March 17 - It's all about the O2 shows!

how long has that fool being trying to get a "hasbeen" on his show

Video: The View Discuss Michael Jackson Concerts

Below is a video from today, March 17, 2009, in which the hosts of The View (including Whoopi Goldberg) discuss Michael Jackson's concerts and why they would attend. Additional feedback is provided by Gary Sinise, who says he too would go to a Michael Jackson concert. Goldberg begins the segment by telling the audience that the cast of Dancing with the Stars "should take a page out of Michael Jackson's book. Because, there is no better dancer on stage. There's just none!"

Source: / The View

Simon Cowell: Yeah. The best platform you could have in America right now is American Idol. He'd be actually stupid not to do it.

I guess hes still in dreamland...u keep dreaming simon..keep dreaming! :lol:
Thought I'd mention this. I'm watching the View and the ladies had MJ's London "tour" as they called it, one of their hot topics today. All the ladies agreed that Michael is still a legend and no one could top him on the dance floor. Whoopi Goldberg even said she'd love to see him on stage, Sherry Shepherd agreed saying that "Michael is tops in my book."

Haven't watched their clips yet, but in case anyone is interested in checking it out. They post the hot topics on their website for people to view online. So if you want to see it for yourself, here you go! :D

Being that was said I hope Michael comes on the View Just Like Janet and tell the Gals and The Audience that he's doing a US Tour and about his album . also just give the fans a thrill to tell them that the King of Pop is back.
Long Live The King Of Pop.
Thanks for the Gary Sinise comments. I'm a bigger fan of his now knowing he's got good sense. :lol:

Jermaine Dupri's 2cents on MJ's sellouts not getting coverage on the black blogs.

That was great. Thank you for sharing that. The MJ bits are 3:09 to 7:10 for those interested. I think Jermaine has a point about how artists' accomplishments are glossed over and ignored while all the negative news and BS gets center stage in the media and on these blogs. People just seem to gravitate towards negativity and it's sad. What Michael accomplished was a major feat in music, for the industry as a whole...especially during the economic times we're in right now. And altho the fact that he's doing 50 shows IS getting a lot of attention, very few are talking about how amazing it is what he's done in selling a million tickets in such a short time...especially all things considered...all the BS.

Maybe these people are still in shock that it's happened at all. LOL! Or they're too busy wipping egg off their faces and got crow feet stuck in their throats to properly give it the recognition it deserves. Sooner or later they will finally understand that you just CAN NOT keep a good man down. You may catch him with a sucker punch every now and then, whack him in the gutt, trip him to the ground, but he will always get back up, dust himself off and keep it moving forward.

And that Jermaine hater was just as ignorant as they come. He was so filled with hate against MJ that he completely missed the point Jermaine was making....the importance of the accomplishment. But that's how haters are. They try to diminish the good and positive with nonsense becuz foolishness is all they have to fuel their hate. And saying Jermaine only cares becuz of Janet is this guy's sad way of ignoring the bigger picture...which he would refuse to see even if it smacked him upside the head.

In any case that was a nice vid. Can I say again how much I LOOOOOVE good news! :cloud9:
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Well done JD. I know can you eblieve how little has been said of this amazing accomplishment of selling a milion tickets in less than 5 hours.... it's such blatant double standards shows attention is given to only salacious news.
when it comes to blogs, I take them with a grain of salt. Listening to that idoit on Jermaine D proves how stupid some folks can be. All that poster talked about was tabloid bull and used the same nonsense talk that tabloids use. I bet you if we were to find that bloger, he would have more problems (and maybe some troubles with the law) than Michael. Haters love to hate. They even hate on the new artists; however, this nut does NOT represent the black community as a whole. He is just one nut in the bowl. Thank you Jermaine Dupri.
Thanks for the Gary Sinise comments. I'm a bigger fan of his now knowing he's got good sense. :lol:

That was great. Thank you for sharing that. The MJ bits are 3:09 to 7:10 for those interested. I think Jermaine has a point about how artists' accomplishments are glossed over and ignored while all the negative news and BS gets center stage in the media and on these blogs. People just seem to gravitate towards negativity and it's sad. What Michael accomplished was a major feat in music, for the industry as a whole...especially during the economic times we're in right now. And altho the fact that he's doing 50 shows IS getting a lot of attention, very few are talking about how amazing it is what he's done in selling a million tickets in such a short time...especially all things considered...all the BS.

Maybe these people are still in shock that it's happened at all. LOL! Or they're too busy wipping egg off their faces and got crow feet stuck in their throats to properly give it the recognition it deserves. Sooner or later they will finally understand that you just CAN NOT keep a good man down. You may catch him with a sucker punch every now and then, whack him in the gutt, trip him to the ground, but he will always get back up, dust himself off and keep it moving forward.

And that Jermaine hater was just as ignorant as they come. He was so filled with hate against MJ that he completely missed the point Jermaine was making....the importance of the accomplishment. But that's how haters are. They try to diminish the good and positive with nonsense becuz foolishness is all they have to fuel their hate. And saying Jermaine only cares becuz of Janet is this guy's sad way of ignoring the bigger picture...which he would refuse to see even if it smacked him upside the head.

In any case that was a nice vid. Can I say again how much I LOOOOOVE good news! :cloud9:
This guy made himself look stupid. believe me, if a camera was in his face and he had to say that to JD, that idoit would be talking like a school girl about MJ. People love to hide behind computers and talk trash something they would not do in one's FACE.
This was posted on MJFC board:

**The View is a popular TV program that airs in the US with 5 ladies sitting at a table discussing Hot Topics.

Today they discussed Michael Jackson selling out 50 concerts in London in 5 hours. They were amazed and a few of them even said they would go to the concert. Then they started discussing separating the personal life from their art.

After the Hot Topics segment, they brought out popular actor Gary Sinise (look him up). The ladies asked him if he would go and he said he would because MJ was acquitted and he has never seen MJ perform before and he is one of the best performers ever. The ladies agreed. He also said that he WOULD NOT go to an OJ Simpson football game though, if there were to be one which will not since OJ is in jail. One of the ladies brought up that OJ was acquitted too, but then Gary said it just depends how each person feels about him personally.

This was such great PR for MJ. Those ladies can be brutal in their opinions about some people. I was pleasantly surprised everything was so positive.
ALOT of that has to do with Whoopie being on the set. She is upfront nd does not let people talk mess when they do not know what they are talking about (and she is great because she uses herself as an example when talking about things). Joy use to degrade MJ real bad in the past but Whoopie has a way to make you think before you speak (unless you are just stupid).
Jermaine Dupri's 2cents on MJ's sellouts not getting coverage on the black blogs.
Thanks for the link Angie and thank you Wendy for the exact time about MJ bits. Haters keep tryin hard to hate just for the sake of making jokes or attacking MJ to feel good about themselves.

Simon Cowell, that remark...:smilerolleyes: He's like, he's saying as if the AI show is the best thing since slice bread. He sounds so desperate to get MJ on the show.