"Mad monster Michael Jackson"!??


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
Dear mods, pl. don’t put this in the We’ve had enough/Tabloid section. I want all fans to know and respond. Thanks so much.

To my dearest fan family,
I’m requesting all of you to please, please read and respond to this one of the most heinous articles ever written. This appeared full page in one of India’s most respectable news papers The Pioneer(which is 146 years old) on June 25th. As fans, artists, celebrities around the world are paying their loving tributes to the greatest one ever, and as we are hurting and grieving day and night trying to handle our lives here without our greatest inspiration and teacher this BS appeared and I can’t believe someone could write something so ugly about the most beautiful person, especially on the anniv. I’ve already written many letters(with diff names) to the paper but I can’t handle it alone. So I’m urging you all to please write to them. Pl. don’t ignore this as crap or silly or BS. Yes, this is indeed all of it and more-This is the weapon they used to hurt and torment and kill the most beautiful human being! This killed him! All these lies and slander is what took an angel away from us. We won’t let them ruin his name or his legacy. I’ve been fighting for Michael “all my life”, writing to the international media day and night, doing my best to defend him, support him, speak out for him and let the world know the truth…and even though now my heart is totally broken and my spirit shattered, I WILL NOT GIVE UP!
I just hope you’ll please help me in this fight by writing in. Please do!
Thankyou with all my heart…

Love and blessings always,
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Re: Pl.everyone read-"Mad monster Michael Jackson"

Here's it-

It has been a year since MJ died. Shana Maria Verghis wonders if he turned into a zombie in his last days

During the New Year episode of Graham Norton’s talk show on BBC Entertainment, which was repeated again this week in India, comedienne Joan Rivers and Texas’ singer Sharleen Spiteri were running over 2009’s highlights with Norton. This included Britain’s Got Talent star Susan Boyle’s need for a makeover and her being home alone with a distressed cat. And also Michael Jackson’s demise which had led to days of mourning and merriment. For tragedy can become farcical and Jackson had aced both aspects. So his passing got celebrated with concerts, farewells and drama with faux social commentary essays written with titles like Marxism and Michael Jackson’s death.

Yes, we liked MJ. What a mover. You could watch Smooth Criminal umpteen times over for the slick, trim choreography. We briefly shed tears over his loss. But we couldn’t help agreeing with Rivers, who had quipped on TV that, “now his father will take him on a decomposing tour,” that Michael Jackson had grown extremely weird during his later years. In fact, that unfinished concert of his could have been subtitled This Is It — The Freak’s Rhythm’s Gonna Get You. He also features on a Wierdo web page. But it is a tribute since he shares the space with great nutcases like Van Gogh.

Rivers reminded us short term memory types: “The guy was a great artist but also a druggie and paedophile”

The second part is still a grey area though. She went on to say, “As for his moonwalk, if the narcs were after you, I would be walking backwards too.” Adding wickedly that “Brooke Shields boohooed over his funeral when the last time she met him was in 1993 and then he was Black!”

Our experience with MJ, like others around the world, depending on the generation, and whatever was on TV then, was watching The Jackson Five when we were not even eight-years-old. The kids who shone the most were the youngest. Michael was cute, with his squeaky voice. But prettier and our personal poster child, was his sister, Janet. Frankly, when Janet was with her brothers, the guys faded to the background before that doll-like, plump spunky child who was close to us in age. And as we were growing up with two brothers and four big bro cousins — one of whom saw Michael’s concert in South Africa and remembered his “tremendous energy” — we briefly gravitated to sister spirit.

In those innocent days, when snow was white and Michael Jackson was still black, (and probably blue too, from being beaten into artistic perfection by his dad), his music was soulful disco. After Ben the mouse song, there was funky, psychedelic Off the Wall. And Close Encounters of the Third Kind in the Jackson clan’s Can You Feel it video. All seemed stable with Jackson outwardly and this was the relatively quiet pre-paparazzi period of the 80s. Then he burst on the scene, to bury us with werewolves, ghouls and zombie in the Thriller album. Images that his ex-wife Priscilla Presley said, “Haunted him till his death.” Albums like Bad produced contemporary, snazzy music, with fantastically constructed dance videos, till HIStory. By which time MJ was moulding into history too.

The trouble with showbiz, American showbiz even more. Do you never know when people are making up fake anecdotes at the drop of a hat to build up someone’s image. And also when the fakeness is repeated so often, it seems like it really happened. Was Michael Jackson real to himself? Was he always playing the performer to the point he didn’t see the stage for the world? Everyone’s conjectures without touching base with him. Those close aren’t talking yet to rip the myth and even they seem to have been remote. His kids are like strange apparations he metamorphosed in a video.

Those who met him said they only saw certain facets of Jackson’s multi-demonic (?) self. An Israeli krav maga expert we interviewed had been his bodyguard. He found it hard to think of Jackson as a paedophile. “He was like a kid. He wanted ice-cream in the middle-of the night, and we had to call up the best parlour in the city to open up just for him. And he had lots of stuffed toys.” Could it be his kids are really programmed stuffed toys? Maybe they’re aliens he managed to contact because he was probably “not of this earth.” (Hint, hint). Was he, as a past-life expert we spoke to, “a French contemporary entertainer of Moliere in his previous birth who used to travel everywhere with jugglers?”

Jackson’s greatness was an ability to dance and sing equally well, the hallmark of greatest performers. As for the personality fudge, he more than other stars, played the part of abnormal, superior being who was aspirational. Even Madonna descended to earth and became “Madge” the mother to stable, normal kids. But Michael was a strange, ethereal father who did things like nearly throw his kid of a balcony (because it was really an invincible alien), as gods might do in some cultures mythology. It may have been a harmless photo-op but parents around the world gagged and ranted. Scarier was the sight of the baby in the arms of this cadavar-like, ghostly figure with scraggly hair resembling a living zombie before he was really dead. Adding to the sense of a horror-spoof happening was someone like basketball star Michael Jordan reminiscing about, “sitting on the floor eating fried chicken with Michael Jackson.” Other have memories too of Jackson, the ‘fried chicken friend’. It’s not certain if he liked legs or thigh parts but imagine, this scary zombie man ate chicken! Did he eat it raw and bloody, crunching the bones when no one watched? Grab a cross or charm as protection from him, all you fearing the gory undead.

There’s a figure in Harper Lee’s beloved and only book To Kill A Mockingbird
about a solitary neighbourhood shy guy whom kids demonise as a terror because they don’t know his real nature. This was so with Michael. If he shook your hand and said nice things at a concert, did you know him?

If you briefly danced with you on the team, could you know him? A shaggy haired tap dancer told us he danced onstage with Jackson, ”but never spoke. He had bodyguards, while showing us steps.”

Was he deliberately remote? Showbiz people like to project they are “same as you” because of the unrealness of the profession which can veer on abnormal if one is not grounded enough. But sheltered Jackson became a nutty hermit crab with strange indulgences and purchasing habits, like the current head of North Korea who outstrips Jackness in oddness. And then when he got too remote from everyone’s imagination which built him up as even weirder, he must have wanted to get to earth and “be among humans” as mortal again, but his body gave way. It intensely annoying that he had the luxury to stick around and make music, but screwed the chance because he was severely dysfunctional, despite his prodigious talent. He became one of his own creations — a ghoul from the Thriller video. But even Frankenstein’s monster had feelings, and this strange monster could dance and sing exquisitely. But he forgot to be human enough for a long stretch and that was his undoing.
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Re: Pl.everyone read-"Mad monster Michael Jackson"

It's just one person though, ignore it rather than give it attention.

Funny that they call Priscilla Presley his wife though!
Re: Pl.everyone read-"Mad monster Michael Jackson"

It's just one person though, ignore it rather than give it attention.

Funny that they call Priscilla Presley his wife though!
one person?? this appeared in a national newspaper read by millions. Such slander has been written by one person in diff parts of the world and it goes around all over the world coutsey the media. "we" know the truth but this is the kind of lie that has been killing Mike all these years. And we are supposed to ignore it?
Re: Pl.everyone read-"Mad monster Michael Jackson"

The article is not only stupid and deliberately offensive but it seems the author didn't even bother look up basic facts about Michael. Priscilla Presley as his wife? LOL.
Re: Pl.everyone read-"Mad monster Michael Jackson"

This rubbish needs to be ignored. We know the truth, and we are spreading Michael's message. By all means complain, now that you have read it, but don't give it another thought after that. This crap circulates constantly, always will.
Re: Pl.everyone read-"Mad monster Michael Jackson"

Sorry but i'm not gonna read it...i am really.....fucking DONE...REALLY done with nonsense written about him. I couldn't care less what some ridiculous idiot writes about Michael. The fact alone that this moron says Priscilla was his wife...oh my. This is written by someone who is as ignorant and stupid as they come and especially heartless. F this moron.

I remember awhile ago reading a magazine and it was talking about Michael as if he was a convicted criminal, as if he had done all those things he was accused of. Completely ignoring all the well known facts and what not. And then after the article i saw responses by the readers of the magazine. Also convicting him and saying 'Thank you for this well thought out article, well said so true' and i was like....hmmm, i can go crazy and go mad now about this, or i can simply say 'heh....idiots' . I did the last.

And i'm gonna do that with everything from now on.
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Re: Pl.everyone read-"Mad monster Michael Jackson"

You know, I reply and object to slanderous comments and articles about Michael
when I see them. This post is so ridiculous, poorly written, off base and wrong
in it's facts, it is not worth the time to rebut. I have learned that particular
people, like Joan Rivers, are ignorant, nasty idiots who blather nonsense about Michael
and others. I get angry, too, and understand the desire to slam those who
continue to demean and insult Michael. They love controversy and inciting those
who care about Michael. There is no interest in truth here--they are bottom
feeders and are not worth the time.
Re: Pl.everyone read-"Mad monster Michael Jackson"

Sadly, I think that Peyser "article" from the NY Post rag was worse, but either way better to just ignore it. We'll see how Verghis person reacts when the new album drops and smashes into number one all over the world...
Re: Pl.everyone read-"Mad monster Michael Jackson"

To all the fans who have responded to this so far i'm only asking you to please spend two min of your time (probably lesser than what it took to share your thoughts here) and let the editor know what you think. it WILL make a difference.
Re: Pl.everyone read-"Mad monster Michael Jackson"

Time magazine has recently apologized to the Indian community in USA over an article they recently published. Although it stated the comments were the writer's personal view about the Indian community in USA, the community took offence and wrote to Time and now Time has apologized. I read the article and I found it funny. Not derogatory or slanderous and I'm an Indian. Stuff about Michael has been murderous. He is gone becuase of all the pain these lies caused him. we're hurting and will hurt for as long as we live. Now the tabloids are after the kids. You want them to go through the same hell? All I'm asking is stop ignoring and speak out . Point out their mistakes and demand an apology.
Hello Ankita
Thank you for informing us about this.
You've done the right thing as well as posting this over in MJJC Legacy Team to 'Media Advocacy' - Although Everyone can write letters too. With both the MJJC Legacy Team - Media Advocacy & MJJC Members writing - We could get something accomplished.
Ughhh, I am disgusted by this article and I didn't read the whole thing. I skimmed it. This person didn't look up one of bit of information about Michael and can't even spell correctly (they spelled the word "weird" like "wierd"). They know nothing of what they speak of. Also, how dare them speak of his children in the way that they did. Michael was a wonderful father and his children are wonderful as well. People who go so far to criticize his children are absolutely sickening. The ignorance in this world is just disgusting and upsetting.

Thank you for informing us of this.
Thankyou so much souldreamer7, Asthtanga

let's write in whenever we see such lies. Innocence must no longer stand by and watch innocent people lose lives. NO MORE LIES!
Also, I've written quite a few letters to the newspaper and they have published some of them which shows they know their reporter has done a bad job and let them down. If fans from ALL AROUND the world write in this will definitely make a BIG worthy difference!
I did not read the entire article because there is just such rubbish in there. I agree with others that it was probably deliberately written in this way to p*ss off all the Michael Jackson fans out there. I will contact the media advocacy team about this and see what their thoughts are.
Fuck every body in that article who said some failed garbage about this black brother who loved all races and children For all the people who were in his life and always showed him love and respect my heart goes out to you and yours and thats real. For the fans if only you knew how the world is controlled period heaven will be the place of choice we all would want to be at right now thats the place Michael wanted to be in a place with no name just loved with your love one and friends. Michael been through so much trying to better him self from his horrible pass experiences in the industry from childhood until adulthood. Many who diss him claim they love him but in the end he left this world with a broken heart so we had to lose him by a heart attack that was course by the hands of other people. I'm so fed right now i will be e-mailing them and they not going to like the truth i will address sorry a## Motha####%
i coudlnt even read the rest of that article it made me sick! Why is the f**k even mention anything about what some discusting, collagon filled, bag of bones like Joan Rivers has to say. I HATE That woman and i wish she would die already. I cant believe anyone finds that whore funny. the article its self is so wrong and full of so many errors its unreal. how can anyone call themselves a journailist cant even use proper grammer or spelling?? wow they really made themselves look smart. I wouldnt even call that paper respectable by any means. that whole article is full of pure slander and the person who wrote it should be fired. this person is beyond stupid for writting it and didnt even bother to do ANY research what so ever.Like thats any surprise. wow. just wow.
They´ve got more mail now.
With your pen you torture men..
i coudlnt even read the rest of that article it made me sick! Why is the f**k even mention anything about what some discusting, collagon filled, bag of bones like Joan Rivers has to say. I HATE That woman and i wish she would die already. I cant believe anyone finds that whore funny. the article its self is so wrong and full of so many errors its unreal. how can anyone call themselves a journailist cant even use proper grammer or spelling?? wow they really made themselves look smart. I wouldnt even call that paper respectable by any means. that whole article is full of pure slander and the person who wrote it should be fired. this person is beyond stupid for writting it and didnt even bother to do ANY research what so ever.Like thats any surprise. wow. just wow.

I so totally agree with you. I only read half of that horrible article of lies. Cause it was making me upset and angry. But I may or may not send them an email. I really don't know but I probably am not. Because I had dealt with so many haters in my life time that I am just so damn sick and tired of dealing with them. I was once a very vicious attack dog when it came to defending Michael Jackson. I even once almost put a girl in the hospital for making fun of my beloved Michael. And I am really not a violent person. But now I had gotten to a point any more if these idiot MJ haters want to believe all the lies that is mention and written about Michael. I say let them. As a Michael Jackson fan I know the truth when it comes to Michael. These MJ hating morons will never know the truth about Michael even if the truth was staring right at them. I had learn this from the kids that was in my high school. This was back during the HIStory Era. Those kids would rather believe what the tabloids were saying about Michael. Then from someone who knew the actual truth about Michael. Which is why I am now done dealing with the haters now. I just learn to ignore them now.
thanks MjsBollywoodgirl7. i emailed the paper after reading what little of the article i managed to stomach. one the emails sent back the letter but one went through. i tried the other one again so im hopping it went through this time. it was the yahoo one that didnt go through for anyone who is curouis. Im also pretty defensive of Michael MjsBollywoodgirl7. I cant stand when anyone says anthing bad about him. it just gets under my skin and makes me wanna slap them in to next week. now i just try not to let it bother me but its really hard. what im going through right now with friends is a challenge but im trying to get through it. its hard but im trying.
I read some of it, but couldnt read the rest

LOL if priscilla presley would have seen that she would have been like :bugeyed
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That article clearly calls for one macro. (TY whoever made it!):

Hi Ankita,

Thank you for your extremely beautiful heart in wanting to defend Michael's name amongst idiots and slanderous articles!

I read what you sent me and to be honest in my opinion the writer's comments were so lame and un effective that few will remember her evil comments.

I know it hurts those who care so much for him but think of Michael and his precious love and let his memories comfort your heart.

I believe the word of God which says all will have to give account for every idle word we speak. That writer will stand before a just and holy God someday and have to account for the things she said. Her punishment stands before her.

Many writers try to say things in a way to illicent responses from the public in order to build up their name in the industry if you will... The more comments she receives means the more people are reading her articles which in turn makes her more vital - or so they would think. I urge you to ignore idiotic fools who print rubish because they are just that.

Love to you for your caring heart and beautiful support!

God bless!!!

Sharon B. Sidney
If I write to these people, I will give them the attention they don't deserve. I could only read about 2 lines of the article. But people aren't the same. So thank you.
Thanks to all who are writing in.

I sent them quite a few letters and THEY PUBLISHED MANY OF THEM which clearly shows they are sorry!