Major explosion in Norwegian capital!

I cant believe this guy can be responsible for both attacks all by himself. SMH. No country is safe from mentally ill people. I cant even imagine what those kids went through. :(
Speech by the Norwegian primeminister

Their Majesties, Eskil dear, dear all,
It is now nearly two days since Norway was hit by the greatest atrocity since the war. On Utøya and in Oslo.
It feels like an eternity.
There have been hours, days and nights filled with shock, despair, anger and tears.
Today is the time for sorrow.
Today we allow ourselves to stop it up.
Commemorate the dead.
Provide those who are no more.

92 lives are lost. Several are still missing.
Each one of those who have passed away is a tragedy. Taken together, the loss a national tragedy.
Still, we strive to comprehend the scope.
Many of us knew someone who is gone.

One of them was Monica. In around 20 years, she worked on Utøya. For many of us, she was Utøya.
Now she is dead. Shot and killed while she created the care and safety for young people from across the country.
Her husband John and daughters Victoria and Helene are in Drammen church today.
It is so unfair. Please know that we cry with you
We have lost many others, the Utøya and government building.
Soon we get the name and picture on all. When the extent of the evil emerge in all its horror.
There will be a new trial.
But we will manage it well.

Amid all the tragedy, I am proud to live in a country that has managed to stand at a critical time.
I am impressed with how much dignity, care and strength that I have met.
We are a small country but we are a proud people.
We are still shaken by what hit us, but we never give up our values.
We have lost many others, the Utøya and government building.
Soon we get the name and picture on all. When the extent of the evil emerge in all its horror.
There will be a new trial.
But we will manage it well.

Amid all the tragedy, I am proud to live in a country that has managed to stand at a critical time.
I am impressed with how much dignity, care and strength that I have met.
We are a small country but we are a proud people.
We are still shaken by what hit us, but we never give up our values.
Our answer is more democracy, more openness and more humanity. But never naivety.
No one has said it nicer than AUF girl who was interviewed by CNN: "If one man can show so much hate, think how much love we can all show together."

Finally. Let me say to families across the country who have lost a loved one:
You have my and all of Norway's deepest sympathy in your grief.
Not only that. The whole world feel with you.

I have promised to convey condolences to you from Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Frederik Reinfeldt, Angela Merkel and many other heads of state and government.
This can never replace the loss. Nothing can bring their loved ones back.
But we need support and consolation when life is darkest.
Now life is as dark as for you.
Please know that we are there for you
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I only heard of this yesterday! I am so sorry for the losses. Not just physical but the mental loss and emotional tragedy this is for Norway.

I ask myself how can this be, yet I am also not surprised and the extent to which humans can terrorize other humans. The words from the Norwegian Prime minister were very nice. The girl quoted from CNN stands out to me. Sounds like something Michael would say right?

I am so sorry for all of our Norwegian friends here. Take care of yourselves and be near your family and friends as much as possible.
I only found out about this late yesterday, needless to say I'm shocked, my thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and loved ones. Out of all places Norway wasn't the country I expected such an incident to happen. I hope this monster will be locked up for life even the death penalty should be an option for this maniac, although there is no death penatly in Norway. This is the the extent to which hateful, viscious, twisted and archaic idelogies lead. I hope his ideologies will not be propogated by the media. May God bless the innocent victims.

He wont ever be released.i think thats pretty obvious.he would be sectioned ontop of everything else. Surprised at how small this thread is for such an horrific event.wrong country i guess

Wanted to comment on this remark, few days ago there was a terror attack in Mumbai again, there isn't even one single post on that particular event although, it was the third attack in a row in a span of few years. This thread may be a small one, but at least some bothered to comment on this, unlike with what happened in India.
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A minute of silence for the victims today 12.00

"Adrian was discovered when he reached the shore, exhausted.
Anders Behring Breivik raised his gun.
A shot hit in the shoulder.
- He stood and looked at me and took aim at me. And he did a long time.
Adrian asked for his life.
Then came the rescue.
- A 11-year-old boy came and told me that his father was dead. The atmosphere was chaotic as the boy just went on.
Adrian saw the fake police went to the little boy. While Adrian lay down and pretended to be dead, he heard the little boy tell the killer:
- Do not shoot at him, now you've shot enough. You killed my father. I'm too young to die. Be so kind and do not shoot, let us be, 'said 11-year-old.
The boy may have saved Adrian Pracons life
- The gunman retreated. It may be that he got a touch of empathy. But he drew back quite easily. He did not shoot.
Adrian later saw the boy again, on land.
- It was really nice to see that he survived".
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This is so sick what happened! I was planning on going to Oslo that day, but my Visa card was missing so i couldn't go! My heart goes out to all the victims.
The deathcount has been reduced to 76 (thank goodness), but it's still awful... I can't believe why anybody would do anything like this:no:
I've been following the news on this and I hope Breivik doesn't get away with only 21 years in jail, he should be locked away for the rest of his miserable life. All I can say is I'm so sorry for everyone affected by these horrendous events. Norway -you're in my thoughts.

This world needs more love.
I've been following the news on this and I hope Breivik doesn't get away with only 21 years in jail, he should be locked away for the rest of his miserable life. All I can say is I'm so sorry for everyone affected by these horrendous events. Norway -you're in my thoughts.

This world needs more love.

No, he should be executed.
Michael, please say a prayer for the people of Norway and the rest of us left behind. :angel:

I can certainly see why you think that way, but in my opinion that would be the "easy" way out for him. No, I say: Lock the f***er up and throw the key away.

Better yet, destroy the damn key.

I agree.
This womans daughter wanted to go home earlier.When the girl went off the boat the killer went on and after a while she could hear the shooting and screaming.
I agree with what the mother writes here.

To you who planned to kill my daughter ..
23.jul.2011 11 am: 44
Until now you have managed to kill 84 young lives .... We are all afraid that that number is rising over the next hours and days .. I will not use your name here on my blog. I will not promote your extreme ideas. I would rather not want anyone to search on your name once.

I am infinitely grateful and happy that I got my beautiful daughter home from Utøya physically unharmed. But when she is nailed in front of the TV and watching the news and cry as I realize we have a long road and walk. She repeats herself at the sound of the shots will not be out of her head. Some of her friends have not yet been recovered. Others are no more ..

You are a pathetic man. I think you are very intelligent and that you always have known what you were doing. It takes great intelligence to plan something so extensive and incredibly ugly as this. I think that this is a great day for you. Your name is on everyone's lips. You mentioned in every conceivable media. I think you're going to take your sentence with joy, because you have achieved your dream. Some would argue that you are sick in the head, but I claim that you are healthy, cold and calculating .. I'm impressed if it is true that you have managed all this on your own ..

But I think you have underestimated the Norwegian people strong. For we are not good at forgetting things like that you have done wonderful, gifted Norwegian adolescents. I am not for capital punishment. It is too easy a punishment for the guilty. Moreover, I believe that it is falling down on the criminal level. I am for a long imprisonment. And the way I understood it until now so you can get 21 years in prison. There are 7665 days where you will live with other criminals ...

There are 7665 days where the criminals know that you have committed a massacre against the children / youth. And this is where the punishment is going. 7665 days where you do not know what the others will do to you. 7665 days where you have to think about / remember what you have done. And after the 7665 days will take you out in a society where you are not wanted. A society that will never forget ... A society that does not want you here or have something to do with you.

I am an incredibly happy and lucky mom who had my beautiful daughter home. I'm so very well on my own behalf, but so very angry with the 168 parents' behalf that have not been home that they cherish most ..

When Emily asked to go to Utøya so I said yes immediately. I think it's a great program for children / youth. A picturesque place, with a secluded nature. One program without alcohol and drugs. If anyone had told me that it was going to be a man dressed as police, and massacre the participants as I had laughed at them. For who believe that something so horrible could happen in Norway?

But as the cowardly man you are so you had to show us that this is deadly serious. You were not tough NOK to use all the normal opportunities we are so fortunate to have in Norway, to promote our view of things. You were so cowardly that you had to use the weapons on the youngest and weakest

May you have your punishment first here on earth and then in hell
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thanks for posting that blog entry.... so heartbreaking. even after several days it's still hard to believe such a horrible thing happened...
That bastard said in the closed hearing yesterday that he would have done it again if he could... Like I said, lock him up.

Now there are reports saying that he might get 30 years.

POLICE say they are considering charging the Norwegian massacre suspect with crimes against humanity, which would carry a maximum prison sentence of 30 years.

The new charge against Anders Behring Breivik would mean he could serve more than the current 21 years he faces for terrorism-related charges after Friday's twin bombing and shooting, which killed 76 people.

Prosecutor Christian Hatlo told today's Aftenposten newspaper that the new charge, which became possible after entering into law in 2008, was currently only "a possibility".

"Police have so far cited... the law on terrorism but seeking other charges has not been excluded," police spokesman Sturla Henreiksboe told Agence France-Presse. "No final decision has yet been taken," he said.
That bastard said in the closed hearing yesterday that he would have done it again if he could... Like I said, lock him up.

POLICE say they are considering charging the Norwegian massacre suspect with crimes against humanity, which would carry a maximum prison sentence of 30 years.

Now there are reports saying that he might get 30 years.

30 years.... :wtf: This is very little for him. He deserved the electric chair.
I dont know, to me, the death penalty is more like revenge than justice. 30 years in a cell is no heaven. This guy obviously has more than one loose screw, you dont start killing random people if you're sane. Which is no excuse, just part of an explanation.
I heard the trial will be in 2012?
The victims are buried their families and friends have to cope without them.
The newspapers here only write about the killer, probably because he had plans to kill swedes to.
He has really got lots of attention.

There is a memorial 21/8, the reason they wrote about it is that a swedish artist cancelled his show in Oslo because of it and A-ha reunite for the evening.
It's often the case that those responsible for killing get more attention than the victims. It's really unfair. :(
I guess it's up to the people to show the media those who lost their lives matter more. It's nice that there's a memorial. And I wouldnt have expected less from A-ha; they're really cool guys, on top of being good musicians.
What happened is so unfair and sad, but it’s so good to see that so many people really care. This is a picture of all the flowers outside Oslo Cathedral.


Oh that picture makes me want to cry :(

The police arrested a 17-year-old soon after the shooting, suspected of him helping Breivik because the boy seemed calm and he didn't respond when they tried to talk to him. (Didn't pop in their heads he might be in shock?!) And they didn't even inform his parents who were desperately searching for their son. The police has now apologized for their actions.