Make up


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have been wondering about something. I know a lot of you like Karen Faye and I don't mean any insult to her. But I am wondering what was up with Michael's makeup in the 2000s.

You can see in this video from a chance encounter at Disney,

that Michael was still hot in 2002 without make up.

But not as attractive with the make up.


This is from 2006, definitely not wearing make up:


But looks better than in this photo with make up


My question is. Was KF doing his make up then, and if so, what was she thinking? He looked better without it.
Michael looked beautiful to me with or without make-up......woowwooow...:wink:
I think Karen stopped working for him aoround 2004/2005.

To me he's wearing make up in all 3 pictures, but it's true it's much lighter in the first 2.

And I think he always looked much better without make up, not only in the 2000s... A matter of taste, I think !
I'm sorry, where does he look bad????
He loks good to me.
And that 2nd pic is wayyyy to bright!
No, to me ~he looks handsome in every picture , in EVERY era with or without make up .
that is of course , only my opinion .:sleep:
He looks sooo good in that Disney video, really natural :) and of course he's being adorable as usual!
I prefer Michael with less (or even no) make up. And he looked great in the Disney video.

I think he need a heavier make up in pic 3 because he was on stage.


yes.. with or without make-up.. Sexy :) mm.
If only he was still around, I would say wear all the makeup you want Michael.

I love that Disney video too. He had the patience and politeness of a saint with the public.
sometimes he over did it with the makeup and would look very different.
Michael looks much better without makeup. I don't like the makeup of K. Faye it's too heavy.
i doubt mj sat there like a 2 year old and karen did what she wanted. if it was to OTT to some ppl it was because mj wanted it. u cant compair pics when hes on stage and u have all the lighting. and karen wasnt with him at the wma's re the lipstick its been shown over the years that outlets such as getty used to mess with pictures
Excuse me , I don't wanna hurt anyone but around 2000 Michael's make up was horrible. (okey, maybe that's not the proper word to standing to Michael's name but hope you understand what I mean). Dunno if it was Karen Faye or someone else but HIS LIPS WERE ORANGE and his hair was strange. If I were him, I would fail anyone who makes me up like that.
he looks gorgeous in that video.
tbh i think he looks great always..with or without make up
dude... his nose..... so sad what he's done to it.

I know i'm going off topic but this is the first time i see his final nose so clearly and such a shame.
I don't like the makeup of Karen Faye, it's too heavy, Michael looks much better without. He fired K. Faye in 2005 just after the trial
Excuse me , I don't wanna hurt anyone but around 2000 Michael's make up was horrible. (okey, maybe that's not the proper word to standing to Michael's name but hope you understand what I mean). Dunno if it was Karen Faye or someone else but HIS LIPS WERE ORANGE and his hair was strange. If I were him, I would fail anyone who makes me up like that.
I know what hairstyle you're referring to.

He some good in 2000 - 2002.

2003 - 2008 was pretty bad...

But when he reverted back to the jheri curls...he looked GREAT!
I've always been turned on by men who don't mind to wear a bit of make up so Michael just looks fab to me. Like Prince.