Man brags about spreading AIDS

Shan I believe Chichi is talking about the willingness of people who fear the unknown who would gladly allow what has always happened... to just keep on happening.

When folks don't understand something new and scary they try to isolate it from everything else that they already know.... hence why when the AIDs epidemic first hit the "spot light" and was linked with the gay community... people tried to explain it away as a gay disease that could almost be controlled and prevented from spreading, providing we didn't allow the gays to spread it.... that was the mentality for a lot of people back then... and sadly still is for some people today.
Hence the desire to "segregate" or isolate infected individuals, no different than man's previous reactions to "break outs" (see any kinda disease outbreak in history).
:no: it is not that far off from the topic ... as unsettlin' as the subject is, it all intermingles. The reality is that here are groups out there that would like to see HIV/AIDS patients outcast, away from other civilians. Some have the brass balls to admit it and others simply hide behind, those bolder than themselves. And it is the infected person with that 'F$#K the world' mentality that they use as an argument for their isolation ideas.

It may be a little more hip to be gay nowadays but being infected with HIV/AIDS is a completely different story. For some individuals the understanding and tolerance of the 'gay lifestyle' goes right out the window at that point.

Like I said, this may be too much of a personal topic for me to continue participating in :winking:
The key, as always is education. People do stupid and horrible things when they don't understand what's in front of them or when they have to deal with something that scares them.
We have seen the same thing happen with people who have leprosy, remember there used to be (still is) leper colonies, where people would be sent to if they turned out to be "one of them" and as far as I am aware leprosy isn't contagious.

but when it comes to HIV/AIDs education and repeated education is important. We teach our children to wash their hands before sitting down to dinner, surely we can teach folks to put on a condom before having sex.
u can be the biggest whore in the world, more power to ya but if u wish to engage in that lifestyle, use protection. u get no pitty from those who got this virus from the powers that be outside their own will or fault. true victims of the virus, not those engaging in risky behaviours just 'cuz.

u wanna fuuck around? use protection. u wanna shoot up? sterilize ur needles. if not, then sleep in the bed u made.
A MAN with HIV organised parties to deliberately infect other men and wore a penis ring to maximise the chances of spreading the virus.

A Melbourne court was told today that Michael John Neal, 48, wanted to infect other men in order to increase the partners he could have unprotected sex with.

Mr Neal, of suburban Coburg, faces 122 charges relating to sex with 16 men when he was knowingly infected with the HIV virus between 2000 and 2006.

He is accused of infecting two people with HIV over this period.

He appeared at the Melbourne Magistrates' Court for a committal hearing today.

Prosecutor Mark Rochford told the court Mr Neal organised sex parties and orgies, which were called "conversion parties", to facilitate the infection of people with HIV.

“In conversations and other material Mr Neal has demonstrated an intention to infect people with HIV,” Mr Rochford said.

“He indicated his reasons for doing that is for more people (to be) introduced to a particular group of HIV-infected persons actively participating in unprotected ... sex.”

He said some people attending the parties were aware of this and others were not.

When interviewed by police, Mr Neal denied deliberately infecting people with HIV and said that he had a document from a doctor saying the chances of him infecting others was very low.

The committal hearing before magistrate Peter Reardon continues.,20867,21414418-2702,00.html

March 21, 2008

SPARTANBURG, S.C.---A Spartanburg man has been arrested for infecting his pregnant girlfriend with HIV.

Police said Gregory Martinez didn't tell his girlfriend he had HIV. She discovered she had the virus during a prenatal checkup. The woman is 23 weeks pregnant with twins. She now lives in Florida.

Martinez was in jail Friday and could face up to ten years in prison or a fine if he's found guilty.

Police say they are not sure if the twins have contracted the virus

There are countless other stories that I don't feel like posting lol but we get it. Wrong is wrong. And all cases are not about "one night stands." There are plenty cases of people in relationships with the person that knowingly spread it to them.
unless the people were raped or underage, they should also be held accountable for their actions.

if we're going to start convicting every person who doesn't inform others of their viral status, then good luck. b/c we've made it such a big issue that being diagnosed w/ the virus is a private thing and the findings cannot be released to the public or anyone other than the patient and the cdc.

being in a longterm relationship doesn't mean ur safe. neither does being married etc...but everyone is responsible for their own sexual health. suggesting to get tested as a couple every fewmonths would be sufficient in attempts to maintain sexual health.

those too embarassed or too busy or who trust their partners are evidentlly the ones who suffer. so is embarassment over requesting a test worth getting a fatal virus?
^ I agree but I would like to say..

Though it's a persons OWN responsibility to protect THERE OWN body..

I mean THEY chose to have sex with that individual..

BUT!! I do find it wrong for a person to withold information about a virus they could be carrying (if they know) and have sex with an individual..

I think it's a persons responsibility to tell the other person..

It's kinda like.. If a woman gets pregnatte and they guy runs off..

YES it was her choise to have sex and take that risk.. But the guy is not living up to the responibility he put forth..

It's goes both ways..
sure it's their responsibility but when it's your b ody, is it really that much of an issue to go the extra step to protect yourself? you only have one life, one body, and it should be viewed as a valuable thing. it isn't.

u have people abusing their bodies w/ drugs and alcohol and sex. so don't cry foul when it bites you in teh ass.
Oh boy.... another case

Man 'boasted of spreading HIV'

By Melissa Iaria
July 02, 2008 06:06pm

A MELBOURNE man accused of spreading HIV boasted of going to gay beats to spread the virus, a jury has heard.

Michael Neal, 49, of Coburg, is on trial accused of infecting two people with HIV and 14 counts of attempting to infect other people. He has pleaded not guilty to 34 charges.

A witness, who cannot be named, told the Victorian County Court today Mr Neal spoke to him about using gay beats to spread HIV.

"He said he liked going to beats because he liked to go out and spread the virus to people," he said.

The witness said Mr Neal invited him to a sex party he was hosting so he too could have sex with a man he had infected.

The witness said he engaged in sexual activity with Neal after they met in 2005 but neither disclosed they were HIV positive.

A second witness who gave evidence today said Mr Neal spoke to him about arranging a "conversion" party.

"He told me he was planning to organise a conversion party where the person would have his HIV status changed," he said.

He said Mr Neal also told him he had chatted online to a man from Sweden who wanted to come to Australia to be deliberately infected.

The witness - who is HIV positive - said he had unprotected sex with Mr Neal after meeting him on gay internet chat site in 2000.

He said he assumed Mr Neal was also positive because they did not discuss condoms.

A third witness told the court he had unprotected sex with Mr Neal a number of times but would not have consented if he knew he was HIV positive.

The man said at one stage Mr Neal asked him whether he wanted to "be one of his pos pigs".

He said he did not know what he meant and on another occasion he questioned Mr Neal about his HIV status following health concerns.

He said Mr Neal told him: "You don't need to worry about me mate, you'll never catch anything off me."

The witness said he took Mr Neal at his word and did not seek medical advice.

"I was quite relieved, he put my mind at ease," he said.

The trial continues.

That's just sick :no:
But I thought that you couldn't be sure you've got HIV, even when you had unprotected sex with someone who had AIDS or HIV. I thought it was like catching a cold. When you kis someone who's got a cold, it's very likely you'll get a cold too but there's always a chance you won't get it. So he can't be sure all those woman have HIV.
But still, it very stupid to have unprotected sex, people should know it's dangerous by now...