Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Agent M

Proud Member
Jul 17, 2009
M.I.B. Headquarters
Gaga is in complete control of her music’s industrial complex. She writes and coproduces all of her tracks; serves as dramaturge, choreographer, and star of her performances; and conducts a core group of coconspirators dubbed the Haus of Gaga -- a nod to both Paris Is Burning and Walter Gropius -- among them, stylist Nicola Formichetti; Anna Trevelyan, Formichetti’s assistant; and most important, Matthew Williams, aka Matty Dada, Gaga’s right-hand man. “They don’t do anything but live and breathe their art,” she says. The Haus of Gaga ensures there are no loose ends to Gaga, just a lot of her. Every appearance and every utterance is a tightly choreographed performance. “I’m a method actress,” she says proudly. “I studied Stanislavski for six years.”

If every second is a scene, every outfit is worth a dissertation. At a recent press conference in Malta, Gaga wore a deconstructed bondage mask/hijab by the Danish design duo Vilsbol de Arce, as bewildering a display as Dylan in his Cate Blanchett years. In a now famous appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, she wore an orbiting headpiece by London designer Nasir Mazhar. During another appearance in Tokyo in July, Gaga channeled Harajuku “cosplay” (costume role-playing) culture, dressing up as a Hello Kitty ingenue, simultaneously embodying and parroting the Japanese national obsession. She’s the Michelle Obama of pop; her fashion is the constitution for a new utopia. “I believe in living a glamorous life and I believe in a glamorous lifestyle,” says Gaga. “What that means is not money or fame or prestige. It’s a sense of vanity and glamour and subculture that is rooted in a sense of self. I am completely 100,000% devoted to a life of glamour.” Rule number two of Gagaland: Thou shalt be glamorous.

A life of glamour is an ethos to which every gay -- from the 17-year-old Dominican tranny voguing in his bedroom to the tanorexic middle-aged Miami circuit queen -- can relate. It’s one reason we love Gaga. Another, of course, is that Gaga loves us back. Gayness is in Gaga’s DNA. A little brunette lighting bolt of energy born in Manhattan to Joseph and Cynthia Germanotta -- Catholics with a healthy appreciation for the arts and the good sense to recognize a star when they bore one -- Gaga began playing piano at 4 and composing at 13 under the tutelage of several gay mentors. “I had a few gay piano teachers. I was in acting class and ballet from a very young age, and I remember being around a lot of gay boys in dance class. I feel intrinsically inclined toward a more gay lifestyle.” She did Ellen before Leno, performed in gay clubs before straight ones, and plugs the gays constantly in interviews, even those with straight publications. Despite a lesbian subtext to “Poker Face” -- the song is about, among other things, a woman lusting after a woman while dating a man -- Gaga says, “I myself am not a gay woman -- I am a free-spirited woman: I have had boyfriends, and I have hooked up with women, but it’s never been like ‘I discovered gayness when I was dot dot dot.’ ”

Her devotion to gay culture is unparalleled by any other artist operating at her level of visibility or success. “When I started in the mainstream it was the gays that lifted me up,” she says. “I committed myself to them and they committed themselves to me, and because of the gay community I’m where I am today.” Earlier this year, in her acceptance speech for her MuchMusic award for best international video, Lady Gaga thanked “God and the gays.” Before agreeing to tour with Kanye West this fall, Gaga told the rapper, “I just want to be clear before we decide to do this together: I’m gay. My music is gay. My show is gay. And I love that it’s gay. And I love my gay fans and they’re all going to be coming to our show. And it’s going to remain gay.” That’s another clause in the Gagaland constitution: Gay culture shall gush undiluted into the rapids of society. It shall not be co-opted, fancified, dolled up, or Uncle Tommed. “I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream,” she says, “It’s not an underground tool for me. It’s my whole life. So I always sort of joke the real motivation is to just turn the world gay.”

If glamour and vanity and music are the sparks that animate Gaga, she relies on a vast reference library to give herself a body. She regularly plunders her predecessors, finding time in her whirlwind schedule to make stops at museums. The ’80s synthesizers of The Fame are just part of Lady Gaga; she herself is synthesis. She’s been compared to and compares herself to Christina Aguilera (who thought she was a tranny), Madonna, Debbie Harry, David Bowie, and Grace Jones, but her reading list is more Patti Smith (Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet is one of Gaga’s favorite books) and her frank sex talk is straight out of blueswoman Bessie Smith’s 1920s catalog. “I need a little hot dog on my roll” isn’t so different from “I’m bluffin’ with my muffin.”
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

they do have similiarities. both are very creative inspired people who like to take mainstream and make it into something new. i like gaga. her debut album is one of my faves of the last few years. should be wild to see what she comes up with next!
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Somebody did that already. Like the Village People, Erasure, Elton John, Sylvester, Boy George, RuPaul & Pet Shop Boys.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

I'm sorry but Lady Gaga is just a poser! She uses the gay culture and fans to further her career. All Gaga is doing is pandering to them. She's a fake Madonna wannbe.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

I love lady can't wait for next album ,and I was with some friends at her concert,it was great
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Honestly? Nobody will take the place of the Madonna. The throne of Queen of Pop is her. That is indisputable. There will be another singer like her.​
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

I'm sorry but Lady Gaga is just a poser! She uses the gay culture and fans to further her career. All Gaga is doing is pandering to them. She's a fake Madonna wannbe.

I totally agree i cant stand Lady Ga Ga if you want to look at a Gay Culture influence in Music look no further than Freddie Mercury the guy piratically put Gay Rockers on the map Lady Ga Ga is just a wannabe drag queen.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

I totally agree i cant stand Lady Ga Ga if you want to look at a Gay Culture influence in Music look no further than Freddie Mercury the guy piratically put Gay Rockers on the map Lady Ga Ga is just a wannabe drag queen.

Yup, I have to agree with this. She makes me cringe because she tries too hard. It doesn't seem natural somehow.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

I'm sorry but Lady Gaga is just a poser! She uses the gay culture and fans to further her career.

which is exactly what madonna did
they're both trash artistically speaking, so yeah they deserve each other
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Madonna can sing. Gaga can't.
Madonna is good looking. Gaga is hideous.
Madonna can dance. Gaga can't.
Madonna has taste in clothes. Gaga does not.

Sir Gaga the successor to Madonna? Only if living makes you a successor to someone.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Wow people are so harsh towards other artists. Aren't there nicer ways of expressing yourself. Calling one of my favorite legendary artists "trash" is so disrespectful. Why must message board posters be so cynical? It's almost comical and yet tragic at the same time. I do like Gaga and think she is on the right track. Her album is fun.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Wow people are so harsh towards other artists. Aren't there nicer ways of expressing yourself. Calling one of my favorite legendary artists "trash" is so disrespectful. Why must message board posters be so cynical? It's almost comical and yet tragic at the same time. I do like Gaga and think she is on the right track. Her album is fun.

the thing is it's not just message boards it's the world! trash talk is everywhere.
it's people. There will always be people who love an artist and another one who hates it.. I don't think it will ever change
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

lady gaga is fun. ive seen some of her concerts and she can really sing - and in tune (which is always a plus). i dont like her in interviews though - but on stage shes a lot of fun. and its nice to have a female artist who is a bit different - some of her stage costumes are very off kilter but she makes them work somehow so i respect her for that
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

I think her album is good. Not great, but it's a fun album. I think Gaga herself though is completely and utterly ridiculous. Everything from her stupid outfits to her outrageous, arrogant persona is just downright ridiculous. I don't see her lasting long. People already seem tired of her attention seeking antics. I would be suprised if she lasted another 5 years.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Somebody did that already. Like the Village People, Erasure, Elton John, Sylvester, Boy George, RuPaul & Pet Shop Boys.

and Madonna lol. I think this chick is trying a little too hard to be "different".
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Lady Ga Ga is talented. But I fear she will be the new Amy Winehouse instead of the new Madonna. Everytime she does an interview you see she is high on cokain.

I got some pictures of her where you see just how stoned she is. Not judging offcourse, cuz I ain't no innocent child myself, but I fear The Lady will have some serious trouble in a few years if she doesn't cool down.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

theres always been female artists who the media say are successors to madonna but truthfully most of them fade away. theres only one madonna - period.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

You know what? As annoying as she can be and her music isn't that great, but I haven't seen this much drive and determination from a new artist in a long time. For that alone she gets my respect. When she says that her number 1 priority is her work and she practically obsesses over it, I can believe it.

I'm not jumping the gaga bandwagon just yet.. she's still a very stiff live performer and constantly craving attention. There's a Michael-like eccentricity about her and I don't know if she's playing it up or if that's just her. Either way, I think she's going to get backlash for it soon, like Michael did. In other words, the media love her "strangeness" now, but they'll slaughter her for it in the press later on.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

She said Michael is one of her inspirations :)
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

She said Michael is one of her inspirations :)

Yeah...cause finding someone who looks up to MJ is rare...
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Yeah...cause finding someone who looks up to MJ is rare...

Wake up on the wrong side perhaps? The poster was just saying that Gaga is a fan of MJ's. What's the big deal? Maybe not everyone here know's that. No need for the attitude.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

She needs to take Michael's advice though of preserving her career, she's starting to get over-exposed. People will get sick of her soon if she's not careful.. And ffs, ditch Perez!
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Get the f*** outa here with that bullish. Who the hell is lady gaga?
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Lady Gaga actually seems more talented than Madonna, even though I'm not a fan of either of them. Calling her a Madonna successor almost sounds like an insult.
Also, I have to agree with the comment about overexposure. She's everywhere and I'm already sick of her.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Lady Gaga actually seems more talented than Madonna, even though I'm not a fan of either of them. Calling her a Madonna successor almost sounds like an insult.
Also, I have to agree with the comment about overexposure. She's everywhere and I'm already sick of her.

Yes, being compared to the most successful and legendary female of our time is certainly insulting. :doh:
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Don't shoot me but who's this Lady GAGA character?

Some talentless girl who goes around dresses up in eccentric costumes to gain attention. Her music isn't that good, lyrics suck and she associated with Perez Hilton. But that's my opinion

Only got popular because of her annoying Poker Face and Just dance songs.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Some talentless girl who goes around dresses up in eccentric costumes to gain attention. Her music isn't that good, lyrics suck and she associated with Perez Hilton. But that's my opinion

Only got popular because of her annoying Poker Face and Just dance songs.

Thank you!! I feel the same way and it looks like her hype died down and people are over her pretentious crap. She wears stupid costumes copied from other artists like Roisin Murphy and calls it her own. Her lyrics like "I wanna take a ride on your disco stick" are really compelling no? She's like Bob Dylan lmao! Her lyrics could have been written by a third grader. Perez Hilton pimps her out to no end calling every performance of her "the best in history" "groundbreaking" "revolutionary" or the worst of all "amaze-balls". I give her credit for being really driven but she is not unique. She tries way too hard and she's just one big giant gimmick. She takes the gays along for the ride. She wants to be a gay icon just like Madonna and Britney.

*end of rant lol*.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

Yes, being compared to the most successful and legendary female of our time is certainly insulting. :doh:

legendary in commercial success, sure. but musically talented? in my opinion, not so much. she's good at selling herself, but her music is pretty bland.
Re: Madonna successor Lady Ga Ga: "I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream"

legendary in commercial success, sure. but musically talented? in my opinion, not so much. she's good at selling herself, but her music is pretty bland.

Blah, whatever.