Majestick plea to the fans of Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 26, 2011
Dear fans,
This is Majestik Magnificent. I know you all have great love for Michael Jackson. I know you all want to keep his spirit and legacy alive. And in having respect for him and knowing Michael Jackson’s spirit and the love that he has for you all, you must remember how he would want you all to be. I plead with you to unite in LOVE in the spirit of Michael Jackson. I have been hearing rumors that you all the fans are bickering and fighting amongst yourselves. Michael would not want this. That kind of action is not in the spirit of Michael Jackson. Michael would want you all to be in peace and harmony and love each other, but you all already know this. So please stay in unity and not fight among yourselves for this is bad for the world of Michael Jackson fans and looks bad in the press. You are his representatives and it maks Michael look bad in the public eye, and then his message is lost. Michael loved each and every one of you and it would hurt his heart to know that you all are fighting among yourselves and fighting within the different clubs and groups. I beg you to try to keep his legacy alive, get justice for him, continue to be his voice, and live among each other as he would have you to, in love.
I thank you,
Majestik Magnificent
^ Majestik must know who are the instigators of these wars.

But he made a great point: MJ's message is being lost in this nonsensical war. We should follow MJ's message ...not the instigators'.
I never thought I would ever agree with Majestik but he's right. There is just too much arguing between the fans at the moment. Everything is still raw and its resurfacing as June approaches. On a personal level I've felt my own anger and devastation at Michael's passing resurfacing. But we're all here for one reason and that's because of Michael. He is the man we love and will continue to love until the day we leave this earth. Life is too short for arguing and we need to be united to get Murray behind bars and bring every single person that helped contribute to Michael's passing to justice.

Together we can do anything. So lets take a step back, each and everyone of us, and remember who we're doing this for. Michael would never want to see us all arguing with each other.

We all need to be united. We've gone through so much together. Lets continue to spread Michael's legacy and message of love. Together we will get justice for Michael and lets endeavour to lead our lives in a way that would bring a smile to his face.
shame he doesnt say the same thing to the jacksons
"United we stand, divided we fall"....I hope we all continue to be the "army of LOVE" that we USED to be.... and will keep MJ's legacy alive. With the love...L.O.V.E!! :yes:
Dear fans,
This is Majestik Magnificent. I know you all have great love for Michael Jackson. I know you all want to keep his spirit and legacy alive. And in having respect for him and knowing Michael Jackson’s spirit and the love that he has for you all, you must remember how he would want you all to be. I plead with you to unite in LOVE in the spirit of Michael Jackson. I have been hearing rumors that you all the fans are bickering and fighting amongst yourselves. Michael would not want this. That kind of action is not in the spirit of Michael Jackson. Michael would want you all to be in peace and harmony and love each other, but you all already know this. So please stay in unity and not fight among yourselves for this is bad for the world of Michael Jackson fans and looks bad in the press. You are his representatives and it maks Michael look bad in the public eye, and then his message is lost. Michael loved each and every one of you and it would hurt his heart to know that you all are fighting among yourselves and fighting within the different clubs and groups. I beg you to try to keep his legacy alive, get justice for him, continue to be his voice, and live among each other as he would have you to, in love.
I thank you,
Majestik Magnificent
Whoa, whoa, WHOA.

Majestik is asking fans to keep Michael's legacy alive? He says FANS make Michael look bad in the press? He is asking us to have RESPECT FOR MICHAEL???

Someone needs to take a good, long look in the mirror.

Watch at 00:15. Not very 'Magnificent'........
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As I said in my previous post yes the fans all need to stop arguing and yes some fans do give us a bad name. But, there are members of Michael's own family who are fighting and arguing, and the false drug addict claims continually to the press certainly doesn't help Michael's legacy.
I never thought I would ever agree with Majestik but he's right. There is just too much arguing between the fans at the moment. Everything is still raw and its resurfacing as June approaches. On a personal level I've felt my own anger and devastation at Michael's passing resurfacing. But we're all here for one reason and that's because of Michael. He is the man we love and will continue to love until the day we leave this earth. Life is too short for arguing and we need to be united to get Murray behind bars and bring every single person that helped contribute to Michael's passing to justice.

Together we can do anything. So lets take a step back, each and everyone of us, and remember who we're doing this for. Michael would never want to see us all arguing with each other.

We all need to be united. We've gone through so much together. Lets continue to spread Michael's legacy and message of love. Together we will get justice for Michael and lets endeavour to lead our lives in a way that would bring a smile to his face.

We are the soldiers of love
I love Michael
and we have to spread your message
Dear fans,
This is Majestik Magnificent. I know you all have great love for Michael Jackson. I know you all want to keep his spirit and legacy alive. And in having respect for him and knowing Michael Jackson’s spirit and the love that he has for you all, you must remember how he would want you all to be. I plead with you to unite in LOVE in the spirit of Michael Jackson. I have been hearing rumors that you all the fans are bickering and fighting amongst yourselves. Michael would not want this. That kind of action is not in the spirit of Michael Jackson. Michael would want you all to be in peace and harmony and love each other, but you all already know this. So please stay in unity and not fight among yourselves for this is bad for the world of Michael Jackson fans and looks bad in the press. You are his representatives and it maks Michael look bad in the public eye, and then his message is lost. Michael loved each and every one of you and it would hurt his heart to know that you all are fighting among yourselves and fighting within the different clubs and groups. I beg you to try to keep his legacy alive, get justice for him, continue to be his voice, and live among each other as he would have you to, in love.
I thank you,
Majestik Magnificent

Well said, i totally agree, is MICHAEL's spirit of PEACE the one that should remain FOREVER
Wait, who is this majestic guy again? I'm having a brainfart.:scratch: I'll have to look him up. Anyway I agree with what he is saying about the arguing and all of that. As far as the Jacksons.. I agree with CherubimII... as long as they don't hinder in ANY way Michael's kids.
Arguing opinion is fine. We're far too diverse a fan base to not have differences of opinion that might sometimes lead to heated discussion. That does not mean it has to be hostile.

But as has been said in other posts (and reminders can't hurt), we just need to respect each other and remember to treat and respond to others as we want to be.
I don't know who he is, but I have the agree with the content. It makes me think that he is together with Joe Jackson and together here once again:

MAY 10, 2010

It has recently come to our attention that Conrad Murray supporters will be demonstrating at the preliminary hearing, June 14th at the Superior Court of Los Angeles, much like Michael’s supporters have always done. This is their right just as it is ours.

We would like to urge fans that are planning to attend to please do so in peace, unity, and love for Michael. There should be NO violence, NO slander, NO yelling, and NO bad-mouthing or name-calling of Murray or his supporters. This reflects negatively on Michael. He would not support this type of behavior. The press called Michael names that were undeserved and hurtful. By acting out and creating chaos, our message can not be heard or is overshadowed by our behavior. By calling names, we are lowering ourselves to their level. That would only contribute to the filthy tabloid gossip. Michael deserved better than that. We must honor him, his wishes, and his message of peace and compassion, even in the face of opposition. Both sides can peacefully co-exist and let the justice be served inside the courtroom, just as it has been before.

Please ignore their signs, actions and words. DO NOT acknowledge their presence, IGNORE them completely, and certainly do not respond to anything they have to say. DO NOT let them bait you into an argument or lashing out to defend Michael. That is what they want. Our protest should be silent. We do not want to draw any attention to them at all. The world needs to see Michael’s light shining through all of you instead.

Our message is much bigger, better, and more dignified by not using slanderous or vulgar words. Your respect will make a much larger statement that will be revered instead of criticized. Their behavior toward a silent prayer vigil will only make them look bad. They cannot fight if there is no one to fight with. Do not give them the fuel for their fire.

Please do not even acknowledge their banners. Our banners will stay the same: “Justice for Michael”. We all have a common, unifying mission, which is JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL. We do not have to respond to them at all, because Conrad Murray supporters are not on the side of righteousness or justice, they are wrong, and right will prevail.

This is much deeper than just a demonstration. This will go down in history. Whatever your actions are that day, will be part of Michael’s legacy. When people look back on this day we want them to remember Michael, not Conrad Murray. Michael Jackson supporters are not to be looked down on as crazed fanatics, but as crusaders for peace and love. This is what Michael Jackson is, was, and always will be. It is what he believed in and stood for. We are HIS voice, representing HIM.

Martin Luther King Jr. said,
“A riot is the language of the unheard. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity. Importance should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. We must love our enemies - or else? The chain reaction of evil - hate begetting hate”

MICHAEL IS LOVE AND PEACE, NOT HATE! This is the message we must unite to send to the world.

You have caught the attention of the entire world; you represent their conscience and inspiration. This is your chance to impact Michael’s legacy and reputation for generations to come. We must stand together to honor him. We can shut them out completely and let our message speak for itself. The most powerful impact you can have in carrying on his legacy, is spreading his peace and love. Our silent protest and prayer vigil will be seen and felt the world over. Make Michael proud!


Mr. Joseph Jackson, and Mr. Majestik Magnificent
There is something icky about these requests from Joseph and Majestik. Out of all the people around Michael these two are the LAST that should be asking the fans for anything.

I agree with their message and request, but I don't agree with THEM asking us for silent protest. During the trial in 2005 our protest was NOT silent, and were heard around the world. Our voices were the ones asking for justice, asking for the truth. I don't see why we should be silent. Perhaps they don't want the world to see that we're supporting Michael?
I agree with their message and request, but I don't agree with THEM asking us for silent protest. During the trial in 2005 our protest was NOT silent, and were heard around the world. Our voices were the ones asking for justice, asking for the truth. I don't see why we should be silent. Perhaps they don't want the world to see that we're supporting Michael?

I don't think they don't want the world to see us supporting MJ, I just think they are making a good point here. However... it is soooo difficult some of us (me included) to just say YES, since I would like to see more unity on their part first. But of course, the Jackson family owes me nothing, so they don't have to show me any single thing. Yet, as a fan, I feel lost and confused by their actions. MJ items being auctioned by some family members (whoever of them that is, they are sooo many), tributes being organized and then failing, cousins and nices and "close" friends organization fanventions at incredible high prices, some others traveling the world to receive awards and give interviews everywhere.....

I am sorry, I totally agree on this request for peace but.... please... we also need THEM to do their part! :doh:
MICHAEL IS LOVE AND PEACE, NOT HATE! This is the message we must unite to send to the world.

You have caught the attention of the entire world; you represent their conscience and inspiration. This is your chance to impact Michael’s legacy and reputation for generations to come. We must stand together to honor him. We can shut them out completely and let our message speak for itself. The most powerful impact you can have in carrying on his legacy, is spreading his peace and love. Our silent protest and prayer vigil will be seen and felt the world over. Make Michael proud!


Mr. Joseph Jackson, and Mr. Majestik Magnificent


"All WE Are Saying~~~"

Love Always

I don't think they don't want the world to see us supporting MJ, I just think they are making a good point here. However... it is soooo difficult some of us (me included) to just say YES, since I would like to see more unity on their part first. But of course, the Jackson family owes me nothing, so they don't have to show me any single thing. Yet, as a fan, I feel lost and confused by their actions. MJ items being auctioned by some family members (whoever of them that is, they are sooo many), tributes being organized and then failing, cousins and nices and "close" friends organization fanventions at incredible high prices, some others traveling the world to receive awards and give interviews everywhere.....

I am sorry, I totally agree on this request for peace but.... please... we also need THEM to do their part! :doh:
totally agree ...
MJ fans will not be silenced and I know there is worry about Michael and Murray supporters clashing. If I was there personally I'd find it very hard not to get into an argument with them but the Michael supporters far outnumber Murray supporters and the police are keeping both groups seperate to avoid a situation. Never will we be silenced in justice for Michael. He was taken away from us and we want justice for him. We weren't silenced in 2005 and the world paid attention to us. We need to do the same thing here but without getting into fights with Murray supporters. We're better than that.
MJ fans will not be silenced and I know there is worry about Michael and Murray supporters clashing. If I was there personally I'd find it very hard not to get into an argument with them but the Michael supporters far outnumber Murray supporters and the police are keeping both groups seperate to avoid a situation. Never will we be silenced in justice for Michael. He was taken away from us and we want justice for him. We weren't silenced in 2005 and the world paid attention to us. We need to do the same thing here but without getting into fights with Murray supporters. We're better than that.
Thank you for once again wording what I wanted to say. :hug:
Thank you for once again wording what I wanted to say. :hug:

:hugs: Its a very emotive subject and whilst I agree with the words of Majestik I find it a tad hypcritical. Plus, we are better than what they think we're going to do. We proved that in 2005. We're smart. When people mocked us and tried to claim Michael was innocent we showed them the transcripts that proved that we were right and they were talking BS. We supported Michael every day and we will support him every day here.
How can you disagree with what they are saying? lol

Despite what Joe has done he is RIGHT, if fans are planning to go down there they need
to act accordingly. the last thing that needs to happen is MJ fans outside the courtside
acting out because a Conrad supporter says something ignorant. Emotions are going to be crazy on that day and i hope us MJ fans act with love and common sense WHILE showing support.

I think we should put our opinions of the family to the side and focus on what is important...
I think the overall message is support with LOVE rather than HATE. Eh? Sounds good to me. Perhaps a better statement would be made by MJ's fans who appear at court to stand in solidarity in song, rather than in silence? Clearly, outbursts and yelling will reflect poorly on Michael and his legacy...but silence doesn't seem the best option. I'd rather see fans singing Man in the Mirror, or another of Michael's powerful anthems, to get the point across...that we are all willing to start by looking in the mirror, and make a change. And that we are unified in that way to help bring Michael the justice that he (and his children) deserve.
Clearly, outbursts and yelling will reflect poorly on Michael and his legacy....
Depends on what is being yelled. If they're yelling for justice, then I hope they yell as loud as they can. There's a time where silence is not enough. If you want to use Michael's lyrics as a guideline, let me give you something to think about:

"We're innocently standing by
Watching people lose their lives
It seems as if we have no voice
It's time for us to make a choice

Only god could decide
Who will live and who will die
There's nothing that can't be done
If we raise our voice as one

They've gotta hear it from me
They've gotta hear it from you
They've gotta hear it from us
We can't take it
We've already had enough"
i don't think mj fans need any advice from joe or his assistance.we need to stay clam becoz emotions are high already since one year anniversary is approaching.i think its still to much to handle ,its really hard to believe that mj is gone.those guys need to see mirror.but message is good and i trust judgment of mj fan .
Depends on what is being yelled. If they're yelling for justice, then I hope they yell as loud as they can. There's a time where silence is not enough. If you want to use Michael's lyrics as a guideline, let me give you something to think about:

"We're innocently standing by
Watching people lose their lives
It seems as if we have no voice
It's time for us to make a choice

Only god could decide
Who will live and who will die
There's nothing that can't be done
If we raise our voice as one

They've gotta hear it from me
They've gotta hear it from you
They've gotta hear it from us
We can't take it
We've already had enough"

you really stole my thoughts.
am i the only 1 think Joe is better after MJ passing? i know he wants money but i think he really wanna get justice too.