Madonna on MJ - Rolling Stone. Nice Words.

ya I thought I posted something like this before here- She said MJ was "Too shy" and MJ on her- "not a nice person"

LOL but they looked great at the emmys together back in 92 IMO
Yeah she speaks for other people I guess :rolleyes:
She should speak for herself, I don't hate Madonna or anything but it just ticks me off everytime she says that ''we'' abandoned Michael... she can't speak for us or for his real friends like Liz and Diana.
I guess she is the one that did abandoned him, not us!

Anyway thanks for sharing the article!
I doubt she means the fans when she says "we"
But a lot of people in general turned their backs on him when he needed support more than ever.
I doubt she means the fans when she says "we"
But a lot of people in general turned their backs on him when he needed support more than ever.

Me too, she doesn't mean the fans, she means the Hollywood types that that didn't protect him doing the hard times he's been through. The celebrities not fans.
ya I thought I posted something like this before here- She said MJ was "Too shy" and MJ on her- "not a nice person"

LOL but they looked great at the emmys together back in 92 IMO

Are you saying that madonna said MJ was not a nice person or was she asked about the tapes where he said that about her?

Read the article saw no reference to it.
Are you saying that madonna said MJ was not a nice person or was she asked about the tapes where he said that about her?

Read the article saw no reference to it.

MJ said Madonna was not a nice person.
Thanks for posting the article princessmichaela!

Here are the parts about MJ:

Do you cry often onstage?

[On the Sticky & Sweet Tour] there's a moment right before I sing "You Must Love Me," which is such a sad song, when I'm not linked up to time-coded video, when I take a moment to talk to the audience. On this leg of the tour, I cried when I was making a speech about the two men who worked for the scaffolding company that were building my stage in Marseilles [who died in a collapse]. I cried when I found out Michael Jackson had died.

You and Michael were born in the same month, August of 1958. What was it like to witness a kid your age do what he did?

I was madly in love with him, totally smitten. He was mind-bogglingly talented. The songs he sang were not childlike at all.

When did you first meet him?

I met him in the early Eighties, when I first started working with my manager, Freddy DeMann, who at the time was managing Michael Jackson. I saw him play at Madison Square Garden, and I was blown away. He was flawless. There was a party at the Helmsley Palace Hotel. He was very shy, but it was a thrill for me.

Were you jealous of him?

In a good way. I'd wished I'd written "Billie Jean" and "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'." What song didn't I love?

Ten years later there was talk of you recording together, and you went to the Oscars with him.

There was a period of time when we hung out. He wanted to work with me, I think he wanted to get to know me, and I wanted to do the same. When you write with somebody, it's a weird experience, you feel vulnerable and shy. When I worked with Justin Timberlake I felt that way. To write songs together is a very intimate experience, like getting tossed into a juggernaut. "On your mark, get set, create!" You have to get past these hurdles, which are, "I want to impress this person, but will they think my ideas are stupid? What if their ideas are stupid? Can I be honest with them? Will they be offended?" You end up talking and gabbing and socializing, and you have to do that in order to get to the next level, to be creative. So that's what we were doing: watching movies, having dinner, hanging out, going to the Oscars, being silly, seeing if we could work. He got relaxed. He took off his sunglasses, had a glass of wine, I got him to laugh.

You're the only other entertainer in the world who can relate to enduring that level of scrutiny. Why did it destroy him?

All I have are my opinions, I wasn't very close to him. It's good to have a good childhood and a sense of yourself in the world before people start telling you who they think your are. Where you can make mistakes and have a sense of innocence. It gives you a sense of confidence. I don't think he started off that way. Did he have any sense of himself outside of the world of being adored and famous? It's hard to survive like that. I think he felt insecure about the attention he got, and had a love-hate relationship with his job. He didn't seem to have any close friends. And in the last decade, everybody abandoned him, or wrote him off as crazy. People have said so many things about me that aren't true, and I never once had a second thought that the accusations against him might be true. But he didn't seem to have a way to deal with that, publicly or privately, and it can destroy you. When he died, everyone was saying what a great genius he was, but it's important to appreciate things before you lose them. It's a great tragedy.
We can only speculate, but for some strange reason I think that Michael felt that Madonna wanted to "control" him and make him her bitch, lol.
But I mean, it's really dumb to even speculate about shit like that.

BTW, I thought this was a little funny coincidence


I like her answer to the "jealousy" question. MJ was right. Even though he trusted the wrong people, he had a good read of folks. I have no doubt that there was some jealousy. How could there not?
I like her answer to the "jealousy" question. MJ was right. Even though he trusted the wrong people, he had a good read of folks. I have no doubt that there was some jealousy. How could there not?

Madonna loved/envied/desired/felt competitive/wanted to possess MJ. What a wide range of emotions, yeah, she was bazonkers for him, but he politely kept her at arm's length.

Can you imagine Madonna, who at that time was a raging ego-freak on steriods, being kept at arms' length by MJ???




PS: Madonna's interview was GREAT. Queen Beeyotch always tells it like it is.
This is from the tapes that MJ recorded, the guy was on Larry King recently...:

'Madonna, she was into books, all over, a whole collec--like a library of books of women who were tied to walls, different things. She said, "I love spanky books." Why would I want to see that? I think she likes shock value.
Madonna laid down the law to me before we went out. "I am not going to Disneyland, okay? That's out." I said "I didn't ask you to go Disneyland." She said, “We are going to the restaurant and afterwards we are going to a strip bar." I am not going to a strip bar, where they cross dress. Guys who are, are girls. Said "I am not going to go there,” and I think afterwards she wrote some mean things about me in the press and I said that she's a nasty witch. They admire you and know you're wonderful and great but just they're jealous 'cause they wish they were in your place, wish they were in your shoes. And "M" is one of 'em. Madonna. She's not a nice person, she hasn't been kind.

She did a lot of crazy things. I knew we had nothing in common. She is not sexy at all. I think being sexy comes from the heart in the way you present yourself.”

He also described that when they were at dinner, kids came up and said "Michael Jackson and Madonna!" and she said "Go away, leave us alone!" leading Michael to say, “Don’t you ever talk to children like that." She said, ‘Shut up,’ ” he recalled. “I said, ‘You shut up."
He also described that when they were at dinner, kids came up and said "Michael Jackson and Madonna!" and she said "Go away, leave us alone!" leading Michael to say, “Don’t you ever talk to children like that." She said, ‘Shut up,’ ” he recalled. “I said, ‘You shut up."

Oh, man, I can't stop laughing.

He also described that when they were at dinner, kids came up and said "Michael Jackson and Madonna!" and she said "Go away, leave us alone!" leading Michael to say, “Don’t you ever talk to children like that." She said, ‘Shut up,’ ” he recalled. “I said, ‘You shut up." [/B]

I am sorry, but that part always cracks me up :lol:

"Shut Up" "No, you shut up" It's like a sitcom! :lol:

I thought that was a nice interview. She seems sincere and I think when she say "people abandoned him" she means the Hollywood types, the people who were supposed to be on Michael's side, but dropped him like a hot potato during the accusations.
I love everything Madonna has said about Michael since his passing. She has been the only famous person who has been honest about their gulit in abandoning Michael and not treasuring him as a person and a genous when he was still alive. Many others like Quincy Jones who were far closer to Michael than Madonna ever was haven't shown Michael the same respect to Michael's memory as Madonna has shown.
I absolutely don't see anything wrong at all with what she's said about Michael in Rolling Stone. Not one word, she's very on point about everything. Nice of her to speak her honest mind about the allegations and how it's hard to deal with things when you never really had a childhood. The interviewer shouldn't have said 'destroy him' . True, eventually he did die very young.

But DAMN if Michael wasn't the strongest soul i've ever seen. I know for sure many others wouldn't have been around anymore after having to deal with things childhood...lies, lies the allegations...MJ endured and survived all that. To me....that is ONE incredibly strong human being.
BTW, I thought this was a little funny coincidence


ahahah, yeah itsa coincidence :p, even the leg hahaha.. you need to post the one in articture diggest, with the Michael at the 90's hahaha,

Just to say something, Madonna is a good good good GOOD POP STAR, (yes Michael was one too, but who can in their fit mind said that they are in the same musical artistry level (many as matter fact:bugeyed), i mean, i must said it cause i have heard music critics (yes! MUSIC critics comparing their songs, yeah yeah...for dumb it sounds) like i said in the part of Justin Timberlake, Madonna is at THAT level of goodness, she's a popstar and she believes she's at Michael's level on artistry, in her mind she thinks she a good good musician, its good to have a high selfesteem, but the reality is that Madonna's real talent is on BUSINESS.

Michael was at another complete different level, on everything, everything or anyone not just Madonna, any other musician on the face of this world, Michael was called a pop star, but he was a Genius, he was a phenomenon, noone like him will appear in at least 100 years, his music was complex and simple, was magical and crude, was technical and unearthly, some still cannot understand it (and im not talking about the more commercial ones like The Way You Make Me Feel (which is phenomenal song excellent one the best commercial songs ever done, well it was commercial as well) music critics and musicians TOO(yeah musicians too, weird) just cant understand him till today,

Michael himself was complex, his music was his reflexion, some just cannot understand it, Michael is not commercial, he was after art, his commercial part just could NOT be avoided, cause he was born to attract people, in fact his dance was the more comercial thing, but his music, no way, Michael was more than a perfectionist cause he thought it could have been reached, so to end this, Michael will only be recognised as the GENIUS he was in years to come from now(many as matter fact) , just like what happened to Mozart, is the SAME story, i said this twice now.

Coming back to Madonna she's a great singer/songwriter and dancer, but umm, she's just not a genius, you have to born one, but she is GREAT, she's better than Britney(not to offfned britney, she's very pretty) and those girls, and well Madonna really, like really thinks she's good :p, thats good
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I am sorry, but that part always cracks me up :lol:

"Shut Up" "No, you shut up" It's like a sitcom! :lol:

I thought that was a nice interview. She seems sincere and I think when she say "people abandoned him" she means the Hollywood types, the people who were supposed to be on Michael's side, but dropped him like a hot potato during the accusations.

they were like siblings :lol: :lol:

and yeah, she's great, but she's not a genius, and she knows it. Madonna, bless her, despite her ego, is very blunt. she tells it like it is. it's the midwestern gal in her.