Majestick plea to the fans of Michael Jackson

Depends on what is being yelled. If they're yelling for justice, then I hope they yell as loud as they can. There's a time where silence is not enough. If you want to use Michael's lyrics as a guideline, let me give you something to think about:

"We're innocently standing by
Watching people lose their lives
It seems as if we have no voice
It's time for us to make a choice

Only god could decide
Who will live and who will die
There's nothing that can't be done
If we raise our voice as one

They've gotta hear it from me
They've gotta hear it from you
They've gotta hear it from us
We can't take it
We've already had enough"

I agree I think it is going to be very difficult for MJ fans to be silent during this...however...They dont have to be silent in my opinion..all they have to do is conduct themselves with class..for Michael's sake. Fans should not be silenced..after all I believe it was the fans outside the courthouse that help Michael get through the trial ...and he deserves the same thing now.
All fans need to do is behave themselves accordingly and not turn this thing into a concert atmosphere and btw, I hope the impersonators just stay the heck away from the proceedings as this wont be the place for such antics!

And if you ask me, an communication to the fans ought to be done via a official spokesperson for the ENTIRE Jackson family and not just Joe and Majestick doing their own thing. Its so evident that UNITY is very absent from the family right now.
All fans need to do is behave themselves accordingly and not turn this thing into a concert atmosphere and btw, I hope the impersonators just stay the heck away from the proceedings as this wont be the place for such antics!

And if you ask me, an communication to the fans ought to be done via a official spokesperson for the ENTIRE Jackson family and not just Joe and Majestick doing their own thing. Its so evident that UNITY is very absent from the family right now.

unity is not the only thing family missing.:)
This message to Michael's advocates is very beautiful & we must
stand together STRONG and in PEACE on June 14th, in LA or where
ever you are that day.

Thanks from Taaj FB group...

MAY 10, 2010

It has recently come to our attention that Conrad Murray supporters will be demonstrating at the preliminary hearing, June 14th at the Superior Court of Los Angeles, much like Michael’s supporters have always done. This is their right just as it is ours.

We would like to urge fans that are planning to attend to please do so in peace, unity, and love for Michael. There should be NO violence, NO slander, NO yelling, and NO bad-mouthing or name-calling of Murray or his supporters. This reflects negatively on Michael. He would not support this type of behavior. The press called Michael names that were undeserved and hurtful. By acting out and creating chaos, our message can not be heard or is overshadowed by our behavior. By calling names, we are lowering ourselves to their level. That would only contribute to the filthy tabloid gossip. Michael deserved better than that. We must honor him, his wishes, and his message of peace and compassion, even in the face of opposition. Both sides can peacefully co-exist and let the justice be served inside the courtroom, just as it has been before.

Please ignore their signs, actions and words. DO NOT acknowledge their presence, IGNORE them completely, and certainly do not respond to anything they have to say. DO NOT let them bait you into an argument or lashing out to defend Michael. That is what they want. Our protest should be silent. We do not want to draw any attention to them at all. The world needs to see Michael’s light shining through all of you instead.

Our message is much bigger, better, and more dignified by not using slanderous or vulgar words. Your respect will make a much larger statement that will be revered instead of criticized. Their behavior toward a silent prayer vigil will only make them look bad. They cannot fight if there is no one to fight with. Do not give them the fuel for their fire.

Please do not even acknowledge their banners. Our banners will stay the same: “Justice for Michael”. We all have a common, unifying mission, which is JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL. We do not have to respond to them at all, because Conrad Murray supporters are not on the side of righteousness or justice, they are wrong, and right will prevail.

This is much deeper than just a demonstration. This will go down in history. Whatever your actions are that day, will be part of Michael’s legacy. When people look back on this day we want them to remember Michael, not Conrad Murray. Michael Jackson supporters are not to be looked down on as crazed fanatics, but as crusaders for peace and love. This is what Michael Jackson is, was, and always will be. It is what he believed in and stood for. We are HIS voice, representing HIM.

Martin Luther King Jr. said,
“A riot is the language of the unheard. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity. Importance should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. We must love our enemies - or else? The chain reaction of evil - hate begetting hate”

MICHAEL IS LOVE AND PEACE, NOT HATE! This is the message we must unite to send to the world.

You have caught the attention of the entire world; you represent their conscience and inspiration. This is your chance to impact Michael’s legacy and reputation for generations to come. We must stand together to honor him. We can shut them out completely and let our message speak for itself. The most powerful impact you can have in carrying on his legacy, is spreading his peace and love. Our silent protest and prayer vigil will be seen and felt the world over. Make Michael proud!


Mr. Joseph Jackson, and Mr. Majestik Magnificent

Great care is
This is to bring fans to bring fans of Michael
and create a riot
Artist has a fan
doctor no
It has dirt underneath the carpet
Fans must be careful

Martin Luther King Jr. said,
“A riot is the language of the unheard. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity. Importance should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. We must love our enemies - or else? The chain reaction of evil - hate begetting hate”
they really don't do themselves any favors in that reaction to Joe Jackson's interview video in the right hand column, when they're banging on Joseph Jackson, by saying, at the end of that reaction, that they can keep all the income, instead of 'worrying' about Michael's spending habits, now.
Fans around the world are grieving. It's hard enough to go through life hearing how you should be over it and holding everything in. People come online and hear something that sets them off or makes them defensive, and They explode about it more than they would under different circumstances.

You have other fans who insult and belittle people in veiled messages back and forth.. and Yes.. The finger pointing and name calling.. all the stuff does need to stop. It's not going to help nor will it bring Michael back. He's gone. It's not easy to say that, but It is a harsh truth we must all face.

We ALL made mistakes with Michael. ALL of us. From his family, friends, associates, and Yes, FANS ..We ALL messed up huge in our attitudes and perceptions in how to treat, love, and respect this beautiful man. There is not one who is perfect in this human race. Nobody is better than anybody else, although some may fancy themselves to be. Just stop it.. "Oh,That family should know better." Oh His friends should have done this or that... Oh his fans need to do this and that..

Stop. We're already heartbroken enough and hurting. We're already angry. People make mistakes in that hurt and anger. People lash out ,and Yeah .. Some choose to hold on to bitter resentments instead of allowing love, peace, and forgiveness to flow inside of them. If they wish to be that way, That's their loss and their problem to sort out for themselves. Hopefully,They will ultimately find their way. I pray we all do so.
Cause we've all said and done things in emotion that we didn't mean to do. We aren't all camera and media ready to show the world what they'll deem appropiate behavior from us. Especially not now. Not at this time.
Some MUST work and continue to go about business as usual because if they don't, They'll go crazy. Literally. Just to think of Michael and what happened. All of it. And to think ALL of us somehow dropped the ball. SOMEHOW, We missed it. ALL of us.

It's time to own up to our own actions and behaviors before we can even BEGIN to go pointing fingers and judging anybody or anything else. Cause it wasn't just the media who hounded Michael to the point he couldn't go to the park with his kids. It wasn't just John q. Public who disrespected Michael and followed the tabloids even when he pleaded people not to do so. It wasn't just his family that was greedy and always wanting more, more, more from Michael.

We had our part too. Until this fan base recognizes that and shows more love and compassion among it's members, as well as takes a united front to try and change things so that another entertainer doesn't die and slip through the cracks like Michael did.. NOTHING will change.

Time is running short too. Things are at a tipping point. Michael knew that. He said so in This Is It when he mentioned we got 4 years to turn it around.
One of those years have passed. Let's continue in love, acceptance, understanding.. and Yes.. Unity.. because as human beings.. We all got our bad days and days we aren't at our best. Even Michael Jackson had those days on earth.

We CAN change things, but Only if we change them. It's enough to talk. We've talked long enough.

It's time to take real action as a fan family united and try our best to spread Michael's message to the world.
we're either going to look in the mirror, or not. putting more on Michael isn't going to do it, and isn't going to make anybody feel better.
Exactly. Finger pointing and puffed up egos isn't going to solve the problem. This silly competition of "We loved Michael more..." cause perception is a funny thing. People can take somebody much differently than how they intend to come across. Knowledge isn't power if it isn't accurate,and With the media and people running back and forth saying this and that... It's hard to find discernment and wisdom.

Michael's journey on this earth is over. However, His message of love,acceptance, and unity rings true and will ring true throughout the ages. What people choose to do with that message, ignore it or do something in their way to help make the world a better place...Well,That's up to them.

Another thing. in my heart. It's also time to stop worrying about what the public or media is thinking about Michael. It isn't words that are gonna convince the public about Michael's intentions. It's our actions and how we treat one another and others. People notice far more what's being DONE than anything that could ever be said.. Good or bad. It's my hope that another tragedy can be avoided. It's one that doesn't have to happen. The tragedy is Michael's message is lost and ignored. That would be a huge tragedy and mistake on the part of humanity.

Love isn't conditional when it's love. Love includes the principles of true acceptance and forgiveness. While it's truth people have and will lie against Michael, It's also truth Michael was human like the rest of us are. More things will be revealed of Michael Jackson. Some of those things we may not like to hear or like to accept. Forgive and accept Michael as well. His heart was in the right place, even when he made his mistakes. No matter what they try to say or do, The truth of Michael Jackson is in each of us. We really are Michael's children because so many of us grew up and were influenced by the things he gave to us. Hold those things close to your heart. Not all this bickering and blaming that's really just alot of people who are upset over what happened and have no other outlet than to go off on somebody they percieve is a stranger.

Michael Jackson taught all of us. "We are the world." All of us are here in the same struggle.. maybe a different journey but the same struggle.
It's all up to us.
I just hope that there are more MJ supporters than Murray supporters.
If MJ supporters are outnumbered, the press will use it against MJ, saying fans have abandoned him etc.
All fans need to do is behave themselves accordingly and not turn this thing into a concert atmosphere and btw, I hope the impersonators just stay the heck away from the proceedings as this wont be the place for such antics!

Yea I agree with this! I am hoping and praying to God :angel: that this doesn't turn into a "circus atmosphere" as the media likes to call it. It all well and good showing support for Michael, but I really hope the MJ supporters do it with style and GRACE! After all, we don't need the Murray supporters and media thinking ALL MJ fans are crazy.:smilerolleyes: I'm sorry but there are some fans out there that make us look a bit "touched in the head." I'm not trying to hate or anything..but you know what I mean! I hope you fans understand what I am trying to say.:ermm:

Just put it this way, when I went to the 02 on the 13th of July, to that memorial thing, there were a few fans there that just made it really difficult and looked like they were just playing up for the cameras. They were so embarrassing, :crazy: and cringe-worthy, and they were obnoxious (spelling), to the point to where it seemed disrespectful.:( It was crazy! I hope I'm not coming off as being mean.

I just want the fans to be strong for Michael, ignore harsh comments from the other side, avoid heated arguments, demonstrate with your hearts, and as MJ was... BE HUMBLE! Justice for Michael:angel:.
Although there are differences in opinion amongst MJ supporters, we all have one thing in common and that is our love and respect for MJ. It is alright to disagree. It is not violent to hold up banners, yell out our love for MJ and our support, sing MJ songs at the courthouse, etc. That is not inappropriate for this type of killing. Murray deserves a fair trial, and we need to do our best to obtain justice for MJ. The media would love for "nothing" to happen to Murray as would Diane Diamond and Sneddon and others.

Michael Jackson fans are not violent people. We are loving and loyal people. We are people who love what is right. We love goodness, and have love in our hearts for others. It is true that many of us are frustrated. Who would not be frustrated after years and years of watching Diane Diamond who has cut MJ with words like a knife. When is she going to be punished? When is Sneddon going to be punished for what he did to MJ? Where in the courtroom will there be an excellent attorney to defend the victim who cannot speak for himself because he was killed?

Regarding those that spoke and sang at MJs memorial...where are they now when justice is needed? Now that they have either earned money or gotten PR off MJs death, are they going to be outside the courthouse supporting MJ? I don't think so. I think they have already slithered back into their cowardly corners.

MJs son, Prince, knows the truth when he thanked all of his father's fans because MJ loved us and we were always there for him. What will we do if the justice system only gives Murray a slap on the wrist? What if the enablers are not brought to justice and also the doctors who dished out the Propofol Murray used to kill MJ? Be thinking about that. If justice prevails, then things will calm down along with the bickering.

Sorry to have gone on and on, but time is passing, Murray is free as of now and MJ is dead. Yes, it is frustrating.
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Joyce, Sadly.. Considering the charges Dr. murray is only going to get four years in prison MAX for this. He's already getting a slap on the wrist no matter what happens.

Justice has long eluded Michael Jackson in so many ways on this earth. Thank God that human beings aren't the only authority of the universe.

Showing support for Michael isn't wrong. Bashing people.. Calling Murray a Murderer before he's had his fair day in court, Yelling rude things to the family members when they pass by.. That's plain ignorant. It's sad too because it's these fans that get the attention most. Not the others who act respectfully and do as they are supposed to do in such a setting. It's not a MJ concert. It is a court of law. Michael Jackson had his chance to prove he was innocent. Conrad Murray has the opportunity to answer these charges..even though it really is a slap on the wrist.
MJ fans still need to support Michael and his message. That's not disputed one bit. It's the MANNER in which that support is given. Not all MJ fans act the way a situation requires them to act. The media focuses on this and Michael's message of love and unity is lost.

Especially now that Dr. Murray supposedly will have supporters there at the courthouse this time as well. I pray MJ fans treat those people with respect, even if they try and push their buttons or whatever. Cause the bottom line is this one thing. We all want JUSTICE as best as we can get it. The court hearing will bring out certain things and It's gonna be rough. Keep cool though. Do Michael Jackson proud and take the high road as he would.
As angry as we are he is right and we should do exactly as he is asking of the fans. I hope fans are there in volumes, have your signs but be peaceful and silent.

There has to be justice for Michael and we can't let anymore distractions keep us from finding the TRUTH! That idiot wants to delay it, he is hiding something, we need to get to the truth and let it be known.
Although there are differences in opinion amongst MJ supporters, we all have one thing in common and that is our love and respect for MJ. It is alright to disagree. It is not violent to hold up banners, yell out our love for MJ and our support, sing MJ songs at the courthouse, etc. That is not inappropriate for this type of killing. Murray deserves a fair trial, and we need to do our best to obtain justice for MJ. The media would love for "nothing" to happen to Murray as would Diane Diamond and Sneddon and others.

Michael Jackson fans are not violent people. We are loving and loyal people. We are people who love what is right. We love goodness, and have love in our hearts for others. It is true that many of us are frustrated. Who would not be frustrated after years and years of watching Diane Diamond who has cut MJ with words like a knife. When is she going to be punished? When is Sneddon going to be punished for what he did to MJ? Where in the courtroom will there be an excellent attorney to defend the victim who cannot speak for himself because he was killed?

Regarding those that spoke and sang at MJs memorial...where are they now when justice is needed? Now that they have either earned money or gotten PR off MJs death, are they going to be outside the courthouse supporting MJ? I don't think so. I think they have already slithered back into their cowardly corners.

MJs son, Prince, knows the truth when he thanked all of his father's fans because MJ loved us and we were always there for him. What will we do if the justice system only gives Murray a slap on the wrist? What if the enablers are not brought to justice and also the doctors who dished out the Propofol Murray used to kill MJ? Be thinking about that. If justice prevails, then things will calm down along with the bickering.

Sorry to have gone on and on, but time is passing, Murray is free as of now and MJ is dead. Yes, it is frustrating.

:clapping: Very much agree. Its difficult not to get frustrated and angry, I find myself getting upset and frustrated about all this as we love Michael and he was taken away from us. We want justice. We're better than Murray supporters. If they bite we wont bite back. We'll do what we always have done. We with fight with love; our love for Michael. We were never stopped before, not matter how many time people tried, and we wont stop now. We fought with love then and we will fight with love now. Us, the fans, were always there for Michael and will always be there for Michael until the day we leave this earth and join him. There will be no violence, only love for Michael guiding us in the path for justice.
Michael was on such a high plane. nothing in him wasn't good. nothing wrong with saying that. we can look up to that. that's what made him able to take the stuff that would drive most people insane. the fact is, he was chosen for something special. chosen. so we can learn from that. having something like that to look to gives you a goal that makes being above the haters, more possible...

his light's the kind that is impossible to turn out.
we can humble ourselves and learn from that light, and learn from our mistakes from when he was here.
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