Major explosion in Norwegian capital!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2009
A large explosion has hit near government headquarters in the Norwegian capital Oslo.
The blast is thought to have caused damage to the offices of Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and a number of other official buildings.
Initial reports suggested Mr Stoltenberg was unharmed.
At least eight people were injured in the city centre explosion, local media reports. No-one has said they were behind the attack.
Television footage from the scene showed rubble and glass from shattered windows in the streets - smoke was around some buildings. The wreckage of at least one car was in street.
All roads into the city centre have been closed, said the NRK newspaper.
Oistein Mjarum, head of communications for the Norwegian Red Cross, said his offices were close to the blast.
"There was a massive explosion which could be heard over the capital Oslo."

Mr Mjarum said there were fires burning in the 17-storey prime minister's building.
Eyewitness Ole Tommy Pedersen said he was standing at a bus stop about 100m away from the blast.
"I saw three or four injured people being carried out of the building a few minutes later," Mr Pedersen told AP.
He said there was a cloud of smoke billowing from the lower floors.
An NRK journalist, Ingunn Andersen, said the headquarters of tabloid newspaper VG had also been damaged.
"I see that some windows of the VG building and the government headquarters have been broken. Some people covered with blood are lying in the street," Associated Press news agency quoted him as saying.
"It's complete chaos here. The windows are blown out in all the buildings close by."

Please can all our Norwegian members please check in here so we know you're safe?

What´s going on???

Gunfire at youth camp in Norway - many dead
Nearly 30 people reportedly died after a false police shot wildly at a camp outside Oslo.
According to witnesses, he lured with the young people and executed them.
Police fear now that bombs are placed on the island - just like in central Oslo.
- There are grounds to believe that there is a connection between the events, says Norwegian national police chief Sveinung Sponheim
A camp for the Norwegian Labour Party's youth organization, AUF, the island Utøya Buskerud was attacked by a man dressed as a policeman. According to VG said the man that he was there on a routine mission after the explosion in Oslo.
- Suddenly, we heard a lot of shots. People had to run and hide, said a witness to VG.
According to NRK, the rescue team confirmed that several people have been shot dead.
An eyewitness told the NRK's ​​live broadcast there are 25-30 dead on Utöyas beach. Data are not yet confirmed by police.
- We need to come back with it, said polisdirektör Öystein Maeland at 20:30 o'clock.
According to witnesses, the fake police have been appealing to the youths and then executed them.
The man was arrested by the police only at 19 o'clock. He is described as a tall, athletic, blond man who spoke no Norwegian accent.
According to Reuters, the Norwegian police fear that it could be bombs on Utøya also
I can't believe what is happening in Norway right now. My thoughts go out to all the victims, especially the kids that were targeted.
This can be such a sick world sometimes. A lot is still not clear so I'm afraid more sad news could be coming soon.
This is terrible. :( I will echo Stephen and please ask our Norwegian members to check in, let us know you're ok, please.
What is this crazy world? :wtf: Every day we have a new catastrophe. :no: The world is really a mess. :doh: I am very sad about what is happening in Norway. :( My prayers for all Norwegians. I hope everything is ok soon. :angel:
According to various news reports such as and 80 people have now been confirmed dead by a gunman, and at least 20 people dead in bomb explosion at the headquarters of the government buidling.
I read bout this on twitter, my thoughts & prayers are with the family & friends of the victims :pray:
My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this. It's so hard to comprehend this being the work of one lone individual, what a cruel world we live in. These were only kids.
There are terrorists in the world but I didn´t expect the gunman to be a blond Norvegian, a man who was calm and cheered after he had shot someone.
It wasn´t blind shooting it was executions and he was happy about it.
happy to kill innocent children.
Police said we are not surprised by anything. Humans are the most complex creature on Earth.
My thoughts go to the Norvegian people
My thoughts are with those who survived this nightmare in Norway. It is impossible to comprehend the scale of the tragedy.
Stay strong Norwegian.

“No one will bomb us to silence...You will not destroy our democracy or our ideals for a better world.” ~Jens Stoltenberg

(...and once again... another shameful day for journalism.)
My thoughts out to all people in Norway. It's so sad. What a shock. The bomb and the shootings happened not far away from my city. I live on the swedish west coast. 3 hours from Oslo... I've been watching norwiegian TV for 24 hours now & I'm impressed by how strong the Norwegian government is through all this terror.
Heard there's now 92 dead... that's just horrible. I'm so sorry for everyone who has lost a loved one, my thoughts and prayers are with you/them.
The death penalty should be brought back for people like him.

Of course not. Never. Not even the devil himself deserves the death penalty.

I'm still in shock over this, it's worse than any horror scenario people could come up with. Pure terror.
This is god awful and sad. This image on the cover of the newspaper is heartbreaking

I only heard about this yesterday, I can' believe it has happened, awful.. :( Condolences to everyone affected, stay strong Norway :heart:
92.... :no: *big sigh* The world is a mess. I can only pray now. :angel:

You can say that again.

This would have been terrible no matter who got hurt, but the fact that it was children really breaks my heart. My thoughts are with anyone who has been affected by this horrible tragedy.
This is honestly heartbreaking to see all the coverage. That a person could even be capable of such a cold, heartless act is scary. Those poor kids...just kids. :no:
In situations like this where there is complete concrete evidence - the death penalty should be implemented.

Thank you, someone agrees with me.

The man responsible says that he did commit them, but that it wasn't illegal. He said that it needed and had to be done :wtf:
I was hearing the news today and at some point they said that the majority of jail time that this creature faces, is 21 years. He killed 92 people and emotionaly traumatizes thousands of people forever. He diserves the maximum of punishment and he shouldn't be allowed to speak and spread his twisted ideas. Lock him forever in a jail room and let him rot there. Sick bastard.
I completely agree. This lunatic should never walk free again. He is clearly unsafe to be in society.
He wont ever be released.i think thats pretty obvious.he would be sectioned ontop of everything else. Surprised at how small this thread is for such an horrific event.wrong country i guess