is determined he’s going to do the Moonwalk because the fans will go crazy for it. He also wants to do his other famous moves from throughout his career.
‘The shows will be his swan song so he wants them to be the best ever. And he knows that what the fans love is the whole Michael Jackson package – not just the songs, but the dance moves too. He will deliver.’
Jackson last went on the road in 1996 and 1997 with the HIStory World Tour and he last performed the Moonwalk in September 2001 at a one-off concert celebrating his 30th anniversary as a performer.
His spokesman last night refused to comment on preparations for the comeback shows.*****-50-Learning-moonwalk-again.html
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March 28th, 2009 |

After spending years in seclusion, Michael Jackson is back in the public eye in a big way, thanks to a record-breaking 50 sellouts for his upcoming shows at London’s O2 Arena — not to mention a Michael Jackson theme night on “American Idol.” One of the few stars who can match the King Of Pop’s longevity is Cher, who still performs in Las Vegas despite embarking on her own “farewell tour” several years ago. The two stars’ paths first crossed nearly 40 years ago, when Cher worked with Michael and his brothers on a medley of their hits. For Cher, keeping up with the Jackson 5 was a pretty challenging task! She shared her memories of working on that routine with them. (CLICK ON THE MEDIA BAR BELOW THE VIDEO TO HEAR CHER)

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Entertainonomics: Is Recession Just a Myth?
Michael Jackson is recession-proof

Bhuwan Thapaliya (Bhuwan)

Published 2009-03-29 10:44 (KST)

With the economic downturn deepening, attracting private money to the financial industry may be difficult. But that is not the case with the entertainment industry -- if the entertainer is Michael Jackson, undisputed "King of Pop."

Recession or not, it seems that his popularity is not subjected to diminishing returns.

The very fact that more than 750,000 tickets were sold out in 4 hours testifies the man's greatness as the most influential musical icon in the entire history of the Pop.

Michael Jackson sold out 50 planned concerts at London's 02 Arena for his historic comeback concerts in July and next January.

"The shows will start on July 8 and run through September before resuming in January and February of 2010," according to the media reports.

"The 50-year-old 'King of Pop' will play the 20,000-seat venue near Docklands. The 02 has hosted comebacks by artists such as Prince, who staged 21 concerts, and was the venue of the Led Zeppelin reunion in 2007," according to the report published by the Bloomberg.

People all over the world are very skeptical about spending and the consumer demand has deteriorated a lot, but it seems that Recession is not having any effect on Michael Jackson's fans. Michael Jackson is recession-proof.

Governments all over the world are fighting hard to revive their economy. The World Bank has already forecasted that 2009 will be the worst year for the global economy and economic forecasts suggest that the solution is not just around the corner.

Considering so, nobody and not even Jackson, who has sold more than 750 million records and won 13 Grammy Awards, would have thought that his 750,000 tickets would be sold out in 4 hours.

But it did and the king of pop whose last series of concerts was the History Tour way back in 1996-1997 is all set to take the musical world by storm.

"Is recession just a myth?"

We are forced to ask this question after the enormous monetary craze shown towards Michael Jackson's expensive concert in England, a nation said to be hard hit by Recession.

750,000 tickets were sold and they say that the world is in recession. And then you may have scratched your head thousand times and said, "How it happened, how the concert tickets were sold out in such a little time?"

A hard fact to digest, isn't it? But it would be a sign that the world has understood what it is to be a great entertainer.

One irony though, these people are spending so much to see Michael Jackson but why aren't they spending a little more to boost consumer demand and revive their economy.

Perhaps, they believe more in Jackson and in his entertaining power than their belief in their economy and its stability.

Maybe the Michael Jackson concert will have a spillover effect and at least give some boost to the faltering British economy.

Let us hope for the best. Hail! Entertainonomics.
What a funny article! I was thinking the same thing about Michael being recession proof. I was waiting to see if any of the news outlets would pick up on this phenom. Took them a while.
Is the recession a myth?? lol, Now an awesome article!!..

The power of Michael Jackson....saving nations' economies!!
The eccentric singer is reported to have paid £1 million to rent a large country house near the edge of an ancient 22-mile maze of haunted passageways.

The undisclosed home is thought to be close to the Chislehurst Caves in Bromley, in the south-east suburbs of London.

Ghost sightings have been reported at the caves, which were dug in chalk by the Saxons, Druids and Romans.

A property source told The Sun: "His team signed up this week to stay there. We're not sure if he knows about the caves but they're all around."

The 50-year-old star sent aides to find the perfect country retreat before his first gig in London on July 8.

The three-storey pile – built in the 1800s – has quarters for 20 staff as well as an underground cinema, music room, indoor swimming pool, lake and private wood.

Closed circuit television cameras and state-of-the-art alarm systems will prevent fans getting anywhere near the star during his series of 50 concerts.

It was revealed earlier that Jackson has stumped organisers of his concerts by asking to ride an elephant onto the stage as part of a jungle theme.
He was reported to have asked for a panther, snakes, tropical birds and three monkeys for a set that will have a jungle, circus and weather theme during the shows.

Source: The Times

A sale of Michael Jackson memorabilia will still go ahead, despite the singer taking legal action to stop it, the auction house conducting it has said.

Earlier this month the 50-year-old star filed a legal action in Los Angeles claiming that Julien's Auction House had "effectively stolen" his property.

However, Darren Julien said they are "really puzzled and disappointed" that he is trying to stop it.

He said Jackson knew about the sale and even approved a press release about it.
"We're really puzzled and disappointed that he's trying to stop this sale because the last eight months he's known about the auction.

'First class job'

Mr Julien claims a contract with Jackson's company was agreed.

"In December he and his manager approved a release that went out, announcing that we're conducting an auction of Neverland and Michael Jackson."
He added they planned to do a "first class job" for the star.

"We're going to keep our commitment to him and really make sure that it's really something his fans and the world can be proud of.
"I mean Michael Jackson is an amazing pop icon - the history and what he means to pop culture and Neverland is part of pop culture history.

"So we want this to be something that's fun, that's exciting, so we hope we get past all this issues with him and he'll enjoy the process like he did originally when he was putting the sale together for us."

Some of the 2,000 items include the wrought iron gates from his Neverland Ranch and a white glove he wore in his 1983 Billie Jean video.

The five-day auction, which is due to take place from 21 April in Beverly Hills, is expected to fetch up to $20m (£13.9m).

Earlier this month Jackson announced he would be playing 50 dates at London's O2 Arena.

Source: BBC
Wasn't it reported that Michael actually retrieved the items he wanted back from this guy?

I guess we will know when the auction takes place. If the gate to Neverlanad are not on display then I guess he got his stuff back. We should also be able to see if other items that were listed in the lawsuit have been returned if they are not displayed in Beverly Hills.
***** at 50: Learning to moonwalk all over again
By James Tapper
Last updated at 12:03 AM on 29th March 2009

It is a demanding dance move that few 50-year-olds would even hope to attempt – but a Michael Jackson concert just wouldn’t be the same without his signature Moonwalk.
So the ageing pop superstar has embarked on a rigorous training programme to ensure he will be fit and agile enough to perform his famous shuffle night after night during his London concerts this summer.
It has been eight years since he even attempted a public Moonwalk, in which he appears to glide backwards while walking forwards, but he is determined not to disappoint fans at his 50 comeback dates at the O2 Arena.


Step back in time: Michael Jackson Moonwalking on tour in 1997

He has been spending hours studying old footage of his famous moves and is working with acclaimed choreographer Kenny Ortega and a team of fitness trainers to ensure he is step-perfect in time for the first dates this July.
Fellow musician Lionel Richie said an ‘insecure’ Jackson was discovering that the ageing process had affected his athletic abilities – and told his friend to concentrate more on singing than spectacular dance moves he may be too old to pull off.
Richie said: ‘He’s not that 25- or 30-year-old any more so he will have to discover some things about himself that he didn’t quite want to face up to.
‘But what he does have is a mound of hit records. He has to just get it in his head that we [as performers] are on that stage because people want to see us singing those songs.


The King of Pop in London this month

‘Whether you moonwalk or skywalk or float in from the back of the stage, that’s all extra added attractions, but the most important thing is to pick up the microphone and sing Thriller, that’s all that matters.
‘Speaking from an artist’s point of view, there is an insecurity of being away for a while, and you wonder, “Do I know what I’m doing?”.’
A tour source said: ‘Michael has started working with a choreographer and trainers to get him in shape because he wants to perform the moves that made him famous.
‘He is spending hours watching his past performances and videos because he wants to put on a show that is as good as – if not better than – those he’s done before.
‘He is determined he’s going to do the Moonwalk because the fans will go crazy for it. He also wants to do his other famous moves from throughout his career.
‘The shows will be his swan song so he wants them to be the best ever. And he knows that what the fans love is the whole Michael Jackson package – not just the songs, but the dance moves too. He will deliver.’
Jackson last went on the road in 1996 and 1997 with the HIStory World Tour and he last performed the Moonwalk in September 2001 at a one-off concert celebrating his 30th anniversary as a performer.
His spokesman last night refused to comment on preparations for the comeback shows.*****-50-Learning-moonwalk-again.html

The moonwalk is hardly a demanding step. That'll be the easiest thing for Michael to do. Spinning and jumping on your toes is a zillion times more difficult. But Michael'll be fine. He's not your average 50 year old.
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March 28th, 2009 |

After spending years in seclusion, Michael Jackson is back in the public eye in a big way, thanks to a record-breaking 50 sellouts for his upcoming shows at London’s O2 Arena — not to mention a Michael Jackson theme night on “American Idol.” One of the few stars who can match the King Of Pop’s longevity is Cher, who still performs in Las Vegas despite embarking on her own “farewell tour” several years ago. The two stars’ paths first crossed nearly 40 years ago, when Cher worked with Michael and his brothers on a medley of their hits. For Cher, keeping up with the Jackson 5 was a pretty challenging task! She shared her memories of working on that routine with them. (CLICK ON THE MEDIA BAR BELOW THE VIDEO TO HEAR CHER)

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I just saw Cher in Vegas. She was absolutely incredible. It's hard to believe she's 62 years old. She makes most 20 year olds look nasty, lol. And she puts on an awesome show. She's one of the most talented performers around.
I think we all need to start watching some of these sources that these articles are coming out of. Because even though they're saying things about the tour etc... that doesn't mean they're legit. (tEx: The daily mail article about the moonwalk) Sounds like another attempt to make ppl think he's unsure of himself, which is totally untrue IMO.
INSIDE STORY: Can Michael Jackson Pull Off High-Stakes Comeback?

By Simon Perry
Originally posted Saturday March 28, 2009 09:40 AM EDT
Michael Jackson Photo by: MJ Kim / Getty
Michael Jackson didn't stay long or say much – and apparently he didn’t have to.

On March 5, the troubled singer made a five-minute appearance in the drafty, mall-like atrium of London's giant O2 Arena to announce an upcoming series of concerts.

The results were astonishing: For each second he was on the small stage, Jackson sold 25,000 concert tickets, eventually expanding his roster of London shows from 10 to 50 dates. Beginning on July 8, and running through February 2010, more than an astonishing 750,000 seats were sold to fans hoping to see Jackson in action for what he calls his career "curtain call" in London.

But can the 50-year-old King of Pop – whose last U.K. live performance, at the World Music Awards in 2006, was roundly deemed a flop – pull it off?

Physical Exhaustion?

It won't be easy, says Ben Cardew, editor of Britain's Music Week magazine. "He has been away for a while and had some much-publicized problems" – Jackson's trial, and subsequent acquittal on child abuse charges in 2005, for instance, and his recent financial collapse – "and this is an incredible schedule, 50 dates over six months," says Cardew. "So, yes, people are wondering if he's going to do it."

Adds BBC Radio 2 deejay Paul Gambaccini, "The risk of physical exhaustion is the main obstacle at this point." One U.K. bookie has placed the odds that Jackson will perform only one show at 12 to 1.

But concert promoters are promising a new Michael with new dance steps. "He's working on a new move. Something like the moonwalk but different," AEG Live's chief executive Randy Phillips told the U.K.'s Daily Telegraph.

Music industry sources also expect pyrotechnics and other frills – lots of them. "It takes pressure off the [the performer] when he can get five minutes when there are fireworks or someone else comes on," says Music Week's Cardew. "And that is the way things are going, just look at Britney Spears."

Thriller Remake

Jackson has other plans afoot. He hopes to team with a director and writer to do a 3D remake of his groundbreaking video Thriller, AEG Live's Phillips has said, possibly to be released around Halloween.

His team of helpers is currently scouting houses in the English countryside for Jackson and his children – Prince Michael I, 12, Paris, 10, and Prince Michael II, 6 – and he may even shuttle to the concert arena, located on the banks of the River Thames, by boat.

Why London? The Gloved One says he loves the city. He hopes fans from all over Europe – where "his reputation was not as marred in this part of the world," says the BBC's Gambaccini – will make the short hop to the British capital. Ticket requests were received from as far away as North Korea and Afghanistan, according to the promoters.

Mandatory Medical Exam

Why now? Because the formerly flush singer, who was forced to put his beloved Neverland estate on the market to pay bills, is seriously in need of cash. The London shows are expected to net him upwards of $50 million, AEG Live's Phillips says. If Jackson takes his show on tour around the world, Phillips estimates, the total could be five times that amount.

AEG Live isn't taking any chances. The company has said it demanded rigorous health checks before signing the star to sing again.

And if Jackson succeeds in London, could Vegas be next?,,20268643,00.html
MIke can do it!!!
GO THE KING OF POP!!!! :wild: :wild:
Jade Goody's wishes for alcohol-free funeral to be granted 29/03/2009

Jade's family will fulfil her wishes and slap an alcohol ban on her funeral. In an interview in October she said: "I don't want anyone to have a booze-up when I'm dead. They should have a cup of tea and be crying."
Planning her own funeral, Jade even picked her husband Jack Tweed's outfit before she died - insisting he wear the same suit he wore to their wedding.
Invitations to the funeral will be posted out today to stars including the Sugababes, Kerry Katona, TV veterans Richard Madeley and Judy Finnegan, and even Michael Jackson.
Meanwhile fans' flowers continue to pile up at her home in Upshire, Essex. They now line the road leading to her house.
The moonwalk is hardly a demanding step. That'll be the easiest thing for Michael to do. Spinning and jumping on your toes is a zillion times more difficult. But Michael'll be fine. He's not your average 50 year old.

its ok... I kinda like the reverse psychology technique with this...
I really prefer "them" not expecting much before he performs... its all good right now............
I think we all need to start watching some of these sources that these articles are coming out of. Because even though they're saying things about the tour etc... that doesn't mean they're legit. (tEx: The daily mail article about the moonwalk) Sounds like another attempt to make ppl think he's unsure of himself, which is totally untrue IMO.

those publications are Murdoch owed... so yes... yellow journalism at its best.. but sometimes.. you have to weigh things out....I will take the renting million$$ near a grave, riding elephants on tour..him being too old to perform..... over the stories we use to get ....any day...

I am finding that just like Michael is recession proof (love that article... loving it)... Michael is also very resilient to certain tab stories...

what gives him that resilience??? established iconic, legendary status... that has the TALENT stamped all over it...........and that talent is captured on film/video for generations to view time after time...
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Great article, I love Prince, and he is right!
Especially this:
"I came to see Alicia Keys here, and it was the worst sound I've ever heard," Prince said, noting that the AEG had spent plenty of money on seating and lighting.

"If you fix the sound, I'll be here every night, and I'll do it for free."
I didn't know where to post it so i'll put it here
it is not about Michael but about AEG

Does anyone know what the sound is like at the O2 arena in London? Is this just a growing pain problem because the venue is new?

At least Prince says it is the equipment. That can be fixed and I am sure Michael will demand it if necessary. If it was the accoustics of the building itself that would be a disaster.
House Of Heroes to release EP of Beatles' songs
AMERICAN pop rock band House Of Heroes, whose "Mercedes Baby" from their 2006 album 'Say No More' was a Cross Rhythms turntable hit, have recorded an EP of covers of Beatles' songs. Read a band statement, "Assuming that Michael Jackson doesn't still own the rights to the songs and doesn't want to charge us millions of dollars to release them, we'll be releasing them sometime this year. Our goal with this EP is to gradually start recording more and more Beatles' songs, until eventually people become confused and start to think that we're the Beatles."

Ha ha. Good luck with that.
Michael Jackson Mentionings for March 29, 2009:

Ann Arbor, Michigan (PRWEB) March 29, 2009 -- The readers of SoulTracks (, America's most popular soul music website, are choosing the greatest soul music albums of all time, one decade at a time. Over ten thousand votes were cast in the first poll, which rated the best albums of the the 1970s, and the winning album was Earth Wind & Fire's "That's The Way of the World," with Marvin Gaye's seminal "What's Goin' On" finishing a close second, less than 1% behind the winner.
Now through April 6th, SoulTrackers will be voting for the best soul music albums of the 1980s, including albums like Michael Jackson's "Thriller," Prince's "Purple Rain" and Anita Baker's "Rapture." Upcoming polls will include the albums of the 1960s, 1990s and 2000s, as well as the best Contemporary Gospel albums. And later this Spring, voting will begin for the greatest soul songs of all time.
"We have been absolutely overwhelmed by the response to our polls by our readers," said SoulTracks publisher Chris Rizik. "Our readers are informed and passionate about their music, and the large numbers that voted and the depth of knowledge shown in the comments we received again demonstrate the special place that soul music holds in American culture in the 21st Century."
The list of winners of the 1970s poll can be found at
Votes for the 1980s poll can be cast by visiting
House Of Heroes to release EP of Beatles' songs

AMERICAN pop rock band House Of Heroes, whose "Mercedes Baby" from their 2006 album 'Say No More' was a Cross Rhythms turntable hit, have recorded an EP of covers of Beatles' songs. Read a band statement, "Assuming that Michael Jackson doesn't still own the rights to the songs and doesn't want to charge us millions of dollars to release them, we'll be releasing them sometime this year. Our goal with this EP is to gradually start recording more and more Beatles' songs, until eventually people become confused and start to think that we're the Beatles

Emotions of music touch universal chord
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By Agency Reporter
Published: Sunday, 29 Mar 2009

Michael Jackson may have been more prescient than he realised when he wrote the lyrics to the global ”feel-good” song, We Are the World.
New research recognizes that people from vastly different cultures and heritages respond to the same happy, sad and scared emotions in unfamiliar music.
This suggests the universality of emotions in music and may help explain why Western music has been adopted so ubiquitously worldwide, said the authors, from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany.
”We know that our auditory system responds in distinctive ways to consonant and dissonant sounds, even when we‘re not actively listening to them,” said Nina Kraus, Hugh Knowles professor of communication sciences, neurobiology, physiology and otolaryngology at Northwestern University in Chicago. ”It‘s fascinating how our sensory systems have evolved to respond effectively to sounds that signal what‘s important, such as emotional meaning.”
Kraus was not involved with the study, which is published in the March 19 online issue of Current Biology.
”There are fundamental acoustic features that communicate basic emotions similarly in both speech and music. Much of the meaning we get from music is not so much reliant on musical structure, but rather how it – the music – is performed,” said Dana Strait, a doctoral candidate in the Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory, also at Northwestern University. ”It‘s the same with speech– it‘s not the actual words spoken, but more how they‘re said that communicates emotion.”
”The question of ‘musical universals‘ has triggered intense debate in our field for years,” she continued. ”It intrigues us in part because of its implications for music being ‘built in‘ to the human genome. These outcomes move us yet another step closer toward defining biological mechanisms driving the human music obsession.”
Previous research has determined that babies as young as 5 months old can distinguish between upbeat and gloomy music, providing more evidence that the brain‘s ability to detect emotion develops early.
For this study, researchers trekked to the far reaches of mountainous northern Cameroon and asked members of the Mafa ethnic group to participate.
A group of Mafa listened with headphones to computer-generated piano music with different tempos, pitch range, rhythm, etc. The music was played on a sun-powered CD (the Mafa don‘t have electricity). Meanwhile, a group of Westerners who had not before heard African music listened to a sequence of Mafa music.
Both groups were then asked to rate the music as pleasant or unpleasant.
Africans and Westerners alike recognized the same three emotions in the music: happy, sad, and scared or fearful. And both made their judgments based on timing of the music and on mode.
Mafa participants were more likely to think of faster pieces as happy and slower pieces as scared or fearful.

Classes for the regular school year are starting to wind down at ABS-CBN Children’s Center. Students are now busy rehearsing their performances for this year’s closing program. Four-year-old Eunice, from the preparatory class, takes the lead despite being the smallest kid and the only girl in a group of Grade 5 boys dancing to a popular Michael Jackson hit. She struts and does her own version of the moonwalk with so much ease and confidence – it’s as if she’s just dancing at home with her kuyas (older male peers)

Michael Jackson HIStory for March 29, 2009:

1985 - The "We Are the World" album was released.

1992 - MTV aired the "My Dinner With Michael" contest. 100 winners were selected to be flown to Los Angeles to have dinner with Michael Jackson. Over 4 million entries were received.

1996 - Michael Jackson won Best Male Artist Album for "HIStory" in the International category at the 11th annual IRMAs Irish Music Awards.
2004 - A grand jury convened, in a secret location, concerning the Michael Jackson child molestation case.

2004 - A media attorney asked an appeals court to overturn an order that prevented access to the grand jury in the Michael Jackson child molestation case.
the house of heroes group is so disillusioned.. so only Michael upholds publishing rights payments??? .. so its ok to rip off someone else's art and not be accountable for it??