Re: Madonna has been posting a lot about Michael lately
In the Justify My Love video she crossed dressed (unless, I mistook her for her dancers) and it was deliberately controversial and a little vulgar. While ITC was sexy, sexual at some point but it didn't cross the line to be vulgar. What Madonna did specially in the 90's was more in your face and creating a shock value. She does it sometimes but it isn't new anymore. Michael was sensual and sexual in some of his performances but you never saw him doing that to compensate lack of singing, dancing or showmanship in general, unlike Madonna.
I'm not a MTV kid-I'm actually in Michael and Madonna's generation-so I was in my prime back when they were. So I wasn't familiar with "Justify My Love" and went over to look at it tonight. Madonna didn't cross dress in it, but it actually reminded me more of the Fellini/Bob Fosse Cabaret stuff in the 70's. Which, at the time, was super shocking. I see now, though, why Michael was making videos like "In the Closet" since he was more than aware of the competition.
I personally never thought "ITC" was that sensual, since Michael smiled all through it, and it looked like he was about to crack up laughing. Now if his expression had been the one he used in "Dirty Diana" or especially "TWYMMF"-yes.
THAT one, for me, was a total shocker-it was all grainy and the closeups of Tatiana made her look absolutely terrified-and a bunch of guys cornering her in the alley? I watched the premiere of that one with my hand at my throat, horrified. And the Panther Dance-later on-my big chance to introduce my little niece and nephews to Michael and the song is great, the dance is great, and then boom-we're in another dark alley with a lamp post, a cobblestone street-and I sweated out the next six minutes. All the while I'm thinking it's probably full of deep symbolism (and it was), but at the same time I'm exposing the kids to porn!
Michael, having absorbed all of this show business savvy, was the absolute perfect manipulator with this though-he really wanted people talking and as he said to Diane Sawyer, it's what he wanted. It fell right in his lap according to plan.
Oh, and by the way, a few months after the world premier of "TWYMMF", I saw him perform it again on the Grammy's and this time I could see the dance and song for what it was-one of the greatest flirt fests of all time to one of the greatest songs of all time.