Man brags about spreading AIDS


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
By Mark Schliebs
April 22, 2008 03:01pm

A MAN has posted videos on YouTube in which he claims to have deliberately infected thousands of women with AIDS.

The masked man - who calls himself “Trashman” and speaks with an American accent in a series of clips posted on the video-sharing website - claims to have infected between 1200 and 1500 women with the disease.
In the videos, Trashman reads the names and ages of some of the women he claims to have had unprotected sex with.

President of People Living with HIV/AIDS Victoria, Brett Hayhoe, said the man seemed genuine.
AIDS is contracted only once a person has been infected with HIV but Mr Hayhoe said the man may have lumped the two together.

“It’s extremely disturbing (and) the guy needs psychiatric help,” Mr Heyhoe said.

The videos - one of which has been viewed 195,000 times - also feature a web address to a “gangsta” portal filled with pornography and where Trashman has a profile.

In the first video, Trashman reads from a list of women he claims to have infected.

“Today I’m doing a show about something that’s more important than killing rappers,” he says.

“This here (piece of paper) that I hold in my hand is a list of women who I actually infected with AIDS on purpose.

“So if I call your name and if you just happen to be on my ‘I got the AIDS from that nigger’ list', then God bless you.”

He then goes on to name several women and how old they are.

Mr Hayhoe said if Trashman was telling the truth, it would be “absolutely devastating” for anyone who has had sex with him.

“For someone to hear that on a YouTube video is just disgusting,” Mr Hayhoe said.

“To have your name yelled out would be shattering.”

Google, the owner of YouTube, has been contacted for comment.


What a sick puppy :glare:
ignorant azz ... you dont infect people with aids. If he is telling the truth, he infected these women with HIV. Yes, I know that is not the point. However, the ignorance speaks louder to me than anything.
ignorant azz ... you dont infect people with aids. If he is telling the truth, he infected these women with HIV. Yes, I know that is not the point. However, the ignorance speaks louder to me than anything.

By Mark Schliebs
April 22, 2008 03:01pm

A MAN has posted videos on YouTube in which he claims to have deliberately infected thousands of women with AIDS.

The masked man - who calls himself “Trashman” and speaks with an American accent in a series of clips posted on the video-sharing website - claims to have infected between 1200 and 1500 women with the disease.
In the videos, Trashman reads the names and ages of some of the women he claims to have had unprotected sex with.

President of People Living with HIV/AIDS Victoria, Brett Hayhoe, said the man seemed genuine.
AIDS is contracted only once a person has been infected with HIV but Mr Hayhoe said the man may have lumped the two together.

“It’s extremely disturbing (and) the guy needs psychiatric help,” Mr Heyhoe said.

The videos - one of which has been viewed 195,000 times - also feature a web address to a “gangsta” portal filled with pornography and where Trashman has a profile.

In the first video, Trashman reads from a list of women he claims to have infected.

“Today I’m doing a show about something that’s more important than killing rappers,” he says.

“This here (piece of paper) that I hold in my hand is a list of women who I actually infected with AIDS on purpose.

“So if I call your name and if you just happen to be on my ‘I got the AIDS from that nigger’ list', then God bless you.”

He then goes on to name several women and how old they are.

Mr Hayhoe said if Trashman was telling the truth, it would be “absolutely devastating” for anyone who has had sex with him.

“For someone to hear that on a YouTube video is just disgusting,” Mr Hayhoe said.

“To have your name yelled out would be shattering.”

Google, the owner of YouTube, has been contacted for comment.


What a sick puppy :glare:

Sick ingorant bastard, I hope he gets put in jail so he can die in there.
I don't want anymore ladies getting sick. :no:

No, a person gets HIV first, not AIDS.

HIV is a retrovirus and when humans immune systems begins to fail it leads to an AIDS. AIDS is HIV's the final stage. But with nowadays medications and cure you can extend HIV leading to an AIDS, so people with HIV can live normal life for years and it's not like when you're infected you can say goodbye to your life immediately.

Respectfully, HIV is not AIDS :) Being tested Positive for AIDS(HIV positive and your CD4 count drops below 200cells) is completely different than being HIV positive.

HIV left undiagnosed/unchecked/unmedicated will result in AIDS.

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV weakens the immune system by attacking the white blood cells which protect the body from germs. People who are HIV positive get sick very easily, even a mild cold can be very serious. Most people who have HIV got it from someone who didn’t get tested and don’t even know they have it. Often it’s years before serious symptoms appear, symptoms which could have been avoided if one is tested, knows their status & starts taking medication.

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Left to it's own devices, without testing and medication, the body becomes so weak from HIV that it can no longer fight off disease. This condition is called AIDS but people don’t die from AIDS. Usually they die from a disease they get once they have AIDS, like cancer or pneumonia. Left untreated, AIDS is the final stage of HIV.

There is no cure for HIV or AIDS... however, through testing & early detection, people are able to live with HIV & extend their life with the use of medication. Unfortunately, the drugs can have unpleasant side effects, they’re expensive and complicated to manage. But it can be maintained with the help and co-operation of your Doctor(s).

HIV & AIDS are avoidable. So avoid it !!

Don’t have sex.
Abstaining from sex is one way to protect yourself and others from HIV.
If you have sex, always use protection.
Condoms and dental dams will do the trick but don’t use Vaseline with them. Use only water based lubricants.
Stop using drugs..
If you can’t stop; get help at or call 211 careline.
If you use injection drugs, use a clean needle.
Never share drug paraphernalia such as needles, cookers, water glasses or cotton balls. Needle exchanges allow users to swap used needles for new ones.
Go to a professional for tattoos and piercings.
Make sure they sterilize equipment between customers or use disposable needles and ink dispensers. Avoid piercing guns because they can’t be properly sterilized. Always ask your tattoo artist how they sterilize their tattoo equipment.
If you’re pregnant and HIV positive, or think you’ve been exposed to HIV, see your doctor immediately. There are drugs a mother can take to reduce the chance of passing on HIV to her unborn child.

While all this may seem like common sense, common sense doesn’t always rule when you’re under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Stay cool. And before you do the wrong thing, think about what you have to lose.
Well if he has really done it and is not only an attention seeking brain dead idiot, then there's no human justice which could serve the matter well enough I think.

On the other hand those women having unprotected sex with him who weren't raped... *sigh* I just think everyone should know better by now.

-_- I'll better get out of here again... it's depressing... it just is.
Here the prosecution is demanding 12 years in prison to a 25 years old man, who has infected 5 women with HIV and for trying to infect more women between the years 1999-2007. Altogether there's 21 women involved with the case. The prosecution stated the man had planned his actions, they were extensive, serious and very dangerous. The defence sent him to an examinations for frame of mind. The man himself is pleading for not guilty by saying he didn't know HIV spreads in sexual intercourses. He got HIV when he was on holiday in Thailand 1999.

it sounds like the explanation for HIV/AIDS is that they are one in the same if not treated.

either way....someone getting it could see it as a death knell, psychologically..or a means to fight, depending on the state of mind.
It may seem so but when you know someone HIV positive and another that is positive for AIDS ... the difference is very great.
Here the prosecution is demanding 12 years in prison to a 25 years old man, who has infected 5 women with HIV and for trying to infect more women between the years 1999-2007. Altogether there's 21 women involved with the case. The prosecution stated the man had planned his actions, they were extensive, serious and very dangerous. The defence sent him to an examinations for frame of mind. The man himself is pleading for not guilty by saying he didn't know HIV spreads in sexual intercourses. He got HIV when he was on holiday in Thailand 1999.

Dude is young... and he picked it up in Thailand.... surely he could have put 2 and 2 together? Surely he remembers what he did on his trip....

A lot of courts are treating the intentional infecting of another person as manslaughter. For most people it's no different than from stabbing someone or shooting at someone. The threat of what HIV and AIDS can do to a person is well documented, and anyone diagnosed with it has it explained to them by their doctor. So a person who is positive for either stages knows full well the damage it can cause another.
If intention was there and can be proven that the person was aware that they are positive and that their actions are putting another person at risk... they deserve the full measure of the law thrown at them.
Even if they claim they're not aware that it "spreads in sexual intercourses" they are still responsible for finding out and looking for protective measures.
It's no different than a person owning a gun and then saying "Oh I didn't know that leaving it lying around would result in my child picking it up and accidently shooting their sibling."

it sounds like the explanation for HIV/AIDS is that they are one in the same if not treated.

either way....someone getting it could see it as a death knell, psychologically..or a means to fight, depending on the state of mind.

AIDS is the final mutation of the HIV strand. So looking at it under a microscope it's another entity.
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Here the prosecution is demanding 12 years in prison to a 25 years old man, who has infected 5 women with HIV and for trying to infect more women between the years 1999-2007. Altogether there's 21 women involved with the case. The prosecution stated the man had planned his actions, they were extensive, serious and very dangerous. The defence sent him to an examinations for frame of mind. The man himself is pleading for not guilty by saying he didn't know HIV spreads in sexual intercourses. He got HIV when he was on holiday in Thailand 1999.

Why is he covering up? His face has been seen in television and in newspapers.
He's just one MF, there's no way he didn't know how one can get HIV.
He didn't even tell his wife that he was infected. I think she was one who got HIV from him.
Why is he covering up? His face has been seen in television and in newspapers.
He's just one MF, there's no way he didn't know how one can get HIV.
He didn't even tell his wife that he was infected. I think she was one who got HIV from him.

It's one of the first pics of him. They did reveal his real pic afterwards, because they thought the identifying marks they gave out to public first didn't reach all the women he's been in contact with. Yeah, his ex-wife was infected by him, but all his 3 children (with 3 different women) are clean.

Oh I just read, he doesn't know whether he was infected because of doing that (he says he used a condom) or when he took a tattoo there (in Thailand). His school nurse found out him being HIV positive and instructed him to a info event about HIV. He says he read the brochure he was given about HIV quickly and he thinks they said HIV can spread via non protected sexual intercourse and blood. But still he kept sleeping with women without any protection.

How stupid can one be? :huh:
If this is true his identity needs to be exposed and he needs to be prosecuted in a court of law. Sick puppy indeed.
He's sentenced 1200 - 1500 individuals to a horrible death. He doesn't need a cell, he needs a hole six feet deep.
Is this guy serious? :huh: :blink: If he is, then that's tragic...VERY tragic... :no: God, how can people be so ignorant??? He's missing a screw... I feel for those women :no:

Still....1200-1500? :huh: Am I the only one who finds these figures a bit exaggerated? :huh:
That is SICK. I don't know how he can sleep at night knowing he DELIBERATELY infected these girls with AIDS. I don't know whether he thought it was a joke or funny or something, but it's disgusting and so not funny. He should be ashamed of himself!
I know I've heard of stories where people have turned bitter when they've found out that they are positive and have become reckless and tried to spread the damage

it's like the sinking person syndrome... how many can I pull down with me... If I'm going down I'm taking someone with me etc etc
im sorry but i can't find fault IN ONLY HIM for this. a man in chi-town got busted for doig the same thing but i just don't know why.

people have unprotected sex all thetime. the women he was w/ weren't his lovers, they were one time only sex y is it okay to feel sorry for a woman who got hiv from a manshe just met a few minutes ago.

having unprotected sex is like spinning the mystery wheel...u could end up w/a plethora of issues or even a baby & if ur lucky u get nothing but y take that chance and y not place the blame on both parties involved?

if you're flippant enough to have unprotected sex w/ someone u don't even know, then you should be able to deal w/ the consequences.

i'll save my pitty for those who were raped or had transfusions back in the 80s or children born to mothers infected....

the man wasn't walking around w/ a syringe filled w/ hiv rich blood....he was phucking women & passing it on. if that is a crime then everyone who's ever had or helped, knowingly or unknowingly, spread an std should be punished
I am with Miss Def,

This case should be a wake up call, to all that do not chose to practice safe sex. If your life is worth anything to you, those few seconds it takes to protect yourself are well spent. What valid argument can people put up for not slipping on a rubber ?? Especially when not doing so, could mean an end to your life.

None of us know for certain where our partner has been ... don't take the chance ??

Rubbers come in all sizes, colors, textures, shapes and even flavors ... explore with their variety, instead of the various medications that HIV & AIDS will bring.
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ignorant azz ... you dont infect people with aids. If he is telling the truth, he infected these women with HIV. Yes, I know that is not the point. However, the ignorance speaks louder to me than anything.

Let's just hope this MF is just trying to scare people..... :mello::no:
Well I never said one way or another about the women. Loose women (or men) don't sit well with me because of my own personal beliefs but being easy and stupid doesn't mean anyone should be sentenced to death either. The man in question did this out of spite and vengence - my thoughts still stand - he needs a hole.
The frightening fact in this is that, a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS can create varied reactions. Some show great strength & vow to fight it to the end ... staying as upbeat as is humanly possible, generating a spirit around themselves that fosters positive energy. Others are immediately sent into a defeated, highly negative spiral ... which has no benefit to the care, or recovery of the patient. Often anger is the driving force. Given the sentence that the person feels they have been dealt, that anger is a dangerous motivator. There can be this feeling of invincibility. 'I am going to die anyway ... so F!#K the world !!'

It is a touchy subject among many people. The stigma that the gay community holds, based on the disease is large enough. Combine that mark, with the fact that, those infected are carrying around what can be considered a deadly weapon ... there are people that have the opinion of, 'round em all up and segregate them from the rest of us.' The immediate image that comes to mind is a death village. Where people are cast off and left to die.

This subject may be a little too personal for me to visit any longer ...
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The frightening fact in this is that, a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS can create varied reactions. Some show great strength & vow to fight it to the end ... staying as upbeat as is humanly possible, generating a spirit around themselves that fosters positive energy. Others are immediately sent into a defeated, highly negative spiral ... which has no benefit to the care, or recovery of the patient. Often anger is the driving force. Given the sentence that the person feels they have been dealt, that anger is a dangerous motivator. There can be this feeling of invincibility. 'I am going to die anyway ... so F!#K the world !!'

It is a touchy subject among many people. The stigma that the gay community holds, based on the disease is large enough. Combine that mark, with the fact that, those infected are carrying around what can be considered a deadly weapon ... there are people that have the opinion of, 'round em all up and segregate them from the rest of us.' The immediate image that comes to mind is a death village. Where people are cast off and left to die.

This subject may be a little too personal for me to visit any longer ...

WTF Chi???? You going in a whole different direction. Why exactly would segregation come up? Yes, it can be a deadly weapon when used the way that man did but for the love hon one persons ill will shouldn't be expressed onto a group who have a terminal diease. If that were so then should we not segregate all forms of dieased individuals out of fear and the unknown? Ill people and their dieases do not purposefully kill others. A single individual full of hate, vengence and no respect for life, love or God is a murderer not the illness he used as his weapon. That's like blaming a knife for someones death instead of the one who weilded the knife.

People with that mentality need education. People like the man in this thread just need a final resolution. The individuals suffering from this diease need science, time and a little God couldn't hurt either.