Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story movie..


Proud Member
Jul 16, 2009
This movie is playing right now on tv one and this is one of the few times I am watching it. I watched it a long time ago and I'm only a few minutes into it right now. I didn't quite like it the first time I watched it and I am wondering what you all think about this movie?
It's kind of hard to take it seriously. Flex looks nothing like Michael and that alone throws the whole movie off for me. He does a decent job on his voice though. Also, sometimes I can't tell whether they are mocking Michael or if they're serious at times.

Has Michael ever commented on this movie? Has he ever seen it (if anybody knows)?
Michael actually released a statement condemning the movie when it was released (2004).

I saw it some years ago, and to be honest, I was crying with laughter. It was so ridiculous. I don't know what part was worse, Flex's makeup job for Michael (looks like he was dipped into a bag of flour), the way his friendship with Liz was portrayed, or the setup of Neverland (no walls attached to the gate).
Michael actually released a statement condemning the movie when it was released (2004).

I saw it some years ago, and to be honest, I was crying with laughter. It was so ridiculous. I don't know what part was worse, Flex's makeup job for Michael (looks like he was dipped into a bag of flour), the way his friendship with Liz was portrayed, or the setup of Neverland (no walls attached to the gate).

Did he? That's interesting. Do you know where I could find/read the statement?

(looks like he was dipped into a bag of flour)

:lol: Agreed. The movie is ridiculous.
That movie was so terrible, it was almost like a parody. Flex's make-up was so poor he looked green instead of white and the way Michael's childlike nature was empasized made him look naive and retarded. Also how Diana Ross was talking to him in his sleep, how amateurish :lol: I can see why Michael didn't like it. The Jacksons: An American Dream is SO much better!

Anyway, it could have been worse. At least they took the position that MJ was innocent of the child molestation allegations.
Did he? That's interesting. Do you know where I could find/read the statement?

I got this out of the book The Visual Documentary. The statement was released though MJJSource:

"My family and I have dedicated our lives to spreading unity and peace to the world through our music. The most recent unauthorized version of my life story, Man In The Mirror, in no way shape or form represents who we are as a family. Is is unfortunate that for years, we have been targets of completely inaccurate and false portrayals. We have watched, as we have been vilified and humiliated. I personally, have suffered through many hurtful lies and references to me as '***** *****' as well as the latest untruth about me fathering quadruplets.
This is intolerable and must stop. The public depiction of us is not who we are, or what we are: we are a loving family. My success on stage can be attributed to the love and support of my family off stage. My brothers and I are brothers first, we started out together and will always be together. All I can hope for is that one day, my family will be shown the same kindness and respect that we have, throughout our lives, shown to others."

***EDIT*** Is it just me, or does this forum not allow indenting?
I got this out of the book The Visual Documentary. The statement was released though MJJSource:

"My family and I have dedicated our lives to spreading unity and peace to the world through our music. The most recent unauthorized version of my life story, Man In The Mirror, in no way shape or form represents who we are as a family. Is is unfortunate that for years, we have been targets of completely inaccurate and false portrayals. We have watched, as we have been vilified and humiliated. I personally, have suffered through many hurtful lies and references to me as '***** *****' as well as the latest untruth about me fathering quadruplets.
This is intolerable and must stop. The public depiction of us is not who we are, or what we are: we are a loving family. My success on stage can be attributed to the love and support of my family off stage. My brothers and I are brothers first, we started out together and will always be together. All I can hope for is that one day, my family will be shown the same kindness and respect that we have, throughout our lives, shown to others."

***EDIT*** Is it just me, or does this forum not allow indenting?

Thank you for posting that. I'm glad Michael released that statement, even though some people maybe have not listen to it. It must have been really frustrating for him.

I wonder what the writer's and director's intention was when making this film. Like I said, I couldn't tell whether they were mocking Michael or if they believed this a real take on his life. But it could have been worse, as LindavG stated. It is disgraceful though. I turned it off a while ago.

Btw- I just tried to indent using the tab key and it didn't work. It worked as a cursor and went to the submit reply button.
Oh dear, sorry Mike. I didnt know he stated that he didnt like it. :(
If I'd known that I wouldnt have even entertained it at all. :no:
OMG, I had watched it once, and I was just snickering throughout the whole thing....Especially the part where Flex was sitting at a little tea party table....He seemed like a five year old :lol:
I picked this up for £2 in blockbuster uk. I had never seen it or heard of it at the time. It really was very poor. I really hated the way they acted out concerts. Always the same stage/camera angles etc. I don't plan on watching this again.
I still have that horrid movie on tape. I had taped it back when they were first showing it on tv. I tape it thinking it might be good. But I saw only a few minutes of it back then. And immediately thought this movie is suppose to be about Michael. This guy that suppose to be him doesn't look anything like Michael. And just turn it off. I don't know why I didn't bother shutting my VCR off as I was recording it back then. I guess I probably just forgot to do that. But I don't ever plan on watching that movie. Those few minutes that I saw back then was more than enough for me not to ever want to see it again.
the movie was horrible! i watched it when they aired it and i just cant even imagine what wagoing through these people's heads and why michael didnt sue over this garbage. they made his look like a unstable man child who was stuck in the body of a 35 year old man and acted like a 5 year old. i havent seen the movie since and when its on i just cringe at the though of anyone watching it and believing that whats being told is true. im glad michael released that statement even though sadly nothing he ever said or did changed peoples minds or helped him in anyway like it should have. i hope his kids never seen that movie.
The red flag for me was when it dawned on me about 10 minutes in, I heard not one note of Jackson 5/MJ music. I just knew it wouldn't end well. VH1 really had it in for MJ that year, with this stinker, that "secret childhood" bullshit, and some other shows better left unmentioned.
This movie was the worst movie I ever seen I felt really bad for MJ. When this movie first premiered on VH1 I lost my mind the comedian flex I personally felt like he was clowning Michael character as a person who ever directed this movie was really trying to get at Michael this was around the time MJ had every hater coming for him so proud of him for being strong. There were so many parts of that movie that had me piss off so I never decided to watch this movie again real pointless and sad making MJ look like he was mental and unstable the movie was a joke and full of lies
^^This. (as stated by TheTruthBeTold)
Also I have never seen it. I tried watching it but that was too much of my life I was never going to get back.
they made his look like a unstable man child who was stuck in the body of a 35 year old man and acted like a 5 year old.

I completely agree with this. The movie wasn't portraying Michael correctly and I couldn't stand the way Flex delivered his lines. He made Michael sound like a mentally unbalanced robot. They really didn't get Michael at all.
As I stated before it's a stupid movie, but one part I have to admit I loved is when Michael as a little boy is half asleep in bed and he sees the silhouette of his adult self on the wall. That was just really cool imagery.
Oh god...O_O not this movie!

I remember watching it with my jaw on the floor on how bad it was! The director of this "Movie" said on Entertainment Tonight (on the behind the scenes of this movie) something like MJ should be grateful that he is making a movie about him like this (you know positive) and he should get flowers from MJ or a thank you! o_O LMFAO!

But, he said it with an attidue like MJ should be glad it ain't negative like other stuff that is around about him! As if this movie actually did any good for MJ image?! *rolleyes* That movie had him looking like a fuck tard! It was stupid!
:doh: THIS was the worst movie EVER MADE! It's so cringeworthy! Make up's terrible, the story is bad, and they make/portray Michael as a freaking WACK-JOB! WTF were these people thinking??! Horrid and a bit frightening to watch! Fans who haven't seen this movie: DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME!..and it's just EMBARRASSING! Sorry for all the caps...
That movie is really not good LOL. I know Michael was a bit child-like but he didn't have the mind of a four year old. The makeup was waaay overdone too.
That movie was shown during the trial. I remember being extremely upset by it. I cried myself to sleep. They portrayed Him as a freak. I did not like it and I soon saw that neither did Michael.
In a way, this movie was like a train wreck. It's bad but you can't take your eyes off it because it's just so bad.

Needless to say, I was able to withstand 30 minutes of it. That's 30 minutes wasted of my life that I wish I had back.
it was like a unfunny madtv/snl skit.. made MJ look like a dum, insecure, child.. not childlike, not even childish.. but a damn baby!! a movie that holds very little truth around it, did not bring MJ's personality and being out AT ALL. IDK who that was.. and it forever made me dislike flex 'the guy who plays him" he had the nerve to say they protraid MJ in a "good light"... The f** is he talking about, just cuz they didnt make MJ look like a pedo its a good light? so dumb!

I sudgest this cus I do it all that time lol!! everytime I see that movie at the store or rent place I hide the sh!t out of it lol

I dont want anyone to see it and think its true