Proud Member
I wish no more tummy ache
I wish you wasn't made to feel guilty when you call in sick for work.. I'm dreading it already :mello:
^ I guess so yeah that's a lot huh? thing is I don't detect hearing loses though.. I am not an audiologist but work for that department. Obviously if they get good clear responses from the test I do I can happily send them on their way but if I don't, well let me explain in detail... :mello:
The first test I do is This is an Automated Otoacoustic Emission (AOAE)
which is placing a soft ear tip into babies ear the machine sends a small clicking sound into the ear and what usually happens if no problems is that the cochlea produces an echo.. and we get a reading on the machine, Pass or refer if pass fine if refer then that doesnt always mean there is a prob, It could be that babies ears are a little blocked with fluid still from the birth so the echo couldn't pick up or baby may be a little unsettled and the equipment is sensitive to noise.. so if we do get a refer we have to repeat the same test again later that day or the next, If we still don't get a response we test a different way by doing what is called Automated Auditory Brainstem Response ( AABR ) for which we use senors on the skin and ear muffs that test goes a little deeper in the ear and can by pass the fluid sometimes. If we still don't get passes after that then we refer to audiolodgy and they take over and do further testing. So what I do is just the first steps. I don't think I could do the other and have to break news that a baby had a hearing loss :no:
anyways.. that is what I do I love it and get so much joy from it every day.
whoops I wrote too much :mello: Oh well...
Back on topic :lol:
Edit: and Thank you for wishing me well :flowers:
So even up to the point when you refer the little one to an audiologist, you do not have a reason to cause parents alarm, because fluids and other factors can be affecting the test...and their babies hearing could be just fine. I see. Aw, so sweet handling all those newborns. :wub: You must have a very gentle touch. Do they ever yawn for you?
And thanks for taking the time to explain this to me. I appreciate it.