Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs

yeah..he laughed...that doesn't mean he thinks it's ok. it doesn't interpret anything. it's just a laugh. he didn't make a statement, there. MJ did speak about the great artists, like Gene Kelly, and such, who always end up with the same sad ending..broken, etc.

i don't understand it. why would anyone want to take from anyone? does anyone want to have anything taken from them? do you? do i? at least..i don't want anything taken from me.

i'll go out on a limb and say that MJ never said it's ok to take any part of possible income away from his kids. it wasn't painful for me to spend a little over a dollar to legally download 'earth song'.

if we want to interpret laughs..then..i guess i can interpret what looked like a nod from MJ when the man was talking...but..i could be wrong about that.

i can't believe i'm feeling guilty about saying something for which i shouldn't feel guilty about saying.
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To be honest none of us know how MJ felt about piracy. All I know is that he protected us from so much crap from people like Sony when he was alive. I do not condone piracy whatsoever, if I want an album I will always buy it, if I want a DVD I will always buy it. But the video was Michael giving us some light relief which is needed at times.
Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?


This gets up to 5 years and Murray gets up to 4 when he has killed a man?

This (in)justice system needs to be seriously SORTED OUT!!

That is seriously EFFED up.

Obviously the crime of a man who illegally copied and sold Michael Jackson's CD's is equal to the crime of a man who killed Michael Jackson.

Sure that man did do wrong but 5 years? That's ridiculous because Murray isn't even getting that much time...

Tired of injustice. Tired of the schemes.
I'm ashamed of my country...
I always find out new and interesting things on here. Now I know that New Zealand and the United States of America are the same country and that their legal systems are also one in the same, and that NZ's potential (I say potential because the guy hasn't been sentenced as of the original writing) overkill in this situation is directly comparable to the handling of Murray in America.

(Insert lyrics to an apropros Michael Jackson song to make myself sound poetic and enlightened here.)

Anyway, I don't think that people who listen to/distribute illegally gotten music should be called pirates, simply because it makes the act sound way cooler than it actually is. This is a freakin' pirate:


You think that comparing someone who downloads music illegally to that is going to dissuade them from continuing? Hell no. Pirates rule. And I should know since I am one. Yeah, I listen to music without paying for it all the time. It rocks.
LOL! I think really it was saying the American justice system is way too lenient, but you knew that right?
Actually most posters didn't say that at all. They just proceeded to complain about the two separate cases in the two separate countries as if the same people were responsible for the legal aspects of it. Now I realize that people will probably say that they "meant" to express the more rational gripe, but I don't really care.

I think it might be cool to start thinking about other things rather than associating one thing with the other based on the tiniest connection. This really has nothing to do with MJ at all. It could've been any artist's CDs that this guy was distributing. In fact it says that there were Eminem CDs too. So if you're going to be upset over the possible severe punishment this man might face as opposed to more hardened criminals, then why not go even further and look at all the murderers in the world who have gotten off totally free based on some stupid technicality? Why is it always always always always always always always about freakin' Conrad Murray? Is it even going to make half of you feel better if he gets locked up forever? Maybe for two seconds, and then you'll find something else to be upset about like always, because some people can't even function unless they have some Michael Jackson related injustice to champion against.

Like if someone posts a news article in the general section about some actual pedophile molesting actual victimized children, and the whole thing will turn into how Michael was treated unfairly. But that's just a made-up scenario, of course, because I know no one would ever be thoughtless and one-track minded enough to make that all about Michael ;).

In all due respect, of course (as always).
Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?


This gets up to 5 years and Murray gets up to 4 when he has killed a man?

This (in)justice system needs to be seriously SORTED OUT!!

Saw this on twitter. Havent even read any other messages yet..............saw this one from you DOZ and jumped on it! :doh:
Ridiculous!! Ok this guy is a music pirate.............but as you said Murdering Murray gets 4 yrs? Murdering Murray took the author of that music yet the man who sells MJ's music gets a light sentance?:doh:
Madness! Yes indeed sort it out!!!:(
:giggle: Me too! In fact:


I think he was laughing because of the fans screaming and not hearing what was said correctly :lol: In fact, I wonder if back then he knew what it was. This was '96...I was an internet nerd but had never heard of it either!

Bless his can anyone not love that man :wub:
The Recording Industry Association of New Zealand (RIANZ) said today "pirate CD sellers are thieves".

"Not only are they stealing from artists and songwriters, they are also taking sales from legitimate CD retailers and removing cash flow for reinvestment in NZ music."
It's the record companies and artist managers/agents job to do this. :tease:
You're right about that. :D Some artist that people steal from don't even have control of their music, especially the ringtone artists. (Stealing from artists my bum.)
Very few acts make money from record sales, mostly veteran acts like U2. Prince says he makes a bigger profit since he became independent, and doesn't have to sell millions of records to make money like with a major label. Look at old acts like The Rolling Stones, Madonna, Paul Mccartney, or The Police. They're some of the biggest touring acts today. But not many people buy their new albums, because radio doesn't play people over a certain age. They're considered "dinosaurs". Major labels give everybody crappy contracts that are to the labels benefit. Labels have been ripping off performers since the music business began. Look at TLC and Toni Braxton, who were on the same label (Laface). They sold millions of records but were broke, but Babyface and LA Reid weren't.
Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?

Two words come to mind.... BULL SHIT!:angry:

This world is so backwards... killing people is ok..but if you copy a cd..Look out!!! SO lame!

Not only that, they refuse to publicize his mug shot!! WTF:mat:
I must admit, i do sometimes download music, BUT i always go out and buy the release. i like to have the actual case, cover, book, cd in my hand.