Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

A south Auckland store owner caught selling counterfeit Michael Jackson CDs will be sentenced next month.

Robin Sazeel Hassan, 30, was arrested for selling pirated copies of Michael Jackson CDs following a police raid on his Manurewa store on September 30 2009.

About 20 Michael Jackson and Eminem CDs believed to contain pirated material were seized, as well as a computer with optical disc burning capabilities.

He pleaded guilty in Manukau District Court to selling the counterfeit CDs and remanded for sentence on May 12.

The Recording Industry Association of New Zealand (RIANZ) said today "pirate CD sellers are thieves".

"Not only are they stealing from artists and songwriters, they are also taking sales from legitimate CD retailers and removing cash flow for reinvestment in NZ music."

The penalty for offending is for a fine up to $150,000 and or up to five years imprisonment per offence.

RIANZ has recently launched a Report Music Piracy website where the public can submit music piracy concerns.

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Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?


This gets up to 5 years and Murray gets up to 4 when he has killed a man?

This (in)justice system needs to be seriously SORTED OUT!!
Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?

That SERIOUSLY Sucks!!! I mean REALLY Dr Murder Needs to be locked away forever!!!
Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?

Two words come to mind.... BULL SHIT!:angry:

This world is so backwards... killing people is ok..but if you copy a cd..Look out!!! SO lame!
Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?

LMFAO...the American Justice system makes me laugh. Cry. Laugh. Cry......both!
Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?

Well, it is different country. Maybe NZ has harsher punishment for killers than the US. Maybe it is not the world...but us in America that have it backward.

It is ridiculous that Murray will only get up to 4 years for taking MJ's precious life.
Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?

He won't go away for this, he'll just get a medium fine and a bitching at. although companies over here seem to be trying to do a lot more to stop copyright infringement than a few years ago.
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Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?

Wait wait wait.
That is maximum sentence. As a kiwi I can tell you if this doesn't have a record hell even if he does he won't do ANY time And will be fined.

Trust me, this guy will be more worried about the fine than the prison sentence.

My country does not have harsh laws. At all.

Close the thread.
Edited this thread to remove the Murray references. Its just getting everyone upset and angry, plus the NZ justice system is completely different to the US system so its not fair to compare.
Has nothing to do with what justice does what. It has everything to do with the RIAA, MPAA and others, wanting ridiculous punishment for these crimes. These companies act as if you did kill someone. It's all about money, which they have too much of seeing as music sales add up to nearly SQUAT as far as going to artists. If you want to be an artist today, you don't worry about CD sales, you go on tour and make a killing that the RIAA cant touch.
I'm not saying it is right what some do by selling pirate copies, but the punishment they hand down to those who do, no matter the country, is ridiculous to say the least.
certainly being a thief should get you a stiff penalty. so i have no problem with that. but murder should get you life in prison, at least.
Edited this thread to remove the Murray references. Its just getting everyone upset and angry, plus the NZ justice system is completely different to the US system so its not fair to compare.

well ok but I was just illustrating the point...
Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?

Auckland is not in America though :)
Um, and?

You don't find it ironic that New Zealand's punishment for piracy is higher than America's punishment for murder?
Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?


This gets up to 5 years and Murray gets up to 4 when he has killed a man?

This (in)justice system needs to be seriously SORTED OUT!!

Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?

Um, and?

You don't find it ironic that New Zealand's punishment for piracy is higher than America's punishment for murder?

It is pretty Ironic, I mean piracy in the US will get you fined up the wazzo while over there you go to jail. :eek:
Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?

Um, and?

You don't find it ironic that New Zealand's punishment for piracy is higher than America's punishment for murder?

I agree...what a freakin joke! God, I wonder about this world sometimes. Messed up.
Re: Man awaits sentence over pirated Michael Jackson CDs....Worse than Murray!?


This gets up to 5 years and Murray gets up to 4 when he has killed a man?

This (in)justice system needs to be seriously SORTED OUT!!

I Knoooww !! Murray should get life time you know x
It is dispicable how some idiot who copies MJ's CD's and then sells them can get up to 5 years and yet that beast who took a life could only get 4 years !!
If Murrey gets anything less than 20 years and his licence taken off him, I will have lost all faith in the US justice system !
All justice systems in the Western world are screwed up. Here for example you can get longer in jail for not filling in your tax form correctly than manslaughter.
Because all things monetary have more value than human life when it comes to government. In fact that is the case almost across the board.
the man did something wrong, but 5 years is way toooooooooooooooooooo long for this!!
Michael wouldn't have wanted this.


I can't help think of the 1996 World Music Awards when Michael himself laughs at the guy who mentions pirates :D