Make up your own word

Technodoodle/ technodoofus

I use it to describe myself when it comes to things that are too technologically challenging or complicated for me to comprehend. :lol:

craptastic - anything that's fantastically crappy. :lol: I thought I created the word but I've come across others using it in other places too so apparently I wasn't the first. boohoo.
a sauce-horse -a naughty person


baby frog-a cute person

a seahorse-the one you love

theres more but i can't tink :lol:

love this thread poe *huggs*
patty (ies) = pathetic person(s)

bunnies = gullible person
This word just popped into my head that my Mom used to call us when we were little and she was playing with us :huh: not sure of the spelling or meaning but oh well :lol:

Did anyone say MICHAELICIOUS yet? As in, Michael Looks Yummy!

I use Doof a lot. As in, Dweeb + Goof = Doof.
^^ :rofl:

shipupin :naughty: From shipud (souvlaki) + pin (i dont translate this!) :lol:

i know this sounds stupid lo but i've always thought my hair is light brunette but now that i know my hair is dirty blonde , i call myself Blondelicious :lol:
actually i'm still confused is my hair light brown/brunette or dirty blonde :S
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ultrastjarna is my word :)

stjarna means star in Swedish. ultra is an album by depeche mode..