Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Lady Gaga... I think that Madonna would make a lot of laughs about it. lol! Lady Gaga still has much to learn and grow musically. She is talented, but not nearly what is Madonna.​
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Lady gaga is doing exactly what Madonna did.

Sexual and bizarre clothing.

Barely good voice, barely good dancer.

Business, all about business.

Shame on both.
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Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Lady gaga is doing exactly what Madonna did.

Sexual and bizarre clothing.

Barely good voice, barely good dancer.

Business, all about business.

Shame on both.

Such a fresh take on Madonna. How many times have I read this here? Oh well, it's not like it matters. The fans know the truth. :smilerolleyes:
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Such a fresh take on Madonna. How many times have I read this here? Oh well, it's not like it matters. The fans know the truth. :smilerolleyes:

It's an opinion...since when are people not allowed to have one of those? Just because not everyone is up Madonna's arse. :smilerolleyes:
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

I like gaga but shouldn't these reporters wait a decade before they call her Madonna's successor? Especially since Madonna still makes music.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Madonna can sing. Gaga can't.
Madonna is good looking. Gaga is hideous.
Madonna can dance. Gaga can't.
Madonna has taste in clothes. Gaga does not.

Sir Gaga the successor to Madonna? Only if living makes you a successor to someone.

Gaga can sing. Listen tour her acoustic performance of Pokerface.

About the other things: it's just a matter of opinion and taste.

I think she's awesome.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

It's an opinion...since when are people not allowed to have one of those? Just because not everyone is up Madonna's arse. :smilerolleyes:

I realize it's an opinion but I am as well entitled to mine. It's just that so many people say that here. That is all. It seems like it has more to do with being loyal to MJ and Janet than having your own opinion. That's my take. Sorry.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Lady gaga is doing exactly what Madonna did.

Sexual and bizarre clothing.

Barely good voice, barely good dancer.

Business, all about business.

Shame on both.

Completely agree. :)
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Hate to admit it but... I've been listening to her album the past few days.. and I really like it! :bugeyed

It's nothing genius or incredible, but it's a nice fun album. Actually one thing I like about it is that the rest of the album lives up to the singles. It's not just 1 or 2 good songs and the rest are fillers... Something that today's artists can't seem to manage :smilerolleyes:

The only song I skip is "again again".. sounds too much like a Fergie song.. blergh.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Hate to admit it but... I've been listening to her album the past few days.. and I really like it! :bugeyed

It's nothing genius or incredible, but it's a nice fun album. Actually one thing I like about it is that the rest of the album lives up to the singles. It's not just 1 or 2 good songs and the rest are fillers... Something that today's artists can't seem to manage :smilerolleyes:

The only song I skip is "again again".. sounds too much like a Fergie song.. blergh.

Why be afraid to admit when something is good? "The Fame" is great from beginning to end imho. I love pop music and this is a nearly flawless first offering which shows so much potential. Gaga has drive, determination, and the talent to back it up. I see her going far if she keeps it up.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Haha I guess I shouldn't be scared to admit it. But I haven't like a new artist or album in so long. Last album I listened to was Beyonce's "I am.. Sasha Fierce" and my god it was bad. Just put Halo on repeat and you'll basically have CD 1 :smilerolleyes:

And yeah she does seem like she's absolutely obsessed with her music, image and being a good entertainer.. for that alone she's got my respect. But I hope she improves with live performances, she's still very stiff and isn't a good dancer IMO.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

I realize it's an opinion but I am as well entitled to mine. It's just that so many people say that here. That is all. It seems like it has more to do with being loyal to MJ and Janet than having your own opinion. That's my take. Sorry.

Well that's a generalisation right there. I don't like Madonna, has nothing to do with Michael or Janet. You should give people more credit.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Although I do find Lady Gaga entertaining, Im not ready to make any comparisons yet. Let's wait five more years.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Can't stand the bitch.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

I can't stand artists who are full of arrogance, rudeness and drugs. I have watched quite a few of her interviews and in every single interview I've seen - she's rude, hostile and arrogant and I can't STAND that about people. I think she's a terrible influence, her music is annoying and I am tired of seeing her face everywhere.

She might be talented in the way she has flung herself to success and called all her own shots and doesnt let record companies and big wigs boss her around -- but apart from that? Musically she's not so amazing and the only thing going for her is her gimmicks, which by the way -- are like a train wreck -- hideous, but you can't seem to look away.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

erm what:smilerolleyes: "Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga" Hilarious. they're anything alike. She gives me one very cheap impression, especially in compare to Madonna. She actually bores me.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Lol seriously, Gaga is not Madonna's successor. No one is. There's only one Madonna. True Lady Gaga is quite outrageous, but it's all so contrived with her. The thing about someone like Madonna is that she always came across as more real and authentic. Gaga's whole thing is a big act and it's not believable. It will be interesting to see what direction she does in musically with her next album though but I have a feeling people will tire of her fast. She's talented somewhat, but comes across as too gimmicky imo to really have a long lasting career, but we'll see what happens.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

hmmmm, I like a couple of her songs.
My thing is that you can tell in her inerviews that she's trying to be weird or eccentric. It's kinda annoying
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

I realize it's an opinion but I am as well entitled to mine. It's just that so many people say that here. That is all. It seems like it has more to do with being loyal to MJ and Janet than having your own opinion. That's my take. Sorry.

I don't like Madonna, artistically speaking, and it has nothing to do with Michael or Janet. It has to do with the following: that Madonna isn't so unbelievably talented. She doesn't mesmerize. I may like a song or two of hers like La Isla Bonita for instance, but I cannot become a fan of hers because she doesn't awe.I am in no way insinuating that she has no talent at all, but she is not that talented. She wouldn't be where she is if she had none for sure, but she is a commercial success more than a talent. It's not like she has one of the greatest voices which you cannot forget or that she is great of a dancer that you cannot forget as well. Guess what, I am not so fond Janet either, artistically speaking. I think that the biggest ingredient of her success was her being a Jackson. Special thanks to The Gloved Jackson.
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Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

I realize it's an opinion but I am as well entitled to mine. It's just that so many people say that here. That is all. It seems like it has more to do with being loyal to MJ and Janet than having your own opinion. That's my take. Sorry.

So anyone here who isn't a Madonna fan is just trying to be loyal to Michael and Janet? Huh? That doesn't even make sense to me. What does one have to do with the other anyway. Just like how not everyone is a Michael Jackson fan, not everyone is a Madonna fan. I know it might be hard for you to accept, but some people just aren't into Madonna or her music. I don't think it has anything to do with Michael or Janet.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

So anyone here who isn't a Madonna fan is just trying to be loyal to Michael and Janet? Huh? That doesn't even make sense to me. What does one have to do with the other anyway. Just like how not everyone is a Michael Jackson fan, not everyone is a Madonna fan. I know it might be hard for you to accept, but some people just aren't into Madonna or her music. I don't think it has anything to do with Michael or Janet.

When did I ever suggest that? You misinterpreted. I'd be scratching my head too had I of said anything remotely like that. I stand by what I said.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

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Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Well look at what they spewed at carrie prejean.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

stars have become trashy and talentless.... im sorry but she has no talent compared to madonna... she is crass and has no class at all..

and people shouldnt be obsessed with trying to push "gay culture" into the mainstream because i do not believe that the majority of people wish their kids to feel "more inclined to lead the gay way of life" like lady gaga did when she was surrounded by all the gay culture there.... this is not a lifestyle that we should be trying to push at all. dont attack me over this .. just my opinion...

It may be your opinion but it's incredibly insensitive. Gay people are just people like you and the ones you love. How is it "pushing" gay culture going to hurt you or anyone else? What are you afraid of? I don't understand. You can't make someone gay and so what if someone is.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

I'm not a fan of neither of them...but seriously,Gaga is no Madonna successor.:lol: