Making "michael" shoot to number one is very possible if... Readdd


this idea in a fantacy world would work.. but us buying two albums each would not double sales.. You have to remember that HUGE majority of people that are buying this album are NOT "die hard" fans. They are the general public.. We would have to get EVERYONE to buy two (Not just us huge fans).. Which is nearly impossible.

Realisticlly there are hundreds of buyers to each die hard fan..

If us die hard fans buy more than one album we could make a small spike in sales.. lets say the album sold 700,000 so far.. with the ratio lets just say.. 300 to 1 as far as gen public/die hard fan.. and an equal sale rate as the first week from the general public.. according to 700,000 that would mean 2,333 albums were sold to die hard fans and 697,666 to the general public..low lets say out of the 2333 15% of those fans actually bought 2 albums.. 350 fans bought 2..

Now with the sale selling ratio for a second week of 700,000 and if we could REALLY convince the 3% of buyers (which would represent DIE HARD fans) to buy 2.. that would spike the sales fromm 700,000 its first week to 4,666 albums were bought from die hard fans which means the total sales would be 700,233.. which makes a difference but would not double its sales..

these are figurative numbers.. my main point is the general (main buyers) are not like us and wont buy two.. according to these figurative numbers if us die hard fans make up 3% of its buyers (not sales) each fan would have to buy hundreds of albums each..

Non the less I think its a great idea for fans to buy multiple albums..

ways to spike up sales..

1) buy more than one album

2) print and leave flyers up in public places that allow (colleges, bookstores etc)

3) leave flyers on peoples cars in public places

4) where promotional clothing

5) when you go to the store stock the CD's for them to be more noticable for people walking buy

6) slip flyer ads in the sunday news papers regarding the album in the ad section

7) play the music in public and let it sell itself

8) if you can ever buy the album on a discounted price buy many of them and sell the for that lowered price (not profit for you but no loss) that way people that are iffy about buying it would more likly buy it if even cheaper

9) ask for the album for holiday/birthday gifts even if you have it.. that way nothing out of your pocket and sales go up.. people that would not buy it would for you.

10) post promo ads and trailer on facebook and other places that general public will see

11) on youtube go to videos and strike up conversation about the album (not spam) for instance go to an akon video and talk about hold my hand and how the collab is great.. or better yet since less know about it a 50 cent video and monster..

12) call radio station, even those not in your area to get it played

just put a little creativity into it and if we can get those same people that would buy 2 to advertize like that it could create an editional spike in sales that could just put it over the top..

I think it would be cool if within our die hard fan base if we could push 500,000 sales towards the end of all this.. it would make the difference betweek 2.5 million to 3 million.. from 4.5 million to 5.. 9.5 million to 10..

advertize the hell out of this album

Alternatively, throw your efforts & money into helping those that really need it this Christmas.

If you (and I mean all who are thinking of doing this) really have money to spare on multiple copies of a CD that will do nothing but possibly skew some chart figures then I urge you to do something constructive & give to a charity or buy some toys and take them to your local hospital or hospice. Knowing you've put a smile on a sick kid's face will do more for you & this world than buying an extra CD.

I want this album to do well, and I think it will do. I'm not expecting it to sell like MJ's former works and it wasn't designed to. I've bought the HMH single & the album and really enjoy them - I've done my bit.

One of the first things I did when Michael died was subscribe to a children's charity and give a monthly donation, I'm not trying to be 'holier than thou' here. I'm just trying to put things into a little perspective and maybe voice what I think is closer to MJ's legacy.

Finally, the sales figures will mean diddly if it's multiple copies bought. 5 million sales should mean 5 million own the album, not 1 million own 5 copies.

THIS has hurt me immensely. Despite Gary's warnings/requests, this "if you are a TRUE/LOYAL" fan thing is continuing. "These boycotters" who you are referring to with such disrespect are Michael Jackson fans too and they too have a "heart", which has been bruised over and over, aching and bleeding with Michael's for a VERY long time. They may ask YOU where YOU were when Michael needed you, when he was fighting for his life, when he knew many (or most) people thought it was no longer cool to be an MJ fan? And that nightmare lasted for years. you were waiting for 10 years for a new album, while these fans were fighting alondside him to protect him, defend him, save him. Where was your heart then? But this is not a thread for that discussion and I won't go there.

You already have.

This 'loyal fan' argument always seems to backfire. If you actually read your own post, you have just protested at someone labeling you and the 'boycotters' as being unloyal, yet you accuse them for exactly the same thing. Talk about hypocrisy! And you make offensive accusations without knowing that person. smh.

I agree with the poster who said that we're all fighting for our own beliefs here. No one is wrong or right and we must try and understand that.
I completely understand the people who are unsure about the vocals as I'm not 100% sure myself but there is no way I would boycott this album when the majority (or even all) of it is great Michael Jackson music.
I'd love to see Michael at Number 1 again. Thats where he belongs.

I will buy a few more copies and give them away to people I know who are MJ fans. However, SONY or The Estate are the one's that need to get on it. There's already been so much bad publicity surrounding this album. It's not a suprise it hasn't done as well as many hopes. I mean, where is the promotion?

They need to promote the hell out of the next single. It should be something with commercial appeal like "Monster". I think that should be released next because it has a modern sound. I think it would do really well. A big hit single is really the ONLY way I can see the album getting to #1 in the US and other places.

Sony needs to be very wise about what they choose as the next single and how they promote it. I really feel that having a big single is the only way to save the album.

I see no shame on 'Michael' not reaching no. 1, especially nowadays, when the "real musicians" don't reach the top so easily, besides the fact that, imo, this whole thing about "be no. 1" is just a foolishness. Be no. 1 won't make Michael Jackson better, as well as not being no. 1 won't make him worst!

Let's enjoy the new music. :)

Michael loved being #1. He was crushed when Number ones failed to top the carts.

That is enough reason for me to want him to stay on top and continue supporting his music.

THIS has hurt me immensely. Despite Gary's warnings/requests, this "if you are a TRUE/LOYAL" fan thing is continuing. "These boycotters" who you are referring to with such disrespect are Michael Jackson fans too and they too have a "heart", which has been bruised over and over, aching and bleeding with Michael's for a VERY long time. They may ask YOU where YOU were when Michael needed you, when he was fighting for his life, when he knew many (or most) people thought it was no longer cool to be an MJ fan? And that nightmare lasted for years. you were waiting for 10 years for a new album, while these fans were fighting alondside him to protect him, defend him, save him. Where was your heart then? But this is not a thread for that discussion and I won't go there.

You could share your idea of buying two albums without being disrespectful, demeanig towards other fans. If you believe its all for L.O.V.E., don't just speak it, show it, be it.

Good luck to you!

I agree with original poster....We, loyal MJ fans have put our Sony beef aside to support an MJ projects.

Others hate Sony more than they love MJ...and we can respect that. But they CANNOT be classified as loyal to MJ.

PERIOD. :no:

I believe in US fans! You can do it! MJ number one!

Also I expect more from UK and especially Australia, New Zeland, Finland, Ireland & Norway!

Keep buying and promoting the album (encouraging others to buy it, convincing boycotters that they are wrong)... We can do better than this!

Tony R: while I think you made a great point with your post.. people could argue the point! what is $10 for an extra CD while we ALL (including you) waist our money away in things that we do not need.. I personally don't know your living conditions but if someone can pay for enternet at home, or go to a cybor cafe to go online to read MJ news.. why not skip that trip to the cafe a few times, or cut enternet off for a little bit and donate that amount to charity!!

Or for some (may include you.. IDK) get rid of the smart phone, or maybe the $80 shoes, or maybe the fine dinning for an evening..

I mean spending $10 on a CD that we can give away to someone that will enjoy it actually shows more charity than doing something out of vanity..

I know the same point can be made against me.. and I'm not claiming to be anything out of the ordinary.. I'm just saying the same point can be made about anything we have purchased..

Is hair die really neccessary??

i have bought 5 already lol
I am forever;3149970 said:
I am a long time reader but joined because I felt I had to reply to this thread.

I am with you 100%.

What is happening right now with the lower-than-expected chart positions of our beloved idol is in my opinion SERIOUS. I think we all need to stand up, unite and take action immediately.

We, us fans have a responsibility, and that is to support Michael’s new music, buy his albums and carry forward his legacy so people of new generations feel how we feel and experience the magic. We should stand up for him, even if it means forking out a couple more dollars. What Michael Jackson gave us fans all his life while suffering through it is worth more than $20-30 out of our pockets, isn’t it?

Unfortunately it’s very disappointing that for the first time, MJ fans have become bitter towards one another and I assure you, he loved his fans more than any other artist and he would’ve never wanted this.

So folks, let’s not forget that we are all MJ fans, we are ONE and VERY STRONG. For those fellow fans who refuse to buy his albums I have one thing to say to you and I hope you find it in your heart to understand coming from a MJ fan to a MJ fan :

While it may be true that certain individuals and/or corporations are in this for the wrong reasons, and perhaps you feel this album shouldn’t have come out or maybe come out in this form, one thing is certain I assure you: the album, our MJ’s album is out there and by you boycotting his music, you’re hurting MJ’s legacy more than you’re hurting Sony or anyone else you feel is wrongly in this. Think about this for a moment and do the right thing.

We need to come together and maintain his positive status as the king of pop, lets show the world how loyal MJ fans were and still is. As fans I believe we are obligated to go out there and buy one , two or more copies, whatever you can. Give the extra copies to a friend, co-worker or a family member and let them hear true music! Next thing you know they will be doing the moonwalk and grabbing their crotch! If these no good corporations can't do anything right then we can because remember, us fans have the true power.

So MJ fans, please hear me out and take action and do whats right. We need to carry his legacy forward, this is our responsibility and we must take the next step ASAP. Simply put if us fans don't buy his albums how else will? Haters wont! These haters are slowly starting to cozy up and next thing you know they will be up on the MJ-bashing wagon again and rubbing it in. Come on fans let’s do what we need to do as true MJ fans and support his legacy. Let’s go out there and buy some albums, buy as many as you can afford! Even if you already bought one go buy more! You will feel good about yourself. I pre-ordered mine but I am going out again and buying 10 copies and giving it as gifts, this will cost me the same as a pair of jeans! For all the good times, this is the least I can do for him.

Sometimes we tend to forget how much power us individual fans have, but its us who make the difference, its you and I that put him to #1. Let’s send a message to the world that Michael Jackson is truly the kind of pop, yesterday today and forever.

What a fantastic first post you have made. Welcome and thank you so much. Couldn't agree more.
I am forever;3149970 said:
I am a long time reader but joined because I felt I had to reply to this thread.

I am with you 100%.

What is happening right now with the lower-than-expected chart positions of our beloved idol is in my opinion SERIOUS. I think we all need to stand up, unite and take action immediately.

We, us fans have a responsibility, and that is to support Michael’s new music, buy his albums and carry forward his legacy so people of new generations feel how we feel and experience the magic. We should stand up for him, even if it means forking out a couple more dollars. What Michael Jackson gave us fans all his life while suffering through it is worth more than $20-30 out of our pockets, isn’t it?

Unfortunately it’s very disappointing that for the first time, MJ fans have become bitter towards one another and I assure you, he loved his fans more than any other artist and he would’ve never wanted this.

So folks, let’s not forget that we are all MJ fans, we are ONE and VERY STRONG. For those fellow fans who refuse to buy his albums I have one thing to say to you and I hope you find it in your heart to understand coming from a MJ fan to a MJ fan :

While it may be true that certain individuals and/or corporations are in this for the wrong reasons, and perhaps you feel this album shouldn’t have come out or maybe come out in this form, one thing is certain I assure you: the album, our MJ’s album is out there and by you boycotting his music, you’re hurting MJ’s legacy more than you’re hurting Sony or anyone else you feel is wrongly in this. Think about this for a moment and do the right thing.

We need to come together and maintain his positive status as the king of pop, lets show the world how loyal MJ fans were and still is. As fans I believe we are obligated to go out there and buy one , two or more copies, whatever you can. Give the extra copies to a friend, co-worker or a family member and let them hear true music! Next thing you know they will be doing the moonwalk and grabbing their crotch! If these no good corporations can't do anything right then we can because remember, us fans have the true power.

So MJ fans, please hear me out and take action and do whats right. We need to carry his legacy forward, this is our responsibility and we must take the next step ASAP. Simply put if us fans don't buy his albums how else will? Haters wont! These haters are slowly starting to cozy up and next thing you know they will be up on the MJ-bashing wagon again and rubbing it in. Come on fans let’s do what we need to do as true MJ fans and support his legacy. Let’s go out there and buy some albums, buy as many as you can afford! Even if you already bought one go buy more! You will feel good about yourself. I pre-ordered mine but I am going out again and buying 10 copies and giving it as gifts, this will cost me the same as a pair of jeans! For all the good times, this is the least I can do for him.

Sometimes we tend to forget how much power us individual fans have, but its us who make the difference, its you and I that put him to #1. Let’s send a message to the world that Michael Jackson is truly the kind of pop, yesterday today and forever.

WOW. what an amazing post! couldn't have said it any better myself , everyone on this forum needs to read your post because its DEAD on! welcome
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I will buy a few more copies and give them away to people I know who are MJ fans. However, SONY or The Estate are the one's that need to get on it. There's already been so much bad publicity surrounding this album. It's not a suprise it hasn't done as well as many hopes. I mean, where is the promotion?

They need to promote the hell out of the next single. It should be something with commercial appeal like "Monster". I think that should be released next because it has a modern sound. I think it would do really well. A big hit single is really the ONLY way I can see the album getting to #1 in the US and other places.

Sony needs to be very wise about what they choose as the next single and how they promote it. I really feel that having a big single is the only way to save the album.

I agree with you!

One of the first things I did when Michael died was subscribe to a children's charity and give a monthly donation, I'm not trying to be 'holier than thou' here. I'm just trying to put things into a little perspective and maybe voice what I think is closer to MJ's legacy.

Well I am doing both, and many fans out there can do both. Help poor people, donate to charities and in the same time buy few more copies of the cd.

Do not foget that 20% of the venues the Michael Jackson Estate is giving to charities...

I buy few copies for giving gifts.... instead of buying cosmetic stuff as usual...
keep your money or give money to unicef, the red cross or make a whish foundation, in my opinion Michael would not like you lose your money like that, he would prefer that you make a donation to charity
by the way, N°1 or not, top or flop, Michael Jackson will always the king of pop, rock, soul and a fantastic human being a true exemple for young people, we don't care about albums sells! we love him forever and for his talents, not for albums sells.
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The ratio of fans not buying the new album to fans buying the new album are about 70 to 30.

I'm not sure where you've gotten that ratio from? I honestly don't think that many have boycotted the album. I for one have been very vocal about how questionable the Cascio songs are, but I still bought the CD. Afterall, there are still 7 amazing songs on it! A lot of us question the tracks, but I think those who have actually boycotted the CD is a small number. It would be interesting to know how much it actually hurt sales.

I agree with another poster here that the main thing we need to do is to get the general public aware of the CD and the great music that is on it.
Make sure your friends listen to the "Michael" album.
"Word of mouth" is the very best promotion; because the
music on "Michael' is simply the BEST out there right now. :yes:
I previewed the album to a good friend of mine. We went through each song and I had his opinion. He's a pop music fan and a casual MJ fan... not hardcore at all.

His opinion was positive. He said he was impressed how complete it sounded and he enjoyed most of the songs. His favorites were: Hollywood Tonight, Monster, Breaking News, and Behind The Mask.
I previewed the album to a good friend of mine. We went through each song and I had his opinion. He's a pop music fan and a casual MJ fan... not hardcore at all.

His opinion was positive. He said he was impressed how complete it sounded and he enjoyed most of the songs. His favorites were: Hollywood Tonight, Monster, Breaking News, and Behind The Mask.
Thank you!!:shakehands